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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
Posts : 5174
Age : 27
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Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid] Empty Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid]

Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:27 am


Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid] Clan_Symbols


Name: Asobigokoro Gādian (Aso)
Age: AGELESS (hidden)
Gender: Male, why do you ask?
Appearance: Alternate

This is the way he prefers to dress himself, as it clearly shows that he is a boy. In this state, he slips on a green wig, inserts brown contacts, and changes his clothes. He is now wearing what looks like a white skin-tight underarmor on his top, with a small purple top-jacket. He also wears purple pants as well as a small belt that may be just what he puts his costumes in.


In his normal form, he appears to be a young guy. Yes, he does somewhat resemble a girl, with small shoulders and hands and hips and what not, but he is 100% male. He is completely flat chested, and he has something in his pants as well. He normally wears his hair out to his chin in length, using clips to hold it to the sides, allowing his face to be shown. He has a very smooth face, completely and naturally free of blemishes. He does nothing to try to make his body appear different from what he was born with, so what you see is what he got on birth. His eyes, mouth, and nose are all well placed on his smooth face, and his posture tends to be a loose one. For clothing, he wears a simple uniform in pants, which shows that he is really a male.



The Natural

However he may appear, Aso is most definitely a boy. He takes offense when people call him a girl, even if he does occasionally end up in awkward outfits. However, if someone says that he is a girl more than three times, he will PERSONALLY pull down his pants to prove it for a moment. He is that serious about being a guy, whatever his heritage gave him. (note: He actually does have well defined abs, so he is also able to merely take his shirt off as well.)

Wearing of Masks

He is quite dramatic, as his dream was always to be part of a drama club, which results in him having several costumes on his personage at all times.This includes things from spacemen to maids outfits to swimsuits to all other things. It is also quite unknown where he actually gets them all, but it is what allows him to go into his most common outfit, which he calls "Patrick", as it makes him actually look like a boy (At least to some extent.) He is able to change in an instant from so much practice, and can even dress other people as easily (Mostly in OOC; never to be used in actual battle for dressing others.)


He is extremely playful, messing with and laughing with and other people whenever he can. He is very light hearted, trying to cheer up anyone he can find however he can. He's just an overall positive influence to be around.


He is exteremely protective of those he cares about. He will fight and die for them without a single thought if he thinks they need defending. While he's around, no one he cares about should be hurt, or he is unable to forgive himself and feels like a failure.

Terrible Focus

However, due to his playful nature, he seems like he's got a bad case of ADD. He is constantly changing focuses, not sure what he wants to focus on, and if it loses his interest, he will change his sight or ignore them and stare and something else instead. The only exception to this is when he's protecting someone. In that instance, his entire being is focused on it.


However, he doesn't care when people make mistakes. His motto is to forgive and forget. Even if you were an enemy, but if you said you were sorry, he would forgive you. He just isn't a very negative guy.



From birth, poor Aso was thought to be a girl. His parents dressed him in girls clothes (much to his distress), he would constantly be given girls uniforms, and several times during childhood guys admitted their love to him. Now, as you can imagine, THAT felt really awkward. He always wanted to join the drama team at his school, but he always was afraid they were going to dress him up in girl's uniforms.

Much to his dismay, as an iramasha he stopped growing at this stage of his life, leaving him with the body of a young person. However, he was working. Instead of joining the Drama, he constantly began to practice, learning about his barriers. He trained, and trained, and trained. He trained by himself for long periods of time, learning how to use barrier sight. In addition, he generated Taron with his power, the only person who would honestly agree with him in his mind he was a guy. If not for Taron, he most likely would have gone insane and walked around naked, just to prove he was male.

Much more time passed, and he eventually mastered Protection Barrier and generated his Hybrid Form 1. THEN he got noticed. He was pushed into the Iramasha Guard almost immediately, and quickly excelled through the ranks. Although, the put his registration down as a girl, which didn't help his optimism much. In fact, it was right before he was about to become a Iramasha Guard head that he finally lost it.

They listed him down as the Female Iramasha Guard Head. That was the last straw for him. In a fit of rage, he stabbed himself with his own shields, and revealed to all the people present at his promotion his Hybrid Form two... in addition... to something that made them all agree that he was the Male Iramasha Guard Head. And that's what has led him to the current day.


Seishin Buki Name: Toransujenda (Toran) (feel free to look it up)

Seishin Buki Appearance:

Seishin Buki Abilities: Toran can be controlled by Aso's mind instantaneously, with a mental connection equivalent to that of a shinigami and their zanpakto. However, Toran is merely a being from himself, meaning that only he can send it orders, and it doesn't have a conscious of its own. It's main abilities are it's fairly fast speed (it can perform its own version of a flash step, but with a PLOP sound) and its small bo that it carries around. It is also EXTREMELY difficult to stop Toran from moving, as every time she is knocked down by something, she will get up with an extremely impressive drive (and the fact that you have to use A LOT of energy to be able to damage her body . Toran has three special properties: Read, Reply, and Send.

Whenever an opponent fires an energy-based attack at Aso, he has the opportunity to have Toran appear in front of himself with a PLOP, opening her mouth wide. She attempts to do two things at once: guard Aso as well as absorbing the attack. She directs the energy of the attack into her mouth, and into herself. However, if the attack is too fast or too fast, she won't be able to absorb it completely and will be sent flying back from the attack, sacrificing herself at least briefly for Aso's health.

However, when the attack is weak enough, she can take in the entire attack and swallow it. It becomes similar to the energy in her body, forcing her to split it into two halves. One half is the raw energy of the attack, that goes up to her upper chest and head. The other is the special properties of what makes that attack unique, such as fire or ice or electric that would do additional damage in addition to the raw energy goes to the rest of her body.

With this, she can now use her special property of Reply.

Her body's energy is made to create shields from her hands, quite potent and difficult for pure energy to break. However, if the attack that hits it has any kind of additional effects to it, the shields will be crippled and broken. That is why they are so very potent against normal energy.

However, that's where Read comes into play. The traits that went to her hands and feet effect the energy she uses in her Replies. This means... that her shields become potent in blocking the one type of energy that she absorbed from the opponent in order to block. Like choosing a variable to put into an equation, the end result is something that can use its potent defensive blocking against the opponent's type of energy they used against her in the first place. The energy is like an "imprint" on her reply, telling it it is able to block that certain type of energy that hit it. She is able to hold up to 4 types of energy, 1 in each limb. To switch them out, she simply causes the imprint to dissipate.

So, she could swallow one of Alex's knifes, and swallow it. Inside of her body, the holy energy would go into her right arm, and the pure energy would remain in her upper chest/head. Then, she would be able to make a shield with that arm to block the knifes, despite their holiness, as the shield has the property to block them.

The raw energy that she gathers in her head allows her to fire attacks of energy. Mostly, this means she can fire things like mini-ceros, and can hold quite a lot of energy in her body, able to shoot out roughly 50 of the little things from a medium sized absorbed attack. This means she is able to zip around with her little flash-steps, going PLOP PLOP PLOP PLOP ZZHOOM ZZHOOM ZZHOOM as she fires the annoying little lasers at the opponent, serving as a terrific distraction.



Barrier: His energy has only one trait that has ever made him special. That is the ability to create barriers. He can create any kind of shape of barrier with his energy, able to make all kinds of them, of any shape and nearly any size. He can also expand upon upon the barriers, manipulate them even after he has created them, causing them to grow or shrink or move however he needs. He can control the barriers he creates up to 200 meters away from himself. He can also use his energy to enhance or decrease the potency and hardness of the shields. However, the shields have a special property: Reject. For example, if there were spikes shooting out at him from the walls around him, the barriers would reject the spike from continuing to grow as they hit the shield, instead of being pushed back by it. That is, unless the spike has some special property or is that large.

In fact, speaking of special properties, if Taron is sitting on his shoulder as he uses his barriers, he can infuse his barriers with Reply, making them more effective in blocking that type of energy.

Barrier Vision:With Barrier Vision, he can fire his Barrier Energy from his eyes, placing a barrier anywhere in his field of vision. That means that while standing still, he can force barriers to appear wherever he sees, able to do things like create a box around his opponent by looking at them, block a flurry of punches by keeping track of the fists as they fly, or even make a labyrinth to reach himself. He can even just stand there and hold off weaker opponents with his site.

Protection Barrier: With this, he can create a triangular prism around himself and around a small group of allies, using all his focus on the barrier. This barrier is EXTREMELY powerful, taking very high attacks to even crack it. However, while the barrier is up, the persons inside cannot move in or out of it. Aso can also not summon up any other barriers while he is using this, and it takes a very large strain on his body to keep it up. Once it is broken and shattered open, that’s it for Aso, as he loses all the energy he is using in his sealed state into using it, collapsing to the ground for the rest of the thread.

Seal: With his barriers, he can completely surround his opponent in a box of energy. The box is translucent, and can be seen through by parties on the in and outside of it. It slowly shrinks, growing in power as it does so, as the lost material is put into strengthening it. It goes down to the very limits of an opponent’s body, meaning that if they themselves try to curl up to get away from it, it will only get stronger from shrinking. On the flipside, if the opponent has much willpower and refuses to shrink along with it, it will only stay at a certain strength. This means that the box could be as large as a man and the opponent breaks through it, or they could constantly get smaller until it turns into a little cube and falls on the ground, the being within sealed from the outside world if they are not strong enough to break it.

Barrier Teleportation: If the barrier that he creates is large enough for him to walk through, he can go into it, basically merging himself with his own energy. From here, he can move to any of his other barriers that are held together by his energy, moving through the energy to do so. However, there is a way to prevent this. If either of the barriers is broken, he will be pushed out of the still remaining one immediately when it is destroyed. He cannot warp out of broken barriers, or shattered ones. If by some freak accident both of the barriers he is using are broken, he simply reappears between them, very dazed from what occurred and requiring time to catch his breath.

Feet Barriers: This is what allows him to move and run through the air with apparent ease. On his feet, he is constantly generating barriers, meaning that even if he is sent flying, he can create small things on his feet and leap right back at it. This technique uses no energy, as it is the exact same two foot-shaped barriers that he uses every time he steps down.

Limb Defenses: All around his body runs an impressive field of his barrier energy, able to stop and deflect opponents when they attempt to injure him. However, the defenses on his arms and legs are especially strong, as the only type of offensive capabilities he has are in his hand-to-hand skills. These enhanced defenses make being hit by him equivalent to being hit by a boulder in terms of texture. The other thing this allows him to do is get past “Spiked Armors”, as things like fields of fire or ice will not stop his cloaked body as he strikes the enemy. Not to mention the very nature of the shields would simply break apart the spikes themselves.

Taijutsu Specialist: Because of his dislike of bladed weaponry and slashing, he has trained his hand-to-hand skills to a sharp point. Chops, elbows, kicks, knees, even headbutts are all utilized by Aso. Despite his girl-ish figure, he truly has some muscles under his fair skin.

Enhanced Sight: What is special about his site is not how clear it is, it is its range and its speed. He can see things for miles off just as clearly as he can things 5 feet in front of his face, zooming in on them to sense acute details, place barriers, and etc. The other special quality of his eyes are their speed. They are able to process and communicate information to Aso’s brain at a rapid pace due to his training with them, allowing him to create his barriers fast enough to reply to them.

Chaos Moves:

Ranmyaku Blast: His Ramnyaku Blast is almost identical to a Gran Rey Cero in power; it uses up a good bit to use, and can only be fired once per post.

Chaos Barrier

Chaos Barrier is a move you perform by summoning up Chaos Energy, placing a wall or sphere of energy around your body and sealing yourself inside your own world for up to three post. Nothing can get in OR out of this world. Which means you cannot attack while within it, nor can you be attacked. Also, if you stay in here for too long and you are not a master or Advanced you will eventually begin to erase yourself. Master's and Advanced can to, but this usually happens after five post after the recommended three post length. Also, after the recommended three post length, it can also be damaged by other attack's and eventually bought down.

Chaos Warp

When this technique is activated it allows the user to teleport from short range distances at first, then when they become more master this move more they able to use to technique to teleport from long range distances along with being able to warp anywhere as long they can sense someones spiritual pressure or reiatsu. When they become more powerful they sometimes able to slow down within a limited range and gain the upper hand on their opponents. Advanced and master's can also teleport through dimension's and create pathway's to other world's. Adept can do it, but it takes much longer and drains them.

However, Chaos Warp is not just limited to that. It can also be used for teleporting things and other beings. It starts by firing a burst of Chaos Energy from either your finger tips, palm's or anywhere else you can think of in your body. Then you can create it in any shape or form you want and try to have it attach itself to the thing you want to teleport. For objects, it's almost instant to teleport. However, to move massive land masses and things along those lines it would take a bit more time. Between one or two post for master's, three or four for advanced users, five or seven for Adept and 20 for beginners.

To teleport or beings it would take 1 post for masters, 2 for advanced, 3 for adept and 5 for beginners.

Note: A very common way to utlize Chaos Warp is for it to be used to control the flow of time around a certain area. For example, Time Control can be used to speed up the time. So if you have a slow attack, you can apply the Chaos Energy to it and speed it up. You can also increase your opponents speed as well. Another example of time control is by slowing down the flow of time around you or on a certain object. Say for instance you were about to get punch. Well, you can apply Chaos Energy to the punch and slow it down so it won't hurt as much. The same applies for energy attack's as well and pretty much anything else.

Energy Affinity

Compared to Angel or Devil Iramasha, Hybrid Iramasha appear to be more in tune with energy overall due to the fused genes of having these two races in the same body. In a less complex term, they are more or less hyper sensitive to all types of energy and thus are able to manipulate, control or bend energy to their will. For example, a Hybrid Iramasha has more keen senses when it comes to any attack fueled by energy as they will have more advanced warning then regular Iramasha. Another example of this trait would be that Hybrid's take on five to ten percent less damage with energy attack compared to equal level'd peers of Angel or Devil Iramasha descent. Additionally, Hybrid Iramasha's body respond more positively to energy then other races. For instance, if a Character was severely burned, simply providing them with Chaos Energy, Reiryoku, reishi or Reishi should heal them much quicker then with conventional methods alone. Finally, the last benefit they get from this trait is that most energy attacks that come Hybrid Iramasha's tend to be fairly more powerful then others of their race should they be at full health.

Now, as for the drawbacks of this trait; they are more weak or injured when they are drained of their Reiryoku, Chaos Energy and Reishi. In general, for most fused natural traits, they get weaker, more difficult or less effective the less power they have generating inside of them. Thus, as you will find out in their traits, constantly seaking out more energy is what give the Hybrid Iramasha it's edge and means to fuel their enhanced bodies.
(This trait basically sums up a lot of parts about Aso: His Seishin's energy-related moves, as well of his very-weak state without his energy.)

Divine Impurity

Such as Angel Iramasha have Divine Purification and The Devil Iramasha have forged Unholy Impurity, The Hybrid Iramasha have the combined ability of these racial traits called Divine Impurity. With Divine Purification, Hybrids will be able to spread their influence around their surroundings by influencing various objects, living beings, seals, realms and other things of this nature with their natural affinity towards energy and consuming it. An example of this side of Divine Impurity would be an advanced Hybrid Iramasha figuring out a way to control the energies within a barrier in order to influence it to make an exception for him or her to pass through if the opponent or opposing force does not realize what is happening and take the appropriate measures to counteract this manipulation. Another example of how Divine Impurity could work is by a Hybrid Iramasha causing an opponents body to gradually weaken by using this Divine Impurity to gradually turn the energies within a living beings body against them. Attempting to clog the flow of Reiryoku or reiatsu within a person, creating blocked pathways to stunt certain spiritual based attacks, attempting to force their body to use more energy via their affinity for energy in general in order for their target to tire out more quickly and other various methods similar to the ones stated.

Additionaly, as with the Devil Iramasha, they are also able to apply Divine Impurity towards attacks. For example, a Hybrid Iramasha could possibly cause an energy attack like a cero to split in two by pushing away the core of energy within an energy based blast like that in order to avoid an attack like that. It is also possible weaken it to the point where damage is acceptable, totally decay the blast on higher levels or even hijack possession of the blast from the opponent. This gets more diffcult to do, however, for opponents stronger or more skilled then themselves.

However, unlike Angel or Devil Iramasha, this ability gets weaker or more difficult to perform the more their Inner Chaos Energy is drained alongside their Reiryoku. Eventually ,if an opponent were to cause enough damage, they could potentially even stop this ability by draining a hybrid Iramasha of their energy or making them use it up in attacks. Therefore, Hybrid Iramasha have learned to be very careful with this skill. Unneeded use of their Chaos Energy or energy in general could drain rob of this natural trait.
(Again, related to his energy, although his specialty with it is finding ways to get through barriers, being so experienced with them.)

Divine Impurity

Such as Angel Iramasha have Divine Purification and The Devil Iramasha have forged Unholy Impurity, The Hybrid Iramasha have the combined ability of these racial traits called Divine Impurity. With Divine Purification, Hybrids will be able to spread their influence around their surroundings by influencing various objects, living beings, seals, realms and other things of this nature with their natural affinity towards energy and consuming it. An example of this side of Divine Impurity would be an advanced Hybrid Iramasha figuring out a way to control the energies within a barrier in order to influence it to make an exception for him or her to pass through if the opponent or opposing force does not realize what is happening and take the appropriate measures to counteract this manipulation. Another example of how Divine Impurity could work is by a Hybrid Iramasha causing an opponents body to gradually weaken by using this Divine Impurity to gradually turn the energies within a living beings body against them. Attempting to clog the flow of Reiryoku or reiatsu within a person, creating blocked pathways to stunt certain spiritual based attacks, attempting to force their body to use more energy via their affinity for energy in general in order for their target to tire out more quickly and other various methods similar to the ones stated.

Additionaly, as with the Devil Iramasha, they are also able to apply Divine Impurity towards attacks. For example, a Hybrid Iramasha could possibly cause an energy attack like a cero to split in two by pushing away the core of energy within an energy based blast like that in order to avoid an attack like that. It is also possible weaken it to the point where damage is acceptable, totally decay the blast on higher levels or even hijack possession of the blast from the opponent. This gets more diffcult to do, however, for opponents stronger or more skilled then themselves.

However, unlike Angel or Devil Iramasha, this ability gets weaker or more difficult to perform the more their Inner Chaos Energy is drained alongside their Reiryoku. Eventually ,if an opponent were to cause enough damage, they could potentially even stop this ability by draining a hybrid Iramasha of their energy or making them use it up in attacks. Therefore, Hybrid Iramasha have learned to be very careful with this skill. Unneeded use of their Chaos Energy or energy in general could drain rob of this natural trait.


Form One: The Sphere

In this state, his body expands upon the field around his body, flowing out over his allies and covering them with it, giving them the same sort of protection that he himself has. In addition, around his head he gains a strange head-gear of sorts, something that looks like a half-cylindrical barrier going all around his face. This allows him to see all around himself, able to put barriers basically anywhere in his vision, greatly increasing his ability to help his allies and assist them, as well as send Taron to where she needs to go to give them a hand.

Arm Loss: While in this state, his arms become energy, literally going in on himself, leaving his sleeves to hang out as he looks all around him. This helps verify him of the circle of the field he has created around each of his allies, as well reduce his distraction levels by removing them while they are unneeded. In addition, this releases the Limb Defenses around his arms, sending the energy into Aso and allowing him to make even larger barrier creations with a higher potency, in addition to expanding his range of controlling his shields to half a mile around his body. This also creates a Protection Barrier-level field around his body in a shape of a sphere, making him even more isolated from everyone else and marking how he is there to support them, in addition to providing him defense. However, this also means he cannot move…

Mark of the Defender: In this state, whomever he places his protection on gains a small butterfly tattoo on their right cheek. In addition to looking amazing, they also allow anyone with the same tattoo to communicate instantaneously at all times, using Aso’s body as a conduit. This mark can also be pressed on by ones hand, alerting their need for instant aid from Aso and their allies. When this happens, they are forcibly warped through their own barrier, reappearing in Aso’s protection sphere at the bottom of it, allowing them to nurse their wounds.

Hybrid Form 2: The Omni-Present Shield

Disturbance: While in this state, shields began sporadically appearing all around Aso, finally all turning and facing him as the sphere around his body collapses. They all slam into him, forcing him to release his full power. They forcibly go into his body, the barrier around his head shattering. His energy condenses in on itself, making something like a black hole type object for a few moments (it cannot actually draw anything else in other than his energy. As this occurs, the butterflies on the faces of his allies disperse, flying off of their faces as their own barriers vanish. They barriers stop in one spot a few feet away from the ones they had been on, as they start to grow. They turn into a simple shield, floating next to and around its owner. Taron also is sucked into hole as well.

Appearance: When he remerges from the hole, he is quite different in appearance. For one thing, he has lost his legs. For another, his eyes are now pupiless, making him seem as if he is blind. On the space above his eyes, a vertical eye appears, opening its lid to signal the butterflies to leave their owners and begin their jobs. This eye does have a pupil, gold in color. It should also be noted that Aso’s hair has lengthened greatly, now longer than his missing legs in the back. Covering his body instead of his normal clothes, there is simply an opaque barrier. However, this barrier is special: it can create several hundred shields that break off from itself, making it simple for Aso so defend any space around him or even create Seals if he must.

The Eye: The eye sees everything in a mile radius, all at the same time. This means that in a mile radius, he can create barriers almost flawlessly in that mile. However, the barriers he makes cannot be improved upon, spread out from or moved like his normal ones can Not only does this protect his allies, this makes Aso himself the main target of any enemies. Meaning it gives him great power but also a great amount of risk, as by this point most enemies will be shooting to kill. He is also unable to teleport to the barriers. Not to mention, if they really do manage to break through the field around his body, that’s it. Game over.

The Shields: The shields are gold in color, taking the shape of a kite shield, each roughly 4 feet in length and 3 feet in width. They are in constant motion around their owners, moving extremely fast at nearly flash step speeds to defend them. They can also be picked up by their owner and used like a normal shield, although they are the level of Protection Barrier in terms of strength. They are all controlled while they are floating by Aso. However, in addition to being so special as this, Aso can also switch places with them, allowing his physical form to trade the area of space where they are, sending them to where he had been standing. This means he can warp to several allies, giving support and barriers wherever it is needed. However, he is unable to do it in his own interest. If all of his allies are fine and someone breaks through his barriers, he will not move to stop the attack, as he is only thinking about his allies. In fact in this state, he does not exist in his own mind.

To be able to use either of these must be given approval by admin.

Death Denial: With this ability, the shields that he has going constantly around his allies is watching their life force. If that life force reaches the point where it is 100% certain that it will reach 0, the shields act. They bend space, turning their own energy into life force and forcing it into their owners. This is enough power to bring them back to life from the point of near- or full-but-only-for-just-a-moment death. However, every time this occurs, that ally becomes trapped in a Protective Barrier, unable to escape or even move from the spot. Not only this, they are unconscious, and if the opponent breaks through the barrier, they really WILL die. So, the shields are basically last-resort 1up mushrooms.

I AM A BOY, AND THIS IS WHAT I PROTECT!: When he shouts this, he is able to create the equivalent of a Protective Barrier, around a space the size of Iramasha Island. However, when he does so, all his shields must be in the radius, and they all disappear upon use. In addition, any cracks made in the barrier are fixed, although it at the cost of his very life force. It would take an EXTREMELY strong attack to break the barrier, as it is his final one, and after casting it, he is done. He will have as little as 1% of his life force left, and if not taken care of properly, will truly die.

Custom Form Appearance N/A

Custom Form Abilities: N/A

Class Title: The Hybrid of Protection

Class Traits:

Protection Knowledge: Some call it an instinct, some call it magic; whatever the case, it is definitely real. With Protection Knowledge, Aso will occasionally be able to sense when someone that he cares about enters extremely grave danger. In which case, he could do a defensive chaos warp, doing whatever he could as soon as he got there to save the person that he saw right before seeing their death play out. However, just because he has the chance to, doesn't mean it will happen. There is only about a 40% chance that he will be able to make it in time before it is over, and it depends on his own skill from there.


Branch/Position: Iramasha Guard
Race: Hybrid



General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Master

Racial Skills
  • Chaos Energy Skill: Advanced
  • Chaos Warp: Adept
  • Seishin Buki Level: Advanced
  • Race Control: Adept

For more information visit: The Forms and Techniques and The Iramasha's History


Roleplay Sample:

Aso smiled, looing up at his opponent as the demon charged at him. He targeted the space right in front of the demon, smiling as a panel of a barrier appeared there. He laughed out loud as he watched the demon slam into it, nearly busting a gut from the look on its face. “Oh… oh god, that was hilarious…!” He declared, looking to his shoulder as well. There was Taron, fallen over and busting a gut, amplifying and reflecting his own opinion of the demon as it tried to figure out what the deal was with the shield. It decided eventually to try zipping around it… and promptly slammed into another one, a shocked look covering its face. Aso and Taron’s reactions were amplified once again, Aso barely able to contain himself and Taron flailing back and forth on her back. The demon stared at them, a look of pure hate in its eyes.

It vanished from them, reappearing behind and above Aso, its feet level with the Hybrid of Protection’s head. It brought down a sword-like object, trying to slash him wide open from the middle of his head to feet. However, there was something he hadn’t expected; Aso heard a small PLOP as Taron vanished from his shoulder, countering the demon’s sword with her bo. However, the demon simply pushed forwards, eventually throwing her back. We can’t have that… hmm… It’s a good thing I like trains… He thought, smiling as a great square barrier appeared right in front of the demon, directly above Aso’s head. It flew forwards, slamming into the demon and driving the thing back. He smiled as he watched the red skeleton-like demon trying to hold the barrier back, before he saw something that surprised him. He widened his eyes slightly, seeing the demon standing before him, as its fist shot out at his stomach.

It slammed into Aso, throwing him up in the air from the uppercut. However, the demon wasn’t prepared as Taron appeared behind it with a PLOP, bringing down the bo on the much larger being’s skull, actually cracking it hard eough for the monster to notice. The demon struck out at Taron, suddenly finding ANOTHER barrier in its way, as it turned around to see Aso tutting and wagging his finger back and forth. “Bad move…” He said softly, as the barrier expanded, then shot out lengths around itself, creating a box shape around the demon. It slowly condensed itself, shrinking as its walls pressed in on the demon. It began to shrink itself, as the barrier got closer and closer… before it released. Aso widened his eyes, watching as the seal was ripped to shreds. Already, eh? Looks like this one does not like beat around the bush… He reflected, seeing the bright light appear in his opponents hands a second before it fired at him.

With a PLOP, Taron reappeared in front of himself. She opened her mouth wide, as the attack was sucked into her body, her stomach expanding and almost bursting from the larger-than-normal attack. It split in her body, her right arm glowing and vanishing again with a simple PLOP. It reappeared above the demon, opening her mouth as something like a mini-cero shot out, slamming the demon in the back of the head and forcing him to turn around and redirect his attention to the little avatar of Aso’s. This is why I normally fight in a group… Aso reflected, rapidly running at his foe, using his barriers to move through the air by creating the step falls he required to move towards his opponent. He spun around as he reached the demon, as the demon reached Taron, shooting up a hand as Aso shot out a horizontally spinning leg.

It hit the demon, creating a surprised look on its face as it realized that its harmful aura was doing nothing against the strange Hybrid Iramasha he was doing battle with. Aso merely widened his grin upon seeing the bemused look on his opponents face, drawing back a fist as he struck it to the monsters face. He began to wail on the demon, punching it hard in the stomach, grabbing its head as it bent down from the shock, and slamming it hard against his brought up knee. His left fist shot out as blood spewed from the things face, punching it hard in the shoulder and bringing his knee high, shooting the foot straight out. It connected with the thing in its already wounded stomach, sending it flying away from Taron and Aso.

Aso decided that this would most likely be his best chance to actually finish the thing off, pointing a finger at the demon. Taron, who had just landed on his shoulder, opened her mouth wide, bending over a bit like a cannon about to fire as tons of min-ceros shot from her mouth, throwing the demon back even more as suddenly it slammed against… a wall. Aso smiled, watching as Taron appeared before the demon, the bo held high above her head. She gave a cry as she brought the bo down, cracking the demon square in the forehead from the attack, making a look on its face so shocked it made Aso laugh.

However, it was not funny when the demon looked at Aso, enraged, as it fired a giant blast of fire from its hands. Taron vanished with a plop, reappearing in front of Aso, holding out her right arm. A barrier appeared before them, circular in shape as it deflected the fire, leaving them alone safe in the inferno. The flames cleared, and Aso was finally able to have the chance to walk up to his opponent, a barrier beneath the exhausted demon as it looked up at him as he approached.

“A-haha! That was fun, no?” He asked light heartedly, a great smile on his face as he looked on at the demon.

“I can’t believe… to think I was beaten… by a gir-“ He was cut off, as Aso’s hand grabbed around the throat. It gagged and gasped as Aso brought its head up before himself, placing his hand over its face.

“But, I’m a boy.” He finished, releasing the power in his hand as he released his Ramnyaku Blast, blowing away the head of the demon completely, the body falling away from himself, as what he had been gripping no longer existed in this world.

I swear.. those demons are getting annoying… appearing outside the island and what not… But… at least I got to have a bit of fun, I guess. He decided, a faint of a smile on his lips as Taron came to sit on his shoulder once more, and he began making his way back to the island…

Last edited by JJ on Wed Jun 27, 2012 10:53 pm; edited 4 times in total

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
Age : 27

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Platinum Points:
Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid] Left_bar_bleue10015/100000Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid] Empty_bar_bleue  (10015/100000)

Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid] Empty Re: Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid]

Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:24 pm
Well, 1-1+. Sorry, kinda out of it. owo

Will Skills

Willpower/Determination: Advanced
Mental Deduction: Adept
Pain Endurance: Adept
Focus: Master

Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid] FXpoQxJ
Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid] 2Y9rqGk

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Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid] Empty Re: Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid]

Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:29 am

Due to an update on the board, I am going to go ahead and move this character into the Approved Hybrid Iramashsa section to better classify other sub-races of Iramasha.

Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid] WVMWLOu
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
Posts : 5174
Age : 27
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Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid] Empty Re: Aso [Approved 1-1+ Hybrid]

Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:46 pm

This is being moved to archives.

Thank you very much for your service over the years.

If you are ever needed again, you shall be re-summoned once more and moved back to Approved Applications.

Until then, sleep well, my dear friend. Thank you for the good times and for having put up with me for so very, very long.

Aso... the manliest man in my entire character list, the Hideyoshi... we watched many things together. You had Aki, though your relationship went inactive.. who knows, it might be ignited again, some day. But for now... you may rest. I apologize for all the times I laughed at the thought of you being a girl... you were my Hybrid Iramasha, and my most defensive character... in more ways then one. Goodnight...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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