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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx Empty Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:55 am

Diana Etzel

The Reversed Vizard

¨Pray, Baldr Odin.¨

Diana, her mask already removed and calling upon her shikai form, remained steadfast in the presence of her opponent. Whilst the form of her released blade was in midst of materializing, her crimson bathed eyes were locked onto the man who stood before her, a fellow vizard, just as herself. What brought about the confrontation was presently indistinguishable, as her heart was readying herself for battle, and her focus entirely on the foreplay of conflict. Her thoughts were clear and her vision was crisp. Her concentration was impervious to any distractions that would threaten her sharp state of mind. And yet, despite her readiness to battle, there was uneasiness brewing in her heart. Uneasiness brought about the knowledge of a presence within her, simply lurking, waiting for the chance to come back out.

Duk duk, duk duk.

The inside of her chest was beating like mad, but her body showed no signs of it. Her eyes slightly squinted, the majority of her hair tied up, and the sweat on her brows completely absent; her true warrior's instinct was kicking in, and the facade of her strength was no longer merely an act. The uneasiness in her heart remained quite clearly, but had no effect on her capabilities. She was truly prepared for what would come. Mind and soul, body and heart.

The blade, long and sharp, had finished construction. With that, her mind was ready to strike, and with her appearance closer to her original form, taking that of a young adolescent girl, so was her body. She leaned forward ever so slightly, her knees bent, waiting for the perfect timing as well as an opening.

¨Come in from the right and stab at the left side of the abdomen- puncture the liver.¨

Her thoughts were gruesome and violent, but her intent was real and pure. The reiryoku released from her shikai form as well as removal of her mask let out a true shinigami's spiritual energy. It blasted out from all sides, letting out a monstrous wave of energy. The ground below her, in the vast plain of nothingness, trembled, and bits of rubble would be lifted and drawn to her, the density of her reiryoku affecting the gravity of the field. A yellow hue coated her body and shot up, visible from even several miles away. Her presence with slight compression removed was enormous. It stretched out even below the floor beneath her, as cracks in the ground were revealed, symbolizing the structure of the earth's crust compromised and unstable.

Diana gathered and condensed her bursting reiryoku below her feet and through the veins of her calves, she braced for instant and insane speed. She bent her knees even further down and arched her back forwards, leaning back slightly. She positioned her left arm forward and bent upwards at a ninety degree angle, and her right arm the exact opposite. The ground directly beneath her began to crack, and a circle around her appeared, the earth below slightly disintegrating. Her feet, covered by plain white shoes with laces missing aglets tied perfectly uniform, seemed to be coated in yellow with a black outline- an apparent byproduct of the compression of reiryoku bracing for launch- whereas the black outline formed due to her inner hollow and it's own reiatsu beginning to take over again. She was running out of time. She knew quite well the consequences and most definitely did not appreciate the outcome. DIana lifted her right foot off the ground, and sprang forward.


Last edited by Sablier Etzel on Sat Nov 30, 2013 12:37 am; edited 2 times in total

Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx 8Bvy1N8


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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:54 am
Ace stood tall and erect looking at the smaller vizard. He still wondered how this had gotten to a point of conflict. He shook his head trying to remove the thoughts from his head. "What's done is done. I need to focus on the objective at hand. Then I'll have time to think once this is over." He thought as he observed the other vizard. Seeing her put on her mask and release her shikai so quickly, he assumed that the other vizard was cautious of him. He ran a hand through his hair and then grasped his zanpakutō tightly. "Hmm I wish we didn't have to fight but it looks like it's already too late." He thought. He had a determined look on his face now and upon unsheathing the blade, he yelled out,"Hisame!" Right as he shouted the word aloud the blade gave a hissing sound and mist started to produce from it. The blade then started to turn to ice from the hilt to the top. At the same time he covered his face with his free hand and then yanked it quickly from his face to produce his mask.

The combination of his shikai and his mask always made him feel full of power and more alive. He gripped his zanpakutō with both hands and quickly created a strategy. He knew that he was much faster than her, with or without the mask. Dodging her attacks would be easy so getting hit wasn't the problem. If he struck her with his blade at the feet, that would make her movements slower and give her a burning sensation. But something was telling him to try out his new ability that he was practicing. He was snapped out of his thought process when he saw his opponent display her power and he knew she would make a move soon. He waited till she moved first before he would make his.

Her right foot lifted off the ground and she sprung. He quickly flash stepped to where she just was as she got half way to where he was just standing and yelled out, "Sunōsurasshu!" and with that word, light covered his zanpakutō. With a single slash, sent a crescent moon full of spiritual energy straight for her. He knew that if this hit, it would badly damage his opponent and send them flying backwards.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:16 am

Diana Etzel

The Reversed Vizard

Diana's thoughts of what was to come raced through her head; all the possibilities, all the outcomes- everything that she could think of when through her mind, whether predictions of the future, memories of the past, or what was at hand. They were all jumbled up and passed through her mind. She would constantly experience this when in the fray of battle. Diana would suspect this to be a subconscious reaction springing from regret, worry- a blend of emotions which would sway her instinct. She always thought this to be a sign of retaining her civilized manner, and felt it comforting and empowering, as she new that her power did not rely entirely on the strength of her inner hollow. However, Diana knew that in her present state, despite not using it, she widely depended on the boost it gave. Her shikai, imbued with Hollow attributes due to an occurrence within her inner world, shouted at her. It wanted out, but she would not give in.

However, not only did the hollow within cry out through the long, five foot blade, but so did the cursed blood within her, surfacing it's power due to her flow of emotions. The drive of the Yuudeshi was unsettling, and the amplification of reiryoku concentrated within the veins of her calves made it worse. Mid-leap towards her enemy, the blood within, practically controlling her, instigated a flash step. Her blood-inherited instinct threw her to a sharp jagged right as she brought the hilt of her odachi to her abdomen, extending it to the left. Her immense reiryoku simultaneously channeled throughout her body, allowing for incredible speed, while the rest shot up through her Zanpakutō.

Slamming it against the cresent-shaped slash of reiatsu, Diana thoroughly pumped more and more of her reiryoku into it until she could match it's power- such a thought process of relying on brute power and strength surely derived form the yuudeshi blood and hollow within. The cursed drive most certainly affected her greatly.

The slash rotated her body, and albeit the immense backlash from it's dispersion propelled her blade back, Diana adapted and instinctively spun with it, rotating her body and spinning a 360. Her front would soon face the enemy once again, and this time, not only was she prepared for ranged attacks, but the Yuudeshi Drive and hollow influence was empowering her. Less strategy was to be had, and an increasingly higher amount of force, power, strength, speed- all these would likely increase gradually the longer the battle would carry out.

She did not think, she did not focus, she did not concentrate- it was all too late for conscious actions. She was already consumed. Diana's inner self took control. All else was simply, absent.


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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:58 am
Watching as the wave came closer to his opponent, he gave a slight frown at the thought that this attack would surely end the battle. He was hoping that the battle would have been much more lengthier. Just then he saw his opponent move and, to his surprise, attempt to block the attack. He gave a slight smirk, not because he saw how much struggle it took for that one attack to be blocked, but by the thought that his fight would last longer than he had predicted. He observed as she was able to block the attack using what seems to him large amounts of energy. As she spun around, he knew this was going to be a fun fight.

As she turned to face him, he still had a slight smirk on him. He knew that she would probably be prepared for melee or a ranged attack so he started to formulate a new plan. Just then, he saw it. There was something different about his opponent now. Her eyes were now that of an angered animal bent on destruction. Then he sensed the spike in her spiritual power. Right then and there it hit him. His opponent was a member of the Yuudeshi clan. He made a mental note of that for later on in the battle. Then it hit him what technique to use.

"This should cool you off." and with that he lowered the temperature below freezing and it started to snow. He knew at this temperature his opponent would most likely not be able to keep themselves warm for much longer and would probably freeze. Also he knew that he moves much quicker and he attacks much stronger due to his affinity to cold weather. He observed his opponent ready to counter their attacks.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:04 am

Diana Etzel

The Reversed Vizard

Upon aligning her vision with his body, she roared. Time was out. Her mind had begun to revert back to a hollow dominated form. Diana looked up, her face parallel to the moon. Her roar was one of terror and monstrosity. One could here the inner pain of her battle within her inner world to keep the hollow at bay. The suffering that came with the curse of hollowfied power was one that Diana truly felt, from the depths of her soul.

Her roar, practically a shrieking howl, ceased and she brought her head back down, a vizard mask partially visible and covering her chin. Her eyes, red from the Yuudeshi Curse, glowed strongly. Diana's body began to shrank, reverting back to her old appearance, her shikai still intact. She lunged forward once again, like an animal oblivious to her surroundings. She was on a hunt, and her fierce prey was in sight.

She ran across the floor, her feet tapping against the dirt, dust rising behind her. Not even a flash step, and yet, her speed was frightening. Her feet could barely be seen- just a blur, kicking up dust. She flung her arms back and jumped forward, her reiryoku filling the entirety of her body, propelling her forward several times the speed of a shinigami of the 2nd division's flash step. Her speed was insane, but what was even more ludicrous was her reiryoku. The spike in output caused a portion of the ground in which she jumped from to cave in entirely, leaving a crater. She propelled herself forward, and despite moving forward, clearly in a field of vision, her body practically disappeared.

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Diana Etzel

The Reversed Vizard

Diana once again reappeared, directly in front of her ¨prey¨, still propelling forward. She heaved her arms, disregarding the drop of temperature entirely, and with all the strength she could muster up, and the additional force and speed that her reiryoku, which shattered the ground below her in mid air simply from output, Diana swung her blade without form, without elegance, without grace. Just, emotion. Pure emotion; her hollow's hunger for blood had not been satiated, it's desire for battle was famished. Within her was a beast, and the beast wanted out, and the beast had it's way.

Her face, the hollow mask covering only her nose and down, revealed the crazed eyes of the wicked, the cursed- they displayed the despair of a proud shinigami drenched in the spiritual energy of a hollow run amok within her, and the fear of oneself and their curse granted unto them by the Yuudeshi bloodline. Diana's red sharp eyes glowed vibrantly, and her head cocked forward, two red lines of light following the movement of her crimson eyes.

Diana's sword, which she held with both hands, vanished, and a loud boom was announced. Her speed had broken the sound barrier, and she was swinging hard. Even with her consciousness gone and her instinct rampant, Diana could tell- should this hit land, the battle would cease.

An immense reiryoku followed the back of the blade, propelling it faster and faster even mid-swing. The wind pressure alone could move mountains, could strike craters into the moon, and most of all, could certainly devastate an opponent.


Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx 8Bvy1N8


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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:18 pm
Ace stood there both hand gripping his zanpakutō tightly. He knew that the curse of a Yuudeshi clan gave them immense power, but in this instance, he saw nothing but pure rage and destruction. "Outsmarting her would be easy at this point." Ace thought. He was sorting through several different plans and that's when his concentration was broken with the piercing howl. He knew she would move soon so he was prepared. He stood there, muscles taut with expectation, a look of pure concentration. "If she got the upper hand," Ace said, "then I have a little surprise for her."

Right as he said that he saw her take off with immense speed and power. He had almost lost her because he had been caught off guard that she would be able to move that fast. He started to gather the spiritual energy required for his move. He took one deep breath breathing in the cold air making him stronger and gather even more spiritual energy. He knew that this one attack had so much energy gathered that it was starting to get close to his bankai version of attack. He pushed himself far beyond the limits in order to concentrate the attack and sustain it. Right as she leaped for him, she disappeared. This took him by surprise but then refocused and waited. She reappeared very close to him. Her attack would most likely be strong but with the amount of energy he was able to obtain, this should counter most of the force if not all. He yelled out, "Sunōsurasshu!" and an amazing burst of energy shot from his blade Right as his blade collided with his opponents. A massive explosion happened sending them both flying back tumbling. He stopped himself from tumbling and stood up, unable to see with her with the dust flying around. He still sensed her energy and prepared once again for another attack still sore from his last one. He stood, his coat waving in the air as the dust settled and the breeze died down, muscles taut again, and both hands gripping his zanpakutō tightly. He was sure not to underestimate her abilities and the power she has.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:48 pm

Diana Etzel

The Reversed Vizard

Both blades clashing with incredibly high spiritual energy output, surely such a clash of immense powers would have some disastrous effect. The Two energies meeting each other, which had resulted in a large burst, began to displace much of the residual energies in the area. Dust and snow scattered, reaching several metres high, and the image of the fray of battle was one this duel truly exhibited.

The explosive force which had blown the two vizards apart was still taking place. The residual energy from the clash remained in a visible sphere of energy, but most stray spiritual particles aside from the sphere was absent. The explosive force had caused such a large displacement, that the mass of the spherical ball of energy had a gravitational effect on the other spiritual particles- truly a phenomenon of physics.

The ball had begun to shrunk, and from the top, a blade poked out- Diana's blade. The sphere began to warp and shrink towards the tip of her sword. Diana was... absorbing the reiatsu around her. Her own reiryoku grew, no, amplified. What emerged from the ball after fully absorbing it was a child-like Diana, a vizard mask fully donned and a Zanpakutō in base state. However, the change from shikai to base was not a sign of weakness. For Diana, it was a sign of the hollow in full possession; even the usual unison of the soul that Diana typically had with the hollow as a result of a hollowfication gone wrong wasn't present. What stood from the aftermath of the clash of energies wasn't Diana. It was a hollow in a child's body.

A flurry of hollow attacks occurred within an instant. The yellow glow of her body, drenched in her own massive reiryoku, channeled in front of her mouth and sharpness of the blade, and as she swung in a flurry, several ceros came from her mouth in rapid succession, whereas an output of energy equal to the condensed reiatsu blast was released from the slashes of her katana, in a yellow crescent shape. Four, five, six yellow crescent slashes were thrown at Ace in a volley, backed by just as many blasts of cero.

Upon using these clearly hollowfied techniques, Diana, or rather, the hollow, simultaneously, in rapidity, used sonido- circling Ace, having the ceros and yellow crescents come in from all kinds of directions.

Diana's hollow paused, waiting to see what the aftermath of her barrage of attacks and techniques would present. The hollow waited for it's prey to reveal itself, keeping a close eye on the vibrancy of her opponent's reiatsu. The hollow was not only cool and calm, but immensely powerful, had access to Diana's huge reserves of power, and was calculative. Truly a being to fear.


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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:51 pm
Breathing heavily, Ace watched as the leftover reiatsu formed a ball of energy. He studied the unusual phenomenon only to reel back as he saw Diana starting to absorb the excess reiatsu. A bead of sweat dripped down and he had a worried look on his face as he saw it wrap around her blade. He knew that the absorption of reiatsu would make her reiryoku increase. How much it would increase was out of his grasp in knowledge. Once emerging, he saw Diana transform back to her child-like appearance and her shikai has worn off. Ace also saw that the once uncompleted mask, was not fully complete. Ace took off his mask, remembering that there was a time limit to his mask. He looked back at her and saw something wrong. He studied Diana quickly and realized that the hollowfication process had gone wrong and that the hollow was now fully controlling Diana. How she was able to do something so reckless was out of his grasp but he knew if he didn't end this soon, things would possible escalate terribly. He tried to think of a plan but it was too late. Ceros and other hollow attacks had begun to barrage him. All he could do was flash step around the attacks. The attacks started to lighten up and he had a cloud of smoke to make a quick plan. He thought out options or ways but none seemed to play out in a way where he would emerge the victor. He sighed as he knew that had to do this since there was no other way. The smoke started to clear and with that he yelled out, "Sorera o subete tōketsu!" Upon saying those words, a huge puff of smoke was produced from his blade. He began developing large ice wings and a second zanpakutō blade appeared in his hands with an ice chain on it's hilt. His blood grew icy cold and he felt tougher. Not only that, but his energy to fight seemed limitless. He knew that he had to make his move quickly. He put his two blades together and yelled, "Sunōsurasshu!" and a tremendous amount of reiatsu coursed through his blade. With one giant slash, he sent out the massive wave right at Diana. This attack was much stronger than his shikai version. "No one could have expected that coming from all this smoke that is clouding me." Ace thought. He shattered his ice chain into 10 pieces. The pieces began to form shards. The 10 shards turned into clones that looked exactly like Ace. He knew that their strength was the same as his and that they had the same spiritual pressure, making it incredibly difficult to tell which one is the real one. A slight frown was put across his face as he remembered that they weren't as tough so killing them would be easy. Finally, all 10 clones jumped out of the mist along with Ace and proceeded to initiate quick hard hitting attacks with their blades, each one having a blade in both hands. He made a mental note to not get too carried away and leave himself defenseless.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:18 pm

Diana Etzel

The Reversed Vizard

The hollow had seen the capabilities of it's enemy. Whether he was at full force or not, the power was a force to be reckoned with, and the hollow was smart enough to know that much. The onslaught of blade slashes came, and the hollowed Diana tried to the best of her ability to repel them. She would Sonido around them to dodge, but no matter how fast, how much reiryoku she could use to power up, 11 bankai'd opponents were far too much for any one person to handle in a state such as hers.

The hollowfied Diana, being restricted from her shikai and bankai form due to the inner hollow from within taking full control, had only one option left to power up. Desperate times had called for desperate measures, and so it was. Diana used a max speed sonido and propelled herself as far away from the clones as possible.

¨Congrats. You'll get to see something special.¨

The growl behind the voice was that of a beast. Her tone was low and deep, at the level of a bass almost, and the disgusting screeches the came along with the animalistic accent could pierce ears. The ¨s¨s were hissed, like a serpent from the trees. The hollow stepped back from control and allowed Diana her freedom- for now. A gust blew gently at first, but a cyclone began to emerge from Diana's feet up. The gust turned to a breeze, and the breeze turned to a wave of wind, and the wave of wind turned to the force of a tornado. The cycling winds surrounded and enveloped Diana. She was consumed by a whirlwind of reiatsu assimilated winds. The power, the raw reserves of energy that was produced from the relinquishing of the hollow. It was beyond immense. The gargantuan pressure coming from within the tornado seemed endless, infinite, and rapidly increasing, never ceasing; and yet, the pressure only came from within the whirlwind. It never leaked out in the slightest. The pressure was increasing, but never the volume. The spiritual energy from within practically had it's own mass. As the winds that were instilled with pure spiritual energy began to disperse, a body was shown. A body of compressed power. And so the red eyes of the White Yuudeshi Rose glowed, basked in scarlet.


Diana Etzel

The Reversed Vizard

What was revealed was the condensed form of the pure noble's true power. The form was absent of any hollow impurities. Pure. Simply, pure. The spiritual pressure was pure shinigami, and the power was purely massive. Incomprehensible. How could one being hold such infinite reserves of power? The young girl, resembling Diana in her pre-adolescent years, smiled gently. Her wide eyes showed strength and resolve, but absent of true ill intent.

¨Greetings. I believe it's the first time I've truly been made of your acquaintance, and though I do not quite know, or rather, remember the reason for my resurfacing, it seems to be quite obvious it was due to conflict.¨

Her eyes twinkled slightly, and her eyes shifted from the eyes of the clones before her and their weapons. She spread some of her reiryoku throughout the air in the thinnest and smallest amount, unnoticeable to even the most perceptive of beings. These reiryoku ¨arms¨ of hers zig-zagged between the clones, feeling against their spiritual density, size, and pressure.

That one.

Judging from even the slightest variation in spiritual energy, eluding from their bodies, Diana found the true body. She stared directly into his eyes, and spoke with the sweetest of tones.

¨Though I do not know the reason for this conflict, could it be resolved through peace?¨

Despite her talk of peace, a blade, purely made from reishi, materialised in her hand, identical to the look of her sealed Zanpakutō. Without uttering a word, the blade elongated, and so did the hilt, and the guard grew larger. It was the shikai form of her Zanpakutō. Still talking, the same blade, shikai form as well, formed in her left hand, showing that she now duel wielded a pair of nodachis. The density of reiryoku which created the blades gradually increased without end.

As it is apparently philosophized, Peace would mean one person holding a bigger stick than the other.


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Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx Empty Re: Diana Etzel vs Ace Marx

Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:05 am
A slight smirk appeared on Ace's face after seeing how successful the results were from the onslaught of attacks from him and his clones. Watching her break free of their onslaught, his slight smirk turned to a small frown as he heard what Diana had said. "Well this should be a sight." he thought as he waited for her to finish what she had she had begun.

As the winds began to pick up, Ace ran a hand through his hair out of force of habit. He looked around as he saw the snow and dirt move and the winds became faster and faster. He saw the swirls at Diana's feet become faster and faster. He smiled as the swirls developed into a tornado. He watch with excitement as the spiritual power increased high and higher. As a body came out of the tornado, Ace had a curious look on his face. "The amount of spiritual power being held in that body must be immense." he thought. He kept on observing, trying to figure out what form she was in. The energy he felt was...different. It felt strangely...pure. There have been only a handful of times he had felt this type of spiritual pressure before though not vividly remembering when or where he had. What also stood out was that there was no presence of her hollow anymore.

After she had spoken, he saw her eyes scan over his clones. He knew that someone with that amount of power would probably find him sooner or later using some kind of technique. It was only a matter of time.

"I don't know what form you are in, but your spiritual presence is very...unique." Ace responded to what she had said.

As her stare stopped right at him, he knew she had found him. "Crap! This is bad." he thought as she began to speak.

As she finished, Ace asked, "You speak of peace and yet you draw weapons? Is it peace you ask for or is it my submission to you?" Ace never surrendered to his opponent and he wouldn't start now. Peace, on the other hand, was much different in his mind.
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