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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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November COTM 2011 :
Joined : 2010-06-27
Posts : 5233
Age : 32
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Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:08 am
Emiya Shirou [APPROVED, 0-4+] Emiya-shirou-0121-1

"If you walk down the path you believe is right, you cannot be wrong."

Sugiura Template


Name:Shirou Emiya
True Age:1000

Emiya Shirou is a man, who aspires to be a champion of justice. he does not believe that one person should die, so that others can be saved. He does not want to save just one person, or even 100, he wants to save every possible person around him, and prevent their demise. He is resolute when it comes to saving everyone, despite how much potential trouble it may cause in him in the future. Despite this part of his personality, he is actually very peaceful and kind, almost to a fault. He will rarely engage in combat, unless the people closest to him are in danger. He is always willing to make everyone happy, and will go for nothing more, then bringing a smile to their faces. However if someone brought about their own fall, Shirou will keep himself withdrawn from the situation and watch that person's downfall. Even in such a case, it is very rare to see him stand by and do nothing. he will save complete strangers who are in no shape or form related to himself. Despite this flawed personality, the courageous ideals that he bares is nothing short of valiance and honor. He is simply a man who wants to become a super hero, to assure that no one is hurt and that the world becomes one full of peace and prosperity. Till this day, Shirou has never went back on this wish, Archer has claimed that it has now become his reason to live, most likely because of the similar ideals that they possess.

Shirou possesses an extraordinary talent for housework. Despite having Iori as his caretaker, he generally provides all of her meals and does all of the housework, while she generally does nothing. Home cooking is his forte, and he especially prides himself in Japanese cuisine. He is not a cheapskate when it comes to ingredients to make a delicious meal, and he will spend a great deal of time in order to make something extravagant. He teaches Rensei how to cook, and as she improves, they eventually start to compete over the quality of their meals. Shirou equally enjoys Japanese tea, black tea, and coffee, but he is better with Japanese tea, and he he dislikes plum kelp tea. There are times when he receives liquor from Copenhagen, but he merely tastes it as he is not good with alcohol. Among the people he hangs around, he is among the heaviest eaters, losing only to Iori, Midori, and otoya. According to him “one who does not have the stomach to digest breakfast is a failure as a martial artist.” Despite having his household fiances taken care of by Iori, Shirou doesn't wish to feel like a freeloader, so he has been working part time jobs since middle school in order to pay for his own expenses. He has even put money into savings, towards making a company with his best friend Hirano.

Due to the trauma suffered in his childhood. Shirou has one flawed emptiness in his personality. He feels that as the only survivor that it is unfair to the deceased to prioritize his own needs before those of others. He has a distorted sense of values where he finds selfworth from helping people without any compensation, as he feels that the very act of “helping people” is his reward. When it comes down to receiving an injury or even giving up his life to help someone, he will do it without a second thought. The people who see this side of him are often very worried and attempt to correct his behavior, though they are unable to change his viewpoints. his mother often talked about how she used strive to protect the innocent from the world's many perils, even at the cost of her own humanity, and how she was saddened by the reality that whenever she was able to spare one life, another person was fated to die. Although she was tormented by her inability to save everyone, Shirou always admired her efforts. Right before Shirou's mother's died, Shirou pledged to be a "hero of justice" in her place and strive to protect everyone at the cost of his own life.

As of recent day's, Shirou's personality is a bit jaded due to the death of a few people that were closest to him, during the great grail war. Despite this, he still holds his ideals close to his heart, and his personality flaws are still visible to those that know him the most. This is most evident by Misaiko, who witnessed a slight change in him, after he was forced to stop Takuri's alter from acquiring the great grail. He was unable to prevent her dark side from forming, and consequently was not able to prevent her death. It is still an accident that he has not gotten over quite yet, and this very action caused conflict within his mind. He ask's himself; "Will i have to kill the people i love, in order to ensure the safety of another?" the question would become a plague but despite this, he decided that he would continue to protect everyone, and continue to strive towards his impossible ideal. Even if there is nothing at the end, Emiya Shirou can still have his wish. Even if the entire world condemn's him, he has no intention on giving up on the ideal world, that he has yearned for his entire life. This is something that he will absolutely continue to believe in, the boy who became a sword, continues on his journey, bereft of any fears and doubts, that may obstruct him. Emiya Shirou will continue to be a Superhero!

General Appearance


Emiya Shirou [APPROVED, 0-4+] 66068

Emiya Shirou [APPROVED, 0-4+] 65787

Emiya Shirou [APPROVED, 0-4+] EmiyaShirou

Animalistic Traits: None
Appearance Age: Teenager
Height: 167 cm (5"6)
Weight: 58kg

Natural Abilities


Kansho & Bakuya(Lit. かんしょう・ばくや, Gan Jiang & Moe Ye): These weapons are Shirou's most favorable swords in any battle, and he cannot recall a time where he hasn't used them in any of his hard fought confrontations. it is said that the Hybrid Leader of the Iramasha possesses the original, but Archer encountered them at some point during his life time and They are his favored weapons to project, having become his symbols after wielding them all his life. He and Emiya Shirou find the craftsmanship of the blades, rather than what they represent, to be extremely captivating and beautiful, and the swords suit their natural style of fighting. These "married twin swords" which represent yin and Yang equally, do not have that "Divinity" that most weapons possess.

First of all, They were created without vanity, and lack a sense of purpose found in other swords. They contain no fighting spirit to defeat others or competitive spirit to beat other weapons, and they contain neither the desire to be famous nor the faith to accomplish great deeds. It is said that the creator of these swords merely built them for the sake of craftsmanship, as if to question his work, instead of any real meaning that the blades could have possessed.

They are identical in shape with the only difference being their color. Kanshou, the black Yang sword, is covered in a hexagonal pattern, and Bakuya, the white Yin sword, has less of the shine of a polished metal in its ore than it has the haze of a cloud. Their quality as swords is high due to being made with the best materials and a human sacrifice, and they have shamanistic and ritual aspects as enchanted weapons. The quality of the grips, which are quite big and heavy, are more important than their ornamental value.

Compared to other Zanpakutō and Sacreds, these weapons seem meager and inchoate. But their dual-wielding style, instantaneous trace time, and experience makes them very reliable weapons. The greatest trait of this weapon may be it's special ability which may seem relatively simple to most but completely fatal if used in a strategical attack. The main ability of the swords is their strong bond with each other, which not only allows them to attract each other, but it is also said that they will return to their owner even if events cause them to be lost. If one is thrown while the other is held, the thrown sword will return to the wielder much like a boomerang. This works well with projection, allowing an already projected sword to identify a new projection as its partner sword. Which takes us to Shirou and Archer's fatal technique using these weapons, Kakuyoku Sanren.

Kakuyoku Sanren(Lit. 鶴翼三連, Crane Wing Three Chains. ): This is not only a technique but a flawless strategy that is the culmination of Archer and Shirou's use of Kansho and Bakuya. this is the true meaning behind them, using three consecutive pairs traced ahead of time and the pair of swords' attraction to each other to deliver a fatal attack by projecting them when necessary. It is a technique based on using deception and the bond of the weapons at their full power. Shirou, however possesses a different version of this technique, which does not involve reinforcing the blades into their overedge versions like Archer's. Shirou's version used to defeat Takuri Alter begins with a thrown pair aimed at the neck, coinciding with the first line of the chant, that is deflected by the enemy, and then closes in for close combat with a second pair. The thrown Bakuya returns from behind to attack the enemy and he immediately strikes with the Kanshou in his hand. Directly afterward, the thrown Kanshou returns and he uses the Bakuya in his hands to attack as well, coinciding with the second and third lines. Takuri managed to block all four attacks, but the result left her defenses completely open. He then projects the final pair without any reinforcement to slash the enemy's open defense in a downward X-motion, coinciding with the final two lines. It is a essentially a methodical strategy at rendering the opponent defenseless.

Since the weapons are swung with all of Shirou's force and might, the impact is close to that of a bomb's explosion going off right near someones chest. Against a normal human or shinigami, this would prove to be completely fatal. Not only would it rip through their defenses in one clean sweep, but a full force attack would be enough to cleave them in too, depending on the parts of the body that are targeted during the attack. For instance, consider the shoulders. If he were to attack these spots with all of his force behind them, they would not only crush the shoulders completely, but sever them from the opponents upper body. The most ideal spot to target however is the abdomen. With enough power, the blades will not only crush the opponents spine, but splatter their organs out as well, causing instant death depending on who the opponent is. Even Arrancar with great regeneration abilities and high level hierro, will find its wonderful and amazing defenses useless before these twin swords. It will simply slash through it in order to hit its target as intended. Simply put, if Shirou aims to kill the opponent with this technique, he must precisely target the fatal points of the opponents body. Otherwise, he may leave himself susceptible for their next attack, depending on their level of ability concerning instantaneous reaction time.

Maken — Tsubame Gaeshi: This technique was the pinnacle of Takuri's masterful swordsmanship. It was a technique based purely on Simultaneous reaction. To initiate the technique, Shirou places the blade on either his right or left shoulder. In order to perform this correctly Shirou must first take "Sen". Which is a principle in martial arts based on countering the opponents attack before it can be completed. Sen is the last and most difficult part of Go-no-sen.

It is based on attacking the opponent before they have even started their technique, which is very laborious and difficult to say the least. Therefore, peak-level concentration is required. Once Shirou has taken the ideal position, he must await the opponents charge. If they charge directly for him, he must drain his body of all fears and any tension that might hinder the flow of this ability, furthermore for this technique to reach completion, the body also needs to be relaxed. The grip on the blade is kept rather loose, just enough to keep it where it's supposed to be.

Once the enemy has charged within enemy territory, the radius of the user, and has no chance to escape easily, the technique is ready for execution. First, Shirou's right foot kicks off with tremendous force, propelling his body forward like an arrow loosed from a mighty bow. If the execution and precision is flawless, the sword will already look as though it is a silver bolt of lightening. A slash like this made by Shirou is already enough to break through solid steel like it would slice a single piece of paper.

Using reinforcement not only accelerates his body for this single slash, but for the next slash that transpires as well. Needless to say, the damage is also raised to a level of pure carnage. The first stage of this attack has one fatal weakness. A leap above the user before the slash hit's the opponent. A side step is nothing more then a trifle before the first slash, since Shirou can easily halt the opponent's evasion by redirecting his body right before the actual strike, therefore it is not something Shirou has to worry about, thanks to his improvement in the field of speed and deception. So...How would he intend to solve the fatal flaw of the technique?

The answer to that question would be that, Shirou must effectively pinpoint and confirm that the opponent is aiming to either attack him from above or leap over him in order to evade the attack. Once this confirmation has been completed, the second stage of the technique comes into fruition. Since Shirou has already generated the energy for the first slash, by launching his entire body forwards and down, this has the effect of bending his upper body forwards. If this technique is dodged he immediately shifts into the second. This crucial decision must be made at the moment his first strike fails, before his right foot has even landed. If Shirou is sure that the first strike will not connect, he extends his left leg forward, thereby advancing his body even further.

The advancing force is centered on the hips, which act as the pendulum to the leg's rod. Everything above the hips, however, Shirou concentrates on separating from the forward motion, as though his upper body is only barely connected to the lower. The natural result of this is to drive his torso upwards rather then forwards. Consider a stick, balanced vertically on your hand. Any deviation from complete straightness can be corrected by moving your hand towards the direction of the tilt. This technique operates on the same principle.

The energy of the rising torso is added to the energy of the advancing hips and legs. All that remains, is to complete the first step in and harness the reciprocal energy of the earth. With these three combined, the second strike gains killing force. Thus, the first flaw is eliminated. For the second, Shirou looks to his hands. When using this technique correctly, a soft grip on the sword is crucial, as it is conducive to the relaxation of the arms. The right hand should especially be kept loose, as it serves only an auxiliary purpose to the left, which is the main point of contact between the body and sword. This acts to his advantage.

As soon as the first attack is dodged, Shirou arrest's his sword by tugging lightly with the fingers on his right hand, then turns his left wrist inwards while keeping the right steady. In other words, he rotates his sword to about 180 degrees, so that its blade is now facing up, towards the enemy. This has two major benefits. First, there is no need to twist the arms upwards, therefore no danger of losing Balance or speed. Second, it solves the problem of having the right elbow fully extend during the second slash. And the next form of the technique is based purely on flexing the blow instead.

This single handed reverse grip deviates far from the norm. It does not enhance one's range and in fact, limits the possible angles of the attack. Since it lacks versatility, it can hardly be considered practical for general use, but since it is a upward slash from the leaning position, it eliminates all factors that would have kept Shirou from using his full speed. In this situation alone, it is the absolute ideal.

And thus, by these two improvement's the technique achieves perfection. Two slashes with one step in, unleashed in the space of a single stroke. This is the ultimate incarnation of Takuri's swordsmanship. It is the union of maximum efficiency and lightening-fast reaction that gives this technique it's power. While the principles of this technique are relatively simple and can be used by almost anyone, it truly requires a masterful swordsman with instantaneous reaction and skill to complete this technique.

This is the only technique Shirou has mastered on his own, not only in the memory of his beloved, but as a swordsman. However, he can complete the technique easily if he traces Takuri's Sacred ahead of time. The only weapon required of this technique is a Normal steel Katana, though other weapons such as Nodachi and Kodachi can be used. If used in conjunction with Megamikaze, Shirou can release the winds from the blade further extending the range of the attack, making it nigh-impossible to evade in the air.


The golden sword of assured victory - the predecessor to its descendant, Excalibur. However, as an original, it does not possess as much power as Caliburn, mostly, due, to the weapon being a decorative sword used as a symbol of authority among kings. In lieu of being a dazzling sword, it is the inferior weapon when compared to Excalibur. That said, this sword is far from weak, and anyone daring enough to think so would surely meet an unfortunate death. It is Shirou's strongest projection, and requires the largest amount of Spiritual energy among his array of traced weapons. In a battle against Tenkou(Misaiko's Alter) the elegant sword was broken. And Excalibur was bestowed upon her by Arthur, the guardian beast spirit of the holy sword.

The only reason Shirou could project it, during a battle, is that his memories were intertwined with Takuri's, allowing him to catch minute glimpses of the beautiful ornamental sword. While Excalibur is the superior weapon in terms of power, the two holy swords have similar techniques. While Excalibur releases a large band of light that descends far into the sky, Caliburn collects all of the light from the surrounding area, and withholds all of the searing energy within the blade. Whereas Excalibur collects this light and then releases in a slash meant to cleave the opponent in two, Caliburn instead, collects the light, pierces the opponent, and releases it in one fatal swoop. Like Excalibur, Caliburn is a weapon of directive energy that converts the spiritual energy of the user into light, intensifying the kinetic energy by convergence and acceleration. Instead of outwardly releasing this light however, it is instead concentrated into the blade. The light that emits from the weapon can completely incinerate the opponent on contact due to the intensity of the heat. To describe it in terms of temperature, it goes beyond a level of extreme heat, and into the levels of a divine holy energy that not only engulfs the opponent but completely incinerates them. Endurance, Defense, Steel, Titanium, Armor, all of that is meaningless before the sword once it hits the opponent. While many killing techniques are fatal, an opponent may or may not be able to survive, this is not true for Caliburn. It is absolutely suicidal to take the weapon in the body, since the light is instantaneous. Since it is a divine light, rather then a heated light, it is suicidal to almost any opponent, even the greatest regeneration methods would be meaningless against this.

Of course, since Caliburn is a holy sword, it is completely fatal against demons and the holy energy that emits from the sword alone would cause them to pale in it's majesty. Even the largest of opponents would be defeated by a single thrust through a part of their body. It is a sword that absolutely




Gáe Bolg:



Faker: Shirou like Archer, is a Faker, an individual skilled at creating imitations of objects through the use of tracing and projection of mental images to form tangible objects. Since they both do not possess definite sacred's or even guardian beast's, which would normally leave most magic user's at an disadvantage in a drawn-out battle, their use of projection and Tracing automatically make's up for this weakness in strides. Shirou and Archer's form's of projection and tracing are relatively different, but still possess a daunting amount of power. Shirou is able to replicate the special properties of bladed weapon's, as well as the entire history of the weapons in question. This allow's Shirou to take on the skills and attributes of the original user, though the weapons replicated will always be one step below the original, since there is only so much that can be replicated through peripheral vision, and Projection is usually dangerous with weapon's possessed by warrior's such as Misaiko and Arturia. It also weaken's and exhaust's Shirou over time, causing his body to suffer terrible damage. Internal bleeding, will assail the body constantly, and over time internal and external damage will continuously wreck the user's body beyond repair. If Shirou overuse's his magic and pushes himself at the top of his limit, he would eventually die from a mental breakdown. Luckily, thanks to the use of Avalon, Shirou is able to prolong his life as long as he has a connection to the sacred Sheath.


Reinforcement is Shirou's basic spell,which, as of the current day, has been mastered by the young man thank's to Archer's methods of training. Reinforcement while not as costly as Tracing and Projection, still require's a peak-level form of concentration if Shirou truly intend's to successfully perform reinforcement at it's highest level. to put it into simplicity, reinforcement is one of the most difficult level's of magic, with the purpose of pushing a basis to the utmost. It is the foundation of all Sugiura magic, that enhances the existence of the target with the purpose of pushing a basis to the utmost.

Reinforcement allow's Shirou to accomplish feat's such as, the power to analyze the structural composition of objects and increase their effectiveness by understanding their chemical and physical makeup, such as the sharpness and durability of a sword and shield. Reinforcement is the same as adding something to an object that is already complete. in the case of failure, the target of reinforcement would receive it as poison. This particular application of reinforcement allow's shirou to repair the damaged part's of an object, fill in the weak spot's of that particular object and strengthen it in many way's.

"Strengthening" Reinforcement allow's Shirou to strengthen his physical capabilities. He is capable of enhancing his stamina to a point where he can run fifty kilometer's per-hour, and can easily leap out of the third story window of a castle. Furthermore, Shirou can enhance his eye sight and muscle's to become a devastating fighting force.

Enhancing eyesight, allow's Shirou to see four kilometer's away from his current location. While Body enhancement using reinforcement, allow's Shirou to strengthen his physical abilities such as accelerating his reaction time, and multiplying the maximum output of his leg muscle's, his right flexor, radius muscle, and pronator teres muscle. This method of reinforcement allow's him to create a spiral effect around his arm, unleashing a small tornado from his forearm or hand.

Shirou is also very skilled in Structural Grasp Magic, which allows him to understand the structure and design of objects as if he were viewing a blueprint. Reinforcement is not infallible however, It is impossible to reinforce something vague. As living things will resist invasion of your spiritual energy, reinforcing someone else is the hardest, as their body will reject the invasion of reiatsu or be poisoned by it. By putting structural reinforcement into application, Shirou is able to create a bow out of the branch of a tree, repair a soccer ball, or change the shape of an object.

(Projection/Gradation Air)

Gradation air, more commonly known as Projection (投影 touei?), is a Magic that materializes objects, in accordance to the caster’s imagination, through the use of reiatsu. Gradation comes from the fact that the created object slowly fades away after being created, and Air is an allusion to the fact that said object is made out of “nothing”. This ability simply allow's for the recreation of object's that Shirou has seen. Shirou has an affinity with sword's, so he frequently recreate's them through the use of gradation air, in order to fight. He can replicate the appearance of any bladed weapon, but will only be able to replicate it's shape and appearance. the item is not everlasting, as it is recognized by the world as a phantasm that doesn't belong in the natural world, and it will be erased as an inconsistency. The better the image in the caster's imagination, the more stable and longer lasting the object will be, and it can be futher improved by having technical knowledge of its construction, such as a blueprint, or having materials to overlay the desired shape upon. While Gradation Air is a more complex form of Reinforcement, it is ultimately inferior and less efficient. It is also possible to apply Reinforcement to improve the capacities of the projected item. Shirou usually applies Gradation air during a battle, by simultaneously creating and firing a volley or rain of blade's similar to Gilgamesh's 'Gate of Babylon'.

( Tracing )
Projection (Trace Version) (投影(トレース版)?) is the personal variation of Gradation Air that Emiya Shirou and Archer use, referred to as Tracing due the unique aria, "Trace On", that it used for its activation. Tracing greatly differs from normal Projection in the fact that not only does it reproduce the shape and substance of an object, but also the entire history of the object as well. Objects created with tracing are slightly inferior due to the fact that only so much information can be gathered by sight alone, and Zanpakutō or Sacred's are degraded by an entire rank(I.E: If Shirou were to trace the weapon of a 0 tier, the traced version of their weapon would be degraded down to that of 1. ). The only exception is Avalon, which Shirou can perfectly replicate due to his body preserving a complete record of it after it had been fused with him for over a decade. In order to properly use Tracing, Objects need to be seen directly in order to be traced, as even with a blueprint and materials, Zelretch was impossible to trace. Objects seen through shared memories such as Caliburn, can properly be traced. Due to the extra effort, it is possible to produce incredibly stable ordinary items that can remain in the world for hours after their creation. Furthermore, whenever replicating mystical objects such as Sacred or Zanpakutō, it is possible to faithfully copy their special abilities and any skill that its owner performed are available for use. The reason this is possible is due to the nature of Unlimited Blade Works, which at a glance, records the history, composition, and design of what the user sees, and then provides the necessary materials needed to reproduce them. The actual reproduction happens within Unlimited Blade Works and then they are brought into the real world when they are needed through Projection. If the image of the projection is interrupted in any way, the item will be physically weak and shatter upon physical impact. It is also impossible to apply Reinforcement to objects recorded within Unlimited Blade Works. Tracing, While the strongest of Shirou's magic, is extremely dangerous when used constantly and will eventually kill the user.

Shirou and Archer mentally divide the process of Tracing into eight steps, which include:

Judging the concept of creation
Hypothesizing the basic structure
Duplicating the composition material
Imitating the skill of its making
Sympathizing with the experience of its growth
Reproducing the accumulated years
Excelling every manufacturing process

(Unlimited Blade Works)

[spoiler]Emiya Shirou [APPROVED, 0-4+] Unlimited-blade-works-shiro-fate-stay-night-5267622-800-600

Sacred Weapon: N/A

Other Weapons:

Azoth Knife: The Azoth knife is a ceremonial dagger used in ritual's, and in modern day, has been passed down to Sugiura soldier's upon their graduation from training. Shimura specifically passed this special weapon down to Shirou upon their reunion. While the weapon may not possess an amazing ability of any sort, it is quite useful in close combat. There is a special ability which require's storing spiritual energy inside the dagger. Once enough reiatsu has accumulated, this weapon become's a weapon of worth in battle. However, it require's a few prerequisite's to be met before unleashing it's true potential. Firstly, the user must be at a distance that can easily be closed with their speed.

Secondly, the heart should be the primary target, as attacking any where else will do little to no damage. Once these two step's are completed the user must stab the dagger deep within the heart, once the dagger is placed deep inside their heart, the user must then control there momentum and quickly turn around like a raging wind. With the fist brandished high they punch the dagger even deeper inside the heart.

Once the fist and the hilt of the dagger connect, a phrase to release the spiritual energy need's to be shouted with all of their might. "Läßt" is what should be shouted when one choose's to use the dagger, once this one word has been uttered a highly dangerous amount of spiritual energy is sent inside the opponent's heart.

Let's look at the theory of when a shinigami release's spiritual pressure. When any high level warrior release's spiritual energy, those of a much meagre level are left in dismay without a chance of attack, because that pressure is being pushed down on their body. This pressure if left unattended or countered can kill the less endowed warrior because of their difference in power. The Azoth dagger work's in a similar manner, because so much spiritual energy is stored inside this weapon, it continuously grow's like that of a balloon storing water until it eventually pop's due to being overfilled.

The Azoth dagger is like a water balloon which take's all of it's stored up water and release's it somewhere else . The reason the heart is the primary target is because it is often the most fatal and susceptible vital area of the opponent. Once the dagger is lodged inside heart, all of the spiritual energy is released upon the heart of the opponent. Since the heart is usually the weakest and softest organ inside the body, all of that concentrated spiritual energy completely destroy's it. It's like a bomb being set off inside a building, in the sense that, if the heart is unable to take this spiritual pressure then it will either fail from having all of it's nerve's attacked paralysing the opponent or the heart will explode from the heavy pressure, effectively killing the opponent with one decisive strike. Because the Azoth dagger can take almost infinite amount's of spiritual energy without breaking, it is a deadly weapon when used in the manner stated above, but it only has a three time use before it become's a useless and dulled dagger. The spiritual energy can be stored by anyone, even the user him/herself. It is definitely a formidable and fatal dagger when used correctly and most soldier's value it because of this.

Now a note to take into a consideration, is that this technique is not completely fatal and there are opponent's who are almost unaffected by the weapon. For a Hollow or arrancar, it would be nearly impossible to attack them using Azoth's technique, but it is a virtuous weapon against Sugiura, Shinigami, and Human's. If the shinigami or Sugiura suffer's damage from this attack, they would be rendered powerless if they were to survive due to the dagger attacking the soul's sleep or 'Hakusui' which are considered the pressure point's for a shinigami. If they were not to survive, then it would mean death most likely. For a human, the weapon would outright destroy them if direct contact was made. As a human heart and spiritual heart differ from their core. This weapon while simple, can be used to take down even a warrior of god-like skill if used in a smart and strategical manner.

Guardian Beast

Element: Sword

Guardian Beast: N/A

Guardian Beast's World: N/A

Sacred Unleashed

Joushou:("Ascending") N/A

Zenou: ("Almighty") N/A

Kyuu Kyou:("Ultimate") N/A

Alter Form

Alter Appearance: N/A

Alter Personality: (N/A

Alter Powers: N/A

Past & Roleplay Sample

Character Background:


Emiya Shirou was born in a rural area, somewhere close to the sugiura lands. This was a village area known as fuyuki village, which housed many peaceful and successful scientist, as well as a community with a family mentality. Born as the son of Kiritsugu Emiya and Shimura Sugiura, Shirou''s life was relatively simple and very fruitful. He was what some people could call a normal child back then and most of the time, there wasn't anything that this young boy wished for accept to see others happy. However, even all children are naive when they are young, while others are forced to grow up. Shirou had no idea that his father was a murderer or a merciless man, who would fight for justice through any means possible. Eventually, this secret that his two parents kept from him would eventually cause a major disaster. Kiritsugu's house was burned down one day by a stranger. While Kiritsugu had no idea who this man was at the time, he knew that he had to lay low, in order to provide himself with enough time to kill him. Shimura accepted this, and most of Shirou's time was spent with a pseudo-mother, by the name of Sella.

However, even this lovely paradise did not last long

During a large war within the Sugiura kingdom, Gilgamesh began a treason and betrayal that would shake the sugiura lands to their very bones. One by one, he had taken out those closest to him without explanation nor remorse. Piece by Piece, he slowly tore apart the dogma in which Misaiko had created between her family and the western clan. He is the man who caused Saeko's insanity, the man who caused Kusaka to be exiled, and the one who nearly decimated Archer and Otoya. All of his plans would've gone successful and his besiege would have been perfect, until one persistent enemy faced him. Shimura's most trusted body guard, Shiori. She was angered by the King of heroes betrayal, and his nonchalant and arrogant attitude towards those that loved the man. Due to this anger, a battle which would be spoken about in legends ensued between the two warriors. Both were easily able to land potentially fatal blow's on the other, and Shiori was nearly successful in stopping him, until the strong clash between Fragarch and Ea happened. the powerful collision would cause a massive wild fire to begin within fuyuki village. The now beautiful rural village had become a hell that Shirou would not forget, even till this day.

The smell of burning flesh, the painful screams of agony and nightmare, and the constant smell of ember filled the nostrils of the young boy. Even he himself had suffered multiple burn wounds from this fatal fire which would end the prosperous life of the Fuyuki citizen's. This traumatizing event caused Shirou to have a memory lapse, which resulted in only this fire, and small remnants of his child hood, leaving him in a temporary state of amnesia. Without much of a will to live, the young boy had fallen to the ground, as his eyes slowly closed, awaiting impending death. Surely, this probably was the end of the young emiya shirou, until a guardian angel blessed him. "...he's not dead yet....Ha...Ha...i'm relieved..." Who was the one who had said these words to the dying boy?; Through simple deduction, it was none other then Shiori. Guilt-ridden and devastated by the fire that she had a hand in, she let gilgamesh and escape and quickly searched for any possible survivors in this horrible fire, and found none. When she had found him, she felt as though she had saved the life of a loved one. However, she had to quickly act on healing his fatal injuries. She prayed to the spirit of Excalibur, Arthur, and asked that he bestow Avalon to her. Due to Shiori's deed's, Arthur accepted this proposal and gave her the primeval sheath which granted semi-immortality to it's user. After that, Shiori began the process of implanting this sheath inside Shirou and by the time she had completed this task, the boy's life was saved. Now, this was where Shirou's life began anew.


When shirou came to, inside of one of the hospitals placed inside the main area of the Sugiura lands. He was surprised to see that he was still alive and that all of his fatal injuries were no longer there. Shiori had came in with the doctor and sat down with Shirou. The doctor had given Shirou two choices, go with the woman who had saved his life, or go to an adoption home. Shirou was amazed and smitten with Shiori, and decided to go with her instead. After arranging the right procedures, Shiori had now become the mother of Shirou. From that day forward, the two had spent many beautiful memories together. Sight-seeing, Snow-climbing, swimming, all of these adventures had left Shirou in awe. Shirou also learned of Shiori's life as a sugiura warrior and became even more enamored by her life. Shiori had once aimed to become a heroine, someone who could save the lives of countless people and prevent death at any corner, but as she grew up, she realized that in order to see others happy, someone would have to suffer, as the result. Her life was now filled with regret, and she had also suffered a fatal wound that would assail her in due time. However, before she "died", she left one wish upon Shirou that he would work towards for the rest of his life.

- Shirou had remembered that night ever so vividly. He and his mother had spent what would be their last night together for a very long time. The boy had curiously asked about his mother's wish. To this, she replied; "My wish? Well, i've always wanted to be a super hero..." Shirou, was very confused, and could do nothing but stare at her in wonder. "be one? do you mean that you never made your wish come true?" asked the curious young boy who had yearned for his answer, to that Shiori nodded and began to speak on this bittersweet recollection. "Well, i did for a while, but after i grew up i realized that becoming a super hero is very hard, and that you must sacrifice too many things for such a wish to come true, i really wish i had learned that sooner..." Said the adopted mother, as she sighed with regret hidden in her tone. Shirou decided that he did not wish to see his mother filled with guilt or sadness and decided that he would make her wish come true. He looked into her eyes and spoke; "I will make your wish come true mother, it's fine since i'm young right? pass your wish down to me and i will make it come true some day, i promise!" without any hesitation he said the last words to his mother on this day. To that, Shiori smiled as tears fell from her eyes, and before closing them, she said that she was relieved. His mother "died" from her wounds suffered in her battle with Gilgamesh. At that day, it seemed as if it were the end of a wonderful woman, but the beginning of the wonderful man that she had helped raised.

|||Growing up|||

After the untimely death of his mother, Shirou knew that things would no longer be easy for him and that he would have to fend for himself now. However, another blessing would befall Shirou in the form of his birth mother, Shimura. Shirou who didn't know that this woman was his mother, simply knew of her as a acquaintance of her mother. Shimura decided that without his father being present, She would keep her mouth closed about Shirou's amnesia and simply kept up the image of the kind friend and confidant of his adopted mother, Shiori. Shirou would now begin his life anew in the Sugiura kingdom, and was welcomed with open arms. He would begin to experience an entirely different life that he had hitherto not yet experience in his young life. He trained under Misaiko and learned how to hone his sword technique, after Misaiko learned of Shirou's connection to swords, out of all of the weapons he would see in the armory room inside the Sugiura castle. Iori while still young at the time, supervised his physical training such as Kenpo and Stamina-traning, in order to keep him in good shape. After many years of learning under them, Shirou would grow into a wonderful young man, but he still felt that he had lacked the necessary components for his wish. So after the completion of his training he went to Shimura for guidance, this is when Shirou's days would begin as a true warrior.

Shirou learned of Guardian beast's from Shimura and decided to acquire one for himself. This would give him well needed guidance, in order to get closer and closer to his goal. Late one night, Shirou decided to travel to the Forest of the Guardian beast. It was almost like a suicide-mission, but for Shirou he had to make his dream come true. He quickly arrived within the forest and prepared to find a Guardian beast, until he accidentally woke up a mad beast within the forest. This Guardian beast, who was angered at being woken from his slumber, pursued Shirou looking for a meal. Shirou, at the time, only knew of magic, something his mother taught him. He knew of "Strengthening" which allowed him to analyze the structural composition of an object, and increase its effectiveness, such as making it more durable or its shape more practical, or return it to its original state. He can also use it to improve upon the physical capabilities of his own body, such as his eyesight, allowing him to see as far as four kilometers away. Grabbing the closest branch in the vicinity, Shirou hurriedly turned the branch into a "Sword" by enhancing the structure to a point where it could now be considered as hard as steel.

He Swung the weapon downwards in order to cut the beast in two, but was quickly smacked back into a large tree, the impact instantly took the air from his lung's as he landed on the ground weakly. Fate had something else in store for Shirou. the Sister of Misaiko, The Black Knight, Takuri appeared before the beast and brandished her sword high, cutting the beast in two as if he were a mere trifle. The Technique, and Takuri's face was forever etched inside the mind of the faker. She turned to the boy, and reprimanded him, telling him he wasn't fit for using a guardian beast. He was destined to become a "Magus". No, Magus was not the right word, Faker is what this Superhero would become. Shirou was still left in awe, mouth agape, as he couldn't take his eyes off of Takuri. He wanted to do one thing, and that was to be trained by her. Originally, Takuri rejected the idea. So, Shirou continuously brought up the pro's and cons of having him around. Eventually, she submitted to the idea and took him in as her pupil. The two would begin building a strong connection, that not even time would stop.

Misaiko prepared a home for Iori, Takuri, Midori, and Shirou. It was something similar to a Dojo, Which Misaiko deemed worthy of being a training ground. The House was covered in a boundary field, that would automatically alert the resident's, if one were to intrude, the resident's of the home would automatically know of the intruder and kill or send them back out on the spot. Shirou lived with the three of these girl's and prepared most of their meal's as well as being trained by all of them in order to improve upon his physical skill, while improving upon his latent magic skill. Eventually, Iori and Midori moved out and found their own homes in earth world. Shirou would leave the Dojo, and pursue life within the human world. Takuri, decided to follow him and the two arrived within human world, prepared to start an interestingly different life.


Shirou applied for a job, entered high school, and lived in a home that his Father use to live in, Takuri being an accomplished magician herself used a boundary field in order to protect the home from outside forces. Over time, Shirou acquired two friend's, One was a mentor who went by the name of Taiga, while the other was a high school friend who went by the name of Sakura. Takuri initially rejected the idea, because of how her appearance would look to humans. Shirou stubbornly challenged Takuri until she submitted once again, under the pretense, that Shirou would come up with a believable story. Shirou eventually came up with a non-conspicuous tale, and Sakura and Taiga were able to come and leave as they please. Sakura prepared breakfast for everyone each morning, and Taiga taught Takuri a lot of hilarious stories of Shirou at school. This life was absolutely perfect, for Emiya Shirou. Around the time of Shirou's stint with his new family, he learned "Projection" another high level magic granted only to the Emiya Clan. It is a step-up from Projection, allowing the materialization of object's in accordance to the caster's imagination. Takuri originally deemed this as a useless magic, until she noticed something different about Shirou's particular use. He had excelled the most at projecting sword's, mostly due to his affinity with blades since birth.

Shirou continued mastering Reinforcement and Projection, day by day. Eventually, fate would take a complete turn for the young man. Shirou met an eccentric girl by the name of Yoko Kuchiki. He also met with a humbled man known as Senorn. Their meeting happened on a snow-day, and everything seemed so perfect, until it was interrupted by a shinigami who had defected from Soul society and had joined the Espada, Rihiku Hitsugaya. Shirou fought alongside Senorn and Yoko, and with their combined effort's, they were able to take down Rihiku along with some back up. Shirou feeling that his fight had ended, was about ready to pass out, until he met a knight in red that went by the name of Archer. Not knowing why, Shirou began feeling intense headaches, and started seeing the memories of this man, as he cynically insulted Shirou on how much of a failure he was in the battle. Shirou had knew at this time, that this was a man that he absolutely needed to overcome if he were to protect his sacred oath. Shirou rejected all of Archer's insult's and resolutely stated that he would not back down, but he did take the advice that Archer gave him at the end.

After Surviving that horrid battle, Shirou returned home to Takuri and spoke with her about Archer. She only had a faint idea of who the man was, and simply told Shirou to be careful. Shirou took her advice, and continued living a happy life with Sakura, Takuri, and Taiga. However, this happiness would quickly be halted, as Archer decided to eradicate Emiya Shirou. he would crush this boy's ideal's and show him the unmerciful reality that awaited him. Shirou got untimely new's of hearing that Archer had kidnapped Shinju, one of Shirou's closest relatives and Misaiko's daughter. Takuri and Shirou returned to the land of the Sugiura, in order to find Archer and Shinju's location. Shirou would not let Archer lay a hand on her or cause her harm. Moreover, Archer was man who had bothered Shirou from the very beginning, but Shirou had no idea of knowing he'd stoop this low. Shirou luckily acquired the next step in his latent power, "Tracing". it was a considerably different form of projection, which not only allowed the user to replicate the form of the object, but it's abilities as well. Takuri quickly escorted Shirou to a deserted castle deep within the Land of the Sugiura, and wished him luck in his battle. Shirou refused to let Takuri get involved in something he had to do himself.

The clashing ideals, Reality and oath, danced within the fires of battle on this day that would forever be imprinted in the mind of both of these mighty men.


Who could have fathomed that the young man could have kept up with his ancestor? his abilities were beyond a level that Shirou couldn't reach. He was endlessly slashed, battered, and broken. Archer took no time in showing him who was the better man and most of all, whose ideal was fake. He spoke word's and curse's of how his own ideal's betrayed him, how becoming a superhero without caring for your own self, was a distorted dream. a convenient wish. It was just mere sophistry to cover up Shirou's guilt over the accident he experienced in his childhood. Each swing became all the more merciless, and the weight of Archer's word's made their way inside of Shirou's mind. The only thing that managed to stay standing, even if barely, was the body of the young man. It was as though, his body would not listen to the man's word's. It is the sole reason why Shirou prevailed and Archer loss.

" sword"

That's right. From the beginning, Shirou had already knew this conclusion. Archer's word's were filled with truth, as the red knight said, a person who want's to save everyone around him is nothing but a fake. a weak individual who could barely even protect themselves yet alone others. Shirou would eventually realize that the only reason his battle was a losing one, is that he let the man's word's reach him, and that was a mistake that needed to be rectified, because Emiya Shirou would continue being a superhero. There was a reason his body kept fighting off exhaustion and breath deprivation. There was a reason that his body, broken, slashed, and battered with many wound's still defiantly made a push toward's victory. ...Even if nothing may have came from it.


"I can't lose to you, i don't mind losing to anyone else...but..i cannot lose to myself!"

With that, the boy became a furious lightening bolt. His attack's which had formerly barely managed to scratch archer let alone overpower him, were now pushing him back with the force of a mighty tiger's claw. "it isn't!" He declared this loudly, while his eye's seemed dead and blind, each of his unskilled sword strike's landed on their target, pushing him back bit by bit. Archer who had originally had the advantage, had now become the man who could barely come up with a logical reason as to why a man with this much willpower could exist. Shirou's breathing had stopped, his bones were broken, and his limbs were slashed. This sight gave Archer peace, if anything one could simply pass this off as one final push that would easily fail.

— Archer raises his longsword, it's tip poised to cut the boy's neck, this will be the end, he will finally eliminate this hypocrite.

Sparks flew, blades crashed, and the man who was on the defense yet again, was the red knight.


"It isn't!"

Realizing he cannot make light of the boy, amid the clashing blade's, Archer quickly performs four techniques with the sword. Right, Left, Up, Down. All meant to slash his body into pieces. Yet, each time he thinks his techniques will bring him victory. Shirou's frantic attack's counter his and each blow becomes just as heavy as the last. Why wouldn't he give up? it was the same exact mistake the man detested in the past, so why? With each swing, Shirou remembered his mother. With each swing, he remembered the ephemeral oath he took in her stead. Archer calmly gazed at the boy, reading his condition. these should be the last signs a dying man gives off he thinks.

"This is it, Disappear!"

Archer with every fiber of strength in his body, brandished his sword high in order to cleave the man in half. This will be it, he will die and i'll be satisfied with my victory. "...?!" Yet, against all odds and against all beliefs, Shirou's body wouldn't stop. Archer noticed no end to his attack's. Frantic, unskilled attacks without much thought placed in them. Soon he began to see just how much this boy believed in his ideals. How much love he had for his mother, and his friends, but most of all, the look in his eye's. Archer remembered that gaze. It was a time in the past, where he was a man who aimed for the same wish as Shirou. That gaze, should have filled the red knight's heart with rage and contempt.

"it isn't...a mistake!"

Archer sneered at himself, what made him want to see if this boy could keep on continuing? Moreover, what was driving his body and soul to an extent where he could die? Archer's curious gaze was drawn to Shirou. Yet Shirou's eye's were staring at nothing, No, that's simply what it looked like from an outsider's point of view. He was looking at the bright ideal, the path he chose from childhood and followed through each and every time. Archer could definitely dodge the man's final attack. Shirou leaped forward, with one final push, Archer who was in awe at Shirou's composure and his resolve, did nothing. Allowing that attack to pierce him straight in the chest. It wasn't a fatal wound. If Archer wanted to, there were the possibilities of killing Shirou right now, but Archer had already lost moment's ago. The young man's body was ragged, broken, and most of his bodily functions did not seem to possess any receptiveness.

"It's my win, Archer."

"Ah....and it's my loss..."

Archer smiled bitterly, as the blade that was lodged in his abdomen had now disappeared. Shirou's body went limp. Takuri made her way back with Shinju safe and sound, her body was still in good condition and she didn't seem to be suffering from any physical wounds. Everything seemed to be returning back to normal until....until he came. The Sugiura's greatest Hero, the mighty king of the west, who collected as many treasure's as he saw fit.


The man appeared adorned in his golden armor, with a smirk, as he released a volley of blades toward's Shirou. However, Archer pushed him out of the way taking each and every blade. All of them felt extremely fatal, and Archer's body looked as though it had been filled with swords of many kind's. No, not just sword's. There even thing's like spear's, polearm's, and claymores. Shirou having already fought his own battle with Archer, could barely make an attempt to help him. Takuri was left in awe, and shinju was not a very capable warrior. In other word's, facing this man was like signing a one way ticket to oblivion. Gilgamesh unnervingly continued, unwilling to let the two faker's survive death, he released another volley of treasure swords and spears. Their tips poised to bring about the death sentence. Yet again, however, Shirou was saved by Archer once again as the man pushed him back. This time Archer was engulfed by the hail fire rain of blade's and from what most could see, he was gone. no sign of him was left anywhere. What else could one call it but dead? Gilgamesh smirked as he directed his attentions towards Takuri. He greeted her, speaking casually. Having known this man and what happened to him years ago during one of the earlier grail war's, she knew he wasn't back for some simple reunion. However, he quickly disappeared. Saying they would meet again. Shirou having solved his problem and defeated the obstacle in his path took time to rest. it was around this time, his feeling's for Takuri grew, much more then he would have expected.

Roleplay Sample: (Two paragraphs or 10 sentences minimum)

Last edited by Shirou Emiya on Sun Nov 13, 2011 11:25 pm; edited 68 times in total
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Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:32 am
All seems to be in order with this app. Therefore, I approve.

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Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:03 am
Updated Shirou's app, with the prizes i could have from frost. Added Zenou, And a history. Along with some techniques. i would like to be approved with a 2-1, as well. since i upgraded Shirou.
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Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:14 am
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Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:26 am
Due to some talking with frost, and his permission, i am bumping up Shirou to 0-4+
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Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:16 am

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