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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Agyia Deiranos vs Satsuki Takanashi Empty Agyia Deiranos vs Satsuki Takanashi

Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:55 am

Agyia was mulling over what had just happened, and the fact of the matter was, she had no idea. Despite her vast amounts of knowledge and having a much higher IQ than many, the event prior to her wandering of this random, sanding plain was not only a hazy memory, but to her, made no sense.

Before hand, Agyia was working on her research in her home. Despite staying inside and cozy, she was wearing her usual nurse's clothes. Albeit the fact that she was a school nurse, she was deeply in thought over a physics equation she simply couldn't grasp. Agyia was a highly revered person in the world of intellects, holding several doctorates in assorted fields, and yet, for the life of her she couldn't sort out the mass imbalance with the two solutions.

Out of nowhere, in the process of working out the equation, a chi imbalance in the room occurred. The young halfling took instant notice of this and braced herself. However, she felt not hostile intentions, nor were their noticeable presences within the entirety of the house foreign to her. In regards to such an occurrence, Agyia took the appropriate counter measures and strengthened her body through vindeca. She walked closer to the origins of the chi disruption, cautiously taking each step one at a time, bracing herself for any possible situations.

She completely disregarded her original subject and focused all her attention on the new matter, leaving no room for digressive actions. As soon as she stepped into the next room, where the disruption of chi was happening, her vision instantly swayed as she lost consciousness.

Waking up, Agyia found herself atop of a sand of dune, reminding her of a scene she had previously scene in her past journeys. She couldn't recall at the moment, but she has most certainly been here before- that, she was certain of. Pondering over the situation, Agyia walked hastily at a fast pace, her chin down and held by her index finger and thumb. Her eyes stayed firm, despite the particles of sand grazing her eyes- an effect of vindeca, which, though not inherently intended, was still a nice touch.

Agyia's eyes suddenly widened, completely open, as she soon realised where she really was- Hueco Mundo. But the strangest thing was that there was a complete absence of presence; whether from hollows, Arrancar or any other beings, spiritual or not. That is, until the presence before her was shown. At first glanced, he seemed shady- at second, still pretty shady. Agyia squinted, her glassy blue eyes reflecting the large sun. What she saw was man who was rather tall, but not far from the average according to American or Australian standards. His hair seemed to reflect the sun with a silver hued glow. Agyia, confused, yet intrigued, closely monitored the figure. Her eyes never lost sight of him-- like a hawk, watching it's chosen prey.

And so, the daughter of men, the child received by the children of Yahweh, as per usual, studied.


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Agyia Deiranos vs Satsuki Takanashi Empty Re: Agyia Deiranos vs Satsuki Takanashi

Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:09 pm

Satsuki had somehow landed in this God-abandoned place with nothing in sight except sand dunes. There wasn't even anything appealing about this place. And where was everyone? It was oddly quiet, leaving Satsuki on edge. Even seeing some people around here would be nice. He had so many water bottles but how long was he going to last? After all, he had to worry about his little companion, Alvaro too. Alvaro constantly needed water to survive.

The path seemed endless and the food supply was steadily decreasing the longer they stayed there. Satsuki flopped down on the sand, exhausted, murmuring how he was going to die here. No one would even find his decaying corpse that wouldn't even decomposed since there wasn't any organisms to do that. Alvaro gently patted his shoulder and urged him up so that they could continue their journey again.

Satsuki eventually got up. He silently adjusted the straps attached to his back which carried his precious daggers and slung his backpack over that. The shinigami stuck a branch he found on top of the hill to mark his place of where he had been and set off in search of any sign of life again.

He hummed quietly a tune he once heard a while back, but he couldn't remember who or where the origin was. It was something that he knew that would still be there the days after, which was a bit of a comfort for him. It was the few facts he knew in his life. Everything else was barred from him. There were too many secrets and so little time to unravel them all...

May this already three day trip end... It was impossible to stay here forever. There had to be a way out... without it being a mirage.

And now, it seemed as if he was being watched again...

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Agyia Deiranos vs Satsuki Takanashi Empty Re: Agyia Deiranos vs Satsuki Takanashi

Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:16 pm

There wasn't much change in the behavior of Agyia's subject of interest, but nonetheless, she observed. Naturally, in Hueco Mundo, should such a hollow and arrancar infested land be void of any spiritual energies except one, surely he should be special. However, from such a point of view, something must be special about Agyia as well- and such a thought crossed her mind.

¨Agyia. Control your thoughts. Though rational, simply logic won't be adequate.¨

A voice in her head echoed, bouncing around the walls of her skull. Agyia's sister, as well as ziamichi spirit, Logos, spoke to Agyia calmly, urging her to consider Logos's present considers. Despite briefly contemplating, Agyia retorted shortly afterwards.

¨I realise that, but taking the logical factor into consideration is a helpful decision as well.¨

Agyia paused, noticing that she had just spoken aloud. She hurriedly hid herself, blending her chi into the environment and attempting to redirect any visions that might set it's sight on her. Though effective to weaker opponents, it wasn't flawless, especially in such a fast pace manner, ridden with several shortcuts to take it, but for the time being, she thought it to be enough.


Logos spoke with sarcasm, intentionally degrading her body-bonded sister. Displeased and simultaneously embarrassed, Agyia once again retorted, her cheeks growing rosy.

¨Shut up.¨

Such a short comment implied much, but her physical reaction combined with her thoughts further clarified her true feelings. Thus, Agyia once again waited, studying her subject.


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Agyia Deiranos vs Satsuki Takanashi Empty Re: Agyia Deiranos vs Satsuki Takanashi

Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:51 am

Satsuki narrowed his eyes. There was something or someone there. He could feel them staring at him. He so badly wanted to turn around and see who it was, but he was afraid that it would be another mirage.

'I shouldn't but...'

Against his better judgement, he decided to take a quick glance behind him. Inside, he was trying to convince himself that he was just being cautious, and was not going crazy. Still though.. it seemed so real that he thought there was an actual person nearby. He even shouted for the person to show themselves.

'Wow.. I'm really gong crazy... I'm not crazy.. I'm not crazy.. I'm not..!

While deep in thought about the mysterious staring, he managed to trip over himself and fall. He landed face first into the who-knows-what's-been-there sand. He mentally cursed at his misfortune and got up slowly. The man decided to take a look one more time back before walking in a snail's pace, in case the person decided to change their minds. Besides, there was nowhere to go anyways. Hopefully the person had food... Hopefully.. And if he or she didn't? What then? Would they just be stuck here forever until they died of starvation? There was also a chance that the person doesn't even exist..

With a heavy sigh, Satsuki served to the left of what seemed like the millionth sand dune. There seemed to be a never ending amount of sand, which would have been a great attraction from afar. He thought about it for a while before climbing a sand dune, ordering Alvaro to stay at the bottom. There had to be something.. something that showed that there was actual life in the desolate land. He scanned his surroundings desperately. Even being stuck in a forest was better than this. At least there were wood and animals to hunt. He sank to his knees. The morbid thoughts started forming again.

'Am I ever going to get out of here...? What's going to happen to Alvaro when I die...? I was resurrected so I could die again...? I haven't even lived that long yet..'

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Agyia Deiranos vs Satsuki Takanashi Empty Re: Agyia Deiranos vs Satsuki Takanashi

Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:26 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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