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The Horizon Of The Future Starts Where It All Began [Sydney - Conclusion To Australia War Arc] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Horizon Of The Future Starts Where It All Began [Sydney - Conclusion To Australia War Arc] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

The Horizon Of The Future Starts Where It All Began [Sydney - Conclusion To Australia War Arc] Empty The Horizon Of The Future Starts Where It All Began [Sydney - Conclusion To Australia War Arc]

Sat May 03, 2014 2:45 am

Artist: Transfiguration - Song: KPM - Word Count: 1357
It was finally the morning following the long, grueling and tiresome war over Australia. The dust had at long last settled, the combat had come to a stop and the general loss of life and property was beginning to take hold. There were millions upon millions of lives lost in this war, both enemy, ally and civilian alike. It wasn't a pretty sight to see as the cities began coming out of the smoldering wreckage searching for survivors, those that have passed on and attempting to make sense of this chaotic war. In the ashes of this god forsaken clash, however, the Monsuta's base of operations were more than obliterated. Indeed, the primary objective of crushing their influence over the continent had been achieved -- but at what cost? Being divided into many different sections of control, Australia may have been successful in crippling the organization, lowering their member base and taking away a vast deal of their resources; but now the landmass was utterly divided and it would take quite some time to clear up all the unions forged by this battle.

If The Yuudeshi Network had to estimate? Roughly half or more of the country belonged to those who fought alongside The Yayjuu and Yuudeshi alike during this mortifying clash, those whom had the desire to liberate these people from the control of the Monsuta or simply people who were on neither side of the fence. It was a lot to take in, a vast deal to process and would be a recovery process that would take months, years, if not, decades to recover from. At the very least, however, the very spirit of The Monsuta was going to be reduced to rubble with the effort of Zin Yuudeshi breaking the direction of it's leader. Reports of Hakai Chikiara, founder of The Monsuta, supposedly siding with the Vizard King, the two have seemed to go on in dual leadership of Adelaide and the desire for him to guide this sinister collection of people had more than been broken by The Fire Vizard.

And although Shadin himself was still very uneasy of this proposal, it certainly DID play into his favor to have this event come into fruition. Therefore, it would be one of many things hammered out over the reconstruction of Australia as a whole. So it is on these thoughts at The Beast of Karakura sought to make his final announcement of this war in the place where it all began: Sydney, Australia. Despite the fact he was banged up from many of his battles that incurred over the duration of the Australian Conflict, The Yuudeshi felt he had to do this against the advice of his medical advisors. Coughing up a flow of blood as a result of complications associated with his powers malfunctioning, the male dashed like a white comet throughout the skyline of the metropolis until he reached the top most point of the infamous Sydney Tower.

There was pains throughout his heads, the aching of fractured bones crackling across his body's core and a queasy sensation in his gut; but he'd still very much prevail above it all as he swiped two white pills and guzzled down them down his throat as if they were water. Feeling his vision became blurred and distorted, he'd grit his teeth and hold off the inevitable rehab he was going to have to go under. Imagery flashing of fighting the entire continent of Australia with the barrier, he'd flash up to the sky and have veins sprout across his eyes. At last -- that horrid shield across Australia was coming down. Glass like cracks started appear in the very heavens above the continent, the last of the sapphire sphere would come shattering down like an endless storm of falling stars. Barely having energy left in them from the abuse they suffered attempting to battle countless tens of millions of forces throughout the conflict, the remaining remnants of this wartime weapon were all but harmless as they dissipated into burst of light upon the hardened surface of the earth; so it was nothing more than a dazzling light show by the time The Yuudeshi had deactivated it.

So alas, it left him nothing more than to address the very citizens he had freed. Staring at a gathering of crowds below his feet, he'd question if he had truly done the right thing as he looked at the reddened ashes in the distance of the sea and feel the strain of the war; staring off into many sorts of enemy sea fleets turning the very oceans red with their blood. This caused The Yuudeshi to close his house, take a deep breathe and have chills run done his spine as he tightened his fist and prepared to make his end-time speech to all those throughout the globe. As, indeed, this larger than life battle had consequences far-reaching into the future. It was the crux for many events to come in the future, the start of many veterans of war, the potential for rebels to arise from the remains of this clash and an historical impact would be made on both Earth and the very continent of Australia due to it's destructive after-math.

Shaking his head out of distaste for himself, he'd remember those brash and unsavory words spoken at the beginning of the war. Still very much coming off the side effects of his Yuudeshi Drive, he'd remember how boldly he spoke, the curse words hollered and the general and uneasy aura his speech at the beginning of this war was for the world to hear as he so gladly leapt into the fires of war. And now, at the end of it all, there was such a profound change in himself. How could he have been that blood thirsty? Why was he so blinded by his yearning to obliterate the enemy? Imagery flashing back to the scenes within the mesosphere between Kisuke Urahara and Kaito Yuudeshi, he'd remember that being a turning point as he started to get a realization of just what this war was really about. Recalling the hollowfied Kakine, he'd grit his teeth and realize that was all his fault for waging this clash and he'd wonder how many other unsavory situation that were caused by his decisions -- decisions he needed to atone for her today.

So The Yuudeshi would stand tall and prepare to face the world once more...

"There isn't much to say, really. This is war -- death, destruction and discord for the sake of advancement, for the purpose of our countries to be victorious and to see the dawn of a brighter day. In the blood of those lost, their sacrifices won't be in vain. The objective of bringing down our mortal enemy, The Monsuta, have more than been brought to reality. And while the conflict in Australia may still carry on for sometime in smaller cities, we've more than freed a good portion of this great land. Thus, it is with a heavy heart that I can accept this advancement. I'll carry the scars of this war on my chest for quite some time as we progress in this brave new world. Let this be a lesson for those who terrorize the planet: on this day know -- we've become stronger -- and we will no longer live in fear of those lands you control. We'll come for you next soon, demon's. You can guarantee it. This is Shadin Yuudeshi signing off."

And with that, the broadcast announced to the whole world through many international broadcast, series of telepathic circuits forged by the Iramashsa and those outright standing in front of The Yuudeshi had ended. In this way? He'd fade into obscurity for the coming months as he went to now nurse his wounds; blood coming out of his chest as he was carried off by his entourage into the rising sun. For now, the first of many wars were over. There was no telling what would come in the future, but the message had been set: humanity was fighting back.

The Horizon Of The Future Starts Where It All Began [Sydney - Conclusion To Australia War Arc] WVMWLOu
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