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Cross Out
Cross Out
Starter Member
Joined : 2012-02-29
Posts : 43

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Cross Setsuzoku - Cross Setsuzoku[APPROVED, 1-3] Left_bar_bleue0/0Cross Setsuzoku - Cross Setsuzoku[APPROVED, 1-3] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Cross Setsuzoku - Cross Setsuzoku[APPROVED, 1-3] Empty Cross Setsuzoku[APPROVED, 1-3]

Sun May 27, 2012 11:10 am


Cross Setsuzoku - Cross Setsuzoku[APPROVED, 1-3] 331lvyr


Character Name:
Cross setsuzoku

Character True Age:
400 years old

Character Appearance Age:
20 years old

Character Gender:


Personality:Much like the two animals his hollow form resembles, Cross is very opportunistic, and this comes off in his unwillingness to show his hands, even in battle. In fact, there are very few creatures in the world who truly knows Cross, both in personality and in ability. He acts very casually to most, pretending like he is some kind of goof ball, a bumbling, stumbling idiot who rather do pirouttes, arabesques, and bachatas than actually do something worthwhile. Of course, the moment his target lets his or her guard down, much like the mantis or the alligator, he will pounce when they least expect it.

Contrary to this act of course, Cross is actually very smart and cunning. Naturally, you don't get to where he is without being borderline genius, if not completely one. The kind of method he devised for him to regain his power was something few would have thought of, and even fewer would dare try.

This also speaks of his courage and determination. Though it may not appear otherwise, Cross is actually very brave and determined, finishing anything he started and not giving up. Failure is never an option for him. Obstacles are simply nothing more than detours or hurdles that delay the inevitability of his success.

He can be compassionate, especially for humans who become victims of both humans, spiritual humans, or other spiritual beings. If presented a situation to help a human in need, Cross will jump in and try to either form a peaceful resolution or fight in the human's stead.

In truth, Cross seeks something he's never had in his spiritual life, a sense of family and friendship. Though he laughs and goofs around most times, he is a burdened and lonely soul, and he wishes for peace and calmness. However, he is still very much bitter about how Soul Society discarded him when he got weak and was no longer an asset to the Gotei. Because of this, he still holds a grudge against the shinigami. He might eventually forgive them, but that will not come easy for sure.

Once a prized prodigy, Cross was as skilled in might as he was in the classroom. He enjoys going to the human world and sneaking in to a late-night movie to watch Martial Arts flicks or those that cover the history of man, as well as their wars and their gods. He similarly enjoys reading books, be it fictional or non-fictional. He reads both mythology and manga alike, and finds entertainment in those type of media as much as he does a book in science and history.

He is, as already been stated, a goof-ball. When with him, expect a lot of stupid things from Cross, both in physical movements and verbal jokes and punchlines. That being said, he can get very serious, especially when it comes to research and training. When doing so, Cross does not mess around, often pushing himself to and past his limits, even to the point that he passes out in the middle of the training.


Burdened from Birth

As the rain poured endlessly for what seemed to have been an entire day, the hospital windows constantly shook from the booming sound of thunder. Not to be outdone, it seemed the flashes of lightning lit up the dark stormy night of the town of Karakura. Inside the hospital, a woman labored in pain as she prepared to deliver her first born children. Though most couples would have panicked at the thought of having twins, she and her husband were quite the opposite. They shopped every chance they can get to make sure the nursery room is furnished and there were ample clothing for the twins. Cross and Christine, they decided were going to be the names of their children, derived from the family’s religious beliefs. They couldn’t wait for the babies to arrive.

Their happiness would not last however, as that night’s weather conditions proved to be ominous of what was to happen. Christine was the first one to arrive. Her delivery was very difficult, and it certainly took its toll on the woman lying on the operating table. Not long after Christine was born, and definitely not long enough for her to recover, it was Cross’ time to come out. As newborn Cross’ cries echoed through the room, the mood inside the emergency room was unexpectedly gloomy. There were neither screaming for joy nor even exciting proclamation that the couple just had a boy. Instead, the father looked down on his wife, holding her hands, crying and pleading for her to be fine. The doctors and nurses were moving around the room constantly, grabbing medical equipment one after the other. And then, there was silence. Both babies had been removed from the room. The father had quieted himself just for a brief moment, while the hospital staff had stopped moving. Even the rain and the thunder outside seemed to have finally stopped. There was nothing but deafening silence. That is, except for the flatlined sound of the electrocardiogram.

No Love for the Wicked

Blamed for the death of their mother, Christine and Cross lived a miserable life. Their father, once a man of faith, cursed the very god he used to praise. The love he once had for his wife, suddenly missing its intended recipient, found a new one in Christine. His anger meanwhile, also found a target in the form of Cross. That was their childhood. Christine would spend the night in her father’s room, Cross outside in the living room. When morning came, both children would end up crying. Christine from her father’s sinful advances from the night before, Cross from the heavy hand his father lifted on him that morning. For several years, this kind of abuse would continue, leaving many scars on Cross’ body, the most significant one being the burn mark of a coin his father tattooed on the back of his neck after finding out that Cross had considered running away.

The day the twins turned twelve was the day everything changed. That morning, Christine, finally understanding the crime his father had been committing, decided to fight back. She clawed, she scratched, and she kicked, only to be subdued violently by a man twice her size. Hearing the commotion inside the room, Cross kicked the door open and attacked his father. Overwhelmed by anger he could no longer control, Cross unknowingly let out an enormous amount of spirit energy, attracting the attention of a nearby hollow. Christine took a blow to the stomach from her father, sending her to the ground, squirming in pain. Grabbing a flower vase from the top of the drawer, their father then turned his attention to Cross. Before he can take a swing at his child, a creature smashed through the wall and snatched him from behind. Cross looked up and saw his father almost disappear into thin air. He couldn’t understand what was happening. He felt a strong and evil presence around him, but he couldn’t see anyone…or anything. Falling down on his knees, the spirit energy pushing him down, he started to see what was before him.

Still unsure of what is going on and now completely terrified as he look up at the menacing creature in front of him, Cross prepared himself for his own death. But just as the hollow was about to feast on him, a man wearing a black robe appeared and lunged himself towards the hollow. In his haste, the shinigami failed to deliver a fatal blow with his first attack, instead merely cracking the creature’s mask, exposing it’s true identity to be Christine’s and Cross’ deceased mother. Unaware that young Cross had witnessed everything that happened, the shinigami performed a soul burial without as much paying attention to the children, and then left as quickly as he arrived. Confused more than ever and with no one there to explain to him the order of life and death and the progression of hollows and pluses, Cross believed that every one who dies turns into a monster like creature. From that point on, he vowed that he would not forfeit his life so easily, and to do everything he can to survive.

Some Semblance of Normalcy

Equipped with his new found resolve in life, Cross did everything in his power to support himself and his sister, even if it meant aligning himself with a local gang. He was a natural, they told him. He would snatch purses even from the oldest women, and strike her with no remorse if she fought back. Cross was their number one thief, runner, and at times, being an unsuspecting child to most people’s eyes, their assassin. Any job an adult couldn’t do was relegated to him and he completed his tasks quickly and efficiently without saying a word of complaint. In doing so, the head of the gang became very fond of Cross and Christine, ensuring them safety and providing them with a small room for shelter.

Everything was going fine until Cross suddenly started experiencing extreme headaches. He did not think much of it, instead attributing it to the fact that he’s starting to see more and more spirits around him, some of them even able to communicate to him. He figured it was simply stress. After all, who wouldn’t be stressed out having spirits constantly following and haunting you? He was wrong of course. Within a year’s time, these headaches would develop into full blown brain cancer, and though he tried to fight it, with no way to pay for treatment, he eventually succumbed to the disease.

Realizing his worst nightmare, Cross thought that he was about to turn into a monster. He watched over Christine constantly, making sure that she’s safe. It wouldn’t be long until he would come across a shinigami, and was explained what soul burial is and why it needs to be done. Finally gaining understanding of the situation, Cross prepared himself for the burial.


Life in Rukongai was more of the same for Cross, making his living and supporting himself mostly by stealing food from unsuspecting merchants. He lived mostly in solitude, aside from a small group of other misfit kids that he hangs around with. Rather than stressing himself too much, Cross decided to live a relaxed life. He ran around joking with his friends, playing pranks on the adults, and just for the most part goofing off. Unfortunately, this carefree living didn’t last very long.

Coming home one night, Cross and his friends returned to the sight of district residents running in fear. They stood in shock for a bit, until they realized what everyone was running away from. Not too far from where they were standing, they saw the source of all the commotion. It was about 20 ft. tall, moving slowly from one house to another as it devoured anyone that comes across its path. Soon, they found themselves running along with the rest of the crowd, hoping that someone will come and put a stop to the hollow. Sensing Cross’ higher than normal reiatsu, the hollow came after him vigorously. Looking back, he saw the monster chasing after him. Fearing for his life, he ran as fast as he could. With his fear ever growing, his control over his reiatsu started to decline, allowing it to flow freely from his body. This surge of energy just wets the appetite of the hollow even more, causing it to chase after him even more vigorously than before, and finally catching up to him.

About to face his death once again, Cross remembered the promise he made to himself the first time he encountered one of these creatures. Then, he lay still, kneeling down, waiting for it to deliver the blow. As the hollow pounced on him, putting its entire weight down on his body, Cross stayed true to his promise and fought back. No, if he was going to be eaten by this hollow, it wouldn’t be this easy. Placing both his hands in front of him and towards the hollow’s chest, he pushed as hard as he could, putting everything he’s got behind it and let out what he thought was his dying scream. Instead, a dark green light emanated from his hands and started to engulf the hollow right as Cross lost his consciousness.

Upon regaining consciousness, Cross found himself in what appeared to be a hospital. He slowly got up, and was about to inquire regarding his whereabouts when he felt a hand on his shoulders, pushing him down.

“Take it easy. You’re not fully recovered yet”.

Cross looked for the source of the voice and found an older shinigami.

“That was quite impressive, what you did back there. You almost took down that hollow just by releasing your reiatsu alone. Granted, you would have died had I not showed up, but given a year or so training at the Academy, you’ll be able to beat that level of hollow easily”.

The shinigami started to walk away to leave, but stopped as he heard Cross’ inquiry.

“Academy? I’m not sure I understand”

Turning to face him for a little bit, the old man replied. “To prepare future shinigami. That’s what the Academy is for. You’ve been enrolled. Someone like you with that level of reiatsu doesn’t come around too often. Now go get some rest, you start in three days”.

Unfulfilled Potential

Cross’ first day at the Academy was kind of weird. Everywhere he went, he could feel bystanders looking and talking about him. He hadn’t fully realized just how impressive what he did was, at least until now. The students all wanted to befriend him, while the instructors gave him extra attention in class to make sure he is picking up all the materials. By the time the first semester had ended, he was at the top of the class and he had gotten a perfect score on his Kidō exams along with top scores in combat and zanpakatou training. But this all changed once shikai training began. Upon learning his zanpakatou’s name, Cross started to feel physically weak, so much so that he sometimes elected to skip class and study at home instead. He knew right then that something wasn’t right. Even on days where he was strong enough to come to class, he realized that he was in no condition to train. While his written exam grades were still at the top of the class, his grades quickly fell towards the bottom of the class when it comes to Kidō (due to missing too many classes), combat, and zanpakatou training (due to being physically unable to compete).

After seeing his sudden decline in performance, his instructors referred him to the Medical staff to try and figure out what is causing all this. However, Cross already knew what the cause was, and that was his zanpakatou. Upon completing all the tests the Medical staff had him take, they concluded that Cross was indeed right. Sanguijuela is a rare parasitic zanpakatou that eats away at Cross’ reiatsu on a constant basis. Awakening his shikai was the worst thing that could have happened to Cross, and the only cure they suggested was not a cure at all; that is to surrender his zanpakatou and sever it from his body, effectively ending his days as a shinigami.

With him no longer the prodigy he once was, he saw the attention being paid to him by the instructors dwindle down. The praise he was getting from fellow students died down as well. Soon, Cross decided that going to class is pointless. Nobody cares anymore, at least nobody but him. He decided he will continue to study Kidō and other techniques, pass the exams, graduate and then continue to look for a way to cure his illness. The time went by quickly enough. Cross managed to pass all his written and Kidō exams, but failed miserably in physical exams. Still, combined with the stellar grades he had when he first came to the academy, he was able to receive barely passing marks and graduated. The day he came to the academy was full of excitement as he was the focal point of attention by almost everyone. His graduation was the exact opposite; with everyone there barely remembering what kind of prodigy he once was, if they even knew who was.

Finding the Cure

After graduating, Cross applied to join the Gotei 13. One division after another, they all rejected his applications until he only had three choices left: 3rd, 4th, or join the Kidō Corps. Still not giving up that he would once again regain his old strength, Cross decided that the 4th division and Kidō corps would be his last options, and that he would try the 3rd division first. Despite his situation, Cross continued to train whenever he had enough strength to do so. It took him awhile, but he was finally able to develop a shikai technique, which ended up being his first and last one. The day he was to turn in his application for the 3rd division, as fate would have it, was the grand opening of a new bookstore in Soul Society. Going through some of the newer books in the store, he came across one that particularly intrigued him: The Rarest Hollow You Hope You Never See.

There were many different types featured in that book, from Menos to Adjuchas to Vasto Lorde. But there was one type that particularly caught his eye: a Gillian type that can absorb entire hollows, giving it their power and abilities as well as their memories. This, he thought, can be the cure that he’s searching for. Filled with excitement due to his new found discovery, Cross went straight to the library to continue his research, forgetting to turn in the application for the 3rd division. From this moment on, finding this particular Gillian became his obsession.

Cross had been tracking the appearances of Gillian all over the human world in search of the rare one that has the ability to absorb other beings. It was a risky task, as he often had to tip-toe over laws of Soul Society in order to track these hollows. Then, Cross received a call from a shinigami from the Research division. He had owed Cross a favor, and this was how he wanted it cashed in. Using the 12th division’s resources, Cross was able to track this hollow down in the Appalachian Mountains. Finally, the moment he had been waiting for is here. He had been preparing himself for this encounter, and there is no turning back from this point. If this works, then he’ll regain his full strength. If it doesn’t, well, that’s something he’d rather not think about. He opened a portal to the location of the hollow and bid his final farewell to Soul Society. Win or lose, this is most likely the last time he will set foot in Seiretei.

Face Off

The snow falling gently on his shoulders, Cross carefully approached the unsuspecting Gillian. One benefit that Cross receives from his constant draining of reiatsu is that it prevents him from releasing his energy unless he desires so. Any fluctuation of reiatsu that he might have due to fear, excitement, or other forms of emotion are immediately sucked back by his parasitic zanpakatou, preventing them from leaving his body. Still unaware of his presence, the hollow continued to feast on the humans before him. Once he got close to the proper distance, Cross drew his sword, and released his shikai.

“Itadakimasu, Sanguijuela!”

Cross’ chant to release his shikai grabbed the hollow’s attention, halting it from finishing his food only to make it drool for its next meal.

“Hmmm-yeah. A shinigami up here in the mountains? Must be my lucky night hmmm”. Turning its full attention to Cross, the Gillian started moving towards the shinigami. Its movements were stopped however upon noticing a small cut towards its base. “Hmmm-yeah. When did you cut me shinigami? No matter. Such small wound won’t even be enough to slow me down hmm”.

Cross knew that the hollow had underestimated him, but he remained calmed and not showed his hand. Too early, he thought. Playing along, Cross lifted his hands up and pointed his fingers towards the hollow.


The bolt of lightning shot through from his fingers and connected solidly, this time towards the upper part of the Gillian, two to three feet away from its mask. Though the attack barely had an affect on the hollow, the fact that it hit so close to its mask irritated it by a good bit.

“Hmmm-yeah. You’ve done it now shinigami! Your dead hmmm”

Darting towards Cross and attacking in one swift motion, the young shinigami was barely able to dodge a fatal blow. This was not unexpected. Cross knew that with his weakened body, combined with the conditions in the mountains that he would not be able to keep up with the hollow’s physical attacks. He did know that he’ll need to hurry up if he wants it to work. He can feel his body weakening even further. Activating his shikai takes a huge toll on him, only able to keep it up for ten minutes at a time. Given the conditions, and the amount of reiatsu he anticipates he’ll need to carry out his plan, he figured he has six minutes left before he collapses due to exhaustion.

Feeling ever so cocky knowing that the shinigami was barely able to avoid its attack, the Gillian pressed on and continued its assault. Cross re-gathered himself and fired off two more Byakurais, neither attack causing any fatal damage on the hollow, but merely slowing it down a little and re-directing it slightly towards Cross’s left side. Having fired two consecutive spells, Cross felt his knees weakening further.

Two minutes. This is it.

“Ye Lord! Mask of flesh and bone, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws! Sokatsui!”

The blast of spiritual energy connected on the right shoulder of the Gillian, causing it to spin with its back facing Cross, its momentum carrying it towards the shinigami. With one quick slash of his blade, a small cut was made on the upper backside of the hollow. With that swing, Cross falls to his knees, completely vulnerable. Now even more agitated, the hollow rose once again, shrugging off the damage by the Kidō spells and the two small cuts on its body caused by Cross’ attack.

“Hmmm-yeah. You really are pathetic. I can’t believe that’s the best you can do. I thought I could have more fun with…ugh..”

Suddenly, the Gillian fell silent. He felt excruciating pain darting from the wound near his base to the wound on his upper back. Confused, the hollow pounced on Cross, putting him on his back.

“What did you do, you stupid shinigami! Aaargh, I will kill you for this! I WILL KILL YOU!”

His breathing slowing down from the cold and the weight of the hollow on top of him, Cross smiled and gladly explained the Gillian’s predicament.

“That is my zanpakatou’s ability. Each cut I make, no matter how large or small, are connected to each other. It was your loss as soon as I landed my second hit. Within the next five minutes, the parasites in each wound will start eating away and work their way towards each other, creating one long and massive wound that you won’t be able to survive. Your only hope is for me to stop the parasites using my own reiatsu, which kills the parasite and prevents them from spreading”.

Cross knew that the last part was a lie. He can’t stop the parasites, at least not intentionally. They will however stop on their own once Cross reaches full exhaustion and runs out of reiatsu. But the Gillian didn’t need to know that. At this point, Cross knew that his plan has succeeded. Now, it is just a matter of finding out if his theory on the cure is right.

“Hmmm-yeah. Your reiatsu is the cure, hmmm?”

Regaining his composure, the Gillian laughed once again, its arrogance returning as well. One minute left. I’m dead if he doesn’t do it before then.

“In that case, I think I’ll take your reiatsu hmmm!”

With that, the Gillian absorbed Cross unto him. His powers, abilities, and his memories included.

In Perfect Harmony

Absorbing a shinigami seemed to really have motivated the Gillian. Not long after its return to Hueco Mundo did it start bragging about its new victim, drawing the ire of several other gillians nearby. Foolishly, they challenged the braggart. Boosted by his newly absorbed shinigami ability, he easily disposed of the other hollows. He continued on with his rampage, and after claiming hundreds of victims, the Gillian achieved a level he never thought he’d reach; that of an Adjuchas.

He remained in this form for over a hundred years, constantly feeding on weaker hollows and gillians, not paying attention to what is going on inside him. Cross’ theory proved to be correct. Granted, it took a lot longer for it to work than he ever expected, but it worked nonetheless. As part of a new entity, his parasitic zanpakatou found a new host: the hollow. Instead of feeding on Cross’ reiatsu, his zanpakatou now feeds on the hollow’s energy. This would have been a problem if it was a regular hollow, as it too will eventually get drained of all its energy. But this special hollow’s ability is a parasite on its own, taking from those it absorbed. The resulting dynamic is a constant back-and-forth reiatsu tug-of-war between the two parasites. It was the perfect mutual symbiosis.

With nothing to drain his inherent reiatsu, Cross was able to slowly regenerate his spirit power to its full capacity. This was the ultimate conclusion to his plan. Finally reaping the benefits of his full potential, Cross initiated a takeover of the hollow’s primitive mind. Being a part of the collective thoughts of the hollow, Cross knew of all their weaknesses, and he used those memories as his primary weapon. He attacked any active mind inside that hollow using this knowledge: from memories of when they were living as humans, to events they experienced as hollows. Soon, the only voice left is Cross’ and his alone.

Though his plan had succeeded, he did discover some interesting developments. For one, due to the constant struggle of his parasitic zanpakatou and the hollow’s inherent ability to absorb, Cross is unable to tap into each of these powers; that is, he is neither able to use his zanpakatou’s parasitic abilities nor the hollow’s ability to absorb. Instead, it is the abilities that the Gillian had absorbed prior to merging with Cross that becomes his primary source of abilities. One other effect of their symbiosis is the combining of the hollow’s and Cross’ inherent reiatsu, giving him a total amount of reiatsu that is significantly higher than the average adjuchas.

Rise of the Arrancar

Having reached the stage of complete symbiosis and having full control of all his abilities, Cross decided that it was time to step it up a notch. He did not want to continue roaming Hueco Mundo shaped like an adjucha, feeding on hollows and souls for eternity. Enduring intense pain, Cross attempted to remove his mask, failing the first several times. Fueled by his desire to return to his humanoid form, he placed himself in life or death situations by hunting fellow adjuchas. It was during one miscalculated battle that he was finally achieved his goal. Consumed by his obsession to remove his mask, Cross fell into a trap of a trio of adjuchas. Though he was able to defeat one of them, the combined strength of the other two proved to be too much for him. Defeated and on the brink of death, Cross gathered all the strength he had left. Placing both his hands on the upper left corner of his mask, he pulled down on it and slowly ripped it off as he fought the agonizing pain.

Shocked by what had happened, the two adjuchas stood in front of Cross unable to move. His hollow-like appearance gone and feeling the surge of his new power, Cross drew his zanpakatou and in one fell swoop, finished off his stunned victims.

“Now THAT is more like it”, said Cross as he whisked the blood away from his blade and returned it to its sheath.

RP Sample:
Cross remained there standing as wind blue in his face. The sand picks up slightly as it presses against his lower body. Looking over the blood could, Cross quickly turned hsi head to look at the vast destruction that this arrancar has done to the fortress. "Someone must of either peed in his cave hole thing, or he's been planning to do this for years." He let out a brief sigh as he pierced his eyes at the mist, when it suddenly launched into the air.

"Ok, let's play big boy.." he quickly Drew his blade as he pierced his skin with the tip of his blade. Covering his entire body with tough scales like that of an alligator, Cross receives additional defensive benefits, making cutting him extremely difficult unless it was executed by someone that is higher level than him. An opponent of equal strength with mastery of its weapon can penetrate his scale armor. Those who are proficient, but not extremely skilled, will have to be at least one level higher than Cross. Those who have little to no weapon skill will need to be at least two levels higher. The effectiveness of this armor however can be affected by weapon attacks that are combined with elements and/or reiatsu.

Cross also gains another limb, that of a tail.This tail is limited in motion, only able to swing from side. Rotating his sword in his palm, Cross took a deep breath in, only to begin coughing from the blood mist. "What the hell is this?!" he muttered to himself. Holding his blade, he heard a loud gushing noise come from the blood. 3 whips came rushing towards him diagonally(i guess? if its wrong i will edit.) Sticking his blade in the ground, he pressed his feet on it, before pushing down and launching off of it. He slightly avoided the first whip, Spinnign his body to miss. Thet next whip came from the opposite direction. Cross Slide across teh sand as he ran to his left, then cut straight forwards to where he stood before. Jumping in the air, the Blood whip almost caught his midsection before he twisted his body once again, but the whip did cause a decent Gash on his left shin. Landing on the ground, Blood gushed from the leg when he pulled out his blade from the sand. "Como un mantis.." Six sharp spiked forelegs, much like of a praying Mantis, branch off from Cross’ body. These raptorial legs have a wide range of motion, so much so that they can reach and grab its target without moving his body. The four legs that protrude from his arms can reach 10 feet, while the two from his legs are a bit longer and can reach 15 feet.
Cross also receives mantis like vision, able to see with a range of 300 degrees. These legs increase the speed at which Cross can move across the sand, and beign able to turn on a dime in the weight of the sand.

Cross was caught off guard from the blood spears, With 3 spears piercing his right front leg, Cross winced at the pain. Pulling back in his legs, He began to add reiatsu to blade, to lengthen it slightly, as he began to rotate it with hsi wrist. Cutting atleast one hundred of the spears with his extended blade, Cross was getting confident, until his blade went back to its normal length. He continued to rotate his blade, but the length from before protected him from the shards that came off the spears when he cut into them. He was just adding more damage to himself with each and every cut.

He stopped, then used sonido to go to the left briefly, but felt something land by his feet, then exploded, causing shards to run up the left side of his body. Wincing at the Holes, Cross felt the two clones grab his arm, Be he quickly dislodged both shoulders, while at athe same time, throwing them to the rest of the Spear missles. Cross quickly fell on his back, putting his shoulders back in place as he rolled in the sand. Picking up his blade, He reversed the grip, allowing him for more fast and agile cuts. Cross's situation was even worse now, as the ten blood swords slowly circled around him. Standing ready, Cross twirled his blade, he pressed it in the sand as he kicked up his legs, avoiding the two blades that went after his lower body, Pressing his boots on the blades in the sand, he launched himself into the air dodging the ones that went for his armpits and his lower stomach. He suddenly felt a large pain in his back. Three swords has pierced his upper and middle back. Not all teh way through, but enough to be held there. Pulling his his arms and tucking in his head, he barely dodged the blade that came for his nose as it caught his horns, chopping one clean off his head. He heared a buzz of metal as he saw the spinning blade coming from his lower right. Turning his body in mid air, He made the ones on his back, make contact with the spinning blades, pulling them out and causing tremendous pain, but saving a limb. Landing on the ground. the slight gashes from the shards and blades healed from his high speed regen, but the major injuries remained.

Sighing Cross muttered; " All of this because someone peed in your cave? immature dude.." he was cut off from the yell, slowly he turned to his right, looking at the arrancar holding his blood blade and axe, charging at Cross. Cross ran towards teh arrancar, Sliding underneath his legs. Then popping up from the back, spinnign his legs as he brought down his heel to attempt a strike at the mans right shoulder.



Bone Appearance:
it covers his right eye, going up his head forming a cracked horn like a ram.

Hollow Hole:
Right forearm.

reiatsu Colour:
Forest green.


Sealed Zanpakutô:

Racial Abilities:
name: Cero (Hollow Flash)
type: Offensive
range: Long range
description: Are high-powered energy blasts that can be fired from various places on the body. Only Menos, Arrancar, and Vizard have so far been shown to use Cero attacks, and it appears that stronger entitles can use it more efficiently.

name: Garganta (black cavity)
type: Passive
range: Passive
description: Is how Arrancar move to and from Hueco Mundo. Kaname Tôsen has also demonstrated the ability to use the technique. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway. When used, the technique opens the dimensional fabric like a door.

name: Hierro (Steel Skin)
type: Passive
range: Passive
description: Refers to the ultra tough skin of the Arrancar, which is a result of their compressed spiritual power. While their skin is strong enough to block even released Zanpakutô bare-handed, it is by no means impenetrable. Stronger arrancar have proportionally stronger skin.

type: Passive
range: long
description: Much like the shinigami’s shunpo, sonido is the hollow and Arrancar abililty. The max distance that his sonido can do is approx 40 feet in 2 steps.

Unique Abilities:
name: Vuelta de la Muerte (Death Twist)
type: Hand-to-Hand
range: Close Range
description: By focusing a large amount of reiatsu in both his hands, Cross snares a body part (leg or arm usually) of his opponent and then twists his body in one motion and continues to spin until the limb is torn off. A single spin can be enough to break the limb, but staying within this grip for any longer than that can result in the limb being severed from the body.

The downside to this technique is it requires the user's full concentration, and as such, when engaged Cross will often be a sitting duck as he attempts to spin to tear off the limb. If enough damage is done to him, his concentration breaks and the move is broken as well. As this is a hand-to-hand attack, that means that a physically stronger opponent could resist and perhaps even use it to his advantage. Thus, this move is best used as a counter to an incoming punch or kick where the opponent is not expecting it, allowing the suddenness of the first spin to catch them off-guard.

This move is inspired by an alligator's death roll.
name: Estilo De Mantis (Mantis Style)
type: Hand-to-Hand
range: Close Range
description: By focusing a large amount of reiatsu in both his hands, Cross increases the movement speed of his arm and hands by sacrificing power in exchange for speed. Instead of pure impact, this technique relies on using angles, deflections, and momentum to land consecutive quick strikes that are incredibly difficult to avoid except by someone of a significant rank advantage. The speed gain that he receives increases exponentially each level that he attains. , Cross's Speed goes up by 8, giving the illusiont hat he is attacking with 8 limbs.

The downside to this ability is the lack of power in the attacks. It is more suited to wear down an opponent by the constant barrage of damage rather than delivering a knock out blow. As such, those who are of higher level than him or have high defense (in relation to Cross' current level) would be able to tolerate even a stream of successful blows that he lands


Resereccion Name:

Resereccion Release Phrase:
(Eta,Sanguijuela! (feed leech)

Release Actions:
Runs the blade up his forearm, slashing into his skin.

Resereccion Appearance:

Resereccion Abilities:
name: Como un mantis (Like a mantis) (can be used in ress and no release)
type: Passive
description: Six sharp spiked forelegs, much like of a praying Mantis, branch off from Cross’ body. These raptorial legs have a wide range of motion, so much so that they can reach and grab its target without moving his body. The four legs that protrude from his arms can reach 10 feet, while the two from his legs are a bit longer and can reach 15 feet.

Cross also receives mantis like vision, able to see with a range of 300 degrees.

• name: Caiman escala (Alligator scale)( can be used in ress and no release.)
type: Passive
description: Covering his entire body with tough scales like that of an alligator, Cross receives additional defensive benefits, making cutting him extremely difficult unless it was executed by someone that is higher level than him. An opponent of equal strength with mastery of its weapon can penetrate his scale armor. Those who are proficient, but not extremely skilled, will have to be at least one level higher than Cross. Those who have little to no weapon skill will need to be at least two levels higher. The effectiveness of this armor however can be affected by weapon attacks that are combined with elements and/or reiatsu.

Cross also gains another limb, that of a tail. Unlike his forelegs, this tail is limited in motion, only able to swing from side to side, and only has a reach of about five feet.

name: Destello blanco de diablo (Devil’s white flash)
type: Offensive
description:Up to this date, perhaps the only ability that Cross has manifested that has some semblance of his former abilities as a shinigami. This long range technique is a great example of the perfect symbiosis that Cross and the Gillian has, as it combines Cross’ ability to use Kidō and a menos’ Cero. The resulting technique is a blast that rivals the speed of a shinigami’s Byakurai and surpasses the average arrancar’s Cero. It has the width and range of a Cero, but the appearance of Byakurai. This attack, much like the Cero and Byakurai, is launched from Cross’ open palm.

name: Armonizar (Blend In)
type: Defensive
range: Self
description: Like the animal he resembles, Cross has the ability to cover his entire body with an altered reiatsu that renders him invisible by sight. As well, it hides his reiatsu from being detected even by the most keen sensors. However, movements creates a slight shimmer of light that could reveal his location to his opponent. While he can attack under the guise of his camouflage, it loses its effectiveness in doing so, making him visible and detectable quite easily by those higher than him in rank, while those of equal rank will have a hard time, but still be able to detect and see the faint mirage of his technique.

name: Granada (Grenade)
type: Offensive
range: Long
description: Description: Unlike Escopeta, Granada requires very little charging time, able to be created almost instantaneously, similar to a Bala. However, unlike Bala, Granada is thrown and explodes in mid-air or upon contact. The explosion, which has a radius of 6 yards, can cause severe damage to those nearby including severed limbs and deep wounds. Those who are three ranks below Cross are at serious risk of severe injury and possibly even death due to loss of limbs and blood. Two ranks and below would be in critical condition, while one rank below would be severely injured due to heavy bruises and deep cut wounds. Those of equal rank receives normal damage (bruises, medium to shallow cuts, weakend flesh and bone), while those of higher rank (or tough physical defense) can escape with at worst with light bruises, as well as weakend muscles and bones.

Same as Escopeta, the distance to the point of detonation affects damage, with those closer to the epicenter receiving the full brunt of it, with the damage diminishing close to the outer radius of the blast, roughly the equivalent of one sub-rank.

name: Bomba Atomica (Atomic Bomb)
type: Offensive
range: 50 yard radius from epicenter of explosion
description: A massive ball of fire that is gathered using both hands, held up above the user's head like a floating miniature sun (approximately 20 feet radius). It combines principles used in a Cero, and Cross' own Escopeta and Granada to create a massive ball of fiery reiatsu that explodes at a designated detonation area(100 yards at 0-2) Intended to be a destructive force like no other, the damage caused by the immediate explosion is equivalent to that of a fire-based Kidō in the level 90s. In addition to the damage done to the blast radius however, are the effects of Cross' parasitic reiatsu. Not only will those caught in the explosion suffer from the typical effects of a fire and explosive attack, but the parasitic properties of the attack will eat away at the flesh that it comes in contact with. Inhalation or consumption of these parasitic smoke and dust properties will lead to internal damage, bleeding, and rotting of organs (with the exception of the brain and heart).

Needless to say, this is a technique that is to be used as a last resort, as well as reserved for those who have reached the heights of power (. It does not recognize neither friend nor foe, servant nor master. Using this technique is incredibly taxing, and will leave Cross almost completely depleted of energy that he will be at the brink of unconsciousness due to total exhaustion. The technique also has an extremely long charge time (1 post) to gather enough energy, for which he must focus heavily and thus cannot move, leaving him extremely vulnerable to attacks.

A true high-risk, high-reward technique.

name: Armada de Dios (Army of God)
type: Support
range: Various
description:Cross unseals a container the form of a scroll which unleashes an army of Kaizō Konpaku (Mod Souls) in his possession. Instead of using a gigai, however, Cross himself created a container body to serve as hosts for these artificial souls. Furthermore, he implanted a container with his thoughts, a general idea, deep within the consciousness of each soul so that their purpose is to do his bidding, essentially making them his loyal servants and army. The rank of these creatures depend on the rank of Cross himself. At 1-3 (requirement to learn this technique), these summons are three ranks below the summoner, and remain at this gap of level as Cross moves up in rank (thanks to him creating a more powerful "body" for the Mod Souls). As such, their abilities and strengths scale in accordance to these levels. Each summon lasts six posts at their initial level, and they must be called back, one by one per each successive post after the fifth post that they were active. This increases to seven once they are at 0-4. Once all of them have been recalled, all five can be brought back (re-starting the process) after a cool down of three posts.

The initial cost for activating this technique is equivalent to a level 60 Kidō, and each post that they are active is on par to level 40. As well, the techniques used by each are drawn out of Cross' reiatsu pool.

Wielding a bow, Gabriel fires highly-compressed water arrows using any source of water that he can tap into around him, each arrow as powerful and as fast as a Quincy's arrows

With a shield and sword of flames in each hand, Michael is the strength and protector of the army. His shield can block both melee and projectile attacks, while his sword has an added ability of being able to launch wave-like blasts of flames that can burn like Hadō #32, Okasen. As well, being surrounded by these hot flames takes its toll on its target, draining them of stamina similar to the cost of casting a level forty Kidō per post that they are near his flames. The shield properties are as follows:

-1: Blocks attacks comparable to level 55 Hadō
0: Attacks above level 40 Hadō are not completely blocked, but reduced to make the damage comparable to Hadō 20 levels below the original attack.
+1: Attacks above level 40 Hadō are not completely blocked, but reduced to make the damage comparable to Hadō 10 levels below the original attack.

With his lance, Raphael can create up to five rampaging tornadoes similar to Hadō #58, Tenran. These are no ordinary wind formations however. When these tornadoes touch down on an ally, it heals all but the gravest of wounds (those that would have otherwise resulted in likely death, such as major organs and severed limbs). On the other hand, if these tornadoes landed on an opponent, it will do damage similar to a level 60 Kidō. But this is not the only trick that these maelstrom possesses: should a tornado land on an ally and heal its wounds and that same tornado then lands on an opponent, all damage that it healed previously will then be applied to its target in addition to its regular damage.

Commander of natural disasters, Uriel wields a lightning-charged sword as his primary weapon. He possesses tremendous speed,comparable to one who can be considered a borderline master of Hoho, able to cover distances at great speeds in order to pierce his opponent with his weapon. Uriel can also control the earth below, allowing it to rise up and grab hold of an opponent, equivalent to Bakudō #49, Kisei no Tsuchi. As well, Uriel is in tune with disasters, natural or otherwise, and has the ability to predict and sense danger before they occur. With his speed and highly-tuned senses, Uriel makes for a difficult target.

Primarily defensive in nature, Raziel has no offensive techniques. However, he wields a staff with a blue-round orb at the top, which produces a round spiraling ripples of sound energy that he can use to defend against attacks, melee or projectile. Upon contact, the sound of a church bell is heard, indicating a successful defense. This sound wave however is not only a method of defense, but true to his monicker as a keeper of God's secret, it also records details and information from the previous attack, which echoes back to Raziel for analysis, such as knowing the properties, strengths, weakness, which he can use to his benefit for his next turn. This technique is not meant to copy other techniques (as a certain doujutsu we are all incredibly familiar off) in the middle of battle. However, its nature does allow Raziel to understand the properties of an attack, possibly opening up a way to create a technique equivalent or similar to it, but never an exact copy, providing one has the power and means to do so. Below is a chart of the defense's effectiveness in blocking and understanding a technique:

-1: Can block up to level 70 Kidō and learn of its properties in one block.
0: Attacks comparable to level 70 Kidō and above are reduced in its effectiveness by 15, properties are learned in second attempt.
1: Attacks comparable to level 60 Kidō and above are reduced in its effectiveness by 15, properties are learned after the third attempt.

Cross Setsuzoku - Cross Setsuzoku[APPROVED, 1-3] Image4483-1

• Dues Ex Name: Red Parasite

• Dues Ex Release Phrase: I will feed off your life. I will not hinder myself from this.

• Dues Ex Release Actions: places his right hand over his jaw, pulling down, pouring reiatsu into his dues Ex implant on his right part of his lower jaw.

• Dues Ex Appearance:
*instead of white hair, he has red. Instead of blue lightening, he has forest green.

• Dues Ex Abilities: (Explain the several powers and abilities this form grants them)

Parasitic aura: When he firsts releases into this form, The overall feel of the area changes. It's nothing that Physical messes with the opponents. It messes with them Physiologically. Making them feel like they are being drained slowly from his form. Anyone with a sense of their reiatsu pool can easily tell that it's just a illusion that Cross's form is emitting. He can Amplify this illusion just from feeding from one opponents reiatsu when he strikes them, increasing his focus on their reiatsu.

These Drones, or clones of Cross, appear two at a time. Each at about 50% power each. They both appear like holograms, each spazzing with their image, but they are purely physical. They do not have Hierro. But they do have Sonido and all of Cross's pre form abilities. They just have lessened power, and lessened speed.

Feeding multi-strike
With his increased speed, and the size of his blade. Cross can slash at his opponent multiple times. up to 20 times in one strike area. When struck, his blade lets off lines that connect to the opponent's body, tracking their reiatsu lines, and absorbing their reiatsu with each reiryoku type attack they use. it's not a massive drain, but it's noticeable. It can be broken from moving 100 feet away from Cross, this makes the lines dissipate from the distance, and stopping the absorption.

Branching off from his armor, These Tendrils attack -anything- they sense with reiatsu. Being ally, or enemy, all they want to do is feed. once latched onto a object, they absorb and eat slowly. Changing color from Cross's Green, to what ever said objects color is. Cross would then change the think layer of his hierro to that said color, gaining a defense from that specific type of reiatsu. This is mainly a defense ability. But it can be used for offense for grabbing and such.

blade cannon
The sheath that once resided on Cross's back now is a small cannon. To activate it, Cross has to press Reiatsu into his blade and stabilize it. This can take from being instant, or a few short minutes. Once stabilzed, he stabs the blade back into his sheath, spinning around making it face his opponent. He then twists his hilt, moving the reiatsu from the blade into the barrel of the cannon. It comes out with the speed of a cero, it can break up into multiple random bullets, or stay as one beam. The length it runs is about 500 feet or until stopped. The width is about 40 feet.

Blade wings
This is not what it sounds like. It's not another mode of transportation. It's a zanjustsu type move. He places his blade back in it's cannon sheath, and twists it counter clockwise. The reiatsu that it emits feeds off in a slit in the sheath. 8 blades appear behind him, floating. That's 4 on each side. They are made from his reiatsu, and hardened to the point of having an edge. Each blade can break from either use, or defense. It is Just reiatsu after all, so anyone with disruption can stop this move fairly easily.


(leave the skills alone until the application is approved. You can then go back and add them if you want to)

General Skills

  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Will Skills

  • Willpower/Determination: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Racial Skills

  • Perquisa: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Sonido: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Cero/Bala: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Hierro: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Regeneration: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

    (Arrancar may only add skills to either Hierro OR Regeneration, not both. This is due to incredibly resilient and unbalanced Arrancar that never die creeping around. Whichever skill you do not choose to apply a skill to will be set at Adept or Beginner depending on the character)

Last edited by Cross Setsuzoku on Mon May 06, 2013 10:49 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Sun May 27, 2012 12:59 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

Comments/Notes: N/A
Tier: 1-3

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Cross Out
Cross Out
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Sun May 27, 2012 1:43 pm
eneral Skills

Durability: Advanced
General Speed: Advanced
Strength: Adept
Weapon Skill: Adept

Will Skills

Willpower/Determination: Advanced
Mental Deduction: Advanced
Pain Endurance: Advanced
Focus: Advanced

Racial Skills

Perquisa: Adept
Sonido: Advanced
Cero/Bala: Adept
Hierro: Advanced
Regeneration: Adept

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Wed Sep 12, 2012 11:41 am
Moved to inactive because of inactivity!

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Thu Sep 13, 2012 6:28 pm
Moved back to active.

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Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:54 pm
added Dues Ex

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Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:14 am
Re approved
Normal tier is 1-3

When in Dues Ex 1-1+

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Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:49 pm


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

Cross Setsuzoku - Cross Setsuzoku[APPROVED, 1-3] Empty Re: Cross Setsuzoku[APPROVED, 1-3]

Sun May 05, 2013 4:54 pm
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Aivee is your saviour!
Okay, I'mma get all on up in here and get this out for you guys~ Welcome back >w<
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Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:03 pm
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As part of my little clean up of the approved application section i will be moving this app to inactives. ask staff to move it back to approve or refer to This Thread
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