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[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima Empty [Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima

Wed Jan 01, 2020 7:35 pm
[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima Tomoe-header


Basic Information

○ Name: Makoto Arima.
○ Alias': Makocchi.
○ Age: Thirty one years old.
○ Birthday: March 13.
○ Gender: Female.
○ Race: Shinigami.

○ Affiliation:
Gotei United

○ Alignment: Chaotic Good.
○ Marital Status: Taken.
○ Nationality: Soul Society.
○ Religious Standing: Ambiguous.
○ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.

○ Height: 162cm.
○ Weight: 50kg.
○ Hair Colour: White.
○ Eye Colour: Red.

[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima Appearance-tomoe

Psychological Analysis
Makoto is a friendly and diligent member of the Gotei United, specifically within their first division. She is always ready to be of assistance to her peers and take on a mission for the Gotei United. Despite being a little inclined to being a workaholic Makoto balances her personal and work life quite well.

She is a lot more liberal once the requirements of her job have been accomplished. When not on duty she finds a great deal in pleasure socialising or going somewhere to meet people, these activities are only a recent development for her though and she will occasionally forget to do so.

These qualities of a socialite and push to interact with people serves as an anchor for her, a reminder that people are not all bad and are actually capable of good things. It is a coping mechanic that she uses to convince herself that she is not a bad person by seeing herself act nicely to others and be able to be friends with them.

In a fight Makoto's disdain becomes more pronounced though, she has a very black and white look on things where her enemies are evil and her allies are good. So if she goes to the effort to befriend her allies and be good to them then to her enemies she lets all her misanthropy out on them.

She is typically mildly sadistic and brutish, more prone to disobey orders or deviate from the proper procedures such as executing an eneny rather than capturing them if she things she can get away with it. The more she thinks she can get away with it and not show off her negative qualities to people that matter to her then the more she will.


Makoto was born towards the middle of the Rukongai districts, she was not too far out that her life was unbearable but she wasn't close enough that it was incredibly plesant as far as things go either. She was for all accounts and purposes in a habitable area though that was not leaning in any particular favour.

Her father was a blacksmith and her mother stayed at home as a housewife. The two had hoped for a boy but after months of trying to conceive and falling pregnant with Makoto they were happy to take anything over nothing. Regardless of what she was born as her father treated her more like a son than a daughter.

From a young age he had her working, bringing him things and helping make the work run smoother for him. He even let her work the forge occasionally although after a mistake where she ended up burning herself she was always too afraid to try again.

At the age of nine her mother had fallen ill, she would often go into coughing fits and wake her up at night. One such night she went to go check on her but went to leave after seeing her father already soothing her. Instead of him going back to bed though Makoto heard him leave in the middle of the night. Whilst she was afraid of being burnt she was not afraid of following him into the dark night.

Once she found him she hid in the brushes, she didn't understand what was going on as she watched them all erect a shrine and start saying strange things. Regardless as a little girl the eye on the shrine scared her, it seemed eeriely alive despite being as inanimate as the swords her father made. At the end of the procession a distressed person was brought out and had his throat slit over the shrine.

She had no words for what she had seen and couldn't make sense of it but she was too afraid to mention it but she would stay up at night and hear him leave every few days, follow him and see something similar while only growing further confused and scared as it became more real but regardless of what she saw, she could not dispute the eerie way in which her mother recovered as it went on.

Two years into this process everything seemed the same until the intervention of a voice. The scene had seemed so silent until that moment when her singsong voice broke the serenity to belittle the group for worshipping a false idol, it was chaos after that. The pressure of her presence caused Makoto to fall down like she was being crushed while the woman held her sword out.

'Climax, Bosatsu Kairakuten'

Her words sent the group into anarchy; like glass just shattered their reason vanished and Makoto could only watch in horror until they were all bloody and unable to move anymore. Pieces of each other cut off, bitten off or gouged out yet none of them were screaming in pain. They sounded like they loved it but she was paralysed and unable to not look away.

Stop. Stop. Stop. "Stop-!"

Talking took so much effort and work that she was exhausted just trying to shout but her words stirred the strange woman's attention towards her and in a moment the effect seemed to disappear the weight of their wounds all struck them at once. There was nothing but pain from other's ringing in her ears.

While the screams were distressing the way the woman approached her and knelt down to pull her into a kneeling position was even more stressful.

"Look upon that idol and understand, it is powerless. Mimihagi is nothing but a false eikon you cling to. I offer the escape of this meaningless cycle."

When she felt the woman's lips touch her's and flinched, a shock back to reality but strangely comforting and enough to make her pass out. When she awoke it was midday, the carnage was still there and at some point she had wet herself. The shrine was scattered around the grove in pieces.

A few weeks after that event her mother passed away, both the grief of being told what had happened to her husband and her illness coming back in full force. She had found herself an orphan with nothing.

A few months of struggle and she met a group of kids like her, unlike her they were lost souls that had been sent to the Soul Society and had no family so they made their own. People would come and go, sometimes someone would decide to make it on their own or unfortunately run into a bad circumstance. In the five years she stayed with them Makoto only saw one of them leave happily by announcing they had found their family in the Rukongai.

All of her friends had something she didn't know, a hope that came from not knowing. She couldn't have that hope to cling to that they might run into their family members, she knew her's were gone. Around the age of sixteen is when she had her first intimate friend in the group. The occasional sneak away to mess around or get some privacy made her feel happy and took the edge off the weight that had been sitting on her shoulders.

Like her mother's health it was ephemeral and she was greatly upset by learning he wasn't very loyal to her.

At all.

With that knowledge she insisted on leaving her group, a mix of shame and heartbreak. She made it quite well on her own for a few years but didn't interact with people outside of working for a living. It wasn't until she was twenty that she resolved to become a shinigami to try and leave this place behind that had caused her so much pain.

After six years dedicated to the Shin'o Academy she graduated as a fully fledged shinigami, around the time the Gotei was in a time of reformation and still adjusting to the discarding of older traditions. These traditions were not her own however and she found it quite cozy. While she was still distant she resolved to try more and make the best out of this new life.

Towards the present she ended up within the Fourth Division under Captain Shunsui Kyoraku however following his promotion to Captain Commander and the subsiquent change of division roles she became a member of the First Division. She does her best to keep up the standards of her division and serve as a role-model while trying to overcome her negative traits.


Sword-Speaker: Makoto possesses a trait that is best described as being able to evoke the meaning of something. Similar to invoking something's word soul ('kotodama'), it is because of this that she was able to learn her zanpakuto's name while being such an immature shinigami herself and not even beyond half a century old.

Theoretically she could do this for other people but her innate power still took a few months before she clicked as to her zanpakuto's name, if she were at all to help someone pull out their zanpakuto with less training she would require a much greater understanding of them and spend quite a bit of time around them so that she became intimate with their soul.

Kido Practitioner: She is trained to utilise kido to a competent standard. She's no genius at it but she has invested enough time to figure out the works and jerks of it.

Zanjutsu - Morning Bloom Style: Using her zanpakuto Makoto is quite proficient when it comes to the spiritual and physical usage of her sword. Allowing her to create her primary style of fighting wherein she excels at fighting with peers against a single or lesser enemies, the style is great for creating openings but struggles to follow up on them hence requiring others to follow through.


» Zanpakutô Name: Shimensoka [四面楚歌, Four Sided Song].

» Zanpakutô Spirit Summary: Shimensoka appears as a woman who resembles Makoto's deceased mother - only appearing as a intangible looking ghost most of the time, though she does demonstrate the ability to take a more fleshed out form. She is serene and rarely talks, often being difficult to converse with due to her preference for solitude and condemning towards her master who persists to engage with her despite having the same inclination at heart to want to be alone.

While she is not helpful, Shimensoka is prone to revealing details without meaning to such as hinting to Makoto that Shimensoka North and South are not made for offensive applications by admonishing her master for her violent demeanour and interest in only the offensive aspects of her power. At the same time there is a mutual understanding although Shimensoka does not give ground and by proxy cannot be said to respect her master or feel that she is deserving of the full power which only adds to her tempermental nature.

» Inner World

[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima Inner-world

» Zanpakutô Appearance: The sealed form of Makoto's zanpakuto takes the appearance of a wakizashi which she keeps sheathed behind her to be able to be drawn horizontally. It is adorned in a white sheathe with white cloth for its handle. Its tsuba is gold and a red rope tassel hangs from the end of the handle.

» Sealed Zanpakutô Power: Makoto is able to pull on some of Shimensoka's ability to draw in ambiet reishi and extends the length of her blade to that of a katana. It has the same downsides as the shikai though.


» Shikai Release Phrase: Scatter across the four winds and rejoin to reveal all of creation.

» Shikai Release Action: Her sword must be sheathed to activate shikai.

» Shikai Appearance: Upon activation of her shikai, the sheathed sword extends and becomes a spear which is blue and white. The spear looks like it was made for stabbing rather than sweeping motions due to the pointed blade with four prongs coming off it.

» Shikai Ability: Shimensoka's power is the power to manifest something four-fold. In quantity, not quality. Makoto could not use Shimensoka to amplify an attack by four-times its potency but it is feasible that her shikai could create up to four additional applications of the same attack, in addition when she manifests anything it is absolute that all projections will be exactly the same. She could not create two hands and two eyes for example, it would be up to four of either.

As another restriction, while she can create up to four (and doesn't need to have all four out at the same time) if there is something present which is generated by Shimensoka then it would need to be cast away before she can create anything new.

Any body part created is emulating her own, using her General skills.
Sensory organs can share information with Makoto as though they are additional sensory inputs, in the case of specifically sensitive body parts being manifested and damaged could be quite painful.
She cannot use Shimensoka East to create entire copies of her body, and the parts created are typically small. Hands rather than arms, mouths or eyes over an entire head.

She can only use one of Shimensoka's cardinal at a time.

Shimensoka East appears to allow her to manifest up to four of her body parts for various uses.
Shimensoka West appears to involve the repeating or recasting something up to four times.
Shimensoka North is unknown.
Shimensoka South is unknown.

Shimensoka East: Shide [四手, Four Hands]: Makoto is able to manifest four hands that float behind her and can utilise them at will in a number of ways as long as she is wielding her zanpakuto. For example she can utilise them as additional limbs to benefit augment her hakuda, manifest them to try and catch or block an incoming attack, grab a target.

Shimensoka East: Shide [死手, Death Hands]: Using the ability which is a homophone of the previous one, she is able to detonate the hands when she no longer requires them with the power equvalent to that of a shakkaho. While it is specifically in regards to the hands which she prefers to utilise - this ability covers detonating any and all constructs that she might desire to make.

Shimensoka East: Shime [四目, Four Eyes]: The ability to conjure four eyes instead of four hands which allows for her to utilise them as additional view points. Makoto can have any of these four eyes manifested though they remain the size of a normal-sized eye, they gain no special advantages such as seeing invisible targets, heat signatures or anything fancy. They are perfect copies of her eyes, and will see what she is capable of seeing.

Shimensoka East: Shikuchi [四口, Four Mouths]: Manifesting four mouths allows for Makoto some freedom, for example she can utilise it to pass on a message from afar. Its primary usage is to allow for her to utter up to four kido incantations simultaneously. Similar to Shimsensoka West: Shijo Ichijin however, Shikuchi allows for four different kido to be cast rather than utilising the same one four times instantly - depending on her choice of kido spells and the incantation lengths it can make them have delays between being cast all at once.

Shimensoka West: Shijō Ichijin [四重一陣, Fourfold Spearhead] Using Shimensoka, Makoto is able to replicate an action by four-fold as long as the means are available without any requirement to reinitiate. Primarily used for kido however hypothetically, it can be applied to Hakuda due to being able to manifest additional limbs. By casting a kido and activating Shimemsoka's ability she can instantly cast three more which makes it a potent technique to overwhelm an opponent albeit draining on her reserves as all spells will be replicated with the same amount of spiritual energy that she used in the first one.

Shikai Weaknesses:

Release Nullification: She can't use shikai unless the sword is sheathed.
Shimensoka East: Due to creating reishi constructs, the constructions are able to be torn apart by a Quincy who has Reishi Absorption that is higher than her Zanjutsu which renders Shimensoka East as useless.
Ineffecient: Designed to overwhelm, Makoto's stamina is prone to being depleted by the intense drain that this shikai can have on her reiryoku reserves and physical body. It is not useful for long battles or where she needs to repeatedly use its abilities.


(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not fill your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. The staff member checking your app will also give you Will Skills in which you can add to your app when approved. Click the spoiler below to see what tier gets what kind of skills.)


General Skills
» Durability: Advanced.
» Speed: Advanced.
» Strength: Advanced.
» Martial Skill: Advanced.

Will Skills
» Willpower/Determination: Advanced.
» Deduction: Adept.
» Focus: Advanced.

Shinigami Skills
» Hoho: Advanced.
» Kidō: Advanced.
» Zanjutsu: Adept.
» Hakuda: Advanced.


Spring Burst 2021 Claim
4-2 to 3-4 = 40.

Durability: Adept -> Advanced (25).
General Speed: Adept → Advanced (25).
Strength: Adept → Advanced (25).
Martial Skill: Beginner → Adept (10).

Willpower/Determination: Adept -> Advanced (25).
Mental Deduction: Beginner → Adept (10).
Focus: Adept → Advanced (25).

Hoho: Beginner → Adept (10).
Hakuda: Adept → Advanced (25).
Winter Burst 2022 Claim

Tier: 3-4 → 2-5 [15, 15, 15, 30 = 75].

Martial Skill: Adept → Advanced [25]

Zanpakuto Change

Benishidare to Shimensoka

SpookyBurst 2022 Claim

Kido: Adept → Advanced [30].

New Year Burst 2023
Hoho: Adept → Advanced [30]

Last edited by Gamma on Wed Mar 08, 2023 11:37 pm; edited 19 times in total

[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima Gamma_Signature
[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima CHARACTER_LIST[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima GRAPHICS_THREAD[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima TIMELINE_THREAD
Joined : 2011-09-01
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[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima Left_bar_bleue59000/99999[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima

Thu Jan 16, 2020 10:52 pm

« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

  • Name [o]
  • Appropriate Age [o]
  • Gender [o]
  • Appearance Present [o]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [o]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [o]
  • 10 sentences for personality [o]
  • History is of appropriate length [o]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [o]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [o]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [o]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[o]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [o]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [-]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

  • Power:E
  • Influence:E
  • Resources:E
  • Overall Hazard Level: E

  • Comments/Fixes:

  • Tier: 3-1-

[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima LzZCuy7
[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima BtXe12b
Joined : 2011-09-01
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[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima Left_bar_bleue59000/99999[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima

Sat Feb 06, 2021 10:07 pm
[mod]Tier dropped to 4-2 after revised zanjustu update. [/mod]

[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima LzZCuy7
[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima BtXe12b
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[Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima Empty Re: [Spirit Class 4 | Hazard O] Makoto Arima

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