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[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Empty [Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi

Sat Nov 19, 2022 8:17 pm

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Spiritual Human Profile

I. Basic Information

» Name: Aiko Aimi.
» Titles: N/A
» Age: 25
» Orientation: Straight and looking
» Gender: Female

» Affiliation/Rank: Rouge

» Physical Appearance Description: Aiko stands at roughly five foot nine. From the observing glance, she has a petite frame and a rather large bust. Along with that, her appearance does draw some attention. With crimson eyes, a blood-like halo hanging over her, a scarlet choker around her neck, and all that black and red clothing, she definitely gives off a gothic vibe. Even more so if she happens to have a day without rest and her eyes form deep, dark rings under themselves.

» Physical Appearance Image:

[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi XiNVUWS

I. Personality Traits

» Personality:

Aiko is a lot to unpackage as a person from her point of view. While she definitely has a strong love for gothic and dark things, that's just the surface level of her ego. If you were to ask Aiko the type of woman she is, she would describe herself as someone bubbly, affectionate, and looking to open herself to love from friends or romantic partners.

Of course, there are her battles with self-conscious confidence and esteem, so she may sometimes come across as flustered, nervous, or uncertain. Yet, despite those flaws, she will still sit with the uncomfortableness and try to see it through. It is why she seems to lose herself in adrenaline at times if there is an activity with risk or makes her heart beat fast, as she can forget about worldly concerns and focus on a single task ahead of her.

Above all else, though, she is just a woman trying to get over a betrayal of trust after finding someone who could love and spoil her. She wants to be taken care of but knows she has to take care of herself first, fix her own issues and then perhaps she can take care of others and keep learning to open herself up to the world no matter how unsightly her attempts may be at achieving that. She wants to retain her love and optimism for life overall.

I. Character History

» History

Aiko had a relatively normal upbringing. She was born into a household with four sets of children: two daughters and two sons. Aiko was the youngest daughter, so obviously, she was the crown jewel in her parent's eyes. They spoiled and protected her, and most of her siblings would not let anything terrible happen if they could prevent it. So, she would describe herself as fairly spoiled and a bit of a brat while growing up.

However, as with most people, you usually grow out of it and learn how to mature into a better person. So, as she grew older, Aiko learned better social skills and what her interest was and eventually landed on a gothic aesthetic. While her background wasn't dark, she found a fascination with some of the darker elements of the world and creativity because her life was anything but dark. So she would always enjoy metal, rock, and gothic types of music. This then led to her becoming fascinated with the occult, and the supernatural world around her, finding different gothic groups and meeting some interesting people who made her open up even more in the process of finding her niche.

So, as she grew an affinity for these types of gothic things, as she got into college, the woman had found herself a man who had definitely had a bit of a rough life. Ryu was strong, confident, and passionate and made sure to protect and speak to her. And these good qualities existed in Ryu even though he came from poverty, abuse, and lack of opportunities, unlike herself. It was perfect as she still was a bit spoiled, and it was nice to be swept off your feet and have someone spoil you rotten and give someone who has had nothing but hard times a bit of softness in their life.

However, not all romance was good, and she'd find that out as the years progressed. He grew distant and cold, and eventually, she would find him in bed with another. Although she wanted to bring harm to him, she just left their home and never returned. Her trust was broken, her protector was gone, and the partner she longed for was just something she imagined in her own head as her first love was drowned by her immature desires.

At that time, her family wanted blood, but she opted not to seek vengeance, even if some part of her wanted him in as much pain as she did. As much as it sucked and hurt to have your heart broken, she knew she had to find a way to move on. Her trust and ability to love had been dampened somewhat, but after taking some months to console herself, she knew she had to keep moving forward. She tried to find other things to fill in her time, such as discovering her body's powers, getting deeper into her creative interests, traveling, and doing anything she could to experience new things.

This reached a peaking point when that break-up motivated Aiko to gain independence. Yeah, some of her wanted to be cared for and spoiled, but that was unrealistic. And given how chaotic the world could be at the time, it made sense for her to have some sense of protection if she were out on her own. So, she wanted to use that pain and lack of independence to develop her powers.

Therefore, Aiko hired a personal trainer in Karakura Central to help her grow that strength and came across a woman known as Kazumi Aoki. Kazumi specialized in developing supernatural strengths to help coach her and bring out those powers. Hence, she made Aiko begin spending time with herself, meditating, learning basic hand-to-hand skills, and comprehending how to take a punch. These all naturally took a lot out of the likes of Aiko's untrained self. For someone to go from being some defenseless woman to having some basic ability took time. During this period, she often felt bruised, beaten up, defeated, and stuck in a loop she couldn't escape.

Yet, the difficulty behind the challenge got her mind off the grief. Yeah, she got her ass kicked, and it was rough, but she found being in touch with her body quite pleasant. The harder Aiko trained, the better she started to feel. Aiko gained some sense of confidence and the capacity to protect herself and not be as depressed as when her previous lover broke her heart.

Eventually, that sentiment of love coming into her mind brought with it the visualization of blood. It was the root of a person's life essence and the key to their love, and for one reason or another, an awakening occurred during a period of deep meditation, which made a blood halo emerge above her head. Feeling this impulsion of power hitting her soul, a sharp release of crimson energy and blood spread and began to burn a small area around Aiko. Despite her terror, the trainer and Aiko knew then that her potential was in her.

After this incident, Kazumi brought more of Aiko's power out by getting her to practice mentally controlling it, testing the boundaries of her blood generation and manipulation, and getting Aiko used to applying her powers in both an offensive and defensive manner. During these weeks and months, Aiko felt immense happiness and pride in herself for taking charge of something to strengthen herself. While she still felt meek in social circumstances, having something to focus on and see growth in gave the woman a sense of willpower and calmness.

So while she wasn't some hardened soldier, Aiko definitely had a fit mind, body, and a decent grasp of strength to allow herself some protection in a world filled with uncertainty. The final parts of her training actually consisted of her dealing with low-level hollows, demons, and other threats by another specialized trainer who dealt with combat. Giving her real-time training against actual threats went a long way toward ensuring that Aiko understood the basic concepts of combat, survival and how to further develop and work with her powers.

She certainly didn't take on any massive monsters. Still, it gave her a strong sense of competency to dispatch any lower threats that could come her way and helped her become more in tune with the spiritual and supernatural world around her. This process brought a whole new world into the eyes of Aiko, and she just seemed hooked on learning more, pushing herself into new situations, and having more sense of pride in herself that she could be more in this world. Perhaps all this self-love boiling in herself could even help her find someone to love again.

So even if Aiko's past self wanted to sit around and do nothing, her improved self understood that wouldn't change things. She had to let go of that hurt, find new people, and experience life so that she didn't have that softness in herself die out. This is why for the past few years, she has been spending time getting to know her powers, understanding herself, seeing more of the world, and studying. So, for now, Aiko is an open book and is working to make a happy life for herself as she fights against her own stubbornness.

I. Natural Abilities & Skills


Observant: Given her anxious nature, Aiko is constantly aware of her environment. And with her powers this amplifies this trait in her even more so. She is afraid of seeing others hurt, so she will do all in her power to reduce threats to her or others around her by any means necessary with her powers. If you aren't too careful, it can definitely be your last battle if you charge in carelessly as far as Aiko is concerned. So one can call her a cautious fighter even if she enjoys the sport.

And more than anything else, she tries to adapt and adjust to the situation. You need to be like water, flow, and change, and don't freak out if something doesn't go your way and think of a way to move ahead. So, despite her appearance, she is not the type to totally freak out when her mind is trying to fight to survive or protect herself/others.

Recovers Quickly: One of the perks of Aiko's body is that she can recover quickly from illness and poison, more so than the average person. This doesn't mean that she can't get poisoned or sick, but that when she does, her body is actively trying to burn away and dissolve whatever is a threat to itself. With all the excess blood in her system, she can burn away most types of foreign bodies with enough focus. However, this is provided that the illness or sickness hasn't taken away a large volume of her energy. It relies more on her Scarlet Star ability; if she has no energy, this perk of her body is mute.

Fair Pain Tolerance: If you beat her hard enough, she may eventually retreat, but Aiko has a fair level of pain tolerance. A few hits aren't going to make Aiko tap out; she can even take energy blasts decently. And she can will herself through a bit of pain as long as it's not shattering her organs or bones. Especially if she can heal or seal up minor injuries such as scrapes or cuts. When it comes to attacks that shatter bones or fuck up organs, that will definitely take her a moment to process and is where her pain tolerance is harder to gauge until she trains herself to weather that kind of pain.;

High Physical Stamina: This doesn't apply to any of her supernatural powers. This high stamina deals with her strength and speed. Due to Aiko's abilities, her physical stamina is above average. This is because she can use the influence of her blood-based powers to increase the blood flow in her body. Due to this fact, Aiko can run, lift or punch/kick without gassing out quickly. So she can keep herself running for long periods of time without tiring if she isn't exhausting her blood-based abilities.

I. Other Supernatural Abilities

Scarlet Star: The core of Aiko's power comes from the halo that is often seen above her head. It grants her the ability to control her energy and blood at once. It reflects her desires as she believes passion and love come at the cost of your blood, and she is willing to spread that in the world she engages with.


Other People's Blood: Aiko cannot control anyone else's blood unless they are already deceased or give her permission to utilize their blood.

Range: For the time being, most of her feats are limited to 15 meters. (Increases to 30-meter radius at Advanced, 80-meter radius at Elite)

Application: Aiko can only use two applications of her power simultaneously to avoid overloading her and it being too overpowered.

Blood Loss: The more blood she loses in battle, the harder it is to really keep stable control of this power. Therefore, Aiko prefers mid to long-range combat; but isn't shy about fighting up close if she can figure out a way to protect herself. So the more blood you make her loss, along with general damage sustained in battle, the more this ability starts to tire out.


Energy Attacks: Aiko can unleash bursts of red or black energy. These blasts can take various forms, but scale off of her Power Control in terms of potency and speed, comparable to an Arrancar or Hollow's Cero/Bala skill.

Blood Wings: Aiko can materialize a pair of black wings made from concentrated blood either on her body or from her surroundings (Within 10 meters). These wings have durability and strength scaling with her Power Control, and can be used offensively and defensively.

Extended Perception: With this ability of Scarlet Star Aiko can observe the environment through her blood or energy across a fifteen-meter radius. Anything beyond that range is unreadable to Aiko until her power control scales up.

Blood Creation: By giving a bit of her blood away to that halo as a sacrifice, Aiko can produce more blood so that she doesn't drain her body's reserves. For the time being, she can produce enough blood to fill a 20 meter by 20 meter cube. Typically she creates enough blood to either form large waves of blood to smash/drown an opponent or to create different types of weapons such as needles, swords, or whatever else you have by hardening it with other abilities of Scarlet Star.

Energy Infusion: By coating the blood in her energy, she can empower it to have greater manipulation or control over it. For the time being, she primarily uses it to melt through attacks/barriers by increasing the heat of the blood, increasing the speed of her strikes, or hardening it to the point of it being like a blunt object and creating shields of blood to protect herself. There may be more creative applications for this, but she will have to train her ability and see the extent of what she can produce in the future.

Limited Healing: Aiko CAN NOT do this while also defending and fighting. She needs focus as it's a tender thing to help heal someone besides herself. So, Aiko can heal others by transfusing the blood she creates into another. When this happens, she can try to help boost a sense of healing and transfer parts of her energy into it to help the person she is healing recover and boost some of their energy. Over time she can also close up wounds/scratches and restore any blood loss. However, she cannot restore/repair organs, broken bones, brain/heart damage, or anything similar to that, and she typically has to spend two or three posts with the person she wants to heal.

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it)

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Martial Skill: Beginner

High-Spec Human Sheet
  • Power Control: Adept
  • Physical Augmentation: Adept
  • Spiritual Adaptation: Adept
  • Mediumship: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

I. Roleplay Sample

» Role Play Sample: (Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)


Last edited by THEFROST on Sat Dec 31, 2022 2:12 pm; edited 5 times in total

[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi WVMWLOu
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[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi

Wed Nov 23, 2022 3:16 pm
[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Pa4qDIb

Aiko Aimi is ready for review~
She warmly awaits her judgement

[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi WVMWLOu
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[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi

Fri Nov 25, 2022 10:48 pm
[mod]Before we dive deep into things, let's start off by reviewing her history and how it applies to the rest of her app. With what is known of her character through it, it is hard to justify her starting off with the skills she has. There are no real mentions of her acquiring her power or any depth to the amount of training she's been through to actually give her the amount of power aimed for.

Starting with her general skills, she reads off as just a normal human who's starting to just understand her powers which makes it hard to give her anything beyond beginners in these areas. For her Supernatural human skills, as with before, there wasn't anything truly stating how she gained or even trained her powers besides an offhand mention of her learning them overtime which makes it hard to accept her Power Control being Advanced.

A remedy would be to add more depth to her history that revolves around better specifics of how she evolved her understanding of her power or to lower her skill levels to accurately showcase where she stands on the power scale.[/mod]
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[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi

Thu Dec 22, 2022 11:53 am
[adm]Giving a bump to know the edits/changes have been made with her history and lowered her down to adpet[/adm]

[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi WVMWLOu
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[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi

Tue Dec 27, 2022 4:29 am
[mod]Hazard Ranks
Power: E
Influence: F
Resources: F

Comments/Notes: Blood and Depression, Alcohol and Pills
Tier: 5-1
Hazard Rating: F

Application Approved
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[Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi Empty Re: [Spirit Class 9] Aiko Aimi

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