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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 Empty Re: War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan

Wed Nov 06, 2013 9:58 am
Dayalu Seishin
Davana of Hope & Reincarnation

War brought only destruction and few would cling to hope of everything being ok, to Dayalu as the Davana of Hope & Reincarnation, he understood this very well. As everything was happening across the continent, he brought Hope to this city, and he was still unsure of who to bring it to as he only got closer to the exact location that he wanted to reach. He was only going to be a short amount of time before he was amount those within this war as well, to signal his approach to all that were around, his zoa koa spread and the winds in the area only increased as he moved ever more closer. He could only tell that the dead laid where he was heading and the spirits of the dead would eventually be back within the cycle but things like that weren't going to happen so easily. Further upon his approach, the dead Kokuryuteshi soldiers rose again, at least the ones that were decently held together still, however Veras and anyone else knew that souls of these men were long gone as they rose. They rose in anger however, enraged with what filled Dayalu, he knew not what side to blame for this blessed war, but he knew that the appearance of undead soldiers was never something of good nature.

The soldiers that rose, gathered around each other going into an odd military formation as they all began to face one direction as they all gathered, although not many of them were defensive capable, the ones that were most capable took to the front while, the weaker and long ranged equipped soldiers took to the back. By this time, it was where Dayalu could in practically could be seen in the view of others, but in truth, other things had to be worried about as gusts of wind came from his direction and made the area appear like it was within an extreme storm, from what some could tell, it was obvious that a demon approached the battlefield with his Zoa Koa presence and the undead walking again. This was only his start though as he approached from behind where the soldiers of the dead gathered. Within one final motion, and a shadow movement to be right in front of his gathering force, he looked a the individuals that stood out on this battlefield. The winds that were around him only intensified around him, making the motions for anyone going towards him only a stronger test than before, the undead, barely stood their ground behind him at this point, but they remained standing in position.

"Those that have invaded this land, have brought destruction like has been done upon their land, although I'm a fan of no war, I shall be the hope of the people. For those that attack this town, I offer no hope as the Davana of Hope & Reincarnation. For those that continue in their assault towards this town, I will offer only despair." He explained as he arrived, stating it loud enough that all participants could hear him.

Dayalu looked at the people that might defend this town or attack it, and made the order for the soldiers to move, and as they slowly moved forward, Dayalu stuck behind and he watched for any that would strike at them or him, and those that would strike without any worry, and hold on to hope of winning this. He didn't look forward to help those that worked somewhat with the Demon God for the fact that he wanted little to deal with him. However as he saw in Malaysia that possibility was not an option as he made his movements through worlds and cities, him and Shadow Fall would cross paths multiple times, for now, he hoped that no operative of Shadow Fall would be present or strike at him as well. He merely watched and perceived the battlefield taking in many details as the two sides clashed. He wondered who had the upper hand at the moment and whether or not, the side that he was deciding to support at it either as well. With a final notion, he formed one of his Atma Vatou, the one that specifically formed was a sword, the he referred to as "The Sword of the Cycle". For now, he had no exact idea, who he was supporting and who he was against so all he could do was let the group move forward and hope that his intentions were made clear enough for everyone to know.

"The people have no problems with how they are ruled, how is it right of these invaders to justify if they should be here or not?" He asked with only questions rising further to the motives of each side and who was truly right, after all currently, at the moment it seemed to these people that the Yayjuu were in the wrong this time.. Throughout his many travels, this is not the first time that he has ever been to Australia, but this will be however, his first time within this city, but he felt at peace at least protecting a part of what he once called home.

Last edited by Zero on Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!

War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 Empty Re: War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan

Wed Nov 06, 2013 3:42 pm


War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 EiraBar2
I Will not let anything fall!
Eira VonZarkonheiz ∞ Knight Sugiura ∞ 1-1+

Enter The Definite Knight
There is no chance for failure for victory

The sky was a sacred ground; few would dare to traverse it as the fleet moved in. Few; but some were fearless, as two shapes sped past the finely tuned crafts. The first stirrings of something being wrong is when the shapes circled, and moved away. One would wonder what these two shapes were doing; when the engines stalled and the crafts began to fall? That's when it became obvious. They were enemies, attacking, taking out air thrusters and all manners of keeping themselves in the air. A pair of birds that were working together to bring down a large predator; that was the feeling one would get. However, one split off; there was the sense of danger, as many people were scurrying about, moving towards one spot.

The figure in the air figured it was a tactical strike that she needed to call, her body diving. They would never expect the aerial attack; for the aerial part was busy with her Guardian beast, the Sugiura quickly landed, and tried to evaluate where the machine was headed. Seeing a large number of people, she let out a soft sigh; there were many guardians.. but would she make it in time before one noticed? Her senses told her of a fight a bit ahead; she did not want to be included, but the strike against this machine was perhaps difficult. Maybe.. casualties would be easier to manage. For, after all, Eira was not aiming to kill; all of the crafts that had been downed were safe, only their air capabilities hampered.

They didn't crash, as winds seems to guide the crafts to landing. Eira disagreed with the methods that these people employed; she knew that the one that was killing rampantly was causing her heart to burn with pain. But she had a mission; to take this city from the grasp of those organizations, and let the people themselves choose their path. It was not right to be forced to follow another's path; that was the true vexation that Eira had with this organization. They would have their reasons, and their values; but ultimately, they used force to subjugate. And that very reasoning is what she couldn't forgive; a man could not force his wife to love him, so why beat her?

Her main concern was to destroy the item she knew would cause harm. How? These devices had been seen before, by many things; and the leader of the Vanguard was quite connected.. and let everyone know of it's deadly potential. That's what the girl was here to stop; perhaps she could reason with the enemy, find a common path way. The once Living Heir had quite a capability of speech towards such things; after all, her heart was with the people, and their fortunes. That was the true mark of a man; and a ruler. The girl took a breath, as she knew she would have to find an ulterior method to take it down; she was worried however.. if she waited too long, would it activate? The girl's eyes looked for an entrance, a way to enter the set up.

It was too late; the thing came to life. The tentacles were surprising; but that meant.. with a jerk, she recalled Aire back to her body, and then split her off again in a summoning, as the guardian beast looked confused. ''Eira? What.... oh.'' she realized, upon looking at the obstacles. The Suigura however, had a smile. ''Wait.. they set up a barrier.. oh dear lord they have no idea do they?'' she said quietly, as the husband nodded. With a tap, this meant that the Sugiura had to go fight the one in command; or at least get them to rescind this monstrosity from eating the innocent. Despite it being war, Eira was a knight until the very end.

Aire understood that, and zipped off, trying to take the innocents to a safer area. That would be her job, as the Illicium knight stood tall, her eyes narrowing. With a push, she was off; as there were no clouds, it was easy to tell that the figure in the sky was not a ship of some sort. The girl twirled in the air, breathing out. She knew that it would begin to show; but someone kept moving a large amount of wind, as she landed on a near by building to the immense amounts of fighting; noticing undead and crazy ones alike. This was certainly not what she wanted to walk into.

The male breathed out, her chest slowly expelling the air. There were large chances she had been seen; that was fine, as she summoned Gungnir to her hand. The Zarkonheiz had no idea what to expect, but she would easily bring herself to the fight. She did not want to change the definite from before; but if she had to, the girl would allow herself to. With another tap, she was to the air again, as her eyes stared at them all. Intaking their spiritual track, she saved them within the database, as she merely.. floated there perhaps, like an observer. Should she touch down? Should she find herself into their midst of battle? This was indeed a heavy question for the Sugiura.

The information she had gathered was plenty enough. The girl would wait until someone decided to attack her; that was her deal. She did not like the crazed Iramasha, just being near him almost making her ill, had she not such mental strength. But the fact that the dead were walking once more; that tore her heart as well. If they were dead, let their bodies be dead. Do not humiliate them further by taking them alive once more! That very line of thought perhaps focused Eira towards that target; the female seemed more then righteously mad, if she was indeed an enemy. For these desecration to the bodies of those that served you, that were with you..

That was an insult that not even Eira would take. Even if they were enemies, that was not an insult the Sugiura would let pass. But she bid her time, bringing herself into evidence and consideration; the knight was not one to make a sneak attack, as she would be patient.. however, her stance denoted she would only fight when attacked; it was not aggressive, but defensive. Therefore it was held with the expectation that one would not strike at the air-borne girl until it was decided whom she was. The wings on her wings flapped, the beautiful black and blue shaded feathers softly falling at times, like a veil of kindness over the dead bodies. Indeed.. it was a kind, repository kindness that Eira would offer, if only for this time.

But.. war had a habit of breaking logic, and Eira needed to be ready for that possible outcome, if anything.

Exit The Zarkonheiz Heir

    Status: Australia | Eira Entering | Stand-by to fight
    music: La Luck Spirito ∞ Haneoka Kei [Negima!?]
    words: 1150
    notes: The Lasting Type Definite in effect currently; I will save the innocents.
    credits: Template by PerfectFallacy

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War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 Empty Re: War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan

Thu Nov 07, 2013 5:43 pm
As his body radiated in pain Frankenstein's psychotic grin grew as he had never been against an opponent with such a exemplary amount of strength and he had never been this close to death. When Frankenstein devoured the heart of the man now in front of him he realized the effect this had on the Veras. She was driven by emotion and though she was extremely strong this would be her undoing. He also realized though that she became more sluggish and reckless. He hated the he had to feast upon such a weak creature in order to heal himself, but he knew that he needed strength in order to face such a strong opponent. He had to use her rage against her or he would die.

Frankenstein did not have enough time to heal enough to battle up to this point, but his strength began to grow. The pain that was caused to him began to awaken his true self. He was two people on the inside. The child from his childhood carried the virtue of protection which he learned after his father was brought down from a mighty protector, to a feeble worthless Iramasha. The second part of him was the devil. The part of him which longed to kill and consume. He wished to keep the feeling of protecting the weak but as Veras shot off such a overwhelming killing intent all that was in him wanted more blood, and more strength and just more...

The blood and flesh he consumed from the soldier enriched his power increasing it overall and as his true self began to awaken his arms became covered in darkness all the way up to his shoulder blades and the tips of his fingers became claw like. Finally two short black horns grew from his skull. His aura changed to a blackened radiation as this happened. He only needed a short amount of time in order to heal himself enough to be able to tear apart his enemies. Because his transformation increased his general speed he reacted and as Veras curled her fist he used a mid amount of inner chaos energy and used outer chaos energy and formed a spherical chaos barrier around himself and the soldier that was purely black.

An instant later Veras bombarded his barrier with her massive attacks as he hoped it would last he continued to eat away at this man in order to focus that on healing himself for the battle ahead.

He did his best to ignore all outside distractions though he noticed things were changing around him he continued to focus his efforts on the sole purpose of getting himself ready to fight these monsters.
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War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 Empty Re: War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan

Thu Nov 07, 2013 7:54 pm
Deadpool looked to everyone and shook his head as he mummbled to himself. Ohhh lame these people are way to boring. Why did they have to invade my bedroom so not cool. Ohhh well at least theres a bar here. Shouldn't we help them fight back or something? i mean after all they are in trouble. Yea we should just go in there and slice n dice. you do know that they may be rude but its not worth dealing with them. yea after all if they want to play with each other let them. I mean we should not interupt their play time. I agree If they are haveing their fun time i will not interupt them. But i do want to have a drink. He stated as he looked to everyone around and shook his head. Sense no one was even paying him any mind he decided to go to anyplace nearby that had a few good drinks.

why drink we can't even get drunk. Its not about getting drunk or not its about the taste. well for us its about the taste anyway. yes i agree its not about the getting drunk. its about what we can do with those who are drunk around us Ohhhh yea i never thought of that. Ohh well we can just drink and make merry till everything calms down i guess. Thats the plan we shall drink and relax as we wait for these idiots to finish their war game. With that he looked around and began to leave so that he could find his way to the closest bar. He decided it was to lame to deal with everyone else so he decided to wait till they delt with each other.

ooc: If i can not use this as an exit post just skip me till any of you actually care enough to take notice i am even in it. if it can be taken as an exit then yay.
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War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 Empty Re: War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan

Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:15 am

Artist: CeeëX - Song: Facing The Danger - Word Count: 2414
Veras took a brief moment to compose herself. There was something off about this fighting style. Could it have been the lost of her brother? The fury from within? The birth of a new...connection? What was causing the likes of her to be so...unfocused. Taking a moment to review the blows which she had made against her opponent, it was true they packed a notable impact against her, but it seemed as if...the edge she was infamous was becoming more compounded and difficult to wield due to her constant fighting against her emotional and logical sides. Taking a deep breath to breathe in new life to herself, Veras used Chaos Warp in order to appear not too far out of range away from Arabella; but put enough distance between them to avoid getting struck by her right strike by the time she perceived it and thus emerged upon a street light nearby with a more somber expression across her face while taking note of the constant and ever evolving status of the war that was occurring all around them.

Using an internal version of Chaos Warp, the perception of time was dramatically drawn out within Veras's own mind to allow her time to think over things. There were many foes that were approaching the vicinity with great power, the finish time for the Kuro Sosu was drawing near and the battle for The Jade Cross's own mind reached a tipping point. Throughout this whole war, nay, throughout the entirety of the past few years her mind has dwelled in the abyss of defeat over the agonizing lost of her brother. It brought her power down, lowered her morale and despite honing her skills as best as she could....there was something lacking in her fighting. A soul perhaps? A reason to fight? These notions danced around in her mind before she let out a soft sigh from upon her lips.

In the depths of her heart, she knew that something had to change. Her brother would be laughing right now with how soft she had gotten in the light of his passing. It hurts, it hurts more than anyone imagine...but the world somehow manages to keep living in spite of that? Even as she waste precious time mulling over these thoughts, people are dropping like flies all throughout this continent for the sake of their change as the world moves in a new age. Families are being ripped apart, friendships being torn asunder and the way of life that once was all but natural for Australia was being destroyed. spite of all this....Veras too caught up in her own personal issues to come out of that shell and use the true force of her power to protect her allies, to shield her men and to sharpen her mind to think more clearly.

It was almost...amateurish...for how far she had let her mind go.

Henceforth, with the errors of her ways now made crystal clear, Veras knew what she needed to do. It was time to put the past behind her on the blood of all these fallen soldiers, to the faith which was vested within The Kokuryuteshi ahead of herself and the future of all those who placed their lives on Veras's shoulder to see this through to the very end and taste the dawn of victory. There would be no tears, because there was too much on the line to cry anymore. The time for a warrior to dawn, and that time was now. So in a burst of golden and red light, a dazzling display of spiritual and Chaos Energy engulfed Veras body; the likes of which radiated with enough light to bright light to the shadow's and new life into her men. Steam radiated off her arms, power surged all throughout her body as bio-electricity sparked like wildfire and her eyes showed utter intent not to kill this time; but to win. To hold the strength to deal with the pain which she shoulders, stare it down the eye and decimate it piece by piece as she shatters the sorrow which sealed her in the darkness to once again see the might of the sun rise in the ashes of the shadow's collapse.

"It wasn't my timing that was was my mind and heart's sync which was off. I won't let that happen again." These were all the words that needed speaking before Veras took off at such masterful speeds that even those with Chaos Warp could have trouble keeping up with her at this point. Through her augmented sense of bodily condition, the eyes of Veras radiated a dazzling crimson red as she began to read Arabella like a book. Through her enchanted sense of vision at the moment from this internal awakening, Veras could see the precursor's of each bodily movements the Sueki's body made. What did this mean? Every action the human body makes, there is a clenching or tensing motion; no matter how fast, slow or powerful a person strikes. Breathing, blinking, muscles; all of these twitched with movement and this keen battle instinct could accurately predict the range of motion in which Arabella would strike thanks to her perception of time.

"I've been overconfident until now, but my mind's eye is beginning to the see truth and ambush moves like that won't pierce my defenses." Timing her body together with Arabella's movements and Veras's perception working alongside her speed, The Jade Cross Commander was able to block the first blow to the gut with her bare hand. Of course she felt the impact from it; as shown by her hair being blown in the air and the brief release of smoke in her palm, but in no means was Veras phased at all. It only caused her to engulf her arms in energy to create a solid layer of defense to more appropriately block these blows. From there, it was a breeze to grab each variety of cut that Arabella attempted to beat Veras with.

"This is the strength of a foe who has awakened to the error of her ways and drowned out the darkness which blinded her power. Know that as I face you, Creature of Shadow Origins." Matching the swords strike blow by blow, Veras was in the right state of mind to see this through to the end. As each time she made contact with Arabella? The sword would seem to be hitting against a very dense layer of protection thanks to the quality of Chaos Energy transforming Veras's skin's and dramatically increasing the resistance of her Hierro to not only withstand Arabella's attacks, but weaken her blade. How is this possible? It's the same logic as if you were punching a brick wall. After punching it so many times, it would only be a matter of time before your hands bled and your offensive power nulls. The same can be applied to each hit of The Sueki's blade that made contact with Veras.

Watching her take flight backwards towards a safe position, a soft sigh would emit from The Blonde Vixen as the smoke from her body that was associated with the sword strikes faded into the air. It showcased that although they were potent in nature, they were no match for Veras's defenses in this peak state. And had showcased very clearly but not even flinching in the slightest or showing any signs of doubt in her movements. But it was at this moment, her eyes fixated further on the likes of Arabella as she appeared to call for her name. With a simple movement of the lips, that question would be answered: "Veras Luras. Jade Cross Commander of The Kokuryuteshi and the one who will void this rebellion with her bare hands. We shall not let the likes of you invaders have your way with this city, not so long as I draw breath from this body. For on the blood of my men, I will ensure their hopes and dreams are not in vain."

Directly after finishing that dialogue, Veras took flight again; but this time SHE used Chaos Warp to appear all around Arabella at daunting speeds; the likes of which even a Master speed user would have to be on guard for. In dazzling light which was on par with the likes of the sun, Veras blazed all around her body. First she tapped the armpits of Arabella in order to paralyze each of her arms to prevent her from wielding that sword. From there, she had two arms comprised of kinetic energy associated with her Chaos Warp generate BEHIND her. It was at this point, they lightly tapped each of Arabella's ankles to attempt to either paralyze or dramatically damage her foot to prevent any further movement or extremely cripple her speed.

At the same time, further hands would move at absurd speeds to deflect any sort of resistance or movement Arabella might have. Such as if she were to attack, there would be a hand ready to meet her. If she were to move to right? A hand would smack her right into position and cause immense damage. No matter which direction she moved, unless he had the capacity to teleport, there was a strong chance that something was going to make contact. And even then, in that circumstance, Veras would simply pick up on that and use Chaos Warp to follow her and repeat the same motions. For at this point, there were hundreds, thousands and than tens of thousands of hand-to-hand strikes preventing any sort of movement whatsoever potentially from Arabella as Veras went at it like a mad-man.

What's more? After hearing notions of her being crippled by the sun, it was likely to deduce further solar activities could in fact cripple her. So based on this gamble, during those strikes, Veras had even implanted solar energy in order to imbed itself into Arabella's body on both the internal and external level in order to awaken the Sueki's weakness against the sun and send her into a burning crisp below her. It would not kill her, but it could certainly weaken her to the point of thinking twice about fighting Veras or take her out of the fight altogether depending on how effective these moves were. "I will not lose. I cannot lose. These hands of mine have too much vested in them to fail." In one final tap, Veras would aim to cover Arabella's backside from behind and unleash a horrible release of solar energy around her to cement her attack; even if she were to move away, a targeted blast would follow Arabella; locking on to her bodily signature and not letting go until it either collided with the Sueki or an object in the way.

"Put. My. Men. Down." With those words said, Dayalu could potentially feel the eyes of death encompassing him. As with the release of her palm into the air, she unleashed a series of direct hits from her Chaos Energy and Spiritual energy to cripple them all herself. From there, she'd use her precise control of abilities to lock out Dayalu's influence over her men and attempt to make them motionless once again. For even if she could not succeed in them, The Jade Cross commander went on to use a form of Chaos Warp to transport them to a morgue based area within the depths of The Kokuryuteshi's realm; sending advanced warning to those who awaited the bodies of these men.

"Do such a vile action as that, and I will make sure you breathe your last breath in this realm. They aren't toys to be played with, and while you may have good intentions, do not mistake my own resolve." Inhaling and exhaling, she'd ease the tensions within her body to hear the question the male proposed.

"These are our brethren in the Monsuta. We will stand by their actions and their people as fellow kinsmen to protect them. That is what family does, no questions asked. All opposition to this will be slain by my barehanded alone if they wish to oppose this sacred law."

Making these words were echoed throughout the city, Veras made sure all opponents and allies in the area heard her message loud and clear.

"And that goes for you as well, woman." Pointing in the direction of Eira VONZARKONHEIZ, The Jade Cross Commander showed the utmost intent in her eyes. "It doesn't matter if I am surrounded by my men, or secluded by myself. If you intend to join into the frey, make your intentions clear or I will strike you down myself. No one shall stand in the way of my intent to protect these people, my family. None of you have the right to do so and I will revoke them as such." Releasing a good deal of her spiritual energy across the area as various buildings sparked to life with Veras's bioelectricity; she meant business in every movement, word and tone of her body.
"So make your stand clear, before one of us destroys it."

In any event, Veras emerged before Frankenstein Iramasha with a steel-gaze across his face. "You've sealed your own fate in these actions. Metaphorically and physically. You may have shielded yourself from my attacks, but for how long?" Placing the vicinity around the demented Iramasha's Chaos Shield in a protected field, a ten meter radius was engulfed within Veras's Chaos Energy. From there? She'd Chaos Warp in the air to seclude it from everyone else. After that? She'd direct Holy Energy from fellow Angel Iramasha that comprised her men and dramatically heightened it's energy with her own. Forming into a series of fifty spheres, they surrounded the entity of the male's barrier; having enough strength behind to end this fight when it broke, as they could take out this whole city section they were fighting in with ease. More ever, it was going to purify him, weaken him and cripple him due to it's holy nature clashing with his sadistic tendencies. If nothing else worked, he'd be entirely overwhelm by the sheer power of these blast colliding with him.

And to make this even more daunting? Veras even comprised her OWN Chaos Barrier AROUND Frankenstein's barrier to ensure that he'd have no means of escape this time around. As it would not break until at least three post are over OR Frankenstein sustains a critical hit to make him back out of the fight, faint or even lead to death. So with her moves set in place, a simple sigh escaped the Cross Commanders lips one more time before saying these simple words:

"Now break, you sniveling worm."

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Fri Nov 08, 2013 4:49 am; edited 1 time in total

War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Horus Sariel
Horus Sariel
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War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 Empty Re: War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan

Fri Nov 08, 2013 4:30 am

Artist: Bullet For My Valentine - Song: Breaking Point - Word Count: 1611

The White Fang of Horus would initially fail, the strike being evaded completely. Though it was not in vain, for in the few precious moments between waiting, and initiation his strike, several things happened. The first of which was something the male wasn't quite expecting, the Sueki was meeting each of Veras's own blows quite fluidly, each strike met showed the woman's skill with the blade, something that Horus admired in any foe. But that wasn't all, the pace the two women moved at was much like a graceful dance of death, one that could end in either woman's favor. In the end throughout the entire assault it seemed Veras had only managed to land a couple of hits.. Though the male had this time to analyze his foe, and with that alter his fighting style to a degree, although this hadn't affected the males immediate plan of utilizing the White Fang.

Thus after space had cleared between Arabella and Veras, Arabella had ample space and time to completely dodge Horus's strike. When the male heard the Sueki's voice behind him he turned, blood from his previous wounds flinging from his body in several tightly grouped droplets. What confused the Vizard though was the Sueki's actions, and her admittance of having gained her respect. It seemed that Horus wasn't going to be cut down quite yet. In the next moment the woman had vanished once again, causing a spike in Horus's ire. During this time it seemed that the Iramasha that had been previously dealt with was managing to pull himself back together so to speak, whilst another foe had begun to animate the dead. The new arrival, a male, stated something about being the 'hope of the people' .. something that mattered little to Horus in this war, especially now.

If it were possible Horus's psychotic grin would have grown several times in size, alas it could not, but one could tell just how much the new revelations of this war were affecting the male. The eyes of the Vizard had become an eerie mixture of crimson and golden-amber, and for the time being they appeared to be completely void of sanity; though one could still spot the signs of familiarity within. The males hair appeared to become more vibrant, taking on a brighter & bloodier tone. Then it began.. slowly at first, and oh so low. It started as a cackle, one that despite its low volume, would carry clear across the entire city as it continued to grow. As the cackle continued on it slowly evolved into something more, from cackling into sheer psychotic laughter, a dark haunting undertone easily heard within it. Though none knew, not even Horus himself, nor either spirit within, was that Horus was nearing the breaking point, despite his new-found purpose. After-all one cannot simply recover from two centuries of insanity in only a small window of time, especially if said window was during a war.

And so while no one knew it the crimson haired male was diving deeper into the clutches of insanity, it's hold sinking ever deeper into his being. Psychotic laughter continued on as Horus analyzed the battlefield, the animated corpses, Arabella, his new foe, Frankenstein, and Deadpool. The male took it all in within the span of a few brief seconds. Then something caught the males attention, it seemed his ally was ready to truly get into the fight; mind, heart, & soul. The display of energies radiating from his female companion was enough to nearly set the male over the edge, only indicated by the darkening of his eyes. The culmination of spiritual and chaos energy was astounding, something that far outstripped Horus himself. While the male didn't fully turn his attention to Veras he could feel the changes, in addition to light radiated from her. The male could feel the tingle of the electrical energies at her command upon his own skin despite the distance between the pair.

When Veras spoke her next words it confirmed Horus's brief thoughts, that the woman was now truly one hundred percent in the fight, her mind, body, and soul now fighting as one. It was enough to make the male almost want to unleash his current full power, almost. What followed Veras's awakening was something Horus couldn't hope to match at his current level, the speed, strength, and sheer power the two women displayed was enough to keep the male standing there for the moment doing the only thing he could think to at that moment, analyze the Sueki's movements further. Of course this wouldn't be all the male was doing, for now he had the chance to utilize his Shikai's abilities completely.

Reaching out and blanketing the area with his reiatsu the Vizard muttered a single pair of words;

"Reaitsu Telekinesis"

Immediately after the words were spoken the ability to effect and ten large one hundred pound pieces of debris lifted from the battle field. The target of said debris? Dayalu, for currently Horus held absolutely no respect for one whom would defile the dead. And so it was with a moderate speed the debris sailed through the air towards Dayalu, whilst Veras herself was busy dealing with Arabella. With that done Horus continued onto the next target, knowing full well he would fare far worse against Arabella than Veras would.

Clasping his left palm at his side Horus began to channel both his reiatsu and electrical energy towards it. Horus was planning to assault Frankenstein, and if possible end his role in the war. For the Iramasha had gone on to continue defiling the corpses of the deceased. Alas it wasn't to be so, for Horus's attention was swiftly called away as he heard Veras introduce herself to Arabella, causing the male to assume she had questioned their identities. Though Horus had no time to introduce himself, no that he cared, for Veras immediately took to the offensive after speaking. And if Horus were honest with himself, seeing the way Veras was going at Arabella left him feeling.. Useless... Such a feeling was something foreign to the male, for he had never allowed himself allies before, and thus never had the chance to truly feel useless at an allies side.

The insane Vizard began to have an internal conflict.. Whilst he knew there was still much he could do in this war, in this fight, he felt oh so useless in the overall field of things. For the speed in which Arabella had been assaulted by Veras had left little time for Horus to begin a true attack... Well that wasn't true, the male just wasn't thinking clearly and had already begun the formation of one of his stronger, but flashier abilities when he could have simply utilized his more versatile abilities in order to take the fight to the other foes. And then it hit him... Why in the fuck hadn't he done just that? Of course he knew the answer.. The war.. This atmosphere.. Everything.. It was all fucking with his mentality, his insanity, and his ability to keep focused.

Though with his mind somewhat sorted out at this time Horus was still feeling quite useless. Why? Yet another simple answer, Veras had completely outstripped he, and their foes when it came to sheer speed, and that was before adding in her Chaos Warp. And so Veras had already been able to deal with Arabella in the time Horus dealt with his own internal conflict, and now his ally had begun to target the next foe; Dayalu, and god was she pissed. Veras had utilized her energies to cripple the entirety of her reanimated men, before then transporting them with her Chaos Warp.

At that point Veras spoke out, addressing the city in its entirety, speaking of ideals that Horus had never experienced before. Ideals that would have lasting effects upon the male in his lifetime. When she was done speaking her spiritual energy rushed forth across a good deal of the area, her bio-electricity powering any buildings caught by it. From there her attention was on Frankenstein, whom was on the receiving end of an assault so brutal Horus hadn't bothered to spare a glance. Instead Horus decided to focus upon Dayalu, analyzing the male and waiting for him to make a move. Whilst this occurred the energies in Horus's left palm would near the completion of his technique, meanwhile a visible sheet of blade-like reiatsu coated his limbs, and dual Zanpakutō; this was a combination of his Reiatsu Scalpel and his Shikai's ability to extend his attack range, thus leaving him with a range far surpassing what the foe would expect.

Insane cackling would slowly spread through the area once again, though mainly focused upon Dayalu. In addition to the laughter all in the area could feel increased tension in the air as Horus's own killing intent and spiritual pressure spread throughout the war-zone, soldiers of either side breaking out into cold sweats the moment the feeling washed over them. Whilst Horus had witnessed what Veras was capable of it was time he himself got back into the fight.. And perhaps Dayalu would grant him that wish, and so the utterly insane Vizard spoke up..

"Kukukuku .. While my new ally has put on a wonderful show... Oh yes, a wonderful show it was.. I think I'm rather bored of being left out.. What do you think?"

The moment the male would finish speaking a blood-thirst snarl would rip its way from deep within his chest, all the while his murderous aura grew stronger. It was time to get off the sidelines and soak his own hands in blood..

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War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 Empty Re: War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan

Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:49 pm
Shizuo wrote:

Word Count:3017
Posting music: Nightcore: Into the fire
Power Type: N/A
Power Tier: N/A
Favorite Lyrics:"N/A" - N/A

Even though arabella’s blade was in its sheath she could feel the shockwaves and deduce what was happening, in a short period of time her blade had been smashed into bashed, and weakened repeatedly. However as she had moved back, well blood now on her face she had felt the internally sealed birthright of hers all that energy go to work, it hardened and managed to fortify the blade against the attacks that had been dealt , but this apparently was just the beginning, as her eyes opened wide, she took in each word that was being said every single word from this woman, from Veras , each word rang strong in her heart the words of a true leader in the middle of the fray it seemed to drive her into a state of resolve arabella’s mind sharpened as she had felt her own brain slowly bringing itself into focus, as it had in the war in the crusades against vampires. The adrenaline kicking in, the feeling that losing was not an option ripped through her veins like fire, as slowly she had changed her stance, a slight bit, but even this shifted her weight, as she went fully into Laido Kenjustu.

After Veras finished her speech she all but vanished her body augmenting to a level of speed that arabella had trouble seeing at first, but as she let her mind relax, she went off of the feeling the slight gusts of wind that come from speed and even if it was just by moments would actually come before a attack, as what happened next could only be described as a blur, as arabella didn’t try to dodge her foot moved to the side, and even though Veras moved at insane speeds this speed she was using was short bursts equally nuts, she felt the ripple of a knuckle as it brushed against the skin causing another nasty purple bruise as she had barely avoided it to the side, her body moving moments after, in what could only be in a spectators eyes, a blurr of movement, as she felt a hand smashing into her, a cloud bank was blurring overhead even if just for a moment, thunder and rain splattering down as the sunlight was completely blocked out and in that moment as she felt the crushing weight of something pushing her back into place she took the chance.

Her blade came flying free faster than it ever had before even though it was aimed directly at the force in her side, as she slid her body spinning, and ducking down as she barely caught the sight of Veras in the corner of her eye, another strike just barely missing, smashing across her shirt , tearing it and from the sheer speed, ripping a gash in her back as blood ran down though now her energy expanded out like a oppressive force the blade her katana had vanished in such a fast draw that the buildings in around a 3 block radius had been cut In half by the wind’s gust that followed, and because of the special properties of her blade it would have sliced Through the kinetic energy, using the properties that allowed it to shred through both normal, and supernatural based attacks, but her mind wasn’t on Veras anymore she could only see red as her eyes met Veras’s for a moment as the girl was flying by her body falling down as Veras got a solid hit in her back, though from her new state she had been able to using shadow manipulation have made a small shield which had filtered out the solar energies diverting and weakening that blow, which caused her to move forward as she felt another crushing force in her side.

Moments to react she had brought her blade around, cutting clean through the other unknown obstruction, before she had her eyes glowing red kicked off managing to get through veras’s onslaught as she had gotten another bruise on the back of her leg, one that would have probably shattered the bone if she hadn’t already been moving using the sueki’s shadow teleportation technique, her eyes hadn’t been on Veras, they hadn’t been on Horus, not on the pathetic creature that was curled up in a barrier, no as she moved her body literally flew through the soldiers closing in on the one who made them before she had then bringing her blade up slashed out a black mass of shadows expanding from the tip and being shot out, one of arabella’s techniques, it would quickly have expanded to the size of a skyscraper, plowing through men, and heading towards the target, as she would be running right in its shadow in her rage she had literally appeared in dayalu’s shadow right around when the blade would have made itself known the energy based one at least.

Now her blade moved fast, way faster than it had before so fast in fact it showcased just not her rage, but the seething anger she felt, inside the anger which blossomed from this injustice, the anger that gave her strength, strength to do the right thing, to get things done. To make things work for the better, as her blade rippled around it would seem to break into several different positions, with her foot work, and her body moving at rates that would probably soon wear her out, the body being pushed to its limits, as it would have using the shadow warp technique sueki’s had with her rage, the reckless blade style, and her own focus and feelings of how Fundamentally wrong this was. You wouldn’t see one of her ,right now there had to be at least 10 or 12 afterimages of her as her blade was making its way around, but this style was different, the rage had brought more than her reckless blade style out, no that was just the beginning, as she had brought the blade around, it seemed to have moved with a mind of its own.

Aiming for Dayalu’s midsection it would have switched moments before impact to the armpit, literally this movement was straining her muscles, as she could feel the muscle slightly stretching, it would have if it had hit, literally had enough force to cut through and chop the entire arm off, her body moving directly under that strike, as she vanished again after her blade had sliced directly around and caused a volley of strikes aimed at the side of Dayalu’s body to take place, at this point it was hard to tell what was her and what was the image of where she had been before, as around the same time that strike had taken place, she had been on the opposite side of dayalu, her blade jerking around feinting as her sheath came directly through under the sword, and literally had smashed into dayalu’s side, and if it had? It would have felt like a truck smashed into his side, coming in fast and hard, the glancing blow hadn’t been done yet, as it pulled back her body slid her right foot coming back, her left going forward and she would have vanished again.

Next her body had come in hard, and low, the sword aiming towards the ankles, though it would have then somehow redirected itself, almost as if it was teleporting by itself, the sword strikes seemed to be fast enough that using all these things it had turned into one continuous volley which was literally fast enough that even though Veras Had been going fast, this was comparative, not in speed wise, but just in how fast she was striking every side of this man. And if he tried to run , well she would be right on his ass like flies on hot shit, her sword snaking out, to strike at the interior of his neck, only then to at the last second come around and smash the pommel into his spinal cord, the blade coming up and if it hit, it would literally cut a massive wound up the backside of this inconsiderate man, but was she done you might be wondering? This was just the beginning of it, as the clouds fully had been blocking out the sun she was able to let things fully run loose, completely and utterly run loose.

As she felt acute pain all over, from Veras and her uncanny strong, and fast strikes, from the movements she was forcing her own body to go through, yet she just bit her lip causing blood to splatter as she forced herself faster, the memories of her own past going through her mind, as she had then moving back, seemed to be retreating, though that was a lie, her body slipping back around using a half dance like spin, to skid directly around dayalu, the sword coming around in a deadly flash , as the second wave was coming, her body speeding up again, even though she could feel her muscles screaming in protest, , but she was even more enraged from the men who should be dead, yet they had been robbed the right to die as hero’s and now had to instead be subjugated dolls in the afterlife, something as sick as that would not be allowed by her, which was why as she spun she kicked up and grabbed a fallen serrated steel pipe, as she bit down on it hard, the weapon had been caught between her teeth, which left dents in it as this weapon then had been hardening using her own energy.

Now as her head jerked in the weapon would have come in for a strike on the chest, the rod the serrated rod having if it hit left a massive gash on top of the already rising amount of potential slashes that had been present here, her sheath coming around at the same time to deliver a bone crushing strike to the knee cap, her actual sword coming in the opposite way to deliver a bone splitting slash to the other kneecap as her body vanished right as the three strikes hit her shadow warp technique being used again as if something had awakened inside her, as if her complete and absolute feeling of how right she was, had forced her into a new state of power since as she vanished the speed she was moving at, would have begun to strain her body even further then it already was, but she kept pushing it pushing herself harder as she had managed to vanish this time faster then before, she was at the point she wasn’t even able to keep up with her own movements, or shouldn’t have been at least but she was forcing herself too.

“Men live soldiers die, Let them HAVE PEACE YOU ASSHOLE” was something she said, while she reappeared the metal makeshift weapon coming down as she was accurately for that split second flipping in the air her head jerking down, and if it had hit it would leave another massive gash on the mans back, her blade coming down next in a movement that looked like a shimmering spin for a split second, and in that time, the sword came directly down, then the sheath came down after it as she once again used her shadow movement technique to vanish as she was using strength she didn’t even know she possessed that she didn’t even know she had inside her as she came directly now landing her legs bent, as her arms this time just had shimmered, her swordsman ship was being pushed further, as she hadn’t bothered with techniques she had manipulated the shadows in the area, creating several blades that moved with her, her own mouth had been dripping blood, her blood was at a boil, her rage, was beyond how it had ever been before.

If you think before was bad, now the blades of shadow moved directly with her, as she seemed to have her muscles still screaming yet she just didn’t feel it, as her head jerked around the pole coming across dayalu’s face, and again if he dodged? She would recompensate and come after him, even if it meant she had to follow him to the ends of the earth. If he attacked, her speed more likely than not and her ferocity would cause some seriously bad damage, and then there was the blast which had been following her. That blast of solar energy would have smashed directly into the probably overwhelmed and rather confused form of Dayalu, as she had vanished the explosion causing turmoil, that she would use, her blade glowing a sinister black as she had ascended into her Umbra state, her eyes glowing a blood shot red, as she had brought her hand through the blast, her skin scorching from the intense heat and residue, the perfect smoke screen if you will leaving only the muscle showing, as blood was hardening forming a giant scab on her hand, this time she used the moment someone normally would be trying to avoid an attack ,and even if he moved away she would just have used the shadow technique to warp and follow. But if he had been surprised by the blast, or blocked it, using her sword and then her hand she’d hopefully have been able to do something along the lines of smashing into him and driving him off and hopefully into a wall, if it missed? Well she would then have vanished her body appearing exactly on the other side of him her sword coming down to slice into the Achilles tendon, the pole in her mouth coming to bitch smack the man upside the face, and the other weapon the sheath would smash into where the sun doesn’t shine to make sure that sick fuck didn’t have any more children, no so that he’d have no fucking chance in hell of reproducing , as that sick fuck had done something that was not okay, he had disgraced the dying will of soldiers, people who stood proudly in the battle field, so as she had kicked off after and disengaged landing on her feet and spinning, she had done something interesting.

This time, she had made sure that there was no disgrace for these men, by utilizing her current adrenaline anger, and pushing her mind, and her capacities to what should be beyond the limit, she had in a movement similar to a single streak, cut the tendons anything that allowed them to remotely move or be moved to fight in any way, had been severed, cut, obliderated and chopped into so many pieces that it would be absolutely impossible to probably fix them, now she after that came into a skidding stop, and the damages could be seen, her skin was molten, and burning, hissing apart even when the sun wasn’t out. That’s the way of a sueki, she was insane doing all this in the sun for some people she didn’t even know, but that was the nature of her promise. So as she panted her body swaying some she had said.

“..I Arabella Levivanthan Gremory, by the promise I made you , sweat my fealty and life to be used as you wish Veras Victoria, if I die here or if I live here it will be your choice, and yours alone, but there is one thing I will not, .. abide by, that would be if anyone other than those who understand the severity of how badly this sick fucker has disgraced the lives of Good loyal men who fought to their last breath, Beats this fucking stupid man’s body and soul to oblivion, I will not rest, or leave until he has felt the severity.. of his actions, even if it is my destruction, I will make him feel their pain, the pain of being HUMILIATED IN THAT WAY.”

Then her eyes slowly focused on the man who did this all themselves and said.. slowly..

“..I Arabella Levivanthan Gremory, on my honor as a warrior, will not rest, I will not sleep, I will not EAT. Until you who has defiled the dead, you who has broken the warriors code, you who has defiled the very principle that was abide by, has been swiftly, and brutally cut down, gutted, I don’t care if hell finds me today, or if death finds me now , for they will not have me, not until I have given you the VIP escort THERE MYSELF. So prepare, this is not a warning, I do not care if you are strong , for my rage will make me stronger, never once in my life have I seen someone do something as disrespectful as you have, never once have I felt such hate, so as a reward for your Incompetence, I will carve every Ounce, EVERY sliver EVERY BIT, NO MATTER HOW SMALL, OF THIS RAGE, into YOUR MOTHER FUCKING SOUL AND HEART. “

That being said she slowly began to get into another position, her adrenaline and her rage, so great it blotted out even her own person injuries. Now.. this is when things really went crazy.

War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 EndPost

War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 LzZCuy7
War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 BtXe12b
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War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 Empty Re: War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan

Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:48 pm
Dayalu Seishin
Davana of Reincarnation & Hope

In the beginning, Dayalu had no clue of the anger and rage that he had awakened with the simple motion of awakening these dead corpses of former soldiers. However as the soldiers simply started moving forward, he could already sense aggressive things coming from just about everywhere as one of the few people present on the battle decided to take action against him. He quickly took notice of the person's ability to pick up and move objects, and at this point, it seemed that they were several rather large rocks that very well cause him some problems. As they approached into his influence the wind that stirred around him settled down and he began to drain the energy controlling those rocks. With luck, he should of been able to prevent them from reaching their intended point and as they got any closer or actually still did reach their intended mark to drop onto him, he would open portals to Demon World right next to each of the rocks, to the point that they would fall within them easily as they moved or fell. He was curious just how long, that guy could hold them in the first place., after all it took quite a bit of focus to manage even multiple objects and then of that size was very interesting to Dayalu.

Dayalu eventually noticed that the soldiers around him were being warped and he had no reason to not allow it to happen as what he guessed was their commander was wishing that they were not used by him, and he had no reason to disagree. It wasn't very long however, until the next person was upon him as well though as he turned his attention to her as she rushed at a very high speed towards him. Her attack was another interesting one as it speed towards him and enter his influence like the one before. However unlike before, he simply sucked as much speed out of the thing as possible as he shifted out of the way, and eventually he took notice, of his foe being behind him. Once he was safely out of the way of her first attack, he quickly used a burst of speed from his Shadow movement to speed himself up and then further speed up the swing of his blade as he attempted to match the strikes that she made on him. As she tried warping around him, he was always trying to keep a step ahead of her as he put an amount of his shadow movement into also slowing down the speeds at which she warped and the swings of her blade. It seemed this would work out well if it was not interfered with for the fact that he was speeding himself up and she was instead slowing down. He was definitely interested in seeing her try to stay ahead of him with all the factors that he was putting in to just keep her speed lower than his.

As she struck at his midsection however, he was prepped to block it, however he found it rather annoying that she switched the impact to instead hit his arm and try to cut it off, however, his defenses would of kicked in now, and prevent such a reaction. Instead, it would just leave a rather deep cut on his arm and leaving it from being used for his sword that he held in his other hand. As he felt the pain from the cut, he endured it and tried to keep all of his focus on her current position and her speed at the moment. As she moved to strike at his side again, he opened another portal like the one he tried to use to stop the large rocks from impacting with him and it once again lead into Demon world, to absorb all of her blows at that position. On the other side, he moved to take account for her strike with her sword again, but he knew that she wasn't a straight hitter as he positioned his blade at first to block only the blade, however he caught notice of the sheath strike, and position accordingly to block it. He felt her strength from both blowing collide with the blade however and made this only difficult for his only capable arm now. As she only tried to speed up faster, Dayalu only watched her more closely and by now, he decided that his power could be spend more wisely as he opened a portal on all sides of him to absorb her volley on all sides to be sent into another realm.

It seemed like this was only the beginning as he could still tell by the look of Arabella that she definitely wasn't finished with him as she moved back in a kind of retreating motion, as she tried to kick up a third weapon add to her arsenal, he couldn't allow it however he felt little use in denying her the ability to pick it up as he allowed her to approach now, and he felt that their was no use in resisting this barrage with the amount of energy that he was putting into it. He allowed her next three strikes to hit him directly at the full speed that she was capable of however his defensive skin kept the damages from being to severe on his part. He accepted the pain that he was receiving from this woman as he awaited the next blow from her, which came and left a massive slash upon his back with the injuries that followed as he continued to endure this pain. "Is this worth all the anger that you feel, in the end will this satisfy you? If you answer yes, then I'm afraid I must disappoint you. For killing me will be easy, but keeping me dead will not, for I explained before, I'm the Davana of Reincarnation." He stated as she came around with another strike with the pole and it hit him across the head and with the wind speeding up at that moment, he made the wind and the blow knock him up into the air.

Within those few moments int the air, Dayalu's body dispersed into a single material as it fell into the wind and it was transformed into a material many would know to be ash. However everyone could definitely feel that he was still alive and well as he dispersed his body away from her. As Arabeela tried to use a blast of Solar energy, he simply used the reitsu that was still present and drained the reitsu out of the attack to weaken it from affecting him and reaching out to what was now, his body. As she continued on with whatever she did, it simply would be evaded by his shadow movement within the wind, and eventually the wind would just make him ascend higher into the sky. Upon trying to reach the sky or not, he would release his energy upon the battlefield and his presence could be felt all across it as he was now at what he was full capable of with both of his origins. Even now, if he reformed and Arabella decided to kill him, it would not be this easy to end him in his released state.

However, he still noted that he wasn't certain of who was on his side or not, and as he listened to Arabella's speech to the one that she was fighting he found it extremely odd since only a moment before he arrived they were fighting each. It left him rather confused for the moment, and with this in mind, Dayalu decided that it would be best to just observe within his ash like state.

NOTE: (Please all read) Now that Dayalu has entered his released state, all those that Die within this thread will not for one time only. However to kill Dayalu, you must accomplish this a total of three times. There are however a few conditions.

1. If you completely obliterate Dayalu or he is killed within his ash state then he is dead for good no matter how many lives remaining.
2. This ability will end the moment someone or Dayalu leave the area, meaning this only lasts within this thread.
3. Once Dayalu is dead, you can no longer come back from death either, even if you have a life left.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 Empty Re: War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan

Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:43 pm
I am out of it so don't mind me just saying im out. so have fun.

War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 Empty Re: War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan

Sat Nov 30, 2013 5:05 pm


War in Australlia- Canberra–Queanbeyan - Page 2 EiraBar2
I Will not let anything fall!
Eira VonZarkonheiz ∞ Knight Sugiura ∞ 1-1+

Enter The Definite Knight
There is no chance for failure for victory

The first to acknowledge her was the one she knew she would fight when it came down to it. The girl simply stayed there, in mid air, her face not yet stony, but perfectly calm. Anyone could see easily that the girl had grace, and a strength in her eyes that few would understand. She saw many things, lived many things; and the glow of duty was something that was stronger then any sort of threat. In fact, as she noted what was going on the battlefield, she made up her mind. Yes, indeed, she would have to talk to the woman, and rather pressing. But firstly the girl moved a bit further, letting the events unfold, even as the wind seemed to be.. stronger. It was stirring.

The girl watched, and then landed, making her beeline more then obvious. She was heading towards the woman, as she stopped, in perfect range to attack. In her right hand, a spear, facing downwards. The girl looked at the blonde, and then nodded. ''Pardon me, for I made not clear my stance. I was unsure if you were to be reasoned with. I understand your feelings of willing to protect your fellow comrades. That is a feeling I can admire, and respect if nothing else. I only am present to protect the innocents; those that have no part in this war, and are forced by the foolishness of both sides. Your men in the air crafts are safe; we only hampered their flying capabilities nothing more. I will not stand in the way of what you need to do; but of that, I would ask that the machine eating people be turned off. That is all I ask.''

She had began, her speech even. There was a feeling around her, Eira could feel it in her body. There was strength, and there would be no regret if it came into a fight; but she also understood the value of peace. The girl herself did not agree with untold war, a feeling shared by the commander she followed. Indeed, she showed no aggressive side to the woman; she wanted to protect her kinsmen, and she wanted to protect their lives. That was perfectly fine with Eira. ''I will only attack those that strike me first, and I intend to take no lives. I brought no other forces then what I have for my own, as I do not wish to participate in war. If we could come to an agreement, such as allowing the innocents that wish to leave to be allowed out, then I shall have no problem. I wish for a relatively mutual solution, as I do not wish to sully this place with more death.''

Yes, perhaps she sounded haughty; but her words were not arrogance, or confidence. She simply sought the world where all sides were content; if she could carry out the innocents, then her mission, her will here was done, and they could secure the city as willed. It would not be a failure to Eira, and it would be correct. But if an agreement would not be reached, she was sure that a fight would develop. Counting her chances, as the one eating the corpse was repulsive to her, and the one that brought the soldiers back was just as repulsive, that left Eira against three rather strong opponents, all by herself. Despite having Aire, that was still a losing situation on her side. Perhaps, if it came to battle, she would have to aid the repulsive ones, as that very thought disgusted her. But that was battle tactics; for now, she simply waited for the woman to acknowledge her.

For none of the others had seen or even been aware of her, and as such, it became clear which one of them was guiding, and leading the others. Eira held no sense of ego, just a quiet strength. Indeed, that was all she would ask; the lives of the innocent, spared for this was not their war. Perhaps, she may even aid the woman against the repulsive creatures, should they have an agreement. But that was all thoughts that would wait for now. Well, at least until the discussions began.

Exit The Zarkonheiz Heir

    Status: Australia | Discussion with Veras
    music: Impending Crisis ∞ Q Factory
    words: 0707
    notes: The Lasting Type Definite in effect currently; I will save the innocents.
    credits: Template by PerfectFallacy
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