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[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty [GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission - Operation: B.L.O.O.D. [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION]

Wed Dec 26, 2012 2:40 pm
Location: The Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Time: Night; leading into New Years Morning as the thread progresses

Song: The Executioner - Artist: Umineko Soundtrack - Words: 2428
The winds of change were descending upon the capital of Malaysia, otherwise known as Kuala Lumpur. While all looked quite festiveness tonight to ring in the dawn of another year, fate seemed to have other appalling plans for this fair metropolis. Most people seemed to be entirely unaware to their possible demise, as many were out in packs to celebrate the final day of the year. Loads of citizens we're dressed to impress, the city was paved in all sorts of wonderful lights and there were fireworks beginning to spark off over the distance. Except....there appeared to be faint screams from within the distance. Meaning, that to those who were in the know, this was it! The real fireworks were beginning, as tonight was going to be one hell of a spooky boogie to bring about the new year. Increasing in quantity, explosions began rocking more ground within the distance, making it obvious that Operation B.L.O.O.D. (Big Loads Of Obscene Death) was being put into motion by members of Shadow Fall.

So, as plums of smoke began rising into the skyline of this wonderful paradise, The Queen of Demon's felt it was time to make her presence known throughout this city. After all, with the party beginning to be put into swing by her loving followers, you can't have the main host of this ballroom dance being left out, now can you? Thus, without further delay, a large summoning of bats had began to form slightly above the infamous Petronas Towers. Why were they deciding to congregate at this wonderful place? Well, To most, these were a symbol of power to those whom had inhabited this country. Much like the White House was a sign of strength for those whom lived in the United States of America, or The Great Wall of China displayed the true pride that the Chinese had for their work, these glistening towers were the Malaysian people's honor. And so, to make an explosive point, Mana believed it would be oh-so-delicious to make her stand here.

Thus, from all directions, from the ground, from the sky, to the left and to the right, a large summoning of glowing green bats had began set their course towards the center of these two towering skyscrapers. Making all sorts of screeching noises, many people were deafened at the mere presence of these creatures of the night. However, those who even had an inkling of spiritual awareness knew damn well that these bats were a sign of something quite wicked. Many were seen screaming in pain, others were yelling to get back-ups and some just watched in utter awe. For, in a matter of seconds, the spiritual energy of these bats? Heh, yea, they would begin to formulate into one solid being that, by this date, the entire World knew only as: Mana Asthavon, The Queen of Demon's and one of the leaders of Shadow Fall. Taking a soft gasp of air once her body had fully materialized, she gazed down upon the crowd that gathered as she gave a slight smile from those pale lips of hers. It was wonderful to already have a audience gathered around her, so much so that she couldn't help but giggle with glee while all these eyes were peering upwards at her.

When a sufficient amount of citizens had gathered, there were mutters of terror beginning to be heard throughout the array of people. There were things said such as, "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES EVERYONE!", "SHE IS A KILLER, A COLD BLOODED MURDER!", "ALERT THE GOTEI 13 AND VANGUARD, SOMEBODY PLEASE GET SOME HELP"; all sorts of other similar lines were blared out as the swarms of people eventually became so fearful that they had started running away in droves. It seemed that the attacks that Mana had inflicted on the Earth had truly began to have an effect on the population of Earth. It could do nothing but bring giggles, laughs, smiles, sneers and fill Mana's soul with glee at all the chaos taking place around her. She even turned her head to the side to see all the business folk, tourist and other party people whom had gathered inside of the Petronas Towers trying to find exits to escape this high chance for destruction, others beginning to jump out of the window to deaths to avoid being slain by the likes of Mana and some even praying to some imaginary god.

"Heh, there they go. I haven't even been here enough to get a cup tea and there they go running away into a frenzied stampede." Chuckling very audibly at this point, Mana gazed at the amounts of panic, pandemonium and outright unruliness that these people had. Really, she hadn't even been here a good minute, and already swarms of people were running away in absolute distress. "GO, GO, GO, GO!" With the retreat kicking into full swing, Many men were screaming in the distance, trying to gather as much ground away from the Queen as they could. There were scatterings of people trying to start their hover cars to get away, other groups of bodies trying to seek cover in the sewers below the city, while some were simply holding their ground preparing to fight Mana as they had no other choice and the rest simply running on foot or trying to fly away by air to seek out some additional help to deal with the Queen of Demon's being in their hometown; which meant death to most people who saw this figure of the end.

Closing her eyes, Mana was becoming more and more aware of the type of power that she wielded in her cold hands. It honestly filled her with much pleasure to have this much influence over the planet, this much strength at her disposal and working and more rapidly towards becoming one of the top players in this grand game called life. And so, as she opened her eyes to the new world of terror around her, a truly devilish smirk emerged across the Queen's lips as her eyes began to emulate a strange green glow from them; one that obviously signaled she meant business. "It seems I was greeted by a gathering of wimps. What a bunch of shameless cowards these people sure turned out to be." Speaking only loud enough for those to hear if they were directly around her, it was becoming more apparent that Mana was beginning to have a sense of disdain for the people crowding up this city that would obviously fall under her clutches by the time the new year had rung in.

"Then again, I suppose I should give them a head start." At that moment, a strange hovering sound could be heard from Mana's arms. From what most could gather? It was clear she was gathering up energy for something that would change the landscape of this town forever. "Let's go ahead and do that..." The noise becoming more overbearing to the world around her, the time for The Queen to attack was drawing near. "Ten..." When that word was uttered from her mouth, a strong burst of fire that was green in color had shot out from Mana's arms and flipped about in the wind like a wild, flaming exhaust. "Nine..." Locking a gaze upwards at the sky, Mana had obviously locked on to her target. So, she slowly began to float higher upwards in the air to at least become a few hundred meters higher up then the Petronas Towers. "Eight..." Now, glowing with great intensity from her body, many knew that it was time to haul ass and get out of there. As a result? All sorts of sirens were seen going off in the city as Operation B.L.O.O.D was now in full swing.

"Seven..." With the Earth itself SEEMLY beginning to quiver under the weight of Mana's spiritual energy, the skies around Kuala Lumpur began to shift from the calm, purple hue of night; to the wild, black and green colors that represented Mana. Yet still, there was something entirely off with the terrain itself beginning to shake. There was an odd sense of premonition about it, but most didn't have time to worry about it as Mana counted down. "Six..." Thunderclaps roaring throughout the city, explosions filling the night and screams of bloody murderer; it all made Mana simply shiver the moment as she was seem shaking from utter ecstasy. "Five...."Placing her right hand outward in front of her, Mana knew in her heart which arm would bring about the first wave of absolute destruction upon this section. "Four..." With her attack nearing completion, it seems she felt enough energy had been gathered to justify this swift wave of decimating force. Inside both of her hands laid the energy needed to flatten entire militaries if pushed come to shove. "Three..." At this point, it was simply biding her time until she felt she had given these poor souls enough chance to make their stand, come at peace with their end or possibly even get as far away as they could from this forsaken city.

"Two..." The air beginning to become more tense in nature, the time to strike was drawing closer and closer. It seemed as if the universe itself was honing into Mana, all eyes were on this destructive weapon as the winds picked up in intensity, the ground began to shake in utter shock, lightning picked up all around her and the windows all throughout the Petronas Towers were seen beginning to crack, shatter and crumble as it could not withstand being near The Queen's shocking power. "One..." And with that said, it was as if a death sentence had been carried out by the grim reaper itself. Now ready to begin her massacre, she swiftly began to have a blinding , green flame emerge from right palm. "...Zero...." With not a single sign of remorse, she had shot off a one hundred meter wave of pure energy from her hand. It moved passed super sonic speeds, and would hopefully impact the ground about a mile down the road where some of the people had managed to get to in a short amount of time. Should this event transpire? Then the utter annihilation of Kuala Lumpur would begin. For, the instant this attack touches anything? It will ignite into a destructive series of explosions that will spiral out for three miles outward.

Thus, if all went as planned, an array of bright emerald explosions would be seen expanding all throughout a three mile section of Kuala Lumpur going in a straight line. This would hopefully take out hundreds of thousands of people in a single flash of light, bring buildings into the dark abyss that is oblivion and even have enough firepower to destroy reishi within these dead zones. Not only that, but within the core of the hellish blast? There was a seal implanted inside of it. What was it for? Should this attack meet any sort of resistance, then it was heavily equipped with Mana's magic to deal with varying situations that should occur. For instance, if someone tried to negate these attacks? Then Mana could attempt to remotely activate an Anti-Anti Magic spell to make a pass at cancelling out the negation effects. If someone tried to consume her attacks? Then she'd simply keep filling it up with energy until it either killed them or corrupted them. The list of things she could possibly do were limitless, and she was clearly not working with enough time to really go into all the detailed matters that could occur.

And so, turning her head to the side, Mana still had another attack waiting to be unleashed. Yet, despite all the damaged she had inflicted upon the city, she still wanted to savor this moment as best as she could. For that reason, by augmenting her hearing, Mana could hear the sounds of hell of Earth. If everything went according to plan? She would have the sounds of children screaming, buildings burning, explosions ringing, people crying and all the delicious sounds of utter agony that war brought with it. And therefrom? It brought about utter bliss to her; so much pleasure that she could even feel herself beginning to get wet with excitement. In fact, once the blast had discharged, Mana tried her best to stop playing with herself; as her right hand was near her crotch and she was blushing slightly. "Too good..." She uttered, before giggling once more and preparing to release her next large scale attack. This time, aiming to the back of her, she decided to release the same attack to take out another three miles; to hopefully take out six miles in total with these devastating attacks. So, with a horribly loud snaring sound, there would hopefully be yet another burst of light and series of mushroom clouds exploding into the sky as Mana moaned slightly and felt herself getting hot.

Following that assault, she would end her wave of destruction and would most likely hold off on any further wide scale blast from this point onward. After all, there was still 17 to 18 miles to savoir. She didn't want to blow it all up one scale, nor waste too much energy doing so. But, by her hands, she needed to destroy something. It just didn't feel right to use some sort of weapon and not put her foot in this wave of death. At any rate, by expelling so much power, Mana had began sweaty and felt so intense that her whimpers were becoming louder and she was really getting into this moment as her body screamed out in complete felicity. Meanwhile, all around her, proceeding both of her attacks? Droves of Shadow Fall operates and Demon's had began descending upon the city. In groups, in vehicles, in tanks, in airships and some just appeared straight through portals; all throughout the 23 miles of the "Green Team's" section, Shadow Fall was making it's presence known. They would be put on all of the edges of the city, patrolling the sewers, busting into buildings and keeping watch of the area for any sort of changes in how this war might go down. With their Queen by their side, they figured they had this whole takeover in the bag.

So, with the stage set, the only thing that could be done now was to await the arrival of her team, sit back to see the results of her attacks and move on with operation B.L.O.O.D.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:25 pm; edited 2 times in total

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] WVMWLOu
The Game
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[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Left_bar_bleue65150/100[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty_bar_bleue  (65150/100)

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty Re: [GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission - Operation: B.L.O.O.D. [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION]

Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:30 pm


a shake was felt, power in the air thrown. He cringed as vomited came out his mouth from the sheer amount of power. Landen shook visibly as he understood what this meant. Mana. She had come to this corner of the world for an unknown reason to cause untold horror. He would die tonight, that was his sole thought as he realized he'd have to help stop her. Not many would answer the call but he would. He wasn't far from her touch down, but he wouldn't attack her. He'd attack her Helpers knowing that to keep them busy someone powerful could confront Mana without being opposed. He only hoped he wouldn't be alone in this fight, death didn't scare him. Well not his own, but the idea of his death not saving others lives filled him with fear. Even his fearless Zanpakutō quivered in her sheathing.

It was going to be a loooooong night but for better or worse Landen had been drug into this fight. His heart got caught in his throat as he sprinted to the epi-center, to the war that would ensure, hoping against hope that someone else would come to his aide.


Template By: [THEFROST]

|Death is but the first step in life|

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] ZfrGue8

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] EUuCTxy
Entity of Contradiction
Joined : 2010-12-01
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[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Left_bar_bleue9000/10000[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty_bar_bleue  (9000/10000)

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty Re: [GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission - Operation: B.L.O.O.D. [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION]

Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:41 pm

(Posting Music is Below)

Most would have a New Year's party on this night for many to enjoy and celebrate the beginning of a new year that would be called 2413, the 13th year of the 25th century. Many revered thirteen as a evil number that brought bad luck to many that even said or thought of it. Well, the Demon Queen picked the perfect way to start of this unlucky year with a attack on a capital city. Most wouldn't be able to make it to this city so quickly but with another Yayjuu member, Zero took his vehicle and raced quickly over to the city to see a panic as an attack was heading towards them. It came from the demon queen herself, was fired out and would cause massive overkill on the citizens of this city most likely. He could only watch as he arrive in the vehicle and about to jump out as he opened one of the doors and hoped out. He found himself landing on a platform created by his own energy and he used it as he moved in a bit with the city and watched his vehicle and the other member race off back to the base hopefully. By now everyone connected to the Yuudeshi Network has at least gotten notification of the events happening and going down. Shadin would be getting notice of him as the Yayjuu already being present on the scene.

He had to do his best on dealing with the Demon queen, but he couldn't go all out and exhaust himself if he was really going to do this and he needed all of the skills and equipment that he had with him. With no effort, replicas of him made of sound started to come into reality and float in the air around im being energy and sound. They all formed their bows and proceeded with firing on the demon queen with thousand of arrows that should get some reaction from her. Zero would proceed to drop then and have his echos split as they went in all different directions around the tower that represented this city's spirit and honor. He knew that the tower would fall but with his help, perhaps they could rebuild it again anew. In the memories of the lost already, he couldn't allow such evil to continue to happen. He needed to use everything in his power and Key's together to probably even stand a chance against the one known as Mana. Anyone that got in his way of taking her down would have to be stopped as well, every ally would eventually be needed. He could use the help of many that he has met but he couldn't stand to drag them into such a dangerous situation.

The next move had to be set, so as Zero fell in the air, he sonido to a building roof that was still standing nearby that he could still see Mana from. His echos, controlled by The Voice, his inner ziamachi spirit, were circling the tower evenly spaced from each other making them more difficult to attack. Even, if Mana even successfully attacks one of the echos they would disappear near instantly. The Voice, watched over himself, the echos, and Zero, all at the same time and this was rather easy as a voice inside of his head and energy. Zero on the other hand was keeping track of the others escaping the city and any others that were approaching him probably on Mana's side called Shadow Fall. The air around him began to make a rumble sound as he was vibrating it to make anything that approached him physically or spiritually to bounce back off around him. The area was probably about 50 ft. and this was only the small sphere as he began to emit another sound that would cause attacks like the one Mana used to activate it's explosions at a earlier range as if it collided with something that was solid or liquid.

Zero only watched for Mana's next move, his volley of arrows have probably caused something or another to happen and it was about time too. Quickly he switched strategy and his echos all faded as his arrancar abilities started kicking in to effect. A single arm of his was covered in a black aura creating around his skin on that arm to become like a hierro. This was something that only Zero could do and he was proud of it and wouldn't hold back in his tricks in this battle with a final attack on Mana. A cero charged in his hand and he fired putting as much as he could into the normal cero that he fired out. Mana made him leave the chance of going to a good new year's party so she was going to make up for that by giving him a dam good one here in the form of a battle, and it will be a new day when a victory is hopefully held for protecting this city from Demon invasion. All it took was a massive amount of energy and all of his effort, he believed as he wasn't holding back any and going to go beyond his 100% probably.

So get the music start and everyone on the dance floor already!

[Post Ended]

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I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Left_bar_bleue5/100[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty_bar_bleue  (5/100)

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty Re: [GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission - Operation: B.L.O.O.D. [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION]

Wed Dec 26, 2012 6:16 pm

As the destruction of the world started to fall on this small city of Kuala Lumpur, and Mana went and destroyed nearly five miles of the city in a single attack. The rest of the city was swarmed with Demons and Hollows of every shape and size and power level. There was one demon though that was blending in oddly well with the panic, if not for the fact that he was walking towards the center of the city where the Queen of Demons was. This man stood at a reasonable six feet five inches tall and was wearing a black shirt with faded blue jeans. On the right arm of the man, half of a Tribal Tattoo could be seen, and the same could be said for the other arm. The man had an extremely calm look on his face, as if the death and destruction meant nothing to him and it really didn't. This was one of the few things in life that he was truely use to.

As the Cilivians started to run though the streets, trying to escape the chaos that was happening, one man would have the misfortune of running right into Michael. With superhuman swiftness and persion, Michael would grab the skull of his man and lift him off his feet with the strength of a gaint. The man didn't even have time to scream before Michael's reaistu flowed into him and his body completely exploded into a pile of blood and gore. The people that just saw this stopped in fear, and stood there motionless as another strange thing started to happen. The blood of the dead would start to flow towards him, as if it wanted to be there. As the blood would start to flow towards him, it would run up the man's body and then slowly vanish, as if it was sucked into his skin. Michael then looked at the rest of the group, that totaled a dozen or so men, Michael would simply smile and seemly vanish as he quickly killed them all.

Once that was finished, Michael would absorb the blood of the people he had just killed, which now totaled thirteen people. Michael then would take a deep breath for a moment as his power was augemented several times over by the sheer quanity of blood that he had just absorbed. This was known only as Accelerated Blood State. Michael then looked up at the sky for a moment and said his daily prayer.

" May the doors of hell open, and may the blood of the damned pour out of it."

This was Michael's Signature Demon Spell, and one that he had created in his time in the Shadow Fall. Once Michael had finished the chant, a massive hole in the sky would open being close to sixty meters in radius, and then the nearly impossible would happen. It would being to rain blood. As the blood of the damned poured into the street, Michael would close his eyes as he would listen to the screams that happened after it. The rain, against weak humans like this, would have the effects of a strong acid, burning them. All the people that were in the streets, would now be covered in this blood, which would begin to burn away their flesh due to the Demonic Essence in it. Michael would smile at this before he would then jump into the air, his brute strength creating a massive crater under his feet, nearly twelve feet wide.

Once Michael would in the air he would smile for a moment at the buildings around them, and he would begin to fall to the earth at an insane speed. Michael would keep falling, his eyes easily following what was happening, and at the last second he would flip and land on his feet. The moment his foot touched the ground, Michael would unleash the force that he would if he had kicked the ground with a drop kick. The effects were instant. Due to the force of his fall and the added force of the kick, it would level close to four blocks of the city in a single move. This was mostly due to the power of his Blood State, as normally he would never be able to do anything close to this, and this also came with the risk of tearing the muscles in his legs to shreds if he did this kind of thing too often.

Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: Ulqui

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[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty Re: [GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission - Operation: B.L.O.O.D. [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION]

Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:15 am
Location: The Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Time: Night; leading into New Years Morning as the thread progresses

Song: Hartmann's Youkai Girl - Artist: Magnum Opus - Words: 3804
Once all the destruction from her previous attacks had began to lower, the ash settled and revealed that most of it had gone through as tended. So, through a series of satisfied moans, Mana was very pleased at her first series of assaults that were inflicted upon the city had gone through as intended. Yet, she was disenchanted with the response which was given. With her immense ability to sense spirits, she had sensed the presence of one very powerful being heading towards her. However....he seemed to be lacking company. It was quite...pathetic. As she started to watch all the fighters gather around her, Mana could do nothing but let out a wicked witches laugh. Was this the best the opposing team could do to stop The Demon Queen's Wrath from being inflicted upon this damned city? Really, as the highly explosive arrows shot off from the mighty Zero of The Yayjuu, all The Queen could do was let out an increasingly vocal cackle from her lips. You would think Earth would send an entire platoon of super powered freaks to fight her, but this was it? THIS WAS THEIR PLAN? AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

"Don't. Make. Me. Laugh." Echoed Mana's voice throughout the battlefield as snaky grin was seen emerging across her face. Looking from left, to right, to above to below; she licked her lips with sheer to glee as she was ready to utterly obliterate every trace of these amateurish attempts at damaging her well being. So, as her first plan of action to go on the counter assault, Mana would have her own energy begin to make an attempt at overpowering the arrows that were fired off at her. Thus, as a result, an intense burst of green light would shoot out of every orifice of Mana's body that would hopefully engulf most of these bows in it's dark embrace. From there, it would attempt to break these attacks done and assimilate it into Mana's additional power to further fuel her for this war. If they could not consume this energy? Then they would simply attempt to destroy these arrows with her own vast amounts of energy that was stored inside of her body.

"You look like you aren't workin' with a full deck, sugah'." With a twisted mixture of ecstasy, lust and blood thrist; Mana let out yet another moan of passion as her face burned beat red before twisting into another sinister grin. "Cause if you did, hehehe, you'd know better then to rebel against your Queen." Licking her lips once more, she'd savior the flavor of this fight. To her? This was simply going to be another walk in the park. In her mind? Things were crashin', mashin' and molding together to fit into one piece that would result in the creation of her plans materialization into the world around her. There was NO SINGLE man, woman, beast or THING that could stop her at this point. From all of her battles, from all her trials; everything had simply gone according to her will and it was quite the thrill to indulge in. So, as she looked at the fast paced feats of Zero, she could commend the lad on trying to stop her, but it would ultimately prove to be pointless once she began to put in the footwork to put a stop to his attempts at halting The Queen's wrath.

As her eyes began to widen with utter madness and murderous intent, Mana was beginning to tap deeper into her true self and awaken her powers. Beaming with a deranged smile at this point, she wasn't afraid of a single thing Zero had done to protect himself. Thus, ignoring all of the steps he took to safeguard himself from her, Mana would rush in directly towards him as he had fired off his truly furious cero blast towards her. Staring at this assortment of glorious energy head-on, it did not faze Mana one bit compared to the monstrous wave of power she had demonstrated in wiping out six miles of this ratchet city. In fact, it only made that demented grin of her grow even more in delight. "After I obtain the power this lovely, virgin planet has to offer me, consuming all other worlds will be a piece of cake. I'll just keep racking up, racking up AND RACKING UP ALL THE POINTS IN THIS GLORIOUS GAME CALLED LIFE! AND ONCE I'VE ACQUIRED THE SCORE OF T HE HIGHEST PLAYER, I'LL BE THE ONLY QUEEN THIS REALM NEEDS!"

Now at the point of hollering like a madman, it was clear that she was starting to lose a grip with things, but was still sane enough to see through with her battle plan. So, in accordance with that plan, her body had been set into a purely destructive state. Holding each of her hands outward, Mana wouldn't even bother to use her magic to assist her this time. Instead of using any sort of external, magical or otherwise spiritual means to counter this? Mana would face this problem head-on and use her own overwhelming force to make an attempt at ripping straight through the cero blast. This could be done quite easily. Why is that? Heh, it's because because the gauntlets on her hands? Yeah, they were strong enough to even give Kenpachi Zarkai a run for his money the instant the punches started flying from these gloves.

So, with a crazed yell, The Demon Queen would make a pass at ripping this entire energy blast in half with her bare hands and then sending each halve of the destructive wave into the opposite direction to kill crowds of people that sat below them. For, if this move was successful, Mana would aim these spheres of death at innocents around her. And, with the overwhelming amount of force placed into these attacks, it should be taking place at such an insane rate of speed and, with the staggering power being put behind it, that it would be quite difficult to regain control of these blast from any opposing forces. As, the effects of this gauntlet are so immense, it's even possible for it to effect the supernatural. Allowing Mana to slice through Kidō or energy attack as if they were nothing but liquid in some instances.

Proceeding onward from whatever would come of that previous assault, Mana would follow it up with a highly calamitous piercing blow. Realizing that the sound barriers proprieties were attempting to make most attacks bounce off, Mana would simply extend the finger tips of gauntlets to the point were it would be roughly one hundred feet long. This would result in a burst of momentum; granting it access to additional kinetic force to force it's way through the shield. Then, factoring the decimating offensive force it has, this would have a double effect on the sound and attempt to shatter the shield Zero had placed around himself. Thirdly, when you take the excess amount of power that Mana has, she would use her daunting supply of energy to add to these two effects and effectively overpower Zero's Vibrating Barrier if she could help it. Thus, with a laugh, a shout and scream; Mana would hopefully be breaking through it and going in for a direct blow in his chest or stomach area.

At the rate of speed it was moving and the cutthroat offense behind it, there was a high chance this could go through. If this were to be the case? Then the gauntlets fingertips would act like highly amp'd claws that could effect beings and objects on a metaphysical level. And, in accordance with this, the kinetic energy from the impact would spread throughout Zero's body. The bang would be so powerful, that in fact, it could even temporarily halt the use of Zero's powers. This is because the brunt of most attacks radiating from this gauntlet can effect varying persons and objects that it touches on a physical and spiritual level, if at the cost of Mana burning through a bit more energy then usual in order to get the job done. Yet, with something like this, this wasn't going to be the only thing that Zero should worry about. As, in addition to that, there was a risk that extreme waves of pain would flow like a never ending rain throughout his body; almost to the point of possibly making him blinded by absolute agony. Shooting headaches, vomiting of blood and bowel, shattering of bones, rupturing of organs and even internal bleeding of the brain were all possible with this single contacting blow from Mana.

Still, her direct attack was not going to be over just yet. Pulsating herself with intense surges of energy, Mana had her power reach a "peaking" state, so to speak. Knowing that she was going to be in the line of fire attacking someone at such a close range, she had her energy become so volatile at the moment that it would be ready to melt straight through varying energy attacks or direct physical blows from weapons or punches if the instance should come up. No matter what, she was determined to make her rampage felt across every single square inch of this damned boys body. "More, More, More! I WANT YOU TO FEEL IT! I WANT YOU TO FEEL MORE OF THE QUEEN'S WRATH! TASTE ME AS I TASTE YOU, BITE INTO ME AS I BITE INTO YOU! FEEL THE HELLS OF COMBAT WASH DOWN UPON YOU AND DANCE WITH ME IN THE FIRES OF HADES!" Screamed Mana as happily as ever; yet seeming like such a chaotic banshee to all others around her. Some would even consider her next few actions vile.

Face becoming beat red once more, she reached downwards into her crotch area with her free hand, rubbed it and let it another screech of gushy happiness. Leaking vaginal fluids in every direction but right, she licked each fingertip vigorously and once again took delight in this twisted game of combat she was in once again. More then that, though, she would use this same hand in order to send Zero crashing into the concrete. Extending the length of her hand outwards, she would attempt to insert her claws into his face, or at least grab hold of it. From there? If all goes as planned? She would use her overbearing force to ensure that she is locked on to the young Ziamichi, and then sending him slamming into the Earth. With each blow feeling like a direct strike from Zaraki Kenpachi himself on a metaphysical (Spiritual) and physical level, Mana would attempt, in her psychotic rage, to send him slamming one hundred meters into the Earth. On the heels of that? She would then drag him back into the surface and make a pass at slamming him through a series of a dozen building throughout the area; each impact becoming stronger then the last until she would finally slam this damned boy into the Petronas Towers themselves; with enough striking force to possibly bring them crumbling to the grounds below them.

Moving her head from side to side in a crazed fashion, Mana was having the time of her life as she screamed bloody murder and joy. "TIME FOR THE PIECE DE RESISTANCE!" Wherever Zero may be at this point, The Demon Queen would attempt to lock on to his location and put her pulsation to it's highest level in order to utterly blitz through any sort of surprise attacks or additional opponents that may happen to get in her way. Surging like a untamed rocket, she would then lower head and position herself in order to gore straight through Zero's chest or stomach area; retracting the arm that may or may not have pierced him the instant this happen. Now, from this point, one of two things could occur if this attack goes as planned. One of the first is that she can simply pierce him in whatever spot she happens to land in; sending a critical blow throughout his body that can possibly shatter through his defenses with the immense amount of striking force her horns have and have a high probability of Zero's spiritual energy suffering serious enough damage to where he could have further difficulties in using his power or being stopped right here this early in the game.

The second, and this is if the force is strong enough, scenario that can happen is that she can possibly even rip a hole clean through Zero. That is, she would propel herself at such extreme speeds and force that she would utterly blaze through Zero's chest and attempt to splatter his entire upper body across the battlefield in an amazing display of brutality. And, if that weren't enough, she would even have four additional spiked tips each extend from her horns and attempt to following up with additional, but less powerful blows across Zero's body in order to ensure that something hits. "Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, SLEEP, SLEEP! SLEEP AND DIE MY DARLING, DIE!" Repeated Mana over and over in a psychopathic tone as she began becoming more merciless in her attacks. Very soon after that chant, a dozen tentacles that illuminated a green glow were seen ripping out of Mana's back; each opening to reveal they all had razor sharp teeth each snarled quite viciously at Zero. Without much warning, she would then add these into the blows; beefing up their strength to a metaphysical level as well in order to eat through Zero's body. She was going to attempt to eat him alive here, and she was screaming bloody murder and laughing her head off as she would pray to be tasting Zero's flesh; trying to devour his damned flesh in this very spot as that grin grew wider, wider and wider with the amount of anticipation that grew within her heart at the thought of this pathetic insult for a warrior dying at her feet.

Eyes rolling back into her head at this point, Mana let out an ungodly moan as she felt herself getting weak at the knees at all of this delicious carnage. So much so, that if Zero had happened to be under her, he would then begin to notice a strange liquid falling down on him from Mana's skirt. This girl, by becoming so ferocious, had started nearly orgasm as she had bit her lip tightly and made emerald green blood bleed down upon whoever would before her feet. Yet, she wouldn't have time to let it go fall circle. There appeared to be another CLOWN heading towards the battlefield. So, having her free hand gather up the acclimating amounts of vaginal juices flowing from her, Mana placed her fingers in her mouth, licked each of them carefully and said: "STEP RIGHT UP ONE AND ALL, IF YOU WANT A FREE GALLON OF RAPE, HERE COMES A FUCKING TRUCKLOAD OF IT!" At that instant, a sphere had materialized in the palm of Mana's...wet....hand. On the top of it? There was a glowing red button on it and she did not hesitate to crush this entire device in her bare hands to activate something truly devastating to all those on the battlefield.

In a matter of seconds, a bowling roar could be heard throughout the entirety of Kuala Lumpur. Thousands upon thousands were heard screaming as the power was seen being cut off throughout the entire section Mana was in charge of invading; plunging those not already drowned into the fires of death into darkness. Then, the Earth itself began to violently shake on par with the same Earthquake which had hit Haiti over four years ago; causing entire structures to collapse under the load of this strange force. And lastly, and most devastatingly, the mother load had hit. Ungodly screams for help were uttered as entire city blocks began dropping into the Earth itself as sounds of live human bodies squishing again, what was presumed to be razor blades turning against their very living flesh as their horrifying yelps for help were echoed throughout the city.

"COME ALIVE, MY DARLING! LET US REPEAT WHAT WE STARTED IN LONDON! THERE ISN'T A SINGLE MORTAL SOUL THAT HAS THE COURAGE TO STOP MY WILL NOW! LET US MOVE ON AND BECOME THE TOP PLAYER IN THIS GAME CALLED LIFE! IT'S ALL. NOTHING. BUT. A. GAME." Lost in the abyss of her own madness, Mana could only let out lunatic-like howls as miles of city streets had become engulfed within strange black tentacles. Entire buildings were devoured, reishi consumed and whole living creatures were eaten whole as they tried to run away from these terrifying tools of destruction. "YES!" Then, after the initial waves of destruction from this strange weapon had occurred, something within the front of the Petronas Towers began to emerge. In a crushing sound, an immensely tall tower that was jet black in color had began to erect itself and become roughly the same size as the Petronas Towers.

On the command of the Demon Queen's clap, all Shadow Fall, Monsuta and K-World Operatives within the city limits of Kuala Lumpur would experience a sudden burst in power. From all the resources it was pulling from the Earth itself and reishi it was draining from the city, there would be a sudden influx in the capacities of all those whom were fighting on it's side. Feeling the burst herself, Mana could only rub her crotch area in utter pleasure as she kept making fast paced moans and blushing extremely hard; sticking her tongue out in sheer delight of what was going on all around. Everything was nothing but a satisfying, orgasmic, bloody red blur. With the city hopefully descending further into the pits of satanic hell on Earth, one of the primary offense measures of this weapon of mass destruction would be put into place.

Moments before Hanako would get close to Mana, a sudden burst of strange mist was released from the tower. It was released for miles and miles onward as everything was engulfed in this dark haze. What had just happened? Heh, a truly divine wave of poisonous air mixed with nanobots had been spread throughout the city. If not stopped? It will keep covering the entirety of Kuala Lumpur that will steadily or swiftly weaken the abilities of all of their foes. 'Twas the same tactic used in London all over again. Emerge in a forsaken city, attack it with unrelenting force and take it over with hostile action and weapons of Mass Destruction. In Mana's mind? God damn, this was all nothing but child's play at this point. "Ashes, ashes, WE ALL FALL TO ASHES!" At that moment, the tides of this war could clearly be seen changing. From underground a sudden outpouring of insanely augmented Demons, Hollows, Arrancar and other creatures of the night had began to flood the city streets. It seemed as if they were steadily takeover and all anyone could do was simply watch in terror as the Demon Queen had her fill of this city.

Everything was going according to plan, yet there was something far off in the distance that Mana desired much more then any of this worthless weaklings who couldn't even give her a good show or a twirl across the ballroom floor. In her crazed haze, she slowly tilted her head towards the North as she grinned and snickered. She could feel it, she could feel it within every fiber of her being. Someone, someone of her polar opposite nature had arrived in this very city. It felt felt so nice....and she had to corrupt it. Eyes seeming to dull over, Mana licked her lips and stared intently towards that direction. "There is something delicious out there, there is someone who can entertain me. Yes, OOOOO SUGAH, I can feel you and I will be there when I'm done with the peanut gallery here!" Called out to Mana to that oh-so-powerful being that was so far away. As images began to dance around in her head, there could only be one who could give her a satisfying dance tonight: Reimu Iramasha.

With that in mind, she knew at that moment things were going to have to end quickly here. Glancing to her side, she would then notice one of the Grand Dukes of Shadow Fall out and about causing destruction. Not having much time to remember which one, all she knew was that he was on her side during her crazed rage. So, in her enervated state, she would tilt her head towards Michael's Direction. 'Hey, little demon, prepare to seize control of this city quick. We're getting out of here soon and heading towards Orange Team Sectors to fight this Shrine Maiden Bitch.' She spoke telepathically towards him. 'Ye' should be getting a boost of sweet power and ability from that device. Ye' will need to keep it up if we are gonna seize control of this city.' Feeling a bit tired at this point, Mana would cease communication from him and wait to hear his response as she let out a relaxed breathe and then snickered a bit about all the potential this fight could have as things got more and more choatic within the Hell that was Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

And to further cement that fact, she was seen looking towards the ruins of the sector she was in charge of. In her mind? She would hope these miserable sacks of meat would just die already as Mana pointed her hand out towards Hanako with a smile on her face. "I'm sorry, I don't know who you are, I don't care who you are and I'm not sure what you think you are doing. But, you see, I'm a busy girl. And busy girls don't have time to waste around. So, to cut this tango short, please just drop dead, hunny!" And with that said, Mana would use some of the excess energy gathered from the area in order to release a five hundred meter wide and tall blast towards Hanako that was capable of destroying beings, objects and matter on a microscopic level when it came to living realm and metaphysical realm. There could have been more viciousness added into the attacks, but Mana had felt a bit exhausted from all that she had already done. Panting, sweating and basking in her own glow; Mana had steam exit from her lips and limp'd her head down before commanding thousands upon thousands of tentacles to ensnare Hanako and suck the life right out of that succubus whore.

Now with everything coming to a close, is there even a shade of hope for the opposing team? Mana would hope not, as this is only the beginning of Operation B.L.O.O.D.





[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] WVMWLOu
The Game
Joined : 2012-12-11
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[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Left_bar_bleue65150/100[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty_bar_bleue  (65150/100)

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty Re: [GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission - Operation: B.L.O.O.D. [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION]

Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:52 pm


Landen ran onward just in time to see a hover car pass him heading TOWARDS the destruction, he might not be alone! He kept sprinting forward as he saw a man exit the car and take fire on Mana, as soon as his arrow ripped free seemingly countless others looking exactly like him appeared from thin air. All of them sending forth the same volley of arrows. Each one being made of pure energy and looking brilliant in the dim light. Landen was awed for a moment as he saw the shadows outline the man and Mana, the only light behind the distant fires and the arrows. He felt discouraged or a moment knowing he was a mortal amongst gods. He began to grind his teeth as he dipped back into the shadows knowing he'd be no good in this battle, just in time to bump into a shrouded woman, a woman whom pressed a stone into his hands. The second it touched skin the feeling of fear towards Mana vanishing, the fear of death by her gone as well. He nodded silently to the woman as she went to confront Mana. He respected this silent wonder as he moved further away, knowing he'd do better to kill Mana's lower ranking members.

He jogged through the streets following the surge of fleeing people to make sure they all had safe passage, his spirit pressure hidden, he was a lion amongst lambs, but these lambs had no reason to fear him. The wolves that would attack did. Suddenly a man was lifted up by his skull next to Landen and murdered. His movements were fast as he split from the group and flashed upwards to a low hanging building. He saw as the rest of the group was killed, tears instantly coming to his eyes as a demon absorbed their blood. The demon stood there for a second chanting, when his chanting stopped a rend in the sky opened up as blood poured from the gash. He could feel the negative energy from it and his fear was confirmed as people began to scream when the blood touched them, it burning through their flesh. He looked up at unsheathed his Zanpakutō pointing it towards the hole in the air, it needed to be stopped. He muttered, "Hadō 33 - Sōkatsui (蒼火墜, Blue Fire, Crash Down) Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws." As a large blue ball of pure energy rocketed towards the gash in thy sky, its size large, the acidic blood burning to nothing whenever it connected with the orb, aiming to explode in the core and destroy it. His arms shook a little from the energy needed to cast the Kidō in such size but it had been done. He would now be well known to the demon as his free handed pointed where the demon would be landing and he yelled, "Bakudo 30 - Shitotsu Sansen (嘴突三閃, Beak-Piercing Triple Beam)" He pointed his free hand towards the monster as his thumb index and middle finger lit up at the tip in golden light, the points connecting to for a triangle. One beam of light would shoot towards the demon to spear him to the ground, towards his torso. A second would slam out aiming for the demon's left arm, the last aiming for the right.

Landen smiled a bit as his feet pushed off of the ground and he leapt into the air when the man connected with the earth's surface, dust rolling up everywhere, his body gliding upward over where the demon had landed as his Zanpakutō pointed downwards towards the demon, "Hadō 32 - Ōkasen" with that he'd slash his blade as a wide arch of golden energy surged out of it and sped towards the demon, like a sword slice but amplified as it gained speed. Landen would fall to the earth and land upon the balls of his feet in a dark ally as he closed his spirit pressure off again, he would move fast and attack faster.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Dire Need on Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:02 am; edited 1 time in total

|Death is but the first step in life|

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] ZfrGue8

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] EUuCTxy
Entity of Contradiction
Joined : 2010-12-01
Posts : 1368
Age : 27

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[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Left_bar_bleue9000/10000[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty_bar_bleue  (9000/10000)

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty Re: [GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission - Operation: B.L.O.O.D. [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION]

Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:14 pm

(Posting Music Below, Use it for My posts and UHCM's)
(Expect another post from me after this one, thank you)

So this was how thing actually played out it seems as his arrows were taken out very easily by Mana's overpowering presence on the battlefield. He wasn't sure if they could be consumed or not after all his energy was a bit unique to natural energy of those around him in the fact that it was a mixture of both Quincy and Arrancar. His own cero didn't do much better against the demon queen as she showed that her weapons could rip them apart and now would cause trouble for innocents around the city as they were sent flying elsewhere and she charged onward with her gauntlets at the ready for a strike to him. As she raced at him with the extension of those things to pierce him and his sound barriers, he would move off out of the way of them with his speed and use of Sonido on the building's rooftop. Before she even got those things in good range to hit him, he could sense his sound effects being ripped apart and needed to act quickly and accordingly. Watching them pass by as he moved on to his right, jumping off the roof top and on to another several feet away turning around to face Mana's former path of attack. This wasn't going to be easy and no one said it was simple either and by how Mana spoke, she was literally taking this as a game of some sorts. You had to be really messed up in the head to have a thinking process like that, from his point of view.

He was still in close range but he wasn't sticking on this building for long as he moved to next few buildings over as Mana was pleasuring herself in the middle of all this madness. It really was something that made him think some thing like "what the fuck?". She was definitely like no opponent he has ever faced in combat and there were probably going to be a few other like her somewhere in this crazy world. As he jumped from building to building he quickly pulled out his super drug. He quickly opened the can and took only a sip of it. With that his powers were pushed forward, he still wasn't on Mana's level still but his power increase should of shortened the gap between them. He wasn't positive on the side effects of using the super drug on a smaller level but it wouldn't be good if he had to use it multiple times probably. So with that he would go to put the drug away within his given time and land on another building that was several away from Mana and was actually taller than the one he use to be on. He couldn't prepare much more as Mana was on to her next assault on him with his guess as she came at him again.

She seemed to race at him with speed but Zero was well prepared as he unleashed a wave of air towards her at high speeds with sound influencing it. Although she could get he gauntlets pass his attacks could she herself get pass it so quickly. Using the remaining time he could only move so much as she move to try a stab at his stomach area. But reaction was on his side to maneuver to the side again leaving only air to cut through, then came those horns from her and being in such close range made them get easier on delivering hits on him. He could only watch as the first hits got him in his sides and body, and he felt pain for once from the Demon Queen. He didn't allow the horns to get deep into him though as they only pierced but he backed away from them and Mana. He could stand the pain though as he always tried to and went on to feel a rush of energy through him as he was hurt. In the background he heard his own thoughts, Key's thoughts, and Mana's voice as she told him to sleep and die.

He wouldn't go down like that though as he felt his Dues ex kicking in and his hollow abilities got magnified by it's effect in Zero state. He also felt things getting slower in his mind and actually his reactions were at a all time higher with all the danger around him. His Backlash was kicked in as well as the tentacles from Mana were ready to bite into him. As he moved now even with his bit of bleeding from the wounds in his body,he tried maneuvering around most of them as they tried to feed on him. his movements now left a afterimage in the view of others and showed his faster state. He moved to escape Mana's close range but then one got him and took a bite out of his enhanced arm with their teeth. It quickly got what it wanted and was taken off and he moved back more. In his unaffected arm he charged up a cero, but not a ordinary cero as it was known as the Gren Rey Cero that only top Arrancar knew how to use in combat. With his Dues ex implant at work and his energy already flowing at a higher level this thing charged up and fired out on Mana in mere moments of time.

He hoped this would have some kind of effect on here, but probably wasn't going to cause serious problems for his fight or finish her. He was just hoping for some kind of damage on the demon queen if any could be done. Zero could stand much more of this in his weak state even with Backlash on he had to move with a quick leave. With that, he backed off to a ruined section of the city in a use of Sonido, watching her next plan of action go into play. Hoping also since he was injury and not even in a state of threat at the moment, her attention would go elsewhere. She seemed to have done something as he heard a roar like no other and something was going into effect as she spoke of London. He quickly realized she had activated the device that caused many including members of nearly every organization to leave the city. He was fairly certain that if the didn't take that thing down then and now it would be impossible to strike the dam thing down and protect this city. From the looks of what was happening it was underneath the surface of the city like in London, but quite what was this piece of machinery.

He didn't have quite many guesses on what to do but he watched as a rather large dark tower emerged from the ground next to the original tower in the city. Was this it's main source of power or was it something much worse than that. You didn't have to be blind to notice with hearing, the sound of many more people dying today in this city. It sickened him more and absolutely pissed him off beyond belief. He moved toward the towers and around the tentacles that had come from Kuro Suso. He pushed aside the gas coming into the area from the tower with his sound rapture making a wall pushing it away. Once the gas was far enough away and he guessed he was close enough, he unleashed hell on the tower.

Using his cero in a multiple barrage and then opening his mouth like one would fire a normal cero, instead he charged and fired out a Gren Rey Cero on it twice, one after the other, watching his surroundings for Mana, then also any of here present allies, and finally the tentacles of the Kuro Suso would probably be reacting to his attacks by now if they were connected. He only watched now as the mist drew closer pushing it back if it came closer to his sector and probably making it go into the others. He hoped they could handle it as he was definitely going to need the absence of it against Mana and keeping her occupied. He kind of wondered who was keeping her attention right now and if they needed help from him. But for now he would only release his anger and pain that had been buried within him for awhile in a scream. He wasn't sure what would come from it but it felt good to release something like it from him.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS NEXT?" He yelled out in a scream for once, releasing his anger and pain.

He wondered what would be is next move as he hopefully demolished a bit of that tower with his strength especially at his current power and fact that Gren Rey Cero was meant to even devastate cities easily. But the battle was only a beginning and Mana wasn't going to get away with the same trick twice, while he was around. He would probably die before he leaves this city to the hands of the Demon Queen and Shadow Fall, so this fight was far from over.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
Entity of Contradiction
Joined : 2010-12-01
Posts : 1368
Age : 27

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[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Left_bar_bleue9000/10000[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty_bar_bleue  (9000/10000)

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty Re: [GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission - Operation: B.L.O.O.D. [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION]

Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:01 pm
Austin Enki
Nature Shaman, Earth Nature Iramasha

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] 2285f32d0c3d99f59870137fb214a4ae1227141285_full

"Why is such a thing within me?" He would ask himself as the Nature Iramasha was approaching the battlefield that was within the Capital of Malaysia.

Under the city known to most of the people that occupied it was a machine of some sort known as the Kuro Suso. it was something that would help the antagonists of this city but also stole energy from the planet, Earth. This brought about the wrath of a certain Nature Iramasha that represented the Earth entirely. He was known as Austin Enki, the Nature Shaman of Iramasha Clan's Nature Branch. Although most wouldn't be able to react so quickly and fast, Austin was able to sense the activation of the machine even all the way in Japan and Karakura. So with that knowledge he sent word to Iramasha of his intentions and left Nue to deal with any new Nature Iramasha. If anything would end him, Nue would be the only Nature Shaman and would probably take on an apprentice to make up for his lost. Austin couldn't ignore this though, this call that made him and the earth fill with worry and also only fill his hatred for demons as he arrived. He wasted no time as he used his custom chaos warp to appear underground with the Kuro Suso's area of placement. It was definitely well guarded and was stealing energy from the planet, something that he would quickly put a end to with his intentions.

He approached trying not to be noticed in such an area underground and revealed something he held in his pockets wrapped in a cloth. After revealing in as the Iramasha Earth gem, it quickly sucked all of the earth energy in the area quickly inside stealing it away from the Kuro Suso's attempts. It wouldn't find another source in the ground probably for miles and he could only laugh as he did this, not worrying if the guards could get him or not as he took the gem into his hand now. In the other, forming from his hand was his Seishin Buki, a steel serpent ball with a nice long chain that he could extend with his energy. this wasn't much of anything fancy but it was well deserved for his next action as he looked at any guards approaching him and raised up the ball and hit it as hard as he could towards them. This much strength would smash anyone on impact and probably wouldn't stop it after multiple hits at his level. His expectation was to have it impact all the way to the Core of Kuro Suso. Now most would think that steel isn't that hard but this steel just goes with the name, and is actually extremely durable to attacks.

After that first strike he would quickly retract it and release to his highest state that made him appear with legionary armor upon him and his Seishin Buki quickly multiplied to a total of eight but were slightly smaller than the first original one. He watched with all his focus for a reaction and he would use an ability know as earth tide as he force the earth they used a floor to rise up and hatter as it moved like a wave to bury the enemies hopefully and after that he would use his abilities to raise the ground completely around him and smash anyone on it and that ground into the Kuro Suso's core. With that he activate his only second release ability, Ancient Summoning that called up a wonder of the past to the battlefield. With his choice he made the Tower of Babel appear in the area giving all those without the ability to fly, can float and fly at will and lightning users if they were on top of the tower a major boost. Anyone that had capabilities that correspond to either, had a feeling now as if the option was available by the presence of this wonder. The powerless could fly without any assistance or help from the spiritual beings and it was definitely a gift that was helpful as many now escaped the tentacles and holes created by Kuro Suso.

Austin watched with laughter as his plans were working and as resistance came to him he would launch out an swing his serpent balls out at multiple wrecking balls as they would reach out smashing into the enemies' heads that he aimed at properly with hope. After he took out these guards, he could put his full focus on this thing's core and kill it for once. With the earth energy stolen in the gem, he kind of wondered how this this would be running on now and did his single attack on it leave any sort of mark, giving him a clue to it's durability at the time. Were any of these guard even worth his time as he would be trying to smash one's head in after the other. It wasn't even becoming much of a challenge as they were in his domain even with the Kuro Suso and he held the Earth iramasha Gem in his hand as a source of even more power. The Tower of Babel supplied energy to many for flying and probably if used correctly will make a major asset in this city's battle.

Austin did what he could for now and hoped that the others on the surface could last a little longer with the disadvantages against them. Help was on the way and he was only the start of assistance that other organizations could off to this city and it's people. The Earth iramasha often didn't help other people, especially humans, but today was a special exception and the start of a new year.

"Why pick today? Why did you pick this place? Why did you pick my planet!?" He asked and yelled out at the guards in some way expect an answer.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Left_bar_bleue5/100[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty_bar_bleue  (5/100)

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty Re: [GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission - Operation: B.L.O.O.D. [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION]

Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:53 pm

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] 150px-Tifa-d012ff-artwork
Hanako Shikijou Junior
Super Powered 0-2+
Hanako keeps her ground as she views upon Mana's methods of offense and notices that there is hardly a pattern as madness is driving the stick in her mentality. However, it would seem that way, but the pattern is there. First, Mana attacks from long range with a blast of deathly energy and then moves in for the kill with her tentacles. Zero was quite a help in letting Hanako study her. With her mental deduction, Hanako can identify Mana as a Demon Class Es-Plus (S+.) Not only that, Hanako discovers the anatomy of Mana's being. From that moment, Hanako learns quickly about the Demon Persona, a piece for Hanako's Trinity Persona ability. That also means that Hanako can turn herself into a Demon at will within reason. However, seeing an ally in danger is something she cannot ignore. Especially when it is a student of Karakura High School and a member of her family friend's organization; it will make Hanako have to fight for the lives of others.

Upon looking at the tower and its miasma, Hanako can see the nanobots within the gas as it was meant to hinder from outside-in. Not only it risen from the ground, it poses a critical threat because it is Shadow Fall's trump card. It is very noticeable of how threatening it is when Zero was going out of his way from fighting Mana Ashthavon to try scratching the monstrosity of a structure. With a building that big, defense is higher than it is obviousness to the eyes of the world. An epiphany strikes upon Hanako's tactical mind as the Shadow Empress of Japan and future caretaker of the planet in succession from TelcinVohlis. Like metal, the tower does not simply break and shatter; it has to take damage overtime while it is also like a castle; it may look invincible on the outside, but when inside, it is very vulnerable. Zero may have not notice that point sooner as he was launching gran ray cero waves at it wildly. Hanako looks back at the leader, Mana Ashthavon and notices her gaze upon Hanako now.

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you are, I don't care who you are and I'm not sure what you think you are doing. But, you see, I'm a busy girl. And busy girls don't have time to waste around. So, to cut this tango short, please just drop dead, hunny!" Mana threatens as she points out to Hanako. Seeing the pose before by other people, Hanako dissipates her sword and reels back her fist. "Reality is a lie, from the Eyes and Heart of the King of Souls, show strength against my foes and roar forth without remorse! Spear of Protector!" Hanako recites. The spell was an infusion spell that only works on the body of the user. When Mana uses a wide wall of destruction, Hanako cannot escape with speed alone; for that, she has to go through it. Penetration is the best solution as it requires significantly less energy to penetrate than to block. The Spear of the Protector strengthens the body by nine times at her current caliber while a rush of personal positive energy rushes out to disperse the field of negative energy away from the person's body. Thus it means that Hanako turns herself into a spear of light and pierces through the attack directly. Because of the attack's density, the effort was moderate in difficulty and leaves Hanako with a bead of sweat and without scratches or wears because of the ending effect of a life spell as secondary adds a momentary healing trance. The range is restricted to save on energy, thus why she appears at the other end of the attack rather than up close and personal against Mana. As for the boost of physique, it stops the moment Hanako cancels the spell's duration.

The next thing coming at her was a wall of tentacles that are no doubt meant to suck the life out of her if they touch her. For Hanako to survive this, she has to think quickly. Perceptive of Hanako, she notices that Mana Ashthavon will be at her exhausted state and thus vulnerable. She glows brightly and as the light explodes and separate, Hanako is in her Slumdog Reaper armor, which is designed to protect her against gaseous attacks and attacks that would have attach themselves to her flesh without it. However, the armor is too heavy to maintain her footing on spiritual platforms that kept her in the air. The solution is using her jump jets to keep herself in the air as she pulls the safety off of her twin flamer gauntlets through her helmet computer. Unlike her physical self, the armor acts as a substitute for her physical endurance, thus if she changes back, she will be less tired out from the whole measure. As for the tentacles, Hanako shoots herself straight into the wall and activates the flamers accompanying the jump jets' overdrive to make herself a missile that burns all the tentacles in her way while piercing through their ranks. As Hanako corkscrews through, she presents four problems for Mana's tentacles. One is her speed and thrust makes it hard for the tentacles to grab onto her while if some managed, they are likely to get pulled along and burned by Hanako's jump-jets that can melt aluminum (and enough to melt human flesh.) Problem two is the corkscrew where if they latched onto her, they will get twisted to the point that it will be hard for them to untangle themselves individually or be torn apart. Problem three is the armor where the design was made to prevent them from latching onto her flesh, so they get nothing out of her while the plating is edged, meaning they will get cut up if they get caught on it. Problem four is the flames from her flamers; as the flames are trailing behind her, she is burning the tendrils that would be pursuing her while burning the tendrils' body, making it hurt to the core and very less likely that she would be caught while the monsters are busy trying to deal with their own pains and burning.

Midway from into the army of tentacles, Hanako releases a triad of special charges called, "Slasher Charges." These charges are shaped charges that are designed specifically to explode outward into a ring of bladed shrapnel. When modified for her armor, these charges can be detonated through her helmet computer and will cover only ten feet in radius at full force in crowded areas. For these tentacles, that factor will be reduced to five feet in radius each charge. With a triad, the charges would cover nine feet in radius at most. As Hanako cues the detonation, the charges rupture, each releasing a ring of bladed shrapnel capable of dismembering nine feet worth of tentacles in radius. While Hanako goes on to face Mana. Possibly with fewer tentacles, Mana would be having less option and see Hanako as a bigger threat than just someone who she just blow off.

Upon exiting the relentless army of tentacles, Hanako cuts off her flamers and manifests a pistol in her left hand as she opens fire upon Mana with not regular bullets. The bullets are from her soul, which like Mana's energy blast, will hurt a lot if shot by them as a spirit. However, unlike Mana's blast, Hanako's bullets favors more on penetration, thus even if Mana makes a split second barrier, the bullets will pierce through the defense and embed themselves into her flesh while without it would result in Mana having holes as the bullets would pass by with highly concentrated energy in a very compressed state of release. These bullets are her harbingers of her wrath as the member of Karakura Defenders.

Upon reaching Mana, Hanako changes her outfit to her signature tanktop and miniskirt with armored gloves and boots while smashing through any potential barrier that would be damaged by her bullets and/or slams her feet upon Mana's breasts with enough force to topple a semi-truck in form of a double-footed dropkick. "Hi, Hunny! Dead girl's rising!" Hanako shouts as a remark to Mana's threat, "Please just drop dead, hunny!" Providing if she did move, Hanako will simply create a snap platform to step on and launch off to where Mana will be next, so if she ends her dodge, Hanako will be onto her like a hound to a cat as she intends to keep the pressure upon the exhausted leader and keep her struggling and wasting energy before she could have a chance to recover.

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Ff_tifa24

[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
  • Roleplayer
  • Gamer
  • Writer
  • Employed Full-Time
  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
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[GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission  - Operation: B.L.O.O.D.  [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION] Empty Re: [GREEN TEAM] Shadow Fall Mission - Operation: B.L.O.O.D. [LARGE-SCALE EVENT MISSION]

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