Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Joined : 2024-08-24
Posts : 26

Arturo Galavantes Empty Arturo Galavantes

Mon Aug 26, 2024 5:44 pm

I. Basic Information

» Name: Arturo Galavantes
» Alias: The Undertow
» Age: 450
» Gender: Male

» Association: Fluctuating (Whoever is strongest in Hueco Mundo at the time)

» Estigma: A crown of sharp teeth jutting up from the base of his jaw from one ear to the other.
» Hollow Hole: Located through his right eye socket, beneath an eyepatch.
» Aspect of Death: Drowning Pool

» Appearance Written: Arturo is a withered gangly man, standing a few inches short of 6ft, even less so with his slouched and stooping posture. His weathered skin is littered with scars, especially apparent across his bald scalp. He is commonly wearing some sort of heavy duster or overcoat, billowy buccaneer trousers, and creaky leather boots, with a perpetually sodden look to his clothes, as if the threads are permanently soaked.
His general visage is of a man who hasn't slept in decades, sunken eyes (or eye, to be more accurate), drawn cheeks, and limp stance. Like a wet rag held up by a hook.

» Appearance Image:
I. Personality

» Personality: Arturo is a conniving, calculated snake with an itchy dagger finger. A friend to your face, and a knife to your back. He is not afraid to get his hands dirty with jobs, and will do what it takes to get himself to where he needs to be. Loyal to the winning side, he has been known to swap factions at the drop of a hat if it means jumping from a sinking ship, something he is more than familiar with.

In his free time he likes to unwind with a pint and a smoke, play some cards or throw some darts. On the job, he is best suited in the background, lurking in the shadows or sinking himself into groups unbeknownst to his major prerogative, rather that be retrieving intel or the head of a would-be mark.

I. History

» History:
Human Life:
Arturo was a lowly man in life as he is in death, a swabby on a Spanish ship of cutthroats and ruffians that cared about nothing more than freedom and riches on the sea. As all human lives are, his was short lived, rather it be from scurvy or from the great tentacles of some forgotten sea beast, Arturo cannot remember, all he can remember from his human life was the deep unforgiving dark of the salty sea as the light from above faded further and further into oblivion. Sinking to the sea bed, rotting away into the dark sand, he found himself transported to another dune in another place. He had died, and his hell was a cold forgotten realm under an endless night sky.

Hollow Life:
His form had broken down from his human body, transforming into something else entirely, a beast, or beasts. He never was too sure. Finned, jagged toothed, spined. The sands of this forsaken realm of Hueco Mundo became the seas that he hunted. His soul splitting apart into gnawing hungry jaws, he was a swarm, many mouths formed into one, then apart again. Like a school of piranhas, held together by one drive to feed and shred.

Arrancar Life:
The unforgiving sands, hostile feeding grounds, were a place to feed or die. As the years continued on, endless as they seemed, the sense of survival hung heavy on his beastial mind, and instinctually he knew that he needed more to live, and whatever it took to survive he would do. In one of the many fights to the death his kind would experience, in an act of desperation, Arturo shed his hollow mask and transformed into a form unlike his human self or his hollow self, but a new form entirely. An Arrancar. His many pieces, a cloud of clattering bones and teeth smashed together and converted into one man again, as he was before his death.

Now with his new form, he felt more than just hunger, more than just primal need. But one thing had not changed. He felt the need to survive. Hueco Mundo had many ponds, but now he could see the sea, and it was vast and full of powers he never knew could exist. Travelling out in search of power and war, he was propelled forward with one thing stringing him along. Survive.

Currently, Arturo finds himself rubbing shoulders with whoever showed the most promise in this endless night, a hired blade to the highest price, a cutthroat, as loyal as a cutthroat could be.

I. Natural Abilities

» Natural Abilities:
Arturo is skilled with his dagger, knowing exactly how to get up close and personal with it when the need arises.

Expert in tracking, hunting down targets through either information or a trail they have left behind. Enhanced senses allow him to follow traces of his marks even when the trail seems to run cold.

Arturo is naturally hard to get your hands on, swift movements keeping him one step ahead in combat offensively and defensively.

I. Racial Abilities

» Racial Abilities:
Arturo is reliant on his swift movements rather it be getting in or getting out of a situation.

A staple of Arrancar, Arturo has hardened his weathered flesh into iron over the decades of the rough life of Hueco Mundo.

When one can't always be up close and personal, a ranged attack shall do. Honed in the power of both Cero and Bala, while not Arturo's first choice, a potent one all the same.
  • Feeding Frenzy: Arturo can impart his predatory nature onto his Cero and Bala, causing them to change form to resemble a Cero Shark or Bala Piranha, these new forms able to hone in on target's like heat seeking missiles, exploding on impact. Additionally, his Cero is able to break apart into a swarm of his piranha bala that also explode on impact.

High-Speed Regeneration
Another perk of surviving for as long as he has, Arturo has developed the Arrancar ability to rapidly heal through damage he might take, whatever it takes to survive.

A power innate to Hollow races, Arturo has the ability to open a rift that links Hueco Mundo and the World of the Living.

Advanced Pesquisa:
Arturo has honed his senses with Pesquisa, being able to sense souls nearby like a shark smelling blood.

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Riptide

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: Riptides sealed appearance is of a jagged bone dagger, almost like a portion of a shark's jaw, a solid spine with serrated teeth as the blade.

» Sealed Zanpakutō Power:
Sea Spectre:
As if a reflection of his slippery underhanded tactics, Arturo has the ability to sink into surfaces as if they are made of water. While lurking beneath the surface, he is capable of moving at greater speeds, as well as heavily suppressing his presence, the greatest tool in his assassin's toolbelt.

I. Resurrección

» Resurrección Release Phrase: Drag Them Under

» Resurrección Release Action: Stabbing his dagger downward, as if into something or someone.

» Resurrección Appearance: Bone plates run across Arturo's limbs, resembling fish scales or shark teeth. Jagged spines rupture from his back, following down his spine all the way to a slender piscine tail resembling a sharks mixed with an anchor. His hands and feet grow jagged claws, and his hollow mask fragment grows its teeth even longer.

» Resurrección Abilities:
Arturo unshackles his anchoring to the world around him, returning to the sea, his hunting grounds. His movements become fluid as he swims through the air and sand alike, greatly increasing his speed and power, once again being in his element.

His body is roughly incorporeal to standard physical surfaces, allowing him to sink and swim through them with ease at great speeds.

By spiraling himself, spinning his bladed elbows, spine, and tail, he can launch himself like a torpedo at high speed at an opponent to try and tear through their defenses, while his bone plating acting as his own defense along the way.


» Equipment: [If your arrancar has any equipment? Put it here. If they don't, skip this section.]

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

Please remove regenerar or aumentar depending on which skill you are taking.

General Attributes
» Durability: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E
» Speed: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E
» Strength: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E
» Soul: SS/S/A/B/C/D/E

Will Skills
» Willpower: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Deduction: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Focus: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

Arrancar Skills
» Cero: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Nucleo: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Regenerar: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained
» Sonido: Elite/Advanced/Adept/Beginner/Untrained

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample: A deep and gravelly humming echoed through the ancient hallways of Las Noches, a tune centuries old lost to the bottom of the seas. The source was a man, if in this world of beasts and demons you could call one that, deeply scarred and radiating a sinister aura that would make anyone's skin crawl. He sat back, feet up resting on the grand table that stretched the center of the room, humming to himself an old pirate shanty from the depths of his memory. Dagger in hand, he wittled his blade under his dark stained nails, scraping out sand and whatever muck might have accumulated there, flicking the mess onto the floor without another thought.

He was waiting, he had been called here for a new job, a new bounty to hunt down and pay a visit, but he had been waiting forever it seemed and no sign of anyone. Leaning further back on the marble seat, he yawned and tapped the back of his blade onto his freshly cleaned nails, before giving it a nonchalant wave through the air as he hummed.

Finally, a figure shifted into the doorway, a tall and lanky man, clutching a book in one hand and an envelope in the other. His voice suddenly echoed through the room as he made his way towards Arturo, grabbing at the fabric around his ankles and flinging his feet off of the table and onto the floor, "Did no one teach you any manners since you've been here, dog...?"

Arturo's eye twitched for a moment, blood rushing into his throat before he clutched the hilt of his dagger tightly, baring a jagged toothy grin, "Guess not... I'm more of an outside dog, I'd say... not much for.. manners.."

Ear to Ear.

The spindly man grimaced at the sight of the grinning arrancar, eyeing him for a moment before scoffing and dropping the envelope into his lap. "Here's the job, if you can even read, mutt.. I assume that isn't your strongsuit."

Could slice his gut..

After a moment of pause, Arturo tossed the envelope up from his lap, bringing the point of his blade into the parchment, snagging it out of the air and nailing it onto the table, splintering a bit of the marble beneath. Getting to his feet, he tugged the blade from the marble, letter attached, and flashed the spindly man another look at his jagged teeth. "Don't worry boss... I think I'll manage..." he muttered in his gruff and gravelly growl, before turning off to start making his way toward the exit.

"...and dog... if you can't get it done, we can always find someone who will."

Arturo gripped the hilt of his dagger tightly, the leather creaking in his palm. Blood thumped once again in his throat, and he lowered his head for a moment.

Hilt deep in the chest

Without another word, Arturo's form seemed to wade down into the marble floor, sinking as if it were made of water, until the last bit of him disappeared and he was off, vanishing into the darkness.

I. Intent

» Character Intent: Arturo will survive at any cost, aligning himself with whatever powers rise to the top of Hueco Mundo, jumping ship the second that they start sinking.

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