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[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Yumichika Ayasegawa Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Yumichika Ayasegawa Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Yumichika Ayasegawa Empty [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Yumichika Ayasegawa

Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:52 pm
[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Yumichika Ayasegawa Yumichika-header


Basic Information
» Name: Ayasegawa Yumichika
» Kanji: 綾瀬川 弓親,
» Alias':
▕ Most Beautiful Shinigami [Self].
▕ Undying Flower [Shadow Fall].
» Age: Unknown.
» Birthday: September 19.
» Gender: Male.
» Race: Shinigami.

» Affiliation:
Fifth Seat 11th Division - Gotei Thirteen.
Third Seat 2nd Division - Gotei United.

» Alignment: Neutral Good.
» Nationality: Soul Society.
» Martial Status: Single.
» Sexuality: Hmm?
» Ideal Mate: Beauty is so solitary.
» Special Skill: Sewing up a storm.

» Height: 5'6"
» Build: Athletic.
» Hair Colour: Black.
» Eye Colour: Purple.

[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Yumichika Ayasegawa Yumichika-appearance

Psychological Analysis
A flamboyant narcissist is the most immediate thing people can understand about Yumichika upon meeting him, his own ideas of beauty are held to be the standard in which others should aspire and there is none that can surpass him in that scale beauty. Besides the fact that he will arbitrarily decide what this means for example he insists that the kanji for 3 is the most beautiful, 5 is close enough to pass as beautiful and that 4 is the most ugliest of numbers for no reason than he's own idea.

Besides numbers this also applies to people where he will judge people based on their looks and people that aren't beautiful are a pain for him to look at which pushes him from interacting with them or outright insulting them and showing hostility to shun them from his sight and spare himself.

Despite his overflowing arrogance and his position of viewing himself as the best thing to ever grace the Soul Society since the invention of the zanpakuto there is a shrewd and cunning side to him that makes him highly perceptive when compared to the company that he kept in the Eleventh Division.

Reading the flow of a fight, understanding enemies' behaviours, their methodology and be cautious enough to recognise feigns or attempts to provoke him. Knowing the best approach to combat itself is something he takes a great deal of pride in and since he aspires to be the strongest and most beautiful he must excel. While he is intelligent though, he is very good at being able to determine who might win or loss and in the case that he might be the loser he is more than willing to insist that he must lose in a beautiful way that befits him - though for a former member of the Eleventh Division he insists that to lose a fight should mean a battle to the death.

He is quite helpful and caring towards others who are not his enemies or "ugly", exceptionally loyal to those that he considers a friend as well even willing to become insubordinate over needing to save someone in that position - even if the people in his way are his own allies. However, to be considered a true friend of his is quite difficult. For these people who are his friends, he does hold a lot of weight in their perceptions of him, going so far as to maintain the secret of his zanpakuto's nature from Ikkaku and Kenpachi Zaraki out of fear of being shunned and hated.

There are strange behaviours though about him, for example he gave up his position within the Combat Division to swap to Kido after becoming disappointed by it being named the Fourth which prompted him to take the Third Seat position within the Second Division after his secret was out of the bag.


---For Events Prior to PH refer to Bleach Canon---

After the defeat of Aizen, Yumichika continued in his position within the Gotei Thirteen's Eleventh Division. Through the Ender incident he fought with his division to resist the invasion until it ultimately failed and the Captain Commander was slain.

During World War Three, Yumichika launched various operations on Earth with success due to his cunning attitude and ability to apply battle strategy to his division members rather than going in blindly and looking to fight where he was looking to fight and win. From this success he gained quite a bit of notority within his division, which sat well with him and his eagerness to be praised and have glory tossed his way.

He was recalled back to the Seiretiei upon K-World's successful invasion into Soul Society and he fought up until he was defeated by their forces due to being unwilling to release his proper shikai before his allies. This put him out of commission for the rest of the war despite the ultimately successful defeat of K-World and protection of the Soul King from Kin Iramasha.

Upon the Demonic Incursion is where Yumichika once again had quite the spotlight despite it being outside of any major players fighting in the conflict. Whereas those individuals of great power fought each other, he fought amongst the hordes as many of his division sought out. There were simply too many though and at risk of being overwhelmed, and many of his allies which he had grown to call his friends within the Combat Division he decided that he could no longer hide his true power if he didn't want a reoccurance of what happened in World War Three.

Unleashing his true shikai to the shock of many shinigami of the Eleventh Division, Yumichika became a one man army. He didn't care about the greater foes as he should if he was seeking glory, he was more focused on protecting those below him. For days he continued the same process tirelessly, fighting waves of enemies, becoming worn out and injured, using his shikai to absorb their reiatsu and revitalise him and repeat. He became the Undying Flower to the hordes of demons but he was still just one person.

He could not face every demon, he could only face the ones that tried to get past him. He remained there until he finally faced a demon of his own calibre and was fought to a standstill and in the brief moment he tried to release his shikai his opponent capitalised and unleashed an attack which left him battered and beaten, crushed under the weight of some infrastructure until he was dug out by some members of the Rukongai with a smirk on his face. Apparently claiming that he was disappointed that he should live after that climactic battle when he could've died so beautifully.

Later recovered by the Gotei and healed, he sufferred no actual discrimination like he expected which he put down to wondering if it was that he saved them in doing his actions that he got a pass. It did make him feel a little bitter though that he had to be forced into that situation and that the Gotei ultimately lost in the end.

Deciding to conquer the last hurdle, he receded from his division a bit. Going out of his way to complete the step of training with his zanpakuto spirit to acquire bankai and listen to the bird mockingly ask why it took him so long to achieve bankai almost four-hundred years since Ikkaku and accepting that it is because of his own decision to hold back a lot of himself because of the people close to him.

In the span since then he has secretly attempted to perfect his bankai while keeping it underwraps, having turned his second release into the same situation that once was his shikai. Beauty is a mystery after all and Yumichika was content to keep it to himself rather than showcase it, not that a situation since then has come up which tested him to need to release it in the first place.

After the Gotei United's formation, Yumichika remained within the Combat Division under Ibiki until the succession of Shunsui Kyoraku to become Captain Commander and the Combat Division subsequently became the Fourth Division. Deciding that without Kenpachi Zaraki as the captain, Ikkaku having moved on too, Ibiki being replaced by some idiot that he didn't like called Shinryu, he swapped his division to the Second Division and claimed the Third Seated Officer position which he has since maintained.


» Enhanced Durability: He can survive quite a bit without dying meaning the only guaranteed way to kill him is by decapitation, despite his appearances Yumichika is quite tough from centuries within the eleventh division easily being able to be damaged by people of vice-captain level and continue fighting, he is able to utilise his reiatsu to enhance his body and at times people have compared attempting to cut him as being like trying to cut through steel.

Against enemies that invaded during Demonic Incursion he earned a terrifying nickname amongst the ranks of Shadow Fall as the "Undying Flower" due to his ability to fight endlessly by fighting the horde of demons, be close to defeat, utilise shikai and drain everyone around him, recover and continue. Yumichika's durability is high but the most impressive part about him is his capacity to not go down if the situation allows for him.

» Close-Combat Specialist: One of Yumichika's greatest strengths compared to most within his division is the sheer amount of comfort that he has when he is faced with a fight, pressuring him will not throw him off due to his ability to switch from kido into fighting with his blade. This is not limited to one-on-one either, Yumichika is arguably more comfortable against a horde of enemies than he is in a straightforward fight though he prefers the former by preference. When within a battlefield he is able to read the flow of the battlefield and analyse the chaotic nature to plan accordingly in a stressful situation. The less there is for him to need to be aware of, the more his focus is able to give him an advantage which has translated into his duelling ability in a one-on-one fight.

» Expert Swordsman: As a long time member of the Eleventh Division, and especially during the era where kido was looked down upon, Yumichika's ability to fight with his sword is incredibly adept. Transitioning as required to offence and defence, pressuring an opponent and utilising his sword in ways that would make some members of the Combat Division just so jealous of him, and he will go out of his way to try and show-off.

» Kido Expert: Yumichika is far more known for his kido now than in the past, however the question among people is how long he has been apt at kido since he would rarely ever showcase it but for him, he never once discounted the shinigami art. He has always been quite able with kido - especially in that it can make such beautiful scenes - however, the circumstances surrounding the Eleventh Division made it so rare for him to ever display it in combat.

After his transfer to the Second Division Yumichika shows off a lot more feats such as casting high-level kido without the use of incantation, making slight adjustments to them to cast modified kido, using an array of incantation techniques which as spoken-after, two-fold and abandonment.

» High Reiryoku Reserves: Yumichika is easily able to push for vice-captaincy if he so pleased, even four-hundred years ago he explained to a collegue. "The vice-captain position was taken, so I couldn't have it and Ikkaku is the third seat. Four is an ugly number and so I settled for fifth since it looks the closest to three". Over time, he has maintained his current level of power and even through all the spiritual growth that has occurred within the changing landscape of the world he maintains this status as being quite true. His reiatsu is Green.


» Zanpakuto Name: Ruri'iro Kujaku [瑠璃色孔雀, Azure Peacock].

» Spirit Summary: Ruri'iro Kujaku takes the form of a lumiscent peacock for the most part, though when he is manifested into the real world by his master, the zanpakuto spirit assumes a more human-like form. As a character he finds a great deal of disdain towards the nickname of Fuji Kujaku and always gets angry over it. Though since Yumichika learned bankai this is less of an issue, due to the master's preference for releasing his zanpakuto (whichever form) without calling the release command and declaring the name so he doesn't hear himself being called as such.

He is as flamboyant and vain as his master, acting polite and friendly towards all but still having similar ideas of beauty to his master which makes him offer advice to improve aesthetic or compliment his master (which is poorly taken due to its mocking attitude) and others if he happens to be manifested at the time.

Ruri'iro Kujaku does not like his true power not being displayed, whenever Fuji Kujaku is used it irks him and since Yumichika acquired bankai he insists on his master displaying that power every chance that he gets but it goes ignored.

In a fight he is very mocking and belittling, whether it be for power or looks by does play fairly and doesn't resort to cheap tactics which Yumichika is more prone to do if the situation allows for it. They are both aware of their similarities to each other which only frustrates them further.

» Inner World: Yumichika's inner world is similar to a massive forest at night with an old temple which is the centre of it. This forest is luminscent and eeriely beautiful in an alien planet kind of manner, the trees and flora are all strange where it looks greatly influenced by his shikai's aesthetic of feather-like plants. His zanpakuto spirit claims that when his master is in a bad mood the forest dims and in a state of despair the forest is black and nothing can be seen.

» Zanpakuto Appearance: Yumichika's zanpakuto has the form of a katana, being of average length. It has a bronze tsuba shaped like a German cross. It's hilt is wrapped in purple while it maintains a fuchsia sheathe.

» Zanpakuto Sealed Power: Yumichika is able to put some of his reiatsu into the sword, causing it to create a seed which he can remove from the hollow handle and keep for later. By ingesting the seed an individual can recover reiatsu equivalent to a middle-level shinigami casting shakkaho, and so it isn't quite much but it helps keep stamina up or stabilise injured individuals for a bit.


» Shikai Release: Bloom, Fuji Kujaku [藤孔雀, Wisteria Peacock].

» Shikai Appearance: Upon releasing his shikai in its weakened form, its blade takes the form of a shotel with the unique gimmick of being able to reveal up to five more blades. In this state it is simply a melee-type zanpakuto which does not possess the true power of his zanpakuto and while he has no reason anymore to utilise this shikai with his secret out Yumichika still prefers it at times over his true shikai due to being highly proficient with utilising it.

» Shikai Special Ability: Fuji Kujaku's ability is close to nothing besides its five blades, however Yumichika does show remarkable competence with this awkwardly shaped blade being able to close them on will or open them, which has lead to a strange fighting style where he will attempt to impale a target and then make his blades split apart to eviscerate their insides.

He also demonstrates the ability to split the blades in more than just one direction rather than just being a linear array. What this allows for is that he can effectively attack and attack with five slashes to a target rather than just one followed up by the other four blades dragging across. Though, there is no great special ability compared to its true form he is capable of using the blades in subtle and shrewd ways like this when he is needed in a fight.


» Shikai Release: Split and Deviate, Ruri'iro Kujaku [瑠璃色孔雀, Azure Peacock].

» Shikai Appearance: Upon activating his shikai, Ruri'iro Kujaku's blade remains unchanged rather than splitting into five others from the tip of the blade various luminescent vines which appear as feathers grow from the tip.

» Shikai Special Ability: By utilising the vines that are created from his blade, Yumichika is able to utilise them to seek out and ensare victims with strength equal to his zanjutsu skill and speed one level lower, the targets are required to be absolutely snared and immobile before he can activate the second stage of siphoning off the target's reiryoku at a rate of 10% per vine around them per post which drains them of their stamina - in extreme cases being able to incapacitate or even kill them.

As their energy is absorbed into the vines, flowers begin to grow and bloom which Yumichika can utilise for various purposes. He can choose to detonate the flowers along the vines around an opponent to explode and deal substantial amounts of damage to their weakened form, catalyse them into performing kido without needing to expend his own energy as he learned to do in more recent years or the more common usage where one can chew on the petals and immediately revitalise themselves proportionate to the amount of reiatsu that was absorbed which is mechanically treated as being a kaido being cast based on the opponent's tier.

The metric of how many people he can bind is based on the tier of the target he is trying to restrain. To restrain a 1-tier or 2-tier he must focus entirely on them, to restrain a 3-tier or 4-tier he can still attempt to capture 2 more individuals in his vines of lower spiritual power, finally there is no limit when it comes to 5-tier due to the amount of reiatsu they exert is negligble compared to his own and the amount he siphoned would be incredibly low anyway.

Upon completion of his shikai the targets are released and the vines wilt by shrivelling up and being drawn back into his zanpakuto to reform the blade.


» Bankai Name: Ruri'iro Kujakuō Aokigahara
» Bankai Name*: [瑠璃色孔雀王 青木ヶ原, Azure Peacock King's Blue Tree Meadow]

» Bankai Appearance: Upon activating bankai, Yumichika stabs the blade of his zanpakuto into the ground before the sword glows blue. His bankai allows for him to create a network of roots in the environment which expand 30m per post and roughly cap out around his tier's maximum influence. From the ground he is able to cause the feather-like vines of his shikai to sprout and be used to attack, defend, capture ecetera as if they were prehensile extensions of his body.

» Bankai Special Ability: The ability of his bankai is much the same as his shikai, although done on a much larger scale. By using his vines however he has a lot greater freedom when it comes to actually fighting with it though since the vines are larger, faster, stronger than his shikai and can be used in proper combat. The amount of targets he can also ensnare and subdue in total for the capacity to begin draining them is doubled what he can do in shikai.

Jukai [樹海, Sea of Trees]: A technique which is used by sealing the bankai's reiatsu absorbing qualities, instead making it begin to rapidly suck in reishi from the environment and utilise it to wildly grow flora all over the area which drastically increases the amount of vines, trees and the like that he can command. The entire landscape can become a luminescent forest after only a couple of posts which makes it very difficult to deal with for opponents by overwhelming them with an environmental advantage and a display of power rather than trying to siphon their reiatsu.

[Maybe more later as an upgrade if they come to me.]

» Bankai Weakness: It has a weakness where removal of the sword from the ground will not cause the bankai to end, however it will immediately make his network of roots wilt and recede into the sword which makes him have to reestablish it.


» Bag of Seeds: Through his zanpakuto's sealed ability, Yumichika keeps a pouch of seeds which he can bestow upon others who have run out of stamina and with low-reserves. He often uses them for himself though to recover some of his reiatsu after casting kido, there is usually about ten seeds kept in the pouch at any one time.

» Standard Equipment: Yumichika maintains access to the default gear that most shinigami are able to acquire such as the Daireishinki, gigai, gikon etc.


General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced.
  • General Speed: Advanced.
  • Strength: Adept.
  • Martial Skill: Advanced.

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept.
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced.
  • Focus: Advanced.

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Adept.
  • Hakuda: Adept.
  • Kido: Advanced.
  • Zanjutsu: Advanced.



"Third Seat Ayasegawa, it's time."


He asked while looking in the mirror, his focus was squarely on him, the most picturesque sight that one could ever hope to look upon frankly. A grand sight that uplifted one's soul when they gazed at him and brought them to a better mood. The unseated shinigami seemed a little unsure by the way that he was far more focused on himself and from the mirror he caught a look at her. She was quite cute, wasn't she? A little critter kind of type that seemed nervous about anything.

"Third Seat Ayasegawa..."


He had hoped that she might just tell him rather than persist for his attention but she was cute enough to deserve a more direct look, huh? So the shinigami turned about to look at her with a faint grin. Awaiting her answer.

"There's a group from the Fourth Division that requested that you join them."

When he heard that he laughed to himself since she seemed to be so confused as to why a bunch of those roudy shinigami within the Combat Division would be bothering a Second Division officer. Fresh out of the academy he could forgive her for not understanding the nuance here, of course he would remain in touch and get together with many of his old buddies who went from the Eleventh Division into the Combat Division after the consolidation of the divisions. He was their Fifth Seat after all for a long time.

"Thank you, I'll go see them and may I suggest a scarf, I think that a cherry-blossom pink one might really compliment your features."

He said cheerfully and left his office, the unseated shinigami trying to understand what had just happened while Yumichika let her think about what he thought to be an excellent fashion decision.

Last edited by Gamma on Wed Mar 08, 2023 11:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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[Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Yumichika Ayasegawa Empty Re: [Spirit Class 5 | Hazard C] Yumichika Ayasegawa

Mon Mar 28, 2022 8:40 am
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Sat Feb 25, 2023 11:27 am
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