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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
Posts : 5174
Age : 27
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Platinum Points:
Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS] Empty Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS]

Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:57 pm
Sugiura Template


Name: Puraoi, or Pura for short.
True Age: 245
Gender: Male

He treats other living beings as if they are trash. Any of the people in his city that come to him he calls "Cits"(Get it?) He will generally treat other people with disdain and barely listen to what they have to say, even if he is truly interested in it. He prefers to think of himself as an upperclass kind of man, and will only eat the best dishes, have the best servants (Except for his butler Alfred), and the finest clothing. Despite his young age, he quite enjoys drinking wine, although if it is of abhorrent quality he will most like merely spill it on his hosts table cloth. He himself will only host the greatest of digeneraties; he could care less for anyone else. However, he absolutely DETESTS pain, and doesn't take it very well.

He is a very smart student; he adapts to situations just about as fast as he is to look down upon a fisherman. It is difficult to catch him off guard; and because of this he is also able to use his fields to their maximum effectiveness. He is also quite adept at using banter as well. As such, his mental deduction abilities are quite high. His time as a thief also taught him to never give up and how to keep a high level of focus and patience.

However.. Most of this is caused by the true loneliness that he feels inside. He believes that he has to find the perfect kind of people, searching for ones like himself. In actuality, he is extremely jealous of ordinary people; they never had the pain of starvation nor the hassle of the upper life. However, if someone were to truly, honestly befriend him, they would find a sad, caring soul that would be quite defenseless and cuddly. Honestly, it just makes you want to give him a hug, until you remember what an absolute snob he is in company.

He is not above petty theft; he enjoys using it as a challenge to himself in his manor parties he holds as the Lord of Florence. In fact, it's how he makes his spending money. However, even if he is caught doing it, he will always resent it and look down on the person that he stole from for saying that. However, he doesn't seal from any he regards his superiors; who aren't many.

There are some that he regards as superiors. He carries out their orders like a quite person if they are given to him, he will talk in a small voice when addressed, and tend to be more meek when around them. He even looks down on other people around him less when his superiors are addressing him. However, this isn't that often, so not many people get to see this side of him.

Sugiura Class: Magus

General Appearance

Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS] 013_kaitou_kid

Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS] 218629

Alone-On-The-Street Appearance:

Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS] Orito

Animalistic Traits: Actually, under his tophat he has the most beautful pair of pure white rabbit's ears.
Appearance Age: Roughly 16-20
Height: 5' 11''
Weight: 130 lbs.

Natural Abilities


Master Theif: Before he beccame the Lord of Florence, Pura was in reality a master thief. He knows the ins and outs of almost every security system known to man, and several known only to dolphins!/shinigami. He is also extremely quick on his feet, knows how to lie like a champion, adapt very quickly to situations and move his hands with a good amount of speed. However, because of this he hasn't had much of a chance to train his physical body to handle weapons and such, although he is quite handy with light swords and daggers, making him a speed type rather than attack type.

The Monocle: That monocle is no ordinary monocle. In fact, it is truly an extremely powerful device, a field created to exist permanently by Pura's own energy. This Monocle has the unique power to always check what is being perceived by it, making 90% of visual illusions have nearly no effect. However, an extremely powerful user of illusions may find a way around it, or merely use the advanced level of their creations to perhaps fool even Pura about his own Monocle…

Field Gun: This is a strange device that is attached ONTO his right arm. It normally folds up, going into his wrist; there is an open space in his arm there for it to fit in. When he desires, he activates the Field Gun with his mind, powering it with his own energy. The field gun is white in color, has a strange crystal poking out of it, two small appendages from which it fires the fields, and a mechanism that puts a trigger on each of his fingers. The special properties of this gun are thus. First off, it can trigger a field anywhere along the straight line from which it fires them, in the shape of bullets. Second, its range is unlimited: its fire will keep going until it either hits a solid surface or Pura triggers it with his mind. However, it has its drawbacks as well. For the first thing, he can accidently burn through his energy a lot faster than normal if he fires too many, as is fully possible. Its general shape is that of a G18 in appearance. Each of the triggers is able to fire shots. In addition, he can attach a "Transformer" field to its barrel in order to shoot bullets of energy out of it, although until he dissipates the field it loses its ability to make new fields.

High Energy Amount: For one thing, he was the son of a Magus Sugiura, plus his own studies and hard work have given him a large stock of energy to call upon. This is his greatest skill, and as he isn't that strong bodily, he has the ability to keep a 10 foot by 10 foot Rule Field going for 30+ posts with his own strength.

Basic Magic:

Shitenoou Nanatsu no Enkan(熾天覆う七つの円環 Lit: The Seven Rings that Cover the Fiery Heavens): Often called Rho Aias by most, this defensive spell is very powerful. It can only be used by mid-level and higher Sugiuras as it takes a hefty supply of reiatsu to supplement it. The spell takes the form of a seven-layered barrier with the shape of an iridescent flower with secen petals sprouting out of the user's palm. Each layer has the defensive power of a fortress wall. However, since it is necessary for the user to fill the barrier with his or her own desire reiatsu, the user will feel pain if it is broken. The level of pain increases as the number of uses of the barrier increases. The barrier can block strong Kidō, Gran Rey Ceros, Cero Oscuras (Oscuri?), or equivalent-strength attacks. There is another use for this spell other than a simple barrier. This other way is to simply create a casing around the ally or allies' attack to prevent major tampering with it.

Ten no Kusari(天の鎖Lit: Chain of Heaven): This spell is said to hold the power of "Commanding the Gods." Ten no Kusari is a mid-level spell best used for escaping. It creates a long spiritual chain out of the user's reiatsu. It has no real power in its spirit form. In order to solidify it, the user must have a drop of his or her own blood fall onto the chain. It begins by wrapping to the chain around the target's entire body, binding them and severely limiting body movement. The chain acts like a Chinese finger trap. The more power you put into escaping, the stronger the trap becomes. The main weakness is being used against weaker opponents of those capable of cloaking their reiatsu. For against them, it is nothing more than a simple chain.

Kyuutenchokka(突然のクラッシュ Lit: Sudden Crash): This spell is a great balance between both defensive and offensive strategy. By gathering up enough reiatsu, the user creates a barrier shaped like a dome. Once the dome is completely formed, a swirling torrent of wind will be spun by the palms of the user turning the dome. The dome can also be sent towards the opponent in the form a bubble of half the diameter of the dome. When it gets within a specified range, the user can clap and the bubble will "pop" and release the reiatsu in the form of a massive shockwave. The defensive power of the dome is greater than that of the bubble. It can only take up to two high-level attacks before destabilizing.

Mippei Kuukanshin no Shuuryou (密閉空間神の終了 Lit:Enclosed Space of God's End): This spell creates a pyramid-shaped barrier. It is highly recommended to be at least a few meters away from the opponent. If the user is too close, he or she would be trapped within it as well. It does not need a high level of reiatsu to use, but it instead requires a great deal of concentration. Thus, only those with peak concentration skills can use the technique. It is simple in that it encases the opponent within the barrier. If broken, the remains can act as restraints to hold the opponent down for a short amount of time. The user can open a small hole in the side of the barrier to attack. A conventional use of the barrier is hitting the side from the outside. It will cause a very powerful sonar-like attack that bounces from side to side, increasing and decreasing in intesity randomly until finally the equilibrium of the opponent is damaged.

Taiyou no Mannakahe (たいようのまんなかへ, lit. "To the Center of the Sun"): Taiyou no Mannakahe is a high-power long-range energy attack. It has no "element" but rather is made of pure reishi. It is fired from the user's index finger of their dominant hand. If ambidextrious, it can be fired from either hand. Only one can be fired per 5 posts. It is the Sugiura equivalent of a Cero Oscuras in terms of power. It is broken down into two stages. The first stage is the "aiming" stage. After pointing at the target, a one-inch-diameter circular beam will be emitted from the finger. Anyone who has not seen or heard of the attack will believe that the beam itself is the attack. However, that is false. Instead, it acts as a laser sight for the actual attack. The longest range ever recorded was 5 miles. After one post, the true attack will be fired. Instead of being something like a large circular attack, this technique takes the form of a long, tall, thin, blade-like attack. The highest ever recorded height was 10 miles high. However, all Taiyou no Mannakahes are EXACTLY one inch thick at their thickest point. Because of the immense power required to fire just one, only Suguiras of 1-1 or 0 tier can learn this technique. It can only be fired when unreleased or when in Kyuu Kyou. The attack will most likely damage the user's hand in the process as well.

Hana Moeru (花燃える Lit: Burning Flower): Hana Moeru channels the user's reiatsu into petal-like objects and vibrates them until the petals burst into flames. It then sends the petals out in an expanding radius. The flower petals they resemble depends on the user. Only Sugiura with either their element or their reiatsu as fire can learn it.

Yuurei Gensou (幽霊幻想 Lit: Phantom Illusion): Despite the name, Yuurei Gensou has nothing to do with illusions. It creates a round pulsating seal in front of the user's palm, which then sends out a paralyzing ring of energy. If it hits and traps an enemy, the user can attack the circle, causing that damage to be transferred to the trapped opponent.

Energy Petals: This spell creates the flower-petal like design like Hana Moeru. It will either have sharp or exploding properties depending on the user. They are sent out like Hana Moeru as well. It is the standard way to attack without a Sacred.

Surudoi Hikaru (鋭い光 Lit: Piercing Light): Surudoi Hikaru sends out a single beam of light that is almost like a telescopic pole. The attack is meant to be accurate and not wide-spread.It requires high concentration and a good eye to be used to its fullest.

Hahen Souseiki(破片創世記 Lit: Shard Genesis): Hahen Souseiki is most effective at attacking those with strong armor or durable bodies. The user sticks his or her hand out and makes it appear as if it were a gun. Of course, it still is a hand obviously. At the end of the index finger, a marble will appear and fire off like a bullet. Once the marble enters the body, it will first emit spikes from all across the surface. This is followed by the spikes firing throughout the body. More spikes are made from the marble itself, so once the marble is used up the spikes will stop firing. The more reiatsu channeled into the marble before firing, the larger the marble.

Hahen Dama (破片球 Lit: Shard Sphere): Hahen Dama is a larger, more unrefined version of Hahen Souseiki. It requires a larger amout of reiatsu to be pumped in before it can be fired. To launch, the user uses his or her palm instead of the index finger. It moves at a much slower speed than Hahen Souseiki when fired. It rotates as well, which is a hint to its future purpose. Once it reaches a certain area, it will start sending spikes in all directions. Its main purpose is total eradication. The spikes use up the mass of the sphere, much like Hahen Souseiki.

Oblivion Arc
This is a more destructive set of magic that is well known for its devastating effects in the battlefield. This spell requires moderate reiatsu in order to cast. By sticking the palm outward, an arc of luminous crimson lightning is shot out, the arc usually strecthing out to 9 feet. The arc moves at a speed similar to an arrow, and dissipates upon hitting anything other than another being. If the arc strikes someone else, it will cause some serious burns from the inside out, rather than from the outer surface, due to its fevid, unique magical propeties. But that's not all. If there so happens to be someone else right next to it, the Oblivion Arc will jump off the first body, scorching the other one. The more people that are next to each other, the further the oblivion arc shall travel, and the greater the overall damage becomes. This is excellent for dispatching groups of enemies at once, though, the user can also be struck byit, if too close to the enemy. The size and soeed of Oblivion Arc cannot be increased, but more arcs can be fired in rapid sudcession if the user is adept enough

Oblivion Sphere
Oblivion Arc MUST be learnt first before Oblivion Sphere. This spell is more costly, compared to the former, due to its more destructive power. By sticking both hands out, a large, glowing crimson sphere is fired, usually the size. A deep hum can be heard emerging f.rom the sphere, sounding like an electric generator. The sphere moves as fast as the arc. As soon as it gets close to people, Oblivion Arcs will shoot out of the sphere towards the enemy. The sphere itself is incredibly hot, and contact with it will incinerate the enemy from the inside out. At least 4 arcs can be contained in a sphere. The size, and quantity of arcs contained can increase by using more reiatsu. The user can get struck by this attack if nearby AFTER the sphere is fired. Any cold based attack will successfully damper the sphere's power. Another energy attack can be used to overwhelm the sphere.

Also most generally known Kidō up to 61.

Magecraft Unleashed


Energy Fields Magic: His magic is a strange mechanism. It creates… "Fields", the energy expanding and reaching around itself wherever he uses it at a rapid pace. Most of the time, he creates these fields by placing them into a phycisal form, like a marble or a seal, and activating them with either pressure or energy. For example, if he made a field to completely change the colors around him to old movie style, he could create a sphere of energy in his hand, drop it on the ground, and then step on it. The size of the fields depends on how much energy he uses to create the fields. The fields are quite bothersome to get rid of, as to be rid of them a person must make a solidified sphere of reiatsu around them, and then push out with it until the field becomes so thick around their sphere that it simply shaters all over. Otherwise, physical attacks have little to no effect on it, and energy attacks will briefly create a field-free space where the energy has been, before the field restores itself. Keeping the fields up takes a small amount of energy as its upkeep to use its abilities; as long as he keeps supplying them with power, they'll work until he quits or they are destroyed completely. They also take extra energy when they have to reform. They are not normally solid, but merely a space filled by a dim yellow glow of energy, except for the Color field. When inside, he glow vanishes. He usually keeps the fields between 8 and 40 feet in radius, as the larger they are, the more energy it takes to create them, although the energy it takes in upkeep remains the same. Most of the fields are stationary wherever they are, not growing or shifting from their spot until he dissipates them, or focuses on that field specifically to make it move at a decent speed. Only different field types can overlap. There are several different kinds of fields that he can create, such as the following. However, for any that have a PL (Power Limited) at the end of theirs, only up to one other PL can be active at the same time, and only up to 3 normal ones can be used simultaneously. Using another PL results in him unable to create any other fields until those fields pass. Other fields he can use up to 5-6 of simultaneously, depending on how hard he is trying. Also, both of Portal's fields technically only equal 1 field.

Color: This field is extremely easy to create. Its basic function is to change the colors of whatever is inside of it, by the refraction of light. This means that he has three ways he can use this field. First, he can make everything in the field one solid color. Second, he can make the color all one theme, like Chrome, Old Movie, Bright, Techno, and so on. The third choice is making it so that everything is clear by the outline of whatever solid is inside the field. COMPLETELY inside the field. So you couldn't make a field and then see anywhere under the earth just because the field is on top of the ground. This field doesn't take much energy, lasting anywhere from 5-7 posts.

"Rule": This field is extremely difficult to create, taking the most energy out of Pura for its activation. This field is something similar to a mathematical proof. However, instead of numbers, it uses physical items and mental concepts, saying that they can't be CREATED in the field. They can be brought into it fine, but trying to create the thing while inside the field will not work; the item will merely not appear, nor will the mental concept. However, the rules for this Rule Field is that Pura can only use a maximum of 5 words to describe one item or concept that cannot be allowed inside that one field. General concepts, such as "Attacks" or "Dodging" are also unable to work, due to their vagueness. So, he could say "Attack with a plastic spoon" and anyone who had a plastic spoon on them trying to attack Pura would find that they are simply unable to begin attacking him with that item. Of course, they would also be able to just as easily nail him in the face with a fist, as that is a pretty large waste of a Rule Field. Note that he also cannot say things like "Cannot leave the so and so field"; the Rule field cannot affect the other fields. Each Rule field lasts for 4 of Pura's posts after activation. The post AFTER Pura places it, its effect activates. PL

"Sense": This is also quite difficult of a field to create. It manipulates what is percieved by the senses. Basically, the energy IN the field changes around to make smells, sounds, light, even solid objects for touch. So if two allies walked into the Sense Field, and they were Pura's enemy, he could have one of them see the other becoming Pura. Then they would see the Pura mocking them, and most likely become enraged. HOWEVER, there is a way around this field. If the one being deceived by the field has advanced or higher focus, and at least adept mental deduction, as long as they think about it they should be able to figure out the field's trick. Once they deduce the fields trick, it will tend to stop working on them, as long as they desire it to stop working on them. Also, the field cannot be the direct cause of any physical contact against its target, and is only able to make the senses of whatever Pura knows. So if Pura doesn't know it, it is impossible for the Sense Field to try to duplicate its sense. However, Pura does know exactly what everyone in the field is experiencing as a result of his fields. Anything outside the field, however, is still able to be viewed perfectly normal. Also, the field cannot perform sensory deprivation, so all senses are still functioning as they would outside the field. Each Sense field lasts up to 3 of Pura's posts after activation. PL

"Look": This is a field that Pura will generally form around himself, although he can do it for other people as well upon request. This is the only field that can move after its creation. It follows the person that summoned it around, using its ability on them. Its ability is both simple and complex; it uses aspects similar to the Sense field, but ONLY around the form of its summoner. This makes it so they can change their look to whatever they want, and for all intents and purposes that look will be real, because anyone that would inspect their look would feel it to be real, have the proper scent, and look completely genuine. Only if they knew about the power of Pura's fields or were quite adept at detecting energies would they find a flaw with this appearance. Most of the time, Pura just uses this to change his look, rarely actually giving it a practical purpose. Due to the very small amount of energy for this field, it can last up to 10 posts.

"Reflect": Perhaps not as useful, although takes next to nothing to create, Reflect is basically the ability to cause the light particles moving in the field to reflect what the image is that it sees. The flip side of Pura's monocle is coated with this field at all times, allowing him to see behind him if ever he needs to. Reflect can last anywhere from 5 to 10 posts, as it takes very little energy.

"Portal": This is a.. Rather more physical kind of field. Basically, for it to work, one must have two of this field activated. The field takes the form of a 10 by 5 footflat circle, one of the circles being orange around the edges, the other being blue. Whenever a physical substance enters this field, the field turns it into pure energy, sending it right at the other field and making it come out of there. This even includes light, so a person is constantly able to see out the other field from the other field. This makes a "Portal" of sorts, and can even send attacks and such, as long as they fit in the field. The fields must also be placed on solid surfaces to work. Kind of like an infinite doorway. However, only one of the blue and one of the orange can exist at one time, and when a new one is made, the old one of that color dissipates. Normally only lasts until Pura's post after the Portal has been created.

"Flames": This field literally GENERATES flames, the energy within the field forcing the air molecules to move very fast to drop fire. This is fairly weak fire, and is mostly just used to burn things; it falls on the ground after creation and smolders for a while before going out, typically. However, he can also make it work in reverse, and cause snow to fall from the field in a good sized amount. This snow lasts about two times longer than the flame, mostly because it isn't trying to spread and put itself out. These have no limit due to their nature to vanish just a bit after creation.

"Force": This field takes a medium amount of energy to use. This field is mostly a boundary, as its boundary is constantly exerting force around it. This means that it tries to keep anything IN the field IN, and anything OUTSIDE of the field OUT. So, it is extremely similar to a forcefield. It presses against strongly anything that hits it, meaning that most arrows would merely be deflected away, along with small energy attacks. Larger attabks could omst likely get a small amount through, although it would push a good bit away. For example, if Pura were to go underwater, and then activate this field in a kind of boxed line aroung him, he could cause it to gradually sink, full of air, as he himself paced inside of it, waiting to reach his destination at the bottom of the sea. Can last in battle for up to 2 of Pura's posts after activation. Outside of battle, the circumstances dictate. PL

"Transformer": This field is special, as it tends to be size of a small box, about a foot in length and width and height. This box sticks to whoever it is created on, allowing them to use its effect. It is able to take in the energy of the wielder at will, and transform it into a kind of energy attack. It fires out the energy however the user wishes, for example, they could come out in small exploding energy bullets, giant cero-like waves of energy, hell, you could even do a legitamate Kamehameha as long as they have enough energy to fire it. However much energy it fires is equivalent to the amount that the user puts into it. However, it also runs off the energy of the wielder, and vanishes when the user no longer has energy enough to sustain it, or stops providing it with the energy it needs to run. As long as Pura has energy, this box sticks around.

"Flip": Inside of this field, his energy refracts not only light, but even sound and smells, making them appear to the opponent as if they are coming from the backwards and upside down direction. This field is fairly difficult to create, and while it is possible to get used to it, it has another effect; the ability to make itself harmless. The shift, while sudden, can only occur one time per post, and uses energy from Pura to turn on and off. However, this helps in making unexpected attacks against the opponent; such as triggering this field, makign the opponent believe they are completley alright, and then attacking them, watching them try to block, and then appearing on their other side, having just attacked their back. And while again it can be simple to figure out, and even get used to if the opponent tries hard enough, it tends to be only good for one or two strikes unless Pura flips the field on and off. There is no change in the field from the opponent's point of view, although they MAY sense an ever-so-slight shift of energy, if they are particularly skilled at sensing energies. This field lasts for two of Pura's posts after activation.

"Sword": Using a bit of a mix of Force, along with some other energies, he is able to create a simple shortsword. This short sword acts just like a normal blade, although it has the property of being able to become sharper if he infuses it with his energy. He is also able to shoot them out of the Field Gun, making them spin out in a manner similar to Seele Schnider, although his rotates much less. He is also able to dual wield them, using them if he needs swordsmanship, although he isn't particularly skilled in it. The swords last until they are shattered by a medium-high powered attack or are discarded.

Past & Roleplay Sample

Character Background: When Pura was born, he was left in poverty. There was no resources that his parents, two Sugiura, had to their name. They lived in squalor, barely getting enough money to eat every day. His father was a failed sorcerer, kicked out of the Magus Sugiura for a lack of talent. However, they still sent him a small amount of resources in increments, resulting in the family being able to survive. However, his father and mother both refused to do anything that would be able to help them get out of it, his father always trying to become a Magus once more.
Eventually, Pura was beyond sick of it. He was envious of the other Sugiuran children, who were able to live freely with their parents. He only had one real friend, although he couldn't bear her constant, merciless teasing. Although, after her parents died, he lost even her, and was left completely alone. So, he looked to see what he could do to enhance himself in this world. He began to work. Learning how to become quick; hiding, unlocking, reentering. He learned all the tricks and tools of the trade of a thief . He soon began to work at his craft, surprised at how easy he found it. However, there was always something… nagging at him. He wasn't sure what, but he could swear that there was something different about him than the other Sugiura. For one thing, he saw things that others did not, small details that otherwise would have gone unnoticed. Being succesful at his craft, he slowly began to gather riches and what not. However, it was not revealed the kind of person he truly was until his parents passed away of age.

Despite his decent fortune by this point, he had them both buried at sea, as far as the public knew. After his father was dead, and he had gotten quite a bit of penny in his pocket, he contacted the Magus Sugiura for the first time. They were interested in him; he was the son of a failed sorcerer, and yet had gathered quite a good life for himself out of magic. They decided to allow him in; and were surprised at his adaptability and wits. He never quite got around to explain where he learned his skills, but they welcomed him in regardless and he became an apprentice.

He hated being an apprentice. However, he would never complain to anyone about it; he seemed the perfect student at all times, learning everything he could as quickly and easily as he could. Finally, he was asked for his graduation test. This he was elated about, because he had come up with a theory of his own that had otherwise been unheard of. When he was asked for his test, he created a small marble of energy in his hand, dropping it on the ground and stepping on it. They were quite surprised when he demonstrated how he could change his looks and appearance at will, quite impressed that an apprentice had come up with something so complicated when they saw his notes. However, this was only the most simple of things he could do with his Magecraft.

He began to study on his own, and kept most of his secrets to himself. He continued making and experimenting more and more with his fields, learning all about them that he could. He never worked with other mages, never letting any get close, preventing anyone from learning about his research with his fields.

So it was that he eventually became a member of Clock Tower, going into the position that he had wanted most of all, the Lord of Florence. This is the story, of a poor boy, who became a thief, who became a lord… a lord that is much downlooking on his people…

Roleplay Sample: You really want an example? REALLY? -points at Washis-

General Skills
Durability: Adept
General Speed: Advanced
Strength: Adept
Weapon Skill: Adept

Racial Skills
Sugiura Magic: Adept
Animal Instincts: Adept
Martial Arts: Beginner
Casting Speed: Advanced

Last edited by JJ on Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:09 pm; edited 6 times in total

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Joined : 2011-02-12
Posts : 451
Age : 28

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Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS] Left_bar_bleue0/0Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS] Empty Re: Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS]

Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:37 pm
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OK after speaking over with Aivee, we feel a few things need to be changed

"Rule": This field is extremely difficult to create, taking the most energy out of Pura for its activation. This field is something similar to a mathematical proof. However, instead of numbers, it uses physical items and mental concepts, saying that they can't be CREATED in the field. They can be brought into it fine, but trying to create the thing while inside the field will not work; the item will merely not appear, nor will the mental concept. However, the rules for this Rule Field is that Pura can only use a maximum of 5 words to describe one item or concept that cannot be allowed inside that one field. General concepts, such as "Attacks" or "Dodging" are also unable to work, due to their vagueness. So, he could say "Attack with a plastic spoon" and anyone who had a plastic spoon on them trying to attack Pura would find that they are simply unable to begin attacking him with that item. Of course, they would also be able to just as easily nail him in the face with a fist, as that is a pretty large waste of a Rule Field. Note that he also cannot say things like "Cannot leave the so and so field"; the Rule field cannot affect the other fields.

"Sense": This is also quite difficult of a field to create. It manipulates what is percieved by the senses. Basically, the energy IN the field changes around to make smells, sounds, light, even solid objects for touch. So if two allies walked into the Sense Field, and they were Pura's enemy, he could have one of them see the other becoming Pura. Then they would see the Pura mocking them, and most likely become enraged. HOWEVER, there is a way around this field. If the one being deceived by the field has advanced or higher focus, and at least adept mental deduction, as long as they think about it they should be able to figure out the field's trick. Once they deduce the fields trick, it will tend to stop working on them, as long as they desire it to stop working on them. Also, the field cannot be the direct cause of any physical contact against its target, and is only able to make the senses of whatever Pura knows. So if Pura doesn't know it, it is impossible for the Sense Field to try to duplicate its sense. However, Pura does know exactly what everyone in the field is experiencing as a result of his fields. Anything outside the field, however, is still able to be viewed perfectly normal.

Rule needs to have a set up time period, like 2 post before it activates.

And Sense seems to be getting a little close to Tosen Bankai ability.

Also you need like a limit of one shield type activated at a time, maybe 2. Also most of the shields need a post count as of how long they last.


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Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS] Left_bar_bleue0/0Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS] Empty Re: Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS]

Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:40 pm
Tier: I will be giving Pura a Tier of 2-1+

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction:Adept
  • Pain Endurance:Adept
  • Focus: Advanced


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Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS] Empty Re: Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS]

Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:15 am

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS] Empty Re: Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS]

Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:52 pm

This is being moved to archives.

Thank you very much for your service over the years.

If you are ever needed again, you shall be re-summoned once more and moved back to Approved Applications.

Until then, sleep well, my dear friend. Thank you for the good times and for having put up with me for so very, very long.

You were made as a knock off... of a man named Katashi... a troll... a representation of what I had wanted so desperately upon your creation: to be accepted as mature. That desire would never leave me, just as I thought you never would... and while your powers were fun and creative... the personality of the man using them was not. You show perfectly that inexperience which I had... and now, you shall be eternally put to rest. All you ever had was money... and now, that's all you'll ever have... we still tried... but it reached nothing but an abyss. Goodnight, Pura. Your name's very meaning has been lost to me...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS] Empty Re: Pura [APPROVED, 1-3 MAGUS]

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