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Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
Posts : 3761
Age : 30
Location : Gracemeria

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[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  Left_bar_bleue7380/100[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  Empty [Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi

Tue Jan 31, 2023 3:30 am

[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  8iogJS

Sword One-†-Basic Information

Name: Tsubine Shirazumi (白泉 鶴老福)
Nicknames: Tsu; "Dad"; "Boss"
Age: 331
Aliases/Title: Isshin Kensei (一振 剣聖; Single Swing Sword Saint);
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Shinigami
Associations: First Chairman of the Shirazumi-rengokai

Sword Two-†-Outwards and Inwards

[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  0pzpWN
Appearance: Tsubine would likely be mistaken as a member of the Vandenreich at first. His tall, lean appearance looks more like that of an archer. Upon closer inspection, that falls away. He wears a long-tailed off-white jacket with a large, almost-flared collar. The lapels are a dark grey damask while the inner lining is navy blue. He wears a black asymmetrical waistcoat that only truly goes up to his left shoulder while leaving most of his right side free. Underneath that is a crisp navy blue shirt adorned with a dark grey and gold tie. He wears wide-foot slacks that are a reimagining of 1980s style.

That's where the normal parts of his dress end. That same suit is also adorned with armored plating on both arms right below the shoulders. The right arm has more armor there, but he makes up for that by wearing a single kote on his left forearm that matches the sode on his right arm. Instead of normal gloves, he usually is seen with a pair of black, fingerless, studded motorcycle gloves. His sword belt is a fine black leather and he carries his Zanpakutō on his left side.

Tsubine remains clean-shaven and usually shaves every day to maintain this. He owns his own brand of hair gel that keeps his hair practically the same every day. His normal styling has it swept up over his right temple and back everywhere else. He, thankfully, has somewhat-volumous hair. One thing Tsubine is never seen without is a pair of sunglasses. His style is a slim aviator.

Scars/Marks/Tattoos: Tsubine has numerous tattoos and a few important scars. The tattoo most notice is under his left eye. Many think it's a stylized 4—to symbolize the "Shi" in "Shirazumi." It's actually a bird in flight in a simplistic, almost-tribal style. He also has a pair of mirrored tattoos on both arms from the elbows to the knuckles. These are an intricate pattern of lines and swirls. Tsubine has not elaborated on what these tattoos mean. The last one most people see is the one on the left side of his neck. Although it has more of the harsh angles and thickness of the eye tattoo, the design is more akin to the arm tattoos. Tsubine has a few scars mostly on his forearms and one on his lower abdomen that looks like he was impaled.

[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  5aSsQb

Hair Color: ████████ Timberwolf Grey
Eye Color: ████████ Deep Sky Blue
Height: 6'1
Weight: 240lbs

The most important word a man can say are, "I will do better.”
Tsubine is a man of many struggles. From growing up in an outer district in the Rukongai to losing his wife and raising their daughter together, he's not had an easy life. When he fell in love with Kanna, he came to terms that he was flawed. He's made mistakes. He's hurt people that didn't deserve it. He's been hurt. He's let that hurt control him. He's accepted that his pain can cause others' pain. His struggles don't make someone else's non-existent.

This may paint Tsubine as someone who feels he's morally superior to those around him. He's not. He stumbles many times—and currently is in his worst stumble so far—but he still strives to be better. Tsubine has passion within him that drives this desire. The one thing he wants more than anything is to make a place where his family is safe and provided for. And so, he works hard on trying to form good relationships with others around him so that, in the likely event he dies, his family will be OK.

Tsubine puts on the airs of someone who is calm and in control. He's regularly seen with a small smile that distracts people from the harsh lines around his eyes. A furrowed brow is just as rare as a guffaw, and the silence that shows up when these are supposed to be there indicate that he's still not whole. Ask those closest to him and they'll say he's better. Nothing specific, just "better." It's a platitude to avoid answering "He's still not done blaming himself for Her death."

Tsubine distracts himself from his depression by training, attempting to spend time with his daughter, or planning big moves for the Shirazumi-rengokai. And yet, no hobby keeps his attention. He's tried most of the time-consuming ones (gardening, calligraphy, even model trains). His daughter seems to hate him, and so their time spent together is short. Tsubine tries to spoil the kid to make up for the fact that Kanna's gone, but that's not the right way to go about it. He hasn't seen a therapist for the right way. And as for his plans... They are laid, but they require time to come to fruition.

That leaves training. What was once a mere tool for self-improvement has almost become an obsession. Tsubine's desire to test himself against his actual peers—not just those that claim to be or the yes-man types, but the ones he'd enjoy a duel with has been a lot of what's keeping him going aside from his attempts at being a good father. He's somewhat of an annoying nerd when it comes to seeing other swordmasters, as he doesn't immediately challenge them. He'll watch and admire from afar—he's been (rightfully) accused of being a stalker. And in some ways, he is! He's just not stalking them for sexual or romantic reasons—he just loves seeing other people who are good with swords. He'll ramble and ask perhaps too many questions all while trying to understand how good someone else is and how he might improve.

Tsubine's whole schtick is how he can improve. Which is why he is trying too hard to be a good father for his daughter. Tsubine loves her dearly and would give up everything for her. He'd also go on the warpath with anyone if something happened to her. Mayumi is his biggest blindspot, and so she ends up getting away with a lot more than she should. Tsubine doesn't know how to be a strict parent because he's afraid he'll push her further away.

The Shirazumi-rengokai is the thing he's fourth most proud of (after Mayumi, Kanna, and his own swordsmanship). His organization may have questionable methods, but for the majority in his district life is better with them in control. He doesn't believe what he's doing is wrong. Most of the people in the sub-60 districts are criminal types anyways—why not put them in a controlled environment and put their talents to "good" use? Tsubine does not condone human trafficking and drug smuggling, and he does his best to make sure that the organization stays clean in those regards.

Likes: Mayumi, Kanna, a good duel, S W O R D S
Dislikes: Guns, bows, most polearms, axes, the vegetarian diet, surprise parties

Sword Three-†-That Which is Learned

Willpower: With bloody fingers and a sweat-soaked brow, Tsubine has built his own empire. He seeks a form of perfection within himself while also trying to being the best example for his daughter and a good husband for his late wife. If there is something no one would accuse him of, it's being wishy-washy or unmotivated. Even during his one-year mourning period, he was spending time training or attempting to be there for his daughter. Always, he is striving to be better.

Deduction: Tsubine is no idiot, but he's someone who got through life mostly through hard work, guts, and natural charisma. Since charisma isn't accounted for here, his actually book-smarts is moderately above-average but that's it. He'll still be fooled by a well-executed prank. He also has a complete lack of knowledge of proper romance. His knowledge on that front comes from airport romance dime-novels.

Focus: Tsubine is most at peace when either with his family or with a sword at hand. With either of those, he's at his peak. When Tsubine does not have a sword in hand, he has a focus penalty of two ranks. He's taken this focus to a new level by using it to gauge any potential opponents. The two that excite him the most are those that exude confidence and those that exude nothingness. Tsubine has learned what it takes to be a good swordsman, and he actively searches for those traits in others. As someone nearing "nothingness" himself.

Durability: There's only one way to train how durable you are: getting hit. Tsubine has done his best to not get hit as of late, and as such his skill at taking hits isn't as good as it could be. If anything, his durability now is still just how he's been since being thrown through a window into a glass shop (see history).

Speed: Tsubine, after a few too many times getting bored hitting a stationary target, began training on moving while attacking. Cardio is his primary exercise outside of his arms. His speed may not be top-notch, but he is a distance runner and can carry out complex maneuvers without losing his momentum. In fact, that's a good way to describe Tsubine's speed: unerring momentum.

Strength: Tsubine isn't necessarily strong. He's not the kind of guy who'd throw a punch that'd flatten someone. His strength, like his speed, is more about endurance. He focuses on arm and leg strength so as to best swing a sword, and that's the entirety of his strength training.

Martial Skill: Tsubine has developed a way to weed out unworthy contenders. If they cannot avoid his first strike, they're not worth his time. And so, he has specialized in an iai-style quick-draw (see below). He practiced it many, many times which has earned him his nickname (at least in the areas around him) of "Isshin Kensei."

Hohō : Tsubine knows the basics of Hohō thanks to the same former Shinigami that taught him to communicate with his Zanpakutō. His poor sense of direction leads him to getting lost, and it's evident that he'll always overshoot his target using Shunpo.

Kidō: Just like Hohō , Tsubine's skill with Kidō entirely comes from his "tutor." He can do very the very basics of Kidō, and he has a desire to learn more. He just doesn't want to go to school proper for it.

Zanjutsu: Tsubine, ironically, has zero training in actual Zanjutsu. He does not know how to perform techniques such as Hitotsume: Nadegiri or Ryōdan. However, he has learned, through his own stubborn effort, how those techniques "work." He is able to easily infuse his Zanpakutō with Reiryoku. In short, for performing actual, standard techniques Tsubine is rated as Beginner. In terms of understanding his Zanpakutō and infusing it with Reiryoku, that is where his skill on the Skill Sheet is accurate. Tsubine also has a unique relationship with his Zanpakutō as she is very possessive of her owner. This has made the process for understanding one another both easier and more difficult. He attained Bankai practically on accident after defeating a full-powered version of his Zanpakutō spirit over his getting married.

Tsubine has a single non-combat "Zanjutsu" technique he has perfected. Sandanzuki Jet Burst (三段突きJET BURST; Three-Stage Thrust Jet Burst) is his most unique Zanjutsu technique. Tsubine developed this in order to make up for his lack of skill with Hohō. With his sword sheathed, Tsubine fills his scabbard with as much Reiryoku as he possible can. Tsubine has two options: he can draw or propel. If he draws, the cutting force is increased as the sword rockets out of the scabbard (see below). If he choses to propel, he opens the end cap allowing the Reiryoku to propel the sword (and hopefully him) forward like a rocket. Propelling is only used with his own Zanpakutō—as the cap at the end of the scabbard can be opened to accommodate this technique.

Hakuda: Tsubine had no desire to learn Hakuda, and so he has neglected finding a tutor for this. As of now, he knows of the concept but does not practice it himself.

Cooking: Not allowed. Rumors persist that higher powers forbid him from even trying, but they are false. But they should be true.

Duelist's Intent: A minor drawback Tsubine has. When he has his eyes set on a target he wishes to duel, his deception drops to the lowest possible. This target gains a one-rank bonus to their deduction and focus to understand he wishes to duel them.

Isshin Kensei: Tsubine's own sword style that, to be honest, isn't something many would traditionally call a "style." It doesn't have any particular methodology or stances. It's also something that could only be passed on to a clone. Tsubine has created his "style" with trial and error. It's something built around his body. If he loses an arm, it'd be different. If he grew an inch, it'd be different. That is what Tsubine has practiced over the years, and he has refined it into his own "style" just for him. It is something akin to a street brawl in a musical. There is organized, planned chaos in his strikes. His body may not be able to produce the desired moveset, but a mixture of his Focus and Martial Skill allow him to at least know what a better, if not the best, move would be.

There are a few specific techniques of his style. The names of these are, unironically, taken from music he has heard through his few trips to the World of the Living. Though the techniques may be older than that, his "formalizing" of the names led to him blatantly stealing them. Each of these techniques are similar to Zanjutsu concepts, but he has no formal training in Zanjutsu techniques and are therefore, for copyright reasons, entirely separate.

  • Get Wild (GET WILD): Get Wild changes a sword's "slashing" attribute into "bludgeoning." Effectively, it is using the sword in its scabbard. This form primarily focuses on reinforcing the Zanpakutō's scabbard with Reiryoku in order to prevent it from shattering. Doing so can make the scabbard as hard to break as a Zanpakutō entirely. Sayatō is a form particularly suited for non-lethal takedowns.

  • Ichizu (一途; The Only Way): Ichizu is Tsubine's opening move. It focuses Reiryoku around the blade and the inside of the scabbard. This leads to an immense pressure build up within the scabbard as more and more Reiryoku is packed within a confined space. When the user finally decides to draw their sword, they use the build-up to propel the sword out from the scabbard with incredible velocity. One must be able to not only keep the sword stable while building Reiryoku up, but also they must be able to maintain their grip and guide the sword during the drawing phase. Tsubine's title of Isshin Kensei comes from his dominance of this technique.

  • Ittō Ryōran (一刀繚乱; One Sword Turmoil): Ittō Ryōran uses the concept of Ichizu multiple times. Although a single swing would not be as impactful as Ichizu, Ittō Ryōran expels the Reiryoku within in bursts along the arc of the swing. This creates an impression of speed, but it's actually more his mind moving faster than his muscles allow as the Zanpakutō accelerates the various swings. Tsubine can keep this up currently for 3 posts consecutively without breaking his arm. Any more than that, his arm breaks from the rapid movements.

  • Lunatic Gate (LUNATIC GATE): Lunatic Gate is using the sword and sheath together in unison. This requires constant shifting of Reiryoku in order to adapt to the situation. When in use, Lunatic Gate is shifting the Reiryoku from the sheath to the sword and the reverse constantly. When in perfect balance, the Reiryoku in both is weaker than if using standard infusion or Get Wild on their own. The trick is being able to shift Reiryoku from one to the other as the user needs. Tsubine is particularly adept with this if only because after drawing with Ichizu, he can pull the scabbard free easily.

Sword Four-†-The Outside Influences


Konkankyō: (魂函渠; Soul Drain) This Zanpakutō once belonged to Tsubine's late wife, Kanna Hanashiro. After Kanna's death, Tsubine has the blade enshrined at his home. Due to his wife's passing, the blade no longer has any of its power as a Zanpakutō. However, the investiture Kanna had put into the blade still remains. It retains its durability and the ability to be repaired by pouring enough Reiryoku into it.

Shirazumi-rengokai: The Shirazumi-rengokai (連合会; Lit. "Shirazumi Federation") is an organized crime and militia group headed by Tsubine Shirazumi. The Shirazumi-rengokai is a modern-day yakuza-like group based in the 1st ward of District 66 of West Rukongai—Shōjin (咲志; Blossoming Hopes). This was created by Tsubine, and aside from a brief two-year break for a mourning period, has been consistently led by him as well.Its influence within the district is second-to-none, and the people within openly welcome and defend the group.

The Shirazumi-rengokai has multiple smaller families operating under it, most of which are involved in both the defense and "maintenance" of the district. Defense of the district is simple. Most members are trained in basic fighting (usually with a spear) to defend against the threats. Although not nearly as trained as Shinigami from the academy, many members have enough training to be somewhat of a threat en-masse.

Maintenance is split again into two duties: income and upkeep. Income is where the Shirazumi-rengokai has its run-ins with the actual law. Racketeering is common—all residents pay a tax that helps support the upkeep and defense. If payment is not made, the residents are "encouraged" to pay or to leave. Smaller families under the Shirazumi-rengokai operate brothels, gambling dens, and the like to also bring in money. Upkeep comes in mostly by supporting larger community projects such as rebuilding after disasters. Life within the district is more akin to life within the 20s rather than the 60s—a vast improvement.

Tsubine has unilateral access to all of the funds and members of the Shirazumi-rengokai. He can easily attain most common goods and has enough funds in enough holdings that he fears no cost of living or taxes. He is as wealthy as some nobles and lives in a manor that, quite frankly, sticks out like a sore thumb compared to the surrounding districts.

Sword Five-†-The Tales of the Past

Tsubine was born without much of a family around him. His father was a washed-out merchant who had long-since pawned his valuables in desperate bids to once again attain status. His mother is someone he doesn't remember at all. She was there for a time, then disappeared. Tsubine's father never spoke of her, and Tsubine has never tried to seek out what may have happened. Tsubine and his father moved constantly. The only pattern was the slowly-rising number on the districts they were in. It didn't take too long before they were in the 60s.

That was about when Tsubine's father died of hypothermia one night. He had left to fetch some food for the two of them and was found two days later face-down in fresh snow. The now-preteen Tsubine became one of the many orphaned street urchins. But unlike the others, he was always armed. The only thing that Tsubine's father still held onto and had left to his son was a steel jitte worth less than the clothes on his back. Tsubine trained with it as a self-defense tool. He earned a meager living keeping bigger, stronger thugs away from the various stalls that dared to set up shop in these districts. He was not an imposing sight, but it was better than nothing. He ended up bloodied more times than once, and by doing so he was the sole target of aggression rather than the people he protected.

It didn't take long for Tsubine to earn a reputation. His employers evolved from sketchy stalls to traveling merchants and even a few permanent establishments. Tsubine still reminisces fondly when teenage him was a bouncer for a brothel. The pay wasn't as good as other jobs, but the experience was worth it. That was mostly because of his first truly successful networking. Tsubine protected a visiting artisan from the Seireitei who was impressed with his skill. This led to his first true long-term job as a bodyguard. For five years, Tsubine served as the chief bodyguard for this artisan, and he was happy.

About five years after starting the job, Tsubine had truly earned his paycheck. From the man getting into bar fights to an attempted assassination from a rival, Tsubine would take the blows and his charge walked away unscathed. It was a cool spring day when the make-or-break moment happened. The duo were trying to get through a part of the Rukongai when a Shinigami was thrown through a wall and became paste before them. The howl of a Hollow broke the stunned silence. The black monster broke through the building soon after. It was following its prey. It locked its eyes on Tsubine and the artisan. Tsubine told the artisan to run and drew the jitte he kept with him. He smirked as he planned to die.

Tsubine didn't die parrying the first strike, and that was a good sign. His blood rushed. Adrenaline pumped hard. He was pushed back and broke a few ribs during the clash with the Hollow. But all that training in basically street brawling was buying time. Hopefully another Shinigami would show up. Then, the jitte broke. A tool never meant to go against the hardened spiritual body of a Hollow wouldn't cut it—literally. In a flash of insight, Tsubine grabbed the paste-Shinigami's sword and immediately felt a prick of pain throughout his arms. The broken tsuba fell off, and Tsubine gave it a test swing or two. A voice he initially discounted as a blood-loss-induced hallucination rang in his head.

"Hear me; use me."

Tsubine and the Hollow then began fighting in earnest. And it became quickly apparent if he had any training as Shinigami, he would win. But Tsubine didn't manage to defeat a Hollow with a stolen asauchi. His body was not trained well enough for a long fight, and as he began flagging, his wounds finally started to ache. When he took just a moment to catch his breath, Tsubine found himself thrown through a window into, unfortunately, a glassworks. His body was covered in small lacerations and blood from his brow made his vision blurry.

Tsubine banished the thought of his survival and stood. As he readied himself with a stance he had once seen a practicing swordsman take, the Hollow was impaled by multiple rods of white energy. A black shape fluttered between him and the now-immobile Hollow. Tsubine swore he saw the glint of metal before the Hollow fell backwards and faded into mist. He blacked out with a smile on his face. It still wasn't his time.

Tsubine awoke later in a recovery wing in the 4th Division's hospital recovery wing within the Seireitei. The Shinigami who had slain the Hollow had taken Tsubine there as a repayment for preventing the Hollow from rampaging further. It had snuck up on a Shinigami who was perhaps too new for a solo patrol. Tsubine's savior gave him the standard spiel of trying to get him to join. They had done a test and he was nearly at seated officer levels of Reiryoku without any refinement.

The savior continued to try but was interrupted and asked to leave the room. The savior's Captain entered. He seemed to be a decent guy with a fairly strong jaw and a grin hiding behind serious eyes. The grin soon escaped his somber mask as they talked. They got along decently well, as they had similar outlooks on life. In the end, the Captain declared his time away from paperwork was growing short and gave Tsubine an offer: "Well, I can offer one of two things for you. You can either join up, and I can get you the fast-track to being an officer. You're skilled enough for it. That much is evident." The Captain held up a second finger. "Or, I let you go back to the Rukongai and that sword there gets marked down as 'lost.' I can't say I imagine you causing trouble, so I'm willing to do that for you as thanks for saving my subordinate. Plus... you seem to have bonded with it already. It'll just get sent back to the workshop if you don't take it. Choose wisely, and choose now." Tsubine surprisingly chose the latter.

His bodyguard days soon became even more packed after that, as the artisan was not the only one requesting his services. Tsubine could not accept every offer, but he soon started referring them to others he had fought against and alongside. Soon, the idea formed that perhaps he could make a living doing. And so what would become the Shirazumi-rengokai was born as a simple bodyguard and security service. Tsubine focused primarily in his home district, 66 of West Rukongai, Shōjin. This continued and expanded to the point that it slowly became apparent that this was becoming the safest district in that part of the Rukongai—though that was safe by Sub-50 standards.

Throughout the years, Tsubine had been asked by other Shinigami to join the Gotei. He rejected every offer, even when they were in dire straits. Instead, he focused on himself and protecting the Shōjin district. After the war with Ender, many refugees from surrounding districts came to his district seeking aid. This led to increases in crime as not all were the peaceful type. Underground gambling halls and brothels began popping up. Tsubine did not like the way they were making his district look.

And so, Tsubine decided that if the people wanted to indulge in these vices, they would be under his watch. He was already a chairman of one successful business venture, what was one or two more? Within a year of his decree, Tsubine purged the competition and began running those same installations by his own vision. He was both an above-the-board protector and a mildly-illegal provider. The combination of these ventures resulted in his forming the Shirazumi-rengokai.

Tsubine didn't find much pleasure in running this. He began to try various hobbies and activities to try to placate a feeling of emptiness he had within him. The time he felt most calm was when he was practicing with his Zanpakutō—whose name he had learned was Kōgin Reimei. Tsubine spent time reflecting, and his Zanpakutō spirit reminded him that the last time she saw him truly get excited was when he was wielding her at their first meeting. Though, she speculated it was the challenge—and the thought of overcoming that—that was the excitement for him.

So, Tsubine decided to spend his time searching for people to challenge himself against. At first, it was some of his most trusted employees. Before long, he was able to easily beat any of them. Word began to spread that he was looking for people to challenge him. It was around then that she walked into Tsubine's life. Quite literally, actually. She walked right into him during an evening stroll. He was immediately taken by this woman's appearance and asked her to dinner. She declined as he was a strange man with a sword. Disappointed, Tsubine continued his stroll and rued that he blew such a chance with a beautiful woman. The next day, she appeared as a challenger for his boredom.

After a comic cross-display of exaggerated "YOU!" the two of them introduced themselves. The first match between Kanna Hanashiro and Tsubine Shirazumi began in earnest. Tsubine lost the first few matches. Kanna had one thing that Tsubine didn't quite expect: a discerning eye. She saw he was holding back. After his fifth loss, Kanna threw her sword at him, hitting him, then confronted him about his holding back. "But of course I am. I dare not harm a beautiful face." After getting slapped and told to take it seriously, Tsubine realized he had someone who would, at the very least, keep him entertained.

Tsubine bet Kanna that he'd win the next one. If he did, she'd go to dinner with him. If she won, he would give her enough kan to buy a mansion. The duel was closer than either would have liked, but Tsubine won out. That night, Tsubine and Kanna had their first date. The two of them found out that they had a lot more in common than initially thought. They had both lost their parental figures suddenly and been forced to fight for food. Where Tsubine made the most of his situation, Kanna was not so lucky. She had joined the Gotei but had been kicked out after failing to bond with an Asauchi, and generally not working well in a team environment.

Tsubine offered to train with her in order to allow her to prove herself. The two of them soon became inseparable, and it was not uncommon for the two to begin dueling in the middle of the street seemingly out of the blue. They kept each other on-edge. It was exciting, and that was perhaps what blossomed their love. Kōgin Reimei was initially fairly cold to him about his relationship with another woman. He eventually won her over after a series of sparring matches that saw his abilities develop further. "If you're going to protect someone else, then it's time you start learning how to properly use me." And so, Tsubine's Bankai training began.

It wasn't a pleasant experience. Tsubine had the basics of Kōgin Reimei down, but every time he thought he had a good grasp on something, she'd prove him wrong by going a step beyond. Tsubine says his inner self is far more scarred than he is as Kōgin Reimei constantly left him bloodied after their "discussions." A few times, the wounds were applied to his outer self as well. At least his Bankai training was consistent in that regard. A joke came about as "the boss gets wounded by his own sword more than anyone else."

Even years after getting married, Tsubine and Kanna never stopped challenging one another, and their game became infectious within Shōjin. A tradition of a "courting duel" was adopted among the fighters. Tsubine still finds it a bit ridiculous but hilarious at the same time. Much like how the distant "family" grew, the actual Shirazumi family was soon to grow, as Kanna was pregnant. The period of Kanna's pregnancy was the first time Tsubine had stopped searching for opponents. He rarely left the manor, and instead he doubled down on training with his own Zanpakutō. Kōgin Reimei was not a fair opponent during those sparring matches she called training. If he were using her to protect another woman, he needed to be better.

Around the time Kanna was due, Tsubine burst into the room covered in sweat and bleeding cuts. "I DID IT!" Kanna smiled weakly and spoke in her characteristic gentle-yet-angry tone she scolded him with, "That's nice, dear. But my water just broke and I think that's a tad more important." Kanna gave birth to a daughter, Mayumi, and Tsubine was over the moon with her. The young heiress was soon the mascot of the Shirazumi-rengokai. There were even times Tsubine would have his daughter in a meeting just to make sure that tensions wouldn't flare. No one could stay mad when his adorable, perfect little girl was around! This period was the happiest Tsubine had ever been, even with the grueling Bankai training he underwent. He got a replica of the jitte he once used made and gave it to Mayumi as a birthday present one year. She would join both of her parents in training, though it was more cheering them on and trying to imitate them as a child would rather than actual training.

These ephemeral peaceful years were the best of his life.

And then, Kanna died.

It was 2114, and Tsubine was out at a dinner party celebrating the engagement of a trusted lieutenant within the Shirazumi-rengokai. It was a true "guy's night out." Drunk, Tsubine was caught off-guard when the demons first entered the district. Despite his and his group's best efforts, the demons were devastating the district. He tried to push through the demon's frontlines to get back to his home. By the time he did, Tsubine found Mayumi before he found Kanna.

Mayumi was crying, hiding in a closet in the remnants of what was once a spare bedroom. It didn't take long to find Kanna afterwards. A pile of demonic corpses were disappearing and so was she. Bloodied and wounded, Kanna could barely hold her eyes open to see Tsubine collapse to his knees before her. The next thing Tsubine remembers is holding Kanna close as she died in his arms. There wasn't much more he could do. He was not a doctor, nor was he a Kaidō specialist, but he could tell that she was dying. There were tears and words from the heart as she faded away—leaving behind her ring and her Zanpakutō.

Tsubine became a hermit for many years, trying his best to recover from the loss his wife. The Shirazumi-rengokai's face for about two years was his second-in-command. When Tsubine reappeared, it was clear that he was haunted by the loss of his wife. Tsubine rebuilt the home with a shrine dedicated to Kanna in the room where she had given her life to protect Mayumi. It remains one of the most secure buildings in the manor.

As more years progressed, Tsubine's heart hardened. He began to try to repeat the same motions as before, and the natural spark that brought people to him seemed to return. He continued to train with his Zanpakutō—becoming more and more in-tune with his Zanpakutō. The Shirazumi-rengokai finished the repairs on the final building damaged by the demon incursion in early 2123. And with that, Tsubine decided to finally resume his search for something to excite him—by continuing the hunt for a good duel.

Sword Six-†-The Sealed Blade

Zanpakutō Name: Kōgin Reimei (江銀 礼盟; Silver River Oath Ceremony)
Zanpakutō Appearance:
[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  5PWHTx
Zanpakutō Spirit Appearance:
[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  Oau4J1
Zanpakutō Spirit Personality:
"I agreed to share you. Once.
A truly selfish Zanpakutō, Kōgin Reimei does not like letting anyone else have her owner. She's the one that'd object during a wedding if she could. When Tsubine was married, it almost happened. He still jokes about the worst headache he ever had was on his wedding day from his Zanpakutō constantly growling and groaning in his mind. She does not even like Tsubine talking to other women.

The way they have bonded is that they have an innate desire to prove themselves and improve. Tsubine likes doing this through his duels. Kōgin Reimei likes his duels because it shows to him that there is no better weapon than her. If Tsubine loses a duel, she becomes moody and it takes him two tries (or more) to release her for about a week.

Zanpakutō Inner World: Kōgin Reimei's inner world is a sprawling mimicry of an Edo-era city, sort-of. Although the various buildings are each different, there is a uniform appearance to all of them. No signs adorn them, and their doors are shut tight. The majority of the inner world are these buildings and the tight streets and alleyways around them. This is, in fact, a maze to lead to a central shrine—a white cherry blossom tree which serves as Kōgin Reimei's actual "home." What makes the inner world slightly disturbing is not the silence, but the weapons scattered throughout the streets. They lay in heaps or impaled in the ground or walls. Each weapon Tsubine has copied the shape of appears here.

Sealed Abilities: Kōgin Reimei has a single sealed ability. While sealed, it can return to Tsubine's hand at will (with a limit of once per post), with anything over 100 yards taking one post to return to him. In fact, this isn't even something he has to consciously do; it just hastens the process. With a speed of 10 yards per day, the sealed Zanpakutō will always return to his side so long as he is in the same realm. If he is not within the same realm, it will stay motionless until he returns.

Sword Seven-†-The Unsealed Blade

Shikai Release Phrase: Praise (助業; Jyogō)
Shikai Release Action:
Shikai Appearance: Kōgin Reimei's blade melts and liquifies. The liquid blade is silvery and metallic—similar to mercury. It rises up and down along the original length of the blade like a lava lamp.
Shikai Abilities:
Kōgin Reimei is a Zanpakutō of mild mimicry. Unlike others that may be called similar, Kōgin Reimei does not copy abilities. No, it merely copies shapes. Weapons that come into contact with the blade of Kōgin Reimei are subsequently copied—if Tsubine can understand the mechanisms of the weapon. For example, a simple club could be done even at Untrained Deduction, a decent sword or polearm would be Beginner, a three-section-staff at Adept, a modern crossbow at Advanced, a simple (pre-1900s) firearm at Elite, other firearms (minus computers or anything of that sort) or a chainsaw at Master, and anything could be considered "sci-fi" or "Kraut space magic" (the most modern [by PH-standards], perhaps even theoretical weapons) at Grandmaster.

These do not entirely look like the original. They are all silvery and reflective like the mercurial orbs that make up the Zanpakutō. Thus, intricate designs such as carvings, inlays, special colors, etc. are not replicated. The only things that are copied is the shape, weight, balance, etc. If a weapon shape fires a projectile, such as an arrow, bolt, or bullet, the bullet is made of the same material as the weapon. After making impact, the liquid returns to Tsubine one post later.

The main limitation of the Zanpakutō, aside from it being tied to Tsubine's own smarts, is that the amount of times it can change shape per release is limited to 3 times per rank of Zanjutsu above Untrained (to a maximum of 18 times at Grandmaster). Tsubine also only has enough liquid to mimic a single weapon shape at once.

Sword Eight-†-The Unleashed Blade

Bankai Name: Kōgin Reimei Ten'yo Kyūren (江銀 礼盟 天与救漣 ; Silver River Oath Ceremony Divine Gift of Salvation)
Bankai Release Action: As Tsubine calls out "Bankai," the handle of his Zanpakutō dissolves into silvery liquid that seeps through his fingers. The liquid spreads out and forms the spheres that are the primary focus of Kōgin Reimei Ten'yo Kyūren.
Bankai Appearance: Kōgin Reimei Ten'yo Kyūren takes the appearance of a set of silvery spheres. These spheres are around 16 inches in diameter and are a perfect sphere. Touching them is like touching cold, rubbery metal. The spheres use Tsubine as an orbital anchor. Although their orbit may shrink or grow (to a maximum of 10 feet away from him), they are always by him. The spheres keep up with Tsubine and, unless forced by an external force, do not move past the maximum distance. If they are moved past, they will destabilize and rush back to being in "orbit" within one post.

Bankai Abilities: Kōgin Reimei Ten'yo Kyūren takes the concept of mimicry and allows it to be shared more broadly. Well, to be more specific, it allows Tsubine to mimic and duplicate multiple weapons at once. From the multiple spheres that form with the Bankai, Tsubine can "pull out" a weapon and dismiss it at-will. If he wishes to pull out two at once, he can do that—so long as he has spheres, he can make them produce a weapon. That caveat is there because after a sphere produces a weapon, it has a one-post cooldown after the weapon is dismissed to restabilize and be available for another drawing. Tsubine doesn't have to grab a weapon either—he can "fire" the weapons from the spheres. These strike using his Speed and Strength skill levels. The maximum range of these is around 300 yards.

The spheres can not be destroyed by normal means. They can, however, be destabilized with enough damage. A destabilized sphere takes a post to recover and re-stabilize much like if a weapon had been fired from it. The number of spheres depends on his Zanjutsu skill. There are currently 9 spheres, and there is a maximum of 27 at Grandmaster.

Sword Nine-†-The True Blade

Shikōkai Name: Kōgin Reimei Hansai Zange (江銀 礼盟 燔祭 懺悔; Silver River Oath Ceremony Burnt Offering Penance)
Shikōkai Release Phrase: Proffer (差し出す; Sashidasu)
Shikōkai Release Action:
Shikōkai Appearance:
Shikōkai Abilities:

Sword Ten-†-The Documentation

General Skills

  • Durability: C
  • Speed: B
  • Strength: B
  • Soul: E

Will Skills

  • Willpower: Advanced
  • Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Elite

Shinigami Skills

  • Hoho: Beginner
  • Kidō: Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Elite
  • Hakuda: Untrained

Sword Eleven-†-The Records

8/14: Skill System Update

Last edited by Tsubine on Wed Aug 14, 2024 1:36 pm; edited 2 times in total

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God of Love
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[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi

Fri Mar 10, 2023 11:45 pm

There's a few points in the history that would need some clarification or revision. To begin with, there seems to be a bit of misconception regarding the nature of asauchi. As they don't have any form yet, and only manifest one after the zanpakuto has completely formed, it wouldn't make much sense for the asauchi to already be so devoted to a primary wielder while still being a nameless and formless asauchi that could be handed to another shinigami. I would recommend simply noting that his spiritual power was intrinsically sufficient to bond with the asauchi fully, since he is noted to naturally be at the level of a seated officer.

Additionally, the notion of a storage room for rejected asauchi doesn't quite track. Due to their formless nature, unused asauchi would presumably simply be assigned to new shinigami without issue, and any zanpakuto which were returned having already taken a form would likely be returned to Oetsu.

On the matter of attaining his bankai, the nature of his acquisition seems fairly extreme in terms of mastery. Attaining Bankai is, by nature, an extremely difficult feat for even high level shinigami, and even such an extreme edge case as Ichigo struggled to attain it using specialized means with the help of Urahara. I would flesh out the acquisition of this release beyond it being an incidental accomplishment, as that would put him at a level of ostensible mastery beyond what has ever been demonstrated in canon.

The scope of the Shirazumi-rengokai is generally fine, but I would note that it's unlikely they would be able to attain such significant political power that the Gotei would take note. The Gotei tend only to take note of immediate threats or concerns, and handle those things fairly quickly. I would also note it is unlikely that Tsubine would have much ability to argue with Central 46 if they laid out any judgements with regard to his zanpakuto, as they are not only the highest authority, but tend to be seen incredibly infrequently even by captains.[/adm]
Ye Olde Guarde
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[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  Left_bar_bleue7380/100[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi

Wed Mar 15, 2023 3:34 pm
History has been revised.
  • Revised the bonding of the Asauchi to what you suggested. All references to the Asauchi storeroom and Central 46 have been removed. His keeping of the Zanpakutō has been altered to something more personable.
  • Bankai training has been expanded upon. This would have started approximately 60 years ago-ish.
  • Removed the mention of the Shirazumi-rengokai coming to the Gotei's attention.

Tsubine's Character List
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
Posts : 7206
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[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi  Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5] Tsubine Shirazumi

Mon Mar 20, 2023 9:15 pm
[adm]Hazard Ranks
Power: B
Influence: C
Resources: B
Comments/Notes: Don't cut off my finger, thanks.
Spirit Class: 5
Hazard Rating: B

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