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God of Love
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[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Julian St. Vendemiaire Left_bar_bleue16000/1[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Julian St. Vendemiaire Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Julian St. Vendemiaire Empty [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Julian St. Vendemiaire

Sat Mar 12, 2022 5:16 am
[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Julian St. Vendemiaire HDPnqek


Basic Information

○ Name: Julian-Renee Longval St. Vendemiaire
○ Alias:
-Fellow Citizen (Formerly)
○ Age: 59 (as of 2422)
○ Gender: Male
○ Race: Vizard

○ Affiliation:
-Gotei United, 3rd Division Vice Captain

○ Alignment: Lawful Neutral
○ Marital Status: Married
○ Nationality: Soul Society
○ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
○ Special Skill: Oration
○ Ideal Mate: A dedicated woman

○ Height: 5’7”
○ Weight: Healthy
○ Hair Colour: White
○ Eye Colour: Gold

[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Julian St. Vendemiaire P3AFPYl

Psychological Analysis
Beyond all else, Julian is a man who believes in the rights and value of the everyday citizen. He holds dearly the ideal of a just and equal society, where everyone is held to a perfectly even standard and where the law is always meted out fairly. This belief is, without a doubt, the single most absolute thing that Julian could ever hold dear, and he would fight for it to the absolute bitter end.

Julian feels no particular draw to glory or fame. He seeks no sense of personal excellence from his goals, and should they ever be well and truly accomplished, he would gladly continue to live his life as any other everyday man would. There is not a single ounce of pride in himself within Julian's bones, only pride in his fellow citizens and in the ideal that they strive to create. For him, that is far more valuable than anything which he might personally achieve or acquire. He is only one man, and were he to seek out that sense of glory, he would be no better than those very same aristocrats he aims to topple.

Perhaps shockingly for a man with such a supposedly single-track mind, Julian is actually rather exceptionally fond of thinking all things over. Of course, the primary focus of those thoughts happens to be his own actions and decisions, all of the choices he has made in his life. He does not regret where he has found himself, but he does perhaps lament the events which led him there. It would be impossible to truly say for certain without speaking to him directly, and he certainly has no time to speak about himself when there is revolution to be organized.


Julian St. Vendemiaire is but a pseudonym, taken on by a man who has long since cast aside his personal life and identity for the sake of a cause. His own true name has been lost to time, but it is true that this young girl that might cause him to cry out in pain was close to him. She was a daughter, to be exact, and her death is one she blames not on the cruelty of the shinigami, but instead on their apathy. It was a fight in his own neighborhood between a shinigami and his quarry, nothing more and nothing less, but one for which he was not present. He had gone out to find what little food he could, and when he returned he found his home, alongside several others, already ablaze. The shinigami had been one who used fire, and considered his work more immediately pressing than the safety of the commoners in Rukongai. Having already handled his quarry, he simply left without handling the aftermath of his actions, leaving it instead in the hands of the people. Though Julian tried to claw his way inside, the building had already well and truly collapsed, and he was never able to even find his daughter’s remains.

Life in Rukongai had never been an easy one, but his darling little girl had been the one light in his life, the thing that he considered the entire struggle to be for. All at once that was snatched away from him, such a beautiful, innocent smile he had worked so hard to protect. Was their poverty not enough for the shinigami to rub in their faces? Were they truly so worthless that their lives, their comfort and security, were simply second to the shinigami? Julian had heard many a time that they were supposedly protectors of the realm, that they were intended to enforce the law and keep the peace, and yet it seemed that they were nothing more than a statistic to those protectors. It seemed “the peace of the Rukongai” was not truly a goal, only some semblance of order which left the members of the Gotei, safe and secure in the Seireitei, from needing to step own from their pillar. That, Julian realized, was simply not right.

He began to accumulate followers, slowly at first. He did not openly shout these ideals from the rooftops, as that would surely draw the attention of the Gotei and have him and his cause wiped out all at once. No, he simply opened up the discussion with acquaintances in those places where people naturally spoke their mind a bit more openly, the bathhouse, the bar, over dinner at a small shop, and other such places. His following grew and grew, as more commonfolk found themselves agreeing with Julian’s rhetoric, and yet he was always quick to add a single falsehood to these conversations; never once did he take any sort of credit for these ideas. Instead, he attributed them only to “a friend,” “an acquaintance,” and other such nebulous (and fictitious) entities. Thus the following he had created did not see him as any sort of leader, but instead simply another everyday man, just like themselves. Even when introducing new members to one another, or to potential initiates, his behavior was always like that of an equal rather than a superior. There was no desire for glory or power in this cause. Only justice.

The first true success of this movement came rather suddenly. It was not planned, and Julian himself had nothing to do with it. A single low-level shinigami had acted cruelly toward one of the citizens, and at that moment several members of the movement happened to be present. They exchanged a few short words to establish a plan, and then went to work. Most of them quickly hid in an alley, while one of them threw a rock at the Gotei member and goaded him before running off into that very same alley. The moment this hotheaded shinigami gave chase, the citizens attacked him all at once with whatever they had on hand, be it garden equipment, lumber, or even rocks. It was brutal and savage, but it was nevertheless effective, and before long they had a dead shinigami before them. Burying him in a back garden, these members took the shinigami’s zanpakuto as a trophy, to show to their fellow citizens who had joined the movement. Most were quite content to allow it to serve as nothing more than a sign of their victory, but when Julian heard of it, he mused aloud that it would be quite nice if they themselves could have such convenient tools as zanpakuto. As he suspected, someone else then suggested the idea Julian himself had already considered; that they might be able to use the zanpakuto for their own ends.

One person with a zanpakuto would not, however, be nearly enough to fight for the cause in the long term, not if they were to truly win. Thankfully, however, it seemed that there were others within the cause who had begun to truly think ahead besides Julian. It was suggested that, rather than just trying to use the zanpakuto, they study it and do their best to determine how it worked, or at least bend it in a manner more fitting to the goals of their movement. While one could go into elaborate detail about this process, let it suffice to say that it was more or less a failure. No matter how much they wished, a group of Plus spirits within the Rukongai simply did not have the knowledge, power, or general ability to genuinely unlock the secrets of the zanpakuto. Thankfully, however, they had an alternative idea. Knowing fully that a zanpakuto bonded to those who used it, they decided that, as they wished only to use it for their own singular, unified aim, that they could potentially bond it with that ideal rather than with any one of them. To that end, the zanpakuto was passed among the movement, a different holder every day, each one with only a single thing in common; a dream of revolution.

Astoundingly, this plan worked. It took many years longer than the usual awakening of a zanpakuto, but it did function nonetheless. A meeting was called of everyone who had held the blade, and they spoke at length about what to do from then on. A few called to rise up against the Gotei now, but that idea was dismissed. It would take a great deal of time before that could properly take place, and eventually it was decided that, even with such a monumental increase in their capabilities, the movement still needed a great deal more members, and to spread their message carefully, but assuredly, among the people. As this meeting adjourned, Julian called a thank you to the Greater Future Coalition. The assembly was confused, and rightly so, for none of them had heard the name until now, and Julian had only decided upon it a few short minutes ago. But Julian responded to their confusion with a carefully measured amount of feigned confusion in turn. Had they not heard? That was the name of their movement, recently decided. He had heard from a few other members, and was rather surprised that the message failed to reach them, though it made sense seeing as recent priorities had been on the zanpakuto instead. He shrugged, giving them all a wave as he departed into the night.

“Until next time, fellow citizens. Let us work toward a brighter future for us all.”

...But, history was not so kind to him, or to this grand ambition he held. He would have been perfectly content to build a revolution over decades, if not centuries, and he had already laid plans among plans for the sake of burning the Gotei to the ground. But, as it turned out, he had been in a race against time without his ever knowing, for the Captain Commander, Abalia Kyoraku-Hayden, simply decreed sweeping changes in the Soul Society. Better lives for the citizenry, modernization of the Rukongai, a lessening of the Gotei’s authority over the people and the land outside the Seireitei. It was something he appreciated, yes, and objectively he understood it was the correct course. But that did not change the fact that all of his efforts, all his time spent working toward the future, had suddenly been for nothing.

However, he was willing to accept it even so. He had already been undercover in the Gotei United for a long while when those changes were made, and it was enough to compel him to approach the Captain Commander with the truth. The full details of his revolution, of his life. He had expected to be executed, or at the very least sent away. But there was a single bit of attachment the two had shared. That she had, in her time before the Gotei, been inspired to join it when she had failed to save a little girl from a house fire.

His little girl.

That alone was enough to compel him to offer his services to the utmost. He was deemed Special Executioner, a title known only to the Captains, and he put himself toward service in the Gotei single-mindedly. Even now, he is a devout member of the organization, despite Abalia’s departure. After all, he had always intended to change things. It is still his duty to ensure that change is seen through.


○ Zanpakuto Researcher: What began as a matter of necessity during his days as a member of the Greater Future Coalition has become a point of genuine interest for Julian, and his primary effort as vice captain of the Research and Development division. He believes that the development of the collective zanpakuto is only the beginning of what he might reasonably accomplish, and his understanding of zanpakuto should not be misunderstood simply because he does not have a significant relationship with his own zanpakuto. If anything, he is likely one of the foremost experts on the matter of the swords themselves and their functionality, even if this does not extend to expertise in his personal releases.

○ Kido Traditionalist: Having previously been a promising member of the Kido Corps before being brought to the Research division, Julian still pursues the art quite intently, to the point that he has almost entirely disregarded two of the other shinigami arts in the pursuit of it. He can be called something of an extreme specialist, and in most cases, one will see Julian only engaging in combat with this art. Despite this, he has done rather little to properly develop anything in the way of advanced or intricate kido techniques. There are certainly a handful of personalized kido that he has developed, but they are remarkably underwhelming when compared to the gulf of knowledge he has established with zanpakuto. Rather, they tend to be modifications of pre-existing kido, many of which seem intended more to confuse foes than to properly advance the art.
Personal Kido:
  • Hadō #40 - Byakurai (百雷, lit. “Hundred Lightnings”): A spell that could arguably be the most simple possible permutation of any kido, this is nevertheless a spell that Julian is remarkably pleased by the development of, as it is specifically designed to catch opponents unawares. Formed identically to the similarly-named Hadō #4 Byakurai, the user condenses spiritual energy at their fingertip before releasing it. However, while Hadō #4 releases a single bolt of lightning, Hadō #40 releases a vast array of 100 lightning bolts, spreading from the point of release before then attempting to close in on the intended target. Straightforward, simple, and without frills, it is perhaps Julian’s most-utilized offensive spell.
  • Bakudo #26 - Kyokko (殛香, lit. “Punitive Incense”): A bakudo intentionally designed to capitalize on an expectation that he is using the original Kyokko, this alternative kido is designed specifically to catch anyone who might expect him to be attempting to flee. This kido releases a spiritual powder that is designed to overwhelm the senses, and if one is not prepared to defend against it, it will create a sense of disarray, nausea, and general discomfort. Those with any will skills at a level at or above Julian's own Kido skill are able to reduce the efficacy, and those with two such will skills are able to power through it to such a degree that the effects are functionally negated. However, if one is not actively prepared for this particular type of sensory assault, it will take 2 posts for this negation to take effect.


○ Zanpakutо̄ Name: Fatale Vérité

○ Zanpakutо̄ Spirit Appearance: The spirit of Fatale Vérité takes a rather strange form, a figure seemingly composed of a white waistcoat and cloak with a head of shadows forming from the neck of his attire, with a jagged red smile crossing his face, and a single eye glowing much the same shade visible above, the other strangely obscured behind a reflective monocle. A white top hat covers his eyes partially, though only enough to provide some level of shade to them rather than outright obscuring them. He has no body to speak of apart from his head, his waistcoat simply opening into nothing and his cloak’s interior resembling much the same shadow as his face, accompanied by what seems to be the stars, as if a look into outer space. Despite having no arms, two white gloves still float about him and operate as if they were properly attached, and within one of them he carries a wooden scepter with a large blue crystal at its head.

○ Zanpakutо̄ Spirit Appearance Image:

○ Inner World: Fatale Vérité has no Inner World.

○ Zanpakutо̄ Appearance: Most of the time, Fatale Vérité takes a disguised form as the cufflinks of Julian’s coat. However, when properly manifested, it may take the form of either a sword, which resembles the blade of a guillotine, or of a book that lists the name of every current wielder. However, at present there are only two names within; Julian and Minerva St. Vendemiaire.

○ Executioner's Blade Image:
[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Julian St. Vendemiaire Be0YnO8

○ True Form Image:
[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Julian St. Vendemiaire ZMBQUF4

○ Sealed Zanpakutо̄ Power: Fatale Vérité, due to its nature as a collective zanpakuto, allows Julian to grant anyone else the ability to utilize it. However, this requires trust in the utmost, and perhaps more importantly, would require the unilateral agreement of every current captain in the Gotei United.


○ Release Phrase: "Pity is treason."

○ Release Appearance: When released, Fatale Vérité disappears from Julian’s hands, and instead takes the form of a fully functioning guillotine.

○ Release Abilities: It must be noted, before elaborating on the abilities of this release, that it is only usable against NPCs or with permission from the other player, as well as with the IC permission of a majority of the Gotei captains, and in no other circumstance.

The unnamed release of Fatale Vérité is not complex, and it embodies the absolute ruthlessness of all who have pledged themselves to the shared cause. Should one find themselves placed within the confines of Fatale Vérité's guillotine form, it is best to abandon all hope then and there. The soul is locked into place within the guillotine, and only the absolute most powerful forms of instantaneous movement or unshackling techniques could free it. The blade itself will slice through the neck of its intended victim without any resistance, ignoring all forms of defense. Once a person is beheaded by the guillotine of this release, they are (rather obviously) immediately killed. More dangerous, however, is the fact that the soul of the slain is completely obliterated, much in the same manner as a Quincy’s ability to destroy souls. Nothing short of extreme manipulation beyond the scope of healing could bring one back from death at the hands of Fatale Vérité’s release, but it is not a total conceptual erasure.


○ Zanpakutо̄ Name: Hanagiri (花切り, lit. "Flower Cutter")

○ Zanpakutо̄ Spirit Appearance:

[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Julian St. Vendemiaire JkuC8Yw

○ Inner World:

[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Julian St. Vendemiaire GznyT9T

○ Zanpakutо̄ Appearance: While for the most part Hanagiri is an unremarkable katana, with a modest black and gold hilt and simple, vaguely flower-shaped guard, it is the blade of this zanpakuto which merits some notice. Hanagiri's blade is reflective to a degree not only well beyond any typical sword, but well beyond even any typical mirror. When looking upon the blade, its reflective ability is so flawless as to simply resemble a small window into another world.

○ Sealed Zanpakutо̄ Power: Hanagiri has no sealed powers.


○ Shikai Release Phrase: "Fall, Hanagiri."

○ Shikai Release Action: Raising his blade upward, Julian then lowers it in a slow, downward chop. As he does so, the blade fragments, each piece simply hovering in place as if frozen, creating something of a curtain of mirror shards, which soon after begin to hover more evenly around Julian.

○ Shikai Abilities:

○ Mirror Blade: While it would appear as though Julian's blade has simply fragmented into a set amount of shards upon releasing his Shikai, this is in fact not the case. The number of shards Julian creates in this release is determined based on his tier and his skill in Zanjutsu. The base number of shards he is capable of creating is 10, and the number created increases by 5 for each full tier above 5-tier Julian is, capped at 1-tier. This number additionally increases by 5 for each rank in Zanjutsu past Beginner that Julian possesses. This means that, were Julian theoretically to be 1-1 with Grand Master Zanjutsu, he would create 55 shards. Each of these shards is completely and effortlessly under Julian's control.

○ Shattered Memories: Every shard of Julian's Shikai carries with it the full power of his zanpakuto, as if he were holding it within his hand. What this means is that, if one were struck even by a single shard, it would be no different than a proper swing of the blade from Julian. Considering the increase in power one gains with Shikai, this is surely, in itself, a most impressive feat. However, were that the full extent, it might seem as though it were but a lesser equivalent of the famed Senbonakura wielded by Byakuya Kuchiki. It is in the other aspects of its usage, and the applications alongside Julian's proclivity toward careful planning, that make it impressive.

Should one's eyes fall upon their own reflection in any of the shards of Hanagiri, a blade of spiritual energy will manifest next to them, and strike at the same position they themselves laid eyes upon. This attack, unlike the mirror blade fragments, is treated as if it were simply a strike at Julian's base power, discounting the increases of Shikai, as the energy of Shikai is instead being spent on the creation of the attack.

Beyond all of this, Julian is still able to cast kido through his zanpakuto, but is now able to cast them through each of his fragments rather than merely a single cast through the blade. This is not simply a matter of using the mirror blades as foci for singular kido, however. For example, were Julian to cast a Hadō 4: Byakurai, he would be able to cast not only a single Byakurai from his fingertip, but additional Byakurai through his mirror blade fragments. Obviously, this is limited both by his own spiritual energy and by the actual number of fragments he currently controls.


○ Hollow Name: Félicité

○ Hollow Appearance:

[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Julian St. Vendemiaire J26rY2R

○ Hollow Personality: Félicité speaks with a light, almost songlike voice, her tone always mocking in its feigned innocence. Her general existence is one which thrives on needling at Julian, and she reaches a certain degree of childlike frustration when he does not heed her cruelty. Most of the time, she goes out of her way to emulate his deceased daughter, something which she considers to be more amusing than anything else, and she has become increasingly frustrated that this does not seem to bother him nearly as much as it once did. If she were powerful enough to do so, she would likely have attempted to take him over by now, but the unfortunate reality (for her, anyway) is that she cannot do so, and so she instead must make do with her petulant, irritating personality.

○ Hollow Abilities: Félicité has no noteworthy abilities, and provides quite little to Julian. She is a Hollow weak enough that, had she not been formed within Julian’s soul, she likely could not have even survived on her own.


General Skills
  • Durability: C
  • General Speed: B
  • Strength: D
  • Soul: S

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Adept
  • Kidō: Elite
  • Zanjutsu: Advanced
  • Hakuda: Adept

Vizard Skills
  • Power Augmentation Beginner
  • Cero: Untrained
  • Mask Protection:: Beginner
  • Hollow Control: Adept

Hollow Skills
  • Acid Skill: Untrained
  • Garganta : Untrained
  • Cero/Bala: Untrained
  • Regeneration: Untrained

Will Skills
  • Willpower: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Elite
  • Focus: Advanced


Spring 2022 Burst
-Tier from 2-3 to 2-1
-Durability from Adept to Advanced
-Hoho from Beginner to Adept
-Hakuda from Beginner to Adept
Great Attribute Update
-Attributes brought to modern system

Last edited by Rawk on Wed Aug 14, 2024 11:41 am; edited 3 times in total
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[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Julian St. Vendemiaire Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Julian St. Vendemiaire

Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:03 am
If you have any concerns reach out to me and they can be discussed in more depth.

Don't forget to claim your FCs and positions.

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Julian St. Vendemiaire Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Julian St. Vendemiaire

Thu Oct 06, 2022 12:57 am
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