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[Hobart] [War for Australia] - Page 2 Empty Re: [Hobart] [War for Australia]

Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:19 pm
OOC: Here is the posting Order. Frost mentioned it, figured I would post it here. ANy new ones that join, go after Cecil

Steve (JohnSeever) - Protag
Nicholas (Natalia) - Protag
Hiroshi (Big_T) - Protag
Tamari (tina) - Protag
Slenderman (Zero) - Antag
Sherri (tina) - Protag
Cecil (Elendril) - Antag
Sou Yuuki (=..Sou-Yuuki..=) - Rogue

Last edited by JohnSeever on Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:00 pm; edited 2 times in total
The Cookie
The Cookie
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[Hobart] [War for Australia] - Page 2 Empty Re: [Hobart] [War for Australia]

Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:02 am

Artist: Selectracks - Song: The Bucket Fist - Word Count: 1213

Australia. Something to count shit on. But, how the fuck did i get here? Well, better to be known that War just broken loose in this country and i thought, why not take part in it when i arrived. Maybe i could actually use some help from a city for some protection from the godfucks torture in Karakura. Some 'taking over' might help, since this is what a Nightmare would always do, they haunt the fuck out of you.

The City Of Hobart.. The sky was.. oh-so-ever beautiful, until war raged across the country and all you now see is a red sky with the very sounds of an explosion, screams and so on. It seems that many people had either tried to defend this very country of Australia, and the empty Hobart was ever so foggy. The male had no idea how he got here, with every step he took had an echo with silence that reached out to these places, sounds of a man uttering nonsense and insults from his whispering mouth, indeed he was in an anger after all that had happened when he was within the Karakura City, it was a hell indeed. But putting aside of everything he had gone through, such beings that dared to step into the city of Hobart is rather, and indeed, extremely fragile and idiotic, that they had no idea that the living nightmare is crawling beneath their feet, and soon ever would bring them down to their knees and make them beg for mercy. The red-headed male was actually Sou Yuuki, alias The Living Nightmare, who was infamous for his bounty after the countless destruction that was caused against the pathetic city he was once in.

Having a bartender-like clothes and his usual clothing, he is famous for his appearance with his hair and his looks, fairly good-looking but indeed, he is nothing more but a devil to everyone's eyes. Of course, a famous underarm crutch was seen holding beyond his right arm, seemingly slightly different in appearance but not much a change for a disguise with his newfound weapon that would surely wreck the world like there is no tomorrow. Questions ran through his mind as he slowly walked through the fogs alone, asking himself whether he is being on either side, to defend or to fight for. Of course, if we're fighting for the sake of a country, it'll be for the best to protect the civilians living in Australia and not much of a hell would break loose. But if he choose to fight for the place, not only many innocents will die, he'll be a major target from the protags and may not be able to walk back to the path he once desired, the path to protect, but its all too late for him, it is either life or death in his path, and he chooses to live against the odds that would defy his orders and path, he WILL obliterate anyone he sees as a threatening target, whether be the good ones or the bad ones.

Though, life is full of bullshit for him, as his teeth grinded against each other with pure anger, tapping sounds were also heard from each and every step he took foward, only to release a strong aura for many to sense, a bloody aura of pure anger, hatred, and maximum bloodlust. His mind was packed with so much questions that he could not care anymore with the people around him, only to conquer the city of hobart for his protection and the safety of the city itself, and he would, and shall protect it with his life. For now, his main objective is to kill whoever's threatening and any brave fuckers who decided to actually step into the area he wanted to have, to protect and to conquer.

While his mind was wandering aimlessly, he stood in an awkward situation between four people. A man who seems to be dressing like a man who looks almost like a wolf, another guy who seems to be on steroids with his build, a female and another male who looks like a homosexual bastard. At first, he had an emotionless expression, before breaking into a huge grin as if it were being wrecked with madness within his heart. Bursting into laughter for a few seconds, the Nightmare took his breath and regained his sight against the five standing people, who was about to his victims within the fight of life and death. His eyes shifted left and right against both sides, sighing at almost a shame with a sudden switch in mood, before words were uttered from his mouth with utmost insults and with a bit tone of anger when the sentences are released.

"What do we have here? A man who looks like a fucking dog, a guy on steroids, the usual bitch and a guy who seems to be an elegant, homosexual bastard on drugs. What brings you to hell? The fun? The circus? Or that you are aiming to claim this land as yours? If so, i won't let you. Why? Because this city is mine, all of them are under the protection of the Nightmare, and if you insist to conquer this city, i will leave no choice but send you an invitation to Hell, if you know what i mean. Though i admit, you annoying little bugs should scram out of here before you get smashed into bits by me, because i don't really wish to be using my new toy right here to be blasting all of you to the outer space. Don't let questions run to your mind, as i am not here in this city to protect Australia nor fight for Australia, instead, i am fighting for everyone's freedom within this country, free from you bastard's hands. NONE OF YOU.. will take Australia. NONE! NOT UNTIL YOU PASS THE NIGHTMARE, YOU'RE ALL TO FUCKING HELL!!!!!!"

His body slightly to the back, right arm to be stretching far back before smashing down his infamous crutch, which he finally modified to his own liking, against the ground to force a strong shockwave out of the crutch's vibrations from his muscles, and the ground before him would burst upwards to block off the path of the very protags, unallowing them to move foward anymore. All the choice were in their hands, depending how they would react, he would not care. Sou will never allow the likes of these people to touch this country, nor conquer it. If anyone would try to stop him, he will obliterate them and leave no one alive out of this battlefield.

Grinding his teeth harder, Sou swung his crutch to the right and facing his position against the group of five people, only to blow them away with a strong air pressure that he had released using the vibrations of his muscles, although those vibrations are weak, he gathered all of the vibrations as he could from the highly reactive muscles from his release of air pressure, and together with the power that such of the Annihilator's offensive capability it provides, it would be enough to shatter the upper part of the earth that he once forced upwards to her air in order to block the group's path.

"I'm warning you."

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk

Last edited by =..Sou-Yuuki..= on Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:15 pm; edited 8 times in total

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[Hobart] [War for Australia] - Page 2 Empty Re: [Hobart] [War for Australia]

Sat Oct 19, 2013 12:33 pm
Tamari followed her comrades, stopping when their leader came to a halt. Watching as he pulled out a map and a compass, she tilted her head slightly. Listening to what he said, and then the responses of the other two, she closed her eyes while thinking. After a few minutes, she opened them and nodded towards the shinigami with them.

“This man is right. We have no idea what may be waiting for us within that fog, and separating ourselves in to multiple teams would only serve to weaken each one. Given the cover of that fog, the enemy will probably attempt to cut off our senses before ambushing us. If we separated in to two groups, they would probably ambush one group, taking them out before heading to stop the other group. The only difference I would make to his plan is to instead of keeping sensing abilities in the center, spread them out between the mid to long ranger combatants and melee combatants. Since the enemy is most likely trying for an ambush, the greater our sensory range, the better off we’ll be. Medics and civilians should remain in the center, allowing them maximum protection.”

With that she sighed, looking around. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen, but she sure as hell didn’t like the circumstances. Then, her sense of smell picked up, something was wrong here. A chill ran down her spine, and a single word escaped her lips.


Then she saw him, that being of madness whom she knew quite well. They had fought before, and Tamari was sure that it was unlikely anyone in this company could defeat him head on. Her thoughts raced as he started to spew her words of hatred and profanity, but she did not pay attention. No, this was the time she needed to think of a potential strategy. However, she highly doubted any of them could make a difference against this man’s insane strength. Then he finished talking, his crutch slammed in to the ground. At this point the ground itself slammed upwards, blocking the path forward for her and her friends, while keeping him on their side. An idea popped in to her head, a strange, crazy, suicidal idea it was. However, Tamari was pretty sure she was the only one in this group that had the possibility to pull it off. Sighing to herself, she turned to the others and spoke quietly, hoping Sou could not hear her.

“Alright, things change here. That madman is mine, you guys gotta go on. Whatever you do, don’t try to help me, I’ll meet up with you later.”

Without waiting for an answer from them, she turned around, closing her eyes as she breathed deeply.

“Looks like I’ll have to borrow this from you pretty early Sasha. Slice, spatium exterminatore!”

With that, the blade glowed with green light, the sword thickening as green sigils appeared on it. She had released her shikai, allowing her access to the power of Sasha’s zanpaktou. Just then Sou released a huge torrent of wind and Tamari was forced to flash step to the side, saving her from being blown away.

“Well well, look at you Sou. It’s kinda funny, I never thought I’d be able to have a rematch with you. However, this is looking to be a mighty fun day.”

((OOC: this post is now changed to reflect elendril leaving the thread.))

Last edited by tina on Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:12 pm; edited 2 times in total

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Entity of Contradiction
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[Hobart] [War for Australia] - Page 2 Empty Re: [Hobart] [War for Australia]

Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:52 pm

If Slenderman had emotions, he would probably be feeling a variety of them right now as the intruders seemed to be laying down their plans and their was now the entrance of an unknown factor into the mix of things known as Sou, whether or not Slenderman really had known that he was called Sou was beyond our mental capabilities, so he simply moved forward as any stranger among the being of madness and chaos moved forward with what was referred to as he's schemes. He prepared as his creatures were taking ready, as there was a small group of them all ready to move in and take out the weaker group of people and leave the rest to the other part of their part or even to Slenderman himself. They could only imagine the horrors that were about to approach them from within their very own dreams.

From within the near pitch black fog, would come forth three creature that had a rather humanoid look at first, but instead they had four arms and claws on them all as they charged forward on two legs. They were both easily around nine to ten ft. tall as they ran forth towards the group. They would try to slice their sharps claws into anything they could get their hands on and harming them wouldn't exactly stop them so easily. Their creator, Slenderman, gave them the intent to kill them on sight, and they intended to do so with charge. But what was the true surprise was going to come from outside of their vision as a rather large figure began to rise out of their sight as he easily began to stand at least double or triple the size of the natural person, so around eighteen ft. tall. He awaited them within the mist, and standing beside him was another human being, with which many believe is how Slenderman communicates and uses his senses, but the being before them was still a rather alarming mystery.

Eventually someone would be able to take notice of him in one way or another, but for now he stood and awaited his creations' defeat or triumph over the enemies of this city. If need be, he would intervene and all of the enemies would be facing something that could give them eternal nightmares.

Last edited by Zero on Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:24 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : We all know why)

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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[Hobart] [War for Australia] - Page 2 Empty Re: [Hobart] [War for Australia]

Sat Oct 19, 2013 5:10 pm
Sherri edged closer to the group after a few moments, thinking they had not spotted her. She hoped to pick up on their plans so that she would possibly be able to help them from the shadows. However, suddenly a man burst through the mist, yelling at the group in a threatening manner. Drawing her blade, Sherri called up the power of her zanpaktou, willing to reveal herself if it meant being able to fight off the demon in front of her.

“Growl in the dark, Mastiv.”

The black flames leaped up from the gems that were embedded in to the guard of her sword, covering the blade entirely in its flames. By this time the man had used some technique to smash up the earth, blocking her path to the group. She hoped that they would be able to deal with the madman on their own, but she still worried. Releasing her shikai had no doubt revealed her presence to all those around her, and if they managed to get through she wasn't sure they wouldn't arrest her. Sure, her hair was no longer the purple it had been while serving the monsuta, but her energy’s signature would still be identical. Thus, there was a chance that these men would identify her as a member of the monsuta even though she had left them a while back. Glancing over her shoulder at the mist behind her, she switched on her vision of the darkfire. Put simply, she would now see everything in thermal readings, which meant that so long as whatever was within the mist had body heat, she would see it.

It was then that she noticed the three humanoid beings emerging from the mist, and with a quick flash step she jumped in to them, her sword slashing down to cut one in half before another flash step carried her ten feet away. From there she pointed her blade at the remaining two creatures and fired off a blast of darkfire, shaped like the maw of a dog, at the two remaining ones. Once it hit one of them, it would let out a burst of darkfire, ten feet in diameter, probably killing one of them. If the last one was still alive, another flash step would bring her next to it, and she would slice this one in half with a horizontal strike. Finally finished, she would flash step closer to the area containing the group, waiting for them to come to where she was.

((OOC: this post has been edited))

Last edited by tina on Thu Oct 24, 2013 3:44 am; edited 2 times in total

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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[Hobart] [War for Australia] - Page 2 Empty Re: [Hobart] [War for Australia]

Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:08 pm
Steve watched as Sherri took off towards the three creatures and he pulled his cowl over his head. Blinking, he thought and turned around seeing the super tall, eighteen foot creature. "Well, the party just arrived," he states as he gestures towards the creature, "Light him up and take him down," he says over the radio as he pulls his shield onto his left arm and tightens the straps and looks around. He did not however see the other guy next to the eighteen footer.

"Ok, circle pattern, medics in the middle, close combat on the edge. Medium to long range next. Cover each others backs. No one gets left behind," he says as he looks around. "Lets bring the party to them, move." he says simply as he moves forward. Nicholas, take point. Hiroshi the left flank. Tamari the....." he starts as he looks and blinks. "Ok, change of plan, I'll be on the right flank, " he says as he assigns positions to the others. Then he spots Sherri and sees what she does. "Thanks, wanna join us and take middle above nicholas, covering our top side?" he asks her as he waits for a reply and pulls out a handgun and and looks at the others. "Call if you need help. Lets go, we're burning daylight," he adds even though it was completely black.

"Additionally, if any of you have an easy way to take out that tall thing, take it out." he adds as he moves to his position and draws handgun from his hip.

ooc: Edit to fix an error i made on Sherri.

Last edited by JohnSeever on Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
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[Hobart] [War for Australia] - Page 2 Empty Re: [Hobart] [War for Australia]

Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:43 pm
Nicholas looked to the big guy and could not help but grin. Cap you know i do so love followin your orders. but i think i know just the thing to take that big guy down. But lets deal with these small fry first. Nicholas closed his eyes for a few seconds and generally began to sniff the air. a soft grin crossed over his lips as he charged at one of the smaller target. And here i thought things were going to be boring guess i was wrong. He stated with a laugh as he lunged at his intended target. as he moved to throw his punch at the target at the last second he created a form of tension in his arm muscle causeing his three hidden blades to shoot out from inbetween his knuckles. If this attack hit he would manage to impain one of the smaller being's though sense for this attack it was a blind attack where it would hit would be unknown.

Though the second attack would be close to like the first though this time the area he would attempt to impail would be the targets chest. it was clear that Nicholas was a close combat specilest and he would use everything he had to its fullest to prove that he belive himself to be the best. His mind was focused and he was going to do what ever it took to stop the target no matter what.
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[Hobart] [War for Australia] - Page 2 Empty Re: [Hobart] [War for Australia]

Sun Oct 27, 2013 11:50 pm
Hiroshi was in awe at the strength this red haired man possessed. He didn't care as much about rhe insults of someone with a personality like his, but the sheer power he possed and the bloody killing intent struck him like a dagger to the chest. When this man had shown a small amount of his power he knew this battle would be hard fought.

When he was spoken to by the Captain and how the women shinigami decided to take this monster on herself he hated the fact that he would have to leave her to fight this man, but at the same time he knew that if he did not advance with the group many more would die. A concept that he now had trouble with was the needs of the many outway the needs of the few. The shinigami seemed confident enough, but he still had a bad feeling as he wwnt into his formation and approached the larger enemy

Without a base the monster will fall then we can finish it. Take out it's legs and finish it"

Hiroshi took his position on the left flank running along side the others and grasped the hilt of his Zanpakutō with his right hand. He quickly unsheathed it quickly grasping it with both hands. As he got close enough to the larger enemy he flash stepped to the left side of the larger monster and with a diagnol slash he attempted to chop through it's right leg and he followed that by flash steping backwards with his Zanpakutō in front of him in a defensive position.

Something peculiar about the situation though is he noticed that there is a smaller figure next to the much larger one. He couldn't make the details very well, but it was obvious to him there was a 2nd enemy.

Ooc:with permission from the next two posters I editted my post with having the same effect as my previously short post without effecting either of them

Last edited by Big_T on Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:25 pm; edited 2 times in total
The Cookie
The Cookie
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[Hobart] [War for Australia] - Page 2 Empty Re: [Hobart] [War for Australia]

Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:53 am

Artist: Iuchi Maiko - Song: Battle Area - Word Count: 1572

War is not something we find at peace, but with the Nightmare around, he'll break that shit of yours down until you can't find yourself being scrapped into the garbage tank, detaching each and every single limbs of a living being, you're just literally being an unlucky bastard to those who mocked him and ruined his past lives.

A familiar voice echoed out of the blue when the Nightmare had made his entrance, just someone whom he had met a couple weeks ago, and he find this woman.. very.. intriguing indeed. He was almost captured by the Yayjuu and became one of the famous bounty for his head by the many eyes that people had tried capturing Sou for the cash that the authorities would give out whoever brings him in alive, and hell, this woman was the main cause of everything that had started to twist his life upside down to blisters. Sou wondered why she came here with these weird people, but nonetheless, it is just the beginning of the war between himself and these people. He bursted to a huge laughter again, only to express a huge grin against his face that many may view him as a sadistic maniac of sorts, the smile that will pierce the souls of the many that encounters him. Everything was stirring up his blood, so much that it brought him to an excitement. Tamari had herself ready with a shikai, a released form of a Zanpakutō, with what he knew previously with shinigamis roaming across the earth. The pressure around him suddenly rose like a spike, his muscle tissues within his very body was quickly adapting to the situation and let out a mere stomp against the ground, only to force cracks within a line foward his position and in circles where spikes bursted out and covered away his position from any incoming dangers that were to try and surprise him with an attack. The output was fairly simple from his muscles that contracted and expanded outwards to let out a burst of strength to affect his surroundings quite a large scale, depending how much he had released.

Step by step, he slowly moved towards tamari with a huge, sadistic smile on his face, expression of an appealed and an excited Nightmare who was just a beginning of his own hell, "TAMARI-CHAN, YO!", a small greeting for the entrance of the female, Tamari.

[ Change Soundtrack ]

As when he were about to attack Tamari, a group of tall men appeared, looks humanoid but ain't that humanoid with four arms and spiky claws. This interruption, however, does not please the Nightmare. Grinding his teeth again, so hard that his line was eventually crossed when his excitement was interrupted by the mere unknown beasts that had entered. Sou shouted and screeched at the top of his lungs, releasing his anger and frustrations by the interruptions, his eyes sharply glanced through the group of tall men, a glance of anger. "Grrr.... GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!"

His arm rose up to the air, only to smash it down hard against the ground below him with his mighty strength and his underarm crutch, but that wasn't an ordinary punch. His anger had grew so much that he had released only a small portion yet monstrous output of his strength together with the strength that his crutch provides, that the ground had bursted apart and widening out miles away, cracks that opens up gaps and spikes bursting outwards from random areas. That much strength he had released could shake fear to the witnesses, but this isn't for showing his strength, he is going to use it to rip these assholes apart. His body had then lunged before the tall beast within a couple of centimeters away by increasing his physical speed through forcing his foot to push him foward with a considerable amount of output from his muscles to lunge him foward as if he had a speed matching of that shinigami's shunpo.

Once he had landed before the tall beast only a few centimeters away before the moving beast, Sou had let go of his weapon quickly and landed a punch against the guts of the tall man, his muscles were working at its fastest peak, reacting with his brain signals and expanding the tissues in order to let his strength flow smoothly within his blood circulation and his nerves into his fist that he had outputted against the guts of the tall beast. The punch itself can be considered at a level with a earth-shattering force, as if the tall beast had any bones that had connected with the area that he had smashed his fist against, the bones would literally shatter apart by the force his muscles had provided. Then, with a final touch of salt, his arm had retreated away after the punch, only to take a grip against the handle of his weapon and attempt to make an immediate uppercut wihout much of his strength being outputted from his previous attack, but the force that the Annihilator, his crutch, releases are considered enough to force the cracks and pieces of the broken stones rise high up in the sky with the tall beast by the uppercut, infused with the air pressure his crutch had outputted, it can be considered enough power to 'attempt' to force the beast's body to rise up to the sky by the uppercut.

The nightmare panted, although those attacks were only done twice, he was a 'little' exhausted from his first outburst, because the output was quite vast for him and can easily exhaust a mortal man like him if he were not to control his muscles and input properly before release. But hell, he was just getting started. "Kekekekekekekeke. Now we're back onto the track."

His body shifted towards the direction where Tamari was, and his right foot quickly bursted with enough force to push him at a high physical speed, around the level of an adept depending how much strength he had outputted from his foot. He would attempt to stop right before Tamari, retreating his right arm backwards with his crutch, only to advance his hand together with his weapon towards Tamari in order to land a hit on her. However, depending on the result whether she is able to dodge it or not, if she were to take it on, the amount of output he releases are indeed quite dangerous even for a powerful being like her. Annihilator, his weapon, powered altogether with his own infused chi energy with the running motor inside, wihout the signal of a network around with the fog interrupting the transfer of the signals, it can't be electrically powered and allow him to attack his enemies as much as he could at his fullest entertainment. But since it was altogether with his chi energy infused within his weapon and his strength that weilds the weapon, the damage dealt can be twice or three times the power of his original output, but it can be considered an unknown multiplication of his strength since the tolling of the output are random.

Whether it is blocked, dodged or actually took a hit on Tamari, he would proceed to make an attempt to do a 360 degree clockwise spin, ending with a smack as the rotation was done. As he did the rotation, he creates a strong blow of wind away from his crutch using enough force to take a spin when the weapon was swung across the air. The wind does not do much damage to his surroundings, however, strong enough to keep any of the oversized opponents that tries to get near him to stay away from him. While the 'slash' or more likely a 'smash' that he swung the weapon with his mighty strength, depending on the situation and the chances, most likely that the Zanpakutō that Tamari holds would snap into half if she tries to sheild herself with it, but it depends on the condition, unless she can find a way to harden her Zanpakutō's durability, most likely that the Zanpakutō may break into half as the force that the 'slam' of Annihilator, his weapon, provides can be quite vast at some point using the contractions of his muscles that vibrates throughout his weapon like a chainsaw itself to increase the force of his attack.

Once he finishes his final attack, he took a smirk and made a quiet giggle, eventually becoming a sadistic laughter that will make a chill down to his victim's spine, "Gaaaaah! This is just the beginning of my warm-up. Its really frustrating for me to see someone coming by and pissing me off out of nowhere. I don't even know where that tall fucker came from, but whatever. Tamari-chan, i doubted you can fight alone with that filthy and pathetic power of yours. Release your bankai or something, because i don't want weak fucks like you to be walking around with a near-dead corpse, ya' know? I prefer strong fuckers, not a weak piece of crap like you. I'd rather ask all of your friends to team up an attack on me rather than one on one each other. Seriously, you're just plain pathetic and a bitch just to fight me alone, unless you want me to dig your grave, or you release your full power, and i'll be glad to take you one on one. You don't want to see your friends dying one by one, don't ya'?"

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk

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[Hobart] [War for Australia] - Page 2 Empty Re: [Hobart] [War for Australia]

Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:28 pm
Tamari grinned at Sou as he acknowledged her presence. She knew what her intentions should be for right now, and she was kind of surprised that Sou had not realized them as well. However, then the three humanoid monstrosities burst through the fog, distracting the two of them. Sou seemingly didn’t like this, and manifesting his nightmarish strength, he destroyed them all. Things seemingly returning to how they were intended and he rushed towards Tamari. Raising her sword in front of her, she waited until Sou was within ten feet of her before swinging it downwards. As it hit the ground, the ability of this zanpaktou called special slice activated. A green burst of energy emitted from the point where her sword hit the ground, a line shooting out from it, the line 20 feet in length, Sou directly above the middle of this line. A wall of energy then rose from the line on the ground, passing through Sou without affecting him at all, the wall being fifteen feet in height. The space on either part of this wall would then be ripped apart, the ground moving away from each other. This wasn’t a simple ‘rip things apart’ technique, which would be easily resisted through physical endurance. No, she was ripping space apart, and it would be extremely difficult for physical durability to resist this technique due to its unique nature. If Sou had stayed on his path towards Tamari and not attempted to dodge it, he would likely find his body being ripped in half, though Tamari wasn’t sure that would work against the likes of Sou Yuuki. Last time they had fought, she had seen him take this technique and simply lose an arm. Not only that, but he had attempted to use the void space created from it in order to attack her. So as she watched she decided to go one step higher with her released state. Her skin started to glow a soft green color and her hair turned from pure white to a light blonde as she entered her released state.

If Sou managed to escape her attack and continued onward towards her she would sigh softly and raise her sword to a defensive position. As his crutch came towards her, she would pivot, her body rotating ninety degrees as she raised her blade. Her off hand came forward, her blade held in one hand, and grabbed on to Sou’s crutch with her hand. As she did she heightened her soul skin ability to the maximum, attempting to minimize any damage she might take.

“Soul strike times ten.”

Holding Sou’s weapon still with her hand, she brought her sword down on it, attempting to break it in half with one swing. However, her sword was not coming down with its normal force, but with 1024 times the normal force it would place upon it. So far as Tamari knew this would utterly destroy Sou’s Annihilator, as the immense force of the sword swing she was sending at it was beyond reasonable for an object to handle. Whether this worked or not, she would soul dash backwards, panting heavily. She had used up a lot of her soul force in that one strike, and she was sure she would be able to continuously strike like that. Looking at Sou, she asked him a question, one that had bugged her from before.

“Why did you attack me when we first met? Look how much trouble you caused yourself by doing that, you’ve got plenty of people looking for you due to your bounty. Honestly, what kind of shitty mind do you have up there, enough is enough. Just tell me, why did you attack me?”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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