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[Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara Empty [Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara

Sat Nov 13, 2021 12:51 am

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]


Enter The Shopkeeper
"If we want to witness something nobody has ever seen before, we'll create it ourselves. That's how us scientists are."

[Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara ZuGzKfy

I. Basic Information

» Name: Kisuke Urahara (浦原 喜助) _______
» Alias: Sandal-hat
» Age: Around 700
» Gender: Male
» Race: Shinigami

» Association:
The Urahara Shop (Owner)
Gotei 13 - 12th Division (Former Captain)
Karakura Defenders (Consultant)
Gotei United - 3rd Division (Captain)

» Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
» Marital Status: It's Complicated
» Nationality: Japanese
» Sexuality: Heterosexual

» Height: 6'0"
» Weight: A man's business
» Hair Colour: Light-blonde
» Eye Colour: Gray

[Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara G3ryR8N

I. Personality

Kisuke at first glance appears to be a vastly different person from the true version of himself that he keeps hidden within. He is always relaxed and jovial, quick to play pranks and burst out into laughter at the slightest provocation. It could certainly be said that he is an eccentric individual, with such a mercurial nature about him that is almost impossible to read or predict. He tends to go over the top with whatever he becomes passionate about, happy to devote himself to a project with little regard for his own time or safety if the subject matter is appealing enough. Despite this, he is disarmingly polite in conversation even when those he is conversing with are not. Sometimes this can be considered sarcasm, but Urahara remains ever courteous.

His years as a Captain of the Gotei 13 and then an exile have hardened what was once a weak-willed heart. When he becomes serious and his carefree act drops, Urahara displays an intimidating resolve to carry out whatever task has required such devotion by whatever means necessary. He is a deceptive individual, happy to attempt to disarm an opponent with conversation whilst in combat with them, and believes that there can be no limits or restrictions in a truly life-and-death battle. He is not above using underhand or dishonourable tactics if the opportunity presents itself, and will take advantage of any opening that his opponents give him to end a fight on favourable terms.

Perhaps Kisuke's most defining character trait is his desire to avoid being personally responsible for anything, but knowledgeable about everything. He can often be found on the edge of the inner circle of any important event, listening and observing but preferring to keep himself somewhat removed. He prefers to fan the flames rather than light them himself and has a vast library of contacts within almost every major organisation that he can call upon should be required. He is a deceptive creature, possessing a devilish sense of both cunning and charm that he often uses to manipulate his friends and others into doing or acting as he wants them to and often in a way that he is never determined as the source.

He also likes building large secret underground training spaces.

I. Relationships

» Tessai Tsukabishi:

» Yoruichi Shihōin:

» Shaoling:

I. History

The exact origins of Kisuke Urahara are a mystery, even to him, the first sign perhaps of the enigmatic man he would become. No memories exist of his life before arriving in the Soul Society. Just the vaguest memories of befriending a mischievous young girl and being taken to a mansion far beyond his own means. That girl turned out to be Yoruichi Shihōin, of the Shihōin great noble family, and it was by her command that the young Kisuke was taken in as a ward of the family. An uncommon occurrence, for a family member of a lesser clan, to be adopted in such a manner, but not one that was totally unheard of. Living with the Shihōin family was all that he grew to know, he was an outsider to most of them but at least he was never alone in their household. He and Yoruichi, along with another ward - Tessai Tsukabishi, grew close over the years until they were the firmest of friends.

Once they were old enough, they trained together at a study chamber that Kisuke constructed beneath Sōkyoku Hill. The first of many such facilities that he would build throughout his life, they all grew to be strong and powerful Shinigami in their own right. Tessai would go on to lead the Kido Corps, Yoruichi eventually became the 22nd Head of the Shihōin Clan and the Corps Commander of the Executive Militia of the Onmitsukidō, and Kisuke served under her as the Head of the Onmitsukidō Detention Unit. As was tradition for members of the Onmitsukidō, the pair also served as seated officers in the Gotei 13's 2nd Division. During this time, he created the Tenshintai and learned Bankai in only three days using the enhanced training. A feat previously unheard of amongst any Soul Reapers.

Eventually, after many years of service, a Captain position was vacated in another division. At Yoruichi's recommendation, Kisuke became the Captain of the 12th Division and founded the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. Under his leadership, the 12th Division became the specialist unit for all research within the Gotei. An honorific they would hold until the eventual restructuring of the Gotei some five hundred years later.

Urahara's tenancy as Captain would last even a decade, as he became embroiled in the machinations of Sōsuke Aizen. Framed for crimes he did not commit, Kisuke was sentenced to be stripped of his powers and exiled. Thanks to the assistance of Tessai, and a timely rescue from Yoruichi, he was able to escape this fate and flee to the human world. Bringing along with him several other Gotei officers that had been Hollowfied, Kisuke saved their lives and created the first Shinigami-Hollow hybrids - the Vizards. The Vizard eventually went their own way, whilst Kisuke established the Urahara Shop as his own base of operations. Tessai became his employee, whilst Yoruichi remained his friend and associate.

After a century in the human world, Kisuke manipulated Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends in a scheme to conceal the Hōgyoku within Rukia Kuchiki. After this was foiled by Aizen, who took the Hōgyoku for his own after removing it from inside Rukia, Kisuke took to training Ichigo for the task of impeding Aizen's plans. Never the one to take the spotlight, he let the young hero and his friends hold the spotlight as they invaded Hueco Mundo and fought against the Espada. Only in the final hour, when Aizen had been manoeuvred into the perfect position for his plan to be initiated, did Kisuke reveal his hand to finally thwart his rival and bind him in shackles forevermore.

No sooner had the world recovered from one disaster, another befell it. Ender and his army of demons and other forces of evil fell upon the Earth, so Kisuke was once again forced into battle as the villains came to his very doorstep and tore the world asunder. The fighting was fiercer than with Aizen, the warzone less confined, and casualties mounted before they were able to overpower Ender at great cost and repel the invaders once and for all. The experience drove Kisuke away from the Gotei and towards Earth-based outfits that offered better services for the humans whilst the Gotei spent their time looking more inward than out. He never took up an official position but served as a consultant for those forces that defended Karakura, staying true to his goal of protecting from the shadows as he pulled the strings of various organisations to best serve his cause.

This continued for many decades until word began to reach him of another grave threat building in the distance. He did what he could to protect the planet and its people from World War Three, but even Kisuke Urahara was could not turn every near-defeat into a victory. There were losses, some closer to him than others, but the war did not end quickly like those that had come before. Months rolled into years and eventually decades, Earth would never be the same again and each day became a trial of will just to keep on fighting rather than accepting the inevitable. He was one of the finest tactical and inventive minds on the planet, but even he could not engineer a way to bring the war to a favourable end. Every tool at his disposal was spent, even those young heroes he had once depended upon so dearly, until they numbered so few that he feared all might be lost. Precautions were made, should the worst come to pass, but it all came down to one final confrontation in Karakura town.

The town had been reduced to mostly rubble by that point, only the impressive magical and physical fortifications of the Urahara Shop kept it standing as a bastion of order. The demons and their allies threw everything they had in a costly attempt to gain control of the Soul King's Key, but they were met by the most powerful heroes of Earth and Soul Society and eventually stopped. Fighting alongside Yoruichi just like in the old days of the Onmitsukidō, Kisuke was forced to use all of his powers to protect the great barrier he had helped to create. It was perhaps the heat of battle, the genuine fear that they might not see another day, that brought the pair closer than they had been before.

They had been the closest of friends for centuries, to some that might have been the perfect foundation for a genuine romantic relationship but, in reality, it was anything but. The pair knew each other too well, their strengths and flaws, what made them tick and what genuinely got under their skin. Even still, they were romantically involved for nearly a decade after the Third World War. A real rollercoaster that ended in tears on both sides, and saw Yoruichi return to Soul Society and her own family for a prolonged period of time. Eventually, they reconciled and returned to being friends once again, though a little of that former magic was gone and a little of that passionate spark remained. Of course, that also meant that they were never quite done either. In the centuries that followed, the pair were on and off again at an impressive rate but never for a prolonged period of time.

What did eventually sour was Kisuke's relationship with the Gotei 13. Under new Captain-Commanders, they had grown only more isolationist and self-serving even as the world became only more spiritually aware and in need of their assistance. He had never supported such a line of thinking, eventually growing to the point of being genuinely uncooperative with those Shinigami that found their way to his store and served the Gotei. It never got to the point of anything close to genuine hostility, but his focus was elsewhere now, serving those that he knew worked for the bigger picture just as he always had rather than the self-serving Gotei.

This did eventually succeed in driving a prolonged rift between Yoruichi and Kisuke though, as they began to disagree on the strategy going forwards whilst also going through a period of romantic involvement. Matters came to a particularly vitriolic head one night, and Yoruichi headed back to the Shihōin Mansion vowing never to return. What neither knew at the time was that she had become pregnant with their child, a surprise to both parties and anyone else that knew them. Kisuke wanted the child to come to Earth and did try unsuccessfully to mend some of the broken bridges with Yoruichi, but this only served to push her further away. She left the child in the care of her family, a decision that Kisuke opposed very adamantly but could do little from his external position outside of Soul Society.

Forced to watch on from the shadows as others raised his own child, Kisuke felt helpless for the first time in centuries. His daughter barely knew who he was, and yet she suffered from ailments beyond the means of any else within Soul Society. Perhaps he could have saved her from this suffering if he could have been there for her, instead, he had to work and research via proxies. Agents within the research division that he had gained some sway over in his centuries of work cultivating agents across all the realms.

As he continued to monitor his daughter from afar, another opportunity presented itself. Approached by a particularly astute Hollow, Kisuke was offered a chance to help out the other less adjusted natives of Hueco Mundo in overcoming some of their weaknesses. An interesting project, Kisuke devoted much of his time to developing tools to aid the venture and contributed much to the outpost in the city of Las Vegas. Despite his best efforts, and the aid of several other loyal allies, the city was destroyed in an attack by the forces of evil. A disaster that the project never recovered from, and all the research that Urahara had done on the matter eventually went to waste.

Setbacks and failures have defined Kisuke's recent years, an entire fourth World War passed by before he even saw an opportunity to take to the field. Scared to relive the pains of the past. Yet now there are new opportunities presenting themselves with every coming day. The Vandenreich on the rise, Vastime in disorder, an old face reappearing in Hueco Mundo, a Vizard that forsook her family to find herself whilst roaming the Earth. The pieces are falling into place once more, so perhaps the Urahara Shop will find new patrons as Kisuke opens his doors once more.

I. Equipment

Given his reputation as a prolific inventor, Urahara can have a wide plethora of items at his disposal at any one time. Furthermore, his ingenuity and adaptability allow him to design and craft custom items within a limited time span using whatever resources he can cobble together. It can be assumed that he is always carrying the best tools for the job, given even a moment to prepare, and can always pull out a new trick from his sleeve when the situation calls for it.

I. Powers and Abilities

» Immense Spiritual Pressure: Urahara boasts tremendous amounts of spiritual energy. His energy is intense enough to make even opponents with high levels of energy sweat in fear. When releasing his spiritual pressure, it can create a shockwave strong enough to affect a considerable area and launch back weaker individuals. He has demonstrated noticeably great reserves of energy, launching multiple high-level Kidō and Shikai attacks in a single battle without tiring. The colour of his Reiatsu is crimson-red. Furthermore, as a former high-ranking member of the Onmitsukidō, Kisuke has near-seamless control of his spiritual energy, never wasting more than necessary for his various stunts. He is equally skilled in hiding his Reiatsu, able to remain unnoticed by both allies and enemies with ease unless he chooses to reveal himself.

» Kidō Master: Kisuke Urahara is a legend in the field of Kidō, his mastery of the use of Hadō and Bakudō spells is known across all realms and he many seek him out to glean but fragments of this vast knowledge and skill in the field. He can use low-level Kidō silently, without even giving opponent's the opportunity to react, and can perform any Kidō under level 91 at near maximum power without incantation. Furthermore, he can use up to level 99 Kidō, including those forbidden techniques. Combined with his impressive intellect, Urahara can also use multiple Kidō spells in swift succession to deliver combination attacks or set traps for his opponents to trigger a chain reaction. He is more than capable of defeating all but the most frightening of opponents with Kidō alone and often does rely on such strategies to lure opponents into believing his other skills are lacking.

  • Kaidō (回道, Turn Way): Moreso than most Kidō users outside of the Kidō division, Kisuke is experienced in the use of healing spells and restorative techniques. He is capable of using any healing spells quickly and efficiently, even those of notable complexity.

  • Kidō Creation: Perhaps the most terrifying part of Urahara's mastery of Kidō is his ability to invent new high0level techniques with purposes to fit almost any situation within which he finds himself. Stemming from his mastery of all aspects of spiritual energy manipulation, there is very little he cannot accomplish even with only his Kidō.

  • Keikaigi (繫界儀, World-Tying Rite): This technique connects the space tying two worlds together to produce a Garganta, allowing Urahara or his comrades to travel between realms with relative ease. He can create larger portals if given time to set up a proper entranceway, as such will require a gateway of wooden posts or similar, but can also open smaller personal portals at will.

  • Shadow Casting: Following the brief tutelage of Hannah Chiza, Urahara has also grown capable of the art of Shadow Casting. He can strip away all but the most essential elements of any Kidō spell to make it vastly more efficient and register as much smaller in capacity, whilst retaining the control and power of a fully chanted spell at the same level. It requires such proficiency of both the spells and control that any below mastery in the field would find such an ability impossible to use productively in battle.

» Shinigami Paragon: Even setting aside his mastery of Kidō, Urahara possesses a level of mastery in other aspects of Shinigami skills that far exceed the average. Urahara has an enhanced physique; boasting strength, speed, agility, durability, and endurance far beyond a natural level. He is also a most gifted swordsman, able to fight on par with other powerful combatants including Ichigo Kurosaki and Yammy Llargo, and is considered highly dangerous with impressive versatility in styles and techniques whilst also being able to switch effortlessly between his swordsmanship and other abilities. Kisuke is also notably proficient at both Hakuda and Shunpo, dating back to his time as commander of the Detention Unit of the Onmitsukidō, and was able to move and fight on par with even Yoruichi when the pair would spar together. He is able to hold his own, whilst unarmed, against multiple combatants and was skilled enough to fool even the most perceptive of foes with his speed in combat.

» Genius-level Intellect: One might be forgiven for assuming that Kisuke's intellect is perhaps only somewhat above-average, for he prefers to keep his most powerful asset a secret from any potential foes. In truth, he is one of the smartest beings across all the realms, gifted almost beyond compare in the fields of invention, mental deduction, and combat strategy. He is notably insightful, able to judge the character of a person from tells in their demeanour so slight that it is almost like he can read people's minds, and can see through all but the most gifted of liars and charlatans - for he is one himself. Furthermore, he is an incredible teacher and student. In short spans of time, he can raise the power of any individual from nothing to noteworthy or master a technique that he has been taught only once before. His knowledge is so vast that he has an innate understanding of the abilities of others and can quickly piece together many independent variables to draw an accurate conclusion.

  • Master Scientist & Inventor: As the founder and former head of the SRDI, Urahara is a talented inventor and scientist, having created a number of devices and techniques to aid him in battle or otherwise. His intellect in this field is evident, having created some of the most amazing things in Soul Society's history. As he had been inventing and creating things even before becoming a seated officer in the 2nd Division, he can create his inventions in rather short amounts of time and utilising limited resources. He is often able to determine the true mechanics behind a new advanced power and how to disrupt it. Urahara also has highly capable medical and chemical skills, regularly healing his friends when battle-worn. He also has a very detailed understanding of the Hollowfication process and has determined how to stabilise a victim of it, as seen with his handling of the original Vizard.

  • Master Strategist & Tactician: Despite his aloof and unkempt appearance, Urahara is a very insightful and cunning man. He possesses great intuition, quickly becoming aware of any incoming danger and reacting to it in time. Urahara has an undeniable talent for thinking things through well in advance, making decisive and accurate decisions quickly in battle, and seemingly perceiving any situation at hand. He is a crafty tactician, easily deceiving both allies and enemies. In battle, he regularly uses cunning and deception to catch his opponents off-guard. He is a very analytical man, quickly seeing through an opponent's power and attack patterns to ultimately make them useless against him. He easily outmanoeuvred and tricked Aizen repeatedly in his fight with him. Urahara has often stated that he goes into situations expecting as many scenarios as possible just so he is never caught by surprise and making it possible for him to be ready for any that might occur.

I. Sealed Powers

» Zanpakutô Name: Benihime (紅姫, "Crimson Princess")

» Zanpakutô Spirit Appearance: Benihime takes the form of a pale, slender woman with black hair that runs down past her waist. She is garbed in a revealing red robe, tied at the waist, whilst her thin arms are left exposed.


» Inner World: A vast shrine that is built from wooden beams that have been dyed various shades of red. It is trapped in the depths of winter, a snowy forest surrounding the building from all sides as a thick layer of snow rests upon the ground and on every exposed ledge and crevice. Venturing inside, there are many different rooms that all seem to serve different purposes in regards to maintenance or worship and span a seemingly endless distance. Urahara is able to navigate the world with ease, travelling to whichever section he desires with a practised ease.

The Royal Shrine:

» Zanpakutô Appearance: In its sealed state, Benihime takes the form of a beige shikomizue that had a curved handle and a silver-tipped base. His sword is easily concealed within the cane, so the handle functions as a hilt whilst the shaft serves as the sheath. The silver-tipped base has a skull born upon it, with a blue flame mark imprinted upon the skull. This is one of Urahara's many different inventions and serves as a tool to disconnect a willing target's soul from their body by touch.

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Awaken, Benihime

» Shikai Appearance: During Shikai, Benimhime takes on the form of a slender sword of average length still comparable to his unreleased state in rough shape. The handle has turned into a proper hilt though, with black wrapping and several overlapping pommel shaped pieces, whilst a long crimson tassel dangles from the pommel. Oddly, the weapon has a U-shape guard that runs up the first three inches of the blade and is decorated with a floral pattern.

» Shikai Abilities: Benihime in this release is capable of generating, emitting, and controlling unique crimson-coloured energy. This energy can ben be used for a variety of techniques that Urahara can call upon by providing the corresponding verbal components and performing a certain movement with his blade. Unless specified otherwise, all of these abilities scale with his Zanjutsu skill. Some of these techniques include:

  • Nake, Benihime (啼け紅姫, "Sing, Crimson Princess"): With this command, Benihime unleashes an energy blast similar to a Cero. This can be used offensively but can also disperse other energy blasts of similar or lesser strength with proper precision. Additionally, this can be charged up gaining additional power if a post is spent overcharging it.

  • Chikasumi no Tate (血霞の盾, "Blood Mist Shield"): Channeling the energy into a hexagon-shaped shield, Kisuke forms a barrier that is capable of blocking powerful attacks whilst only eroding slowly. It does prevent Urahara from using other techniques whilst maintaining this shield, but it can last for up to five posts before needing to recharge for a couple of posts.

  • Kamisori, Benihime (剃刀紅姫, "Razor, Crimson Princess"): Summoning a blade of energy, this technique can be used to cut through physical defences based on the material's durability comparative to his Zanjutsu skill. This arc moves towards the target in a line but can instantly change direction once during travel.

  • Tsuppane, Benihime (突ッ撥紅姫, "Spurning, Crimson Princess"): By studying the composition of an attack and the muscle movements of a subject as they use the technique, Urahara can devise a matter to nullify the attack. With perfect timing, he can draw a circle of energy with Benihime that intercepts an attack and neutralises it.

  • Shibari, Benihime (縛り紅姫, "Crimson Princess of Binding"): The crimson energy that Benihime releases forms into a tangible net that shoots out from the blade and can be thrown over one or several targets provided they are in close proximity. The net restricts those it touches, binding and constricting them as they are enveloped by it. The net starts with durability equivalent to Urahara's Zanjutsu skill, and decreases in durability by one rank for every post after the first one until it reaches Untrained rank - at which point it disappears.

    • Hiasobi, Benihime, Juzutsunagi (火遊 紅姫 数珠繋, "Fire-Playing Crimson Princess Beaded Mesh"): After using the Shibari technique, Urahara stabs the net with the tip of Benihime, creating orbs of fire along the outside length of the net, which explodes like linked land-mines in a domino formation, leading toward the target bound under the net. When the orbs come into direct contact with the intended target, they create a tremendously large and devastating explosion.

I. Bankai

» Bankai Release Phrase: Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame (観音開紅姫改メ, "Modification of the Crimson Princess' Dissection at the Doors of Avalokiteśvara")

» Bankai Appearance: Upon entering Bankai, a giant woman appears to loom over Urahara. The woman takes a distinctly similar appearance to his Zanpakutô Spirit, with dark hair braided into loops and long, mannequin-like limbs whilst garbed in a revealing crimson robe. The weapon itself reverts into its sealed state, which Urahara can still wield in melee combat as required.

Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame:

» Bankai Abilities: The singular ability of Kannonbiraki Benihime Aratame is to restructure anything that enters its area into a different part of the same thing. Anything within a 50-metre radius of Urahara can be targetted by this ability, be it friend or foe, though the effects can vary wildly. As its primary mode of attack, Urahara can have Benihime "split" something on a target. This is similar to dissecting someone with a knife and then leaving the wound open. Alternatively, Urahara could restructure a target's body by taking parts that are not being used and repurposing them to restore their original functions. For example, he could restructure some of the skin and tissue from his face into a fix for his eyes should be blinded. This is not only limited to living beings, though, and Urahara can restructure objects within range too provided that they lack sufficient spiritual reinforcement to resist his strikes. This splitting resolves permanently once the Bankai ends, leaving everything in the state it currently is and reverting nothing. So if an arm has been removed to repair a broken leg then, when the ability ends, they will have a fixed leg and a broken arm.

Nonconsenting parties caught within the Bankai's area can resist this effect if they so choose, mechanically delaying its effects upon them by comparing their Durability to Kisuke's Zanjustsu skill. If they have equal or greater Durability then the splitting is delayed by a number of posts equal to one plus the difference, and if they leave the area during this time then it is nullified without consequence beyond light cuts and incisions on the target area.

I. Shikokai

[NOTE: This form is restricted until 0-3, and is not usually granted upon approval. This is ONLY for pureblood Shinigami! Refer to the racial specs for more information]

» Shikokai Release Phrase: [What is your shinigami's release phrase?]

» Shikokai Release Action: [Does your Shinigami do any physical action to release their Shikokai? Feel free to remove this.]

» Shikokai Appearance: [What does your Shinigami look like when released in their Shikokai?]

» Shikokai Abilities: [What abilities does your Shinigami attain in Shikokai?]

I. Skill Sheet

General Attributes
  • Durability: B
  • Speed: A
  • Strength: B
  • Soul: A

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Elite
  • Kidō: Master
  • Zanjutsu: Elite
  • Hakuda: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Elite
  • Mental Deduction: Grand Master
  • Focus: Advanced

I. Role Play Sample

Between the sprawling skyscrapers and futuristic highways of Karakura Central, in the underbelly that was once just Karakura Town, the Urahara Shop stands in a small back alley that is still unchanged by the passing of time. Some might have viewed this as a sign of refusal to accept the world around him but, to Kisuke Urahara, it was actually a point of pride. No matter what happened, no matter how things changed, he was always going to remain here serving the people of Earth and the Spiritual World around them. The exact nature of this servitude was, of course, something that he often kept well hidden but today was the exception. After all, today was Black Friday.

A curious Earth custom that had spread around the globe several centuries ago and somehow survived the countless tumultuous events since then. An international day of shopping where the stores of the world offered ludicrous sales to entice customers to buy their products in preparation for the Christmas season.

This year, the Urahara Shop had elected to join in on the craze. But they didn't take to the internet to announce this news, no, instead a single large sign sat out front advertising the plethora of offers in store for one day only and a free item with every purchase. This had naturally drawn in the big crowds, as the bucket-hatted shopkeeper lounged idly next to the sign whilst Tessai finished dealing with the one customer currently inside. Upon hearing them make for the door, though, Kisuke leapt to his feet and dropped into an overly exaggerated bow with his hands pushed forwards and clasped together.

"Don't forget your extra special gift! The Urahara Shop is most grateful for your patronage!"

From between clasped fingers, the shape of a traditional handheld fan slowly began to protrude, offering itself out in the customer's direction, though Kisuke remained unmoving. Only when he felt the tug of something against the fan did he raise his head, still doubled over, and looked up at the departing shopper. A warm, toothy smile quickly spread across his lips as he recognised the young boy as one of his regulars. Hardly an enticing new clientele, but perhaps that would have been too much to ask.

Rising to watch the child depart, with a bag of sweets in one hand and the gifted fan in the other, he felt the towering presence of Tessai looming from behind him. Kisuke did not yet turn, keeping his back to the larger man, though he felt that silent stare boring into the back of his skull. He disapproved.

"What!? You can never be too cautious these days. Villains keep popping up all over the place, so maybe these fans pick up something useful."

He pivoted now, another fan already unfurled and covering most of his face so that only his eyes were really visible, and even then they were basked in the shadow of his hat. Tessai was well used to Kisuke's flair for the dramatic, though, and remained unperturbed. A moment more of intense staring and then the pair began to head inside, a grunt of understanding the only real response from his companion.

"Besides, who knows how far-reaching they'll get? I wonder if any will make it abroad? Oh, the secrets we might learn."


Last edited by Locke on Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:24 am; edited 13 times in total
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[Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara

Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:09 pm
Kamisori, Benihime
What kind of materials and substances?

Tsuppane, Benihime
Does this work on techniques that don't necessarily require muscle movements? Does this have an upper limit of power or can it cancel anything?

Shibari, Benihime
How strong is the net?

There should probably be some sort of warmup or other defensive method of dealing with this other than simply "don't be touched by it." It is a strong Bankai owned by a strong character, so it's reasonable to say it's difficult to deal with, but there should be some method of resisting it.[/adm]
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[Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara

Fri Nov 26, 2021 11:22 am
Kamisori, Benihime
What kind of materials and substances?

Compares object durability with his Zanjutsu to decide if it can be cut through.

Tsuppane, Benihime
Does this work on techniques that don't necessarily require muscle movements? Does this have an upper limit of power or can it cancel anything?

I'd say he needs to see them move, or predict they will move, to block it. So techniques that don't require physical movement aren't affected. As for power, scales with his Zanjutsu to decide how strong the cancellation is.

Shibari, Benihime
How strong is the net?

I'd say it scales with Zanjutsu skill, or do you want more specifics?

I added a line to the whole Shikai to clarify that all of these abilities generally scale with Zanjutsu skill.


Updated to include further resistance methods. Comparing Durability to Zanjutsu.
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Fri Nov 26, 2021 11:34 am
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[Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara

Fri Nov 26, 2021 11:41 am
[adm]Second approval given.[/adm]

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[Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara

Tue Mar 08, 2022 10:09 pm
[adm]Moving to unchecked for changes in accordance with updated canon application rules.[/adm]
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[Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2+] Kisuke Urahara

Sat Mar 26, 2022 10:51 pm
[adm]Reapproving at the same tier and with the same hazard rankings.[/adm]
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Wed Aug 14, 2024 10:24 am
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