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November COTM 2011 :
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[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya Left_bar_bleue0/0[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya Empty [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya

Wed Jun 12, 2019 4:04 am
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Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]


Enter The Shinigami

I. Basic Information

» Name: Kirei Tatsumiya
» Alias: Hime - Princess of Death
» Age: 700
» Gender: Female

» Association:



» Appearance Image:

I. Personality

» Personality:

[Persona of the Princess]

Hime is an odd-natured individual by which not many personality traits exist. This is not to say that she lacks a sense of self entirely, but a lot of what composed her personality in the past was destroyed by her own hands. Hime is more akin to someone who "exists" rather than an individual at times which makes it difficult to gauge her personality. She is not emotionless yet she is not one known to show many emotions.

If there had to be any trait that would define her personality than it would be her ardent desire for affirmation; that is the feeling of knowing and being told that she still has a purpose, that she isn’t useless, and that she is wanted. She finds such an emotional construct to be a curse, often claiming that if the theory of the seven cardinal sins truly has any meaning, hers had always been gluttony.

She doesn’t detest it and that is what makes it so difficult to come to terms with that aspect of her mentality. Still, she can’t deny how happy she feels to be validated, how she would willingly follow that person to the end of the world, merely from a few words of praise and admiration.

In truth, Hime cannot properly pinpoint why she operates in the orbit of such a warped mindset. She does not fight for the glory and honor one would win in a battle and the praise that would follow. Even if she did, it would feel empty to her.

It is a dichotomy she cannot comprehend. Perhaps, since she lacks a sense of “self” in that she has no goals or aspirations, she feels that she can be defined through the love and admiration of another.

They can decide who she is with a few words. If an individual played their cards right and told Hime she was a wonderful superhero and kept repeating those words through her ears?

As shameful as it sounds, she’d do everything to fit the image, all in order to keep hearing it. She has let this happen far too many times than she could count and for the select few she thought were perfect, who fit her craving, she could not keep them. Thus, as of the current day, Hime has given up on her existence entirely.

She never had a passion for life ever since a pivotal moment in her life, so why not let it end? For her crimes, she certainly deserves to be executed, so what point is there in striving forward on a meaningless path?

She feels defeated to know that she can never truly have the affirmation and praise she desires and she knows it’s selfish to so welcomely choose death with the lives she’s taken but… that’s all she knows. Still, there is a part of her that seeks redemption.

On the other hand, if spoken hypothetically to sate one’s curiosity, what if Hime was allowed to actually live naturally in the world? How would she be? Well, even though she can be sociable, she is socially awkward and that lack of common sense in a social setting tends to rear its ugly head more often than not. In fact, she has a rather humorous way of attempting conversation or forming friendships.

Her speech is graceful and archaic but oddly enough, she has this weird way of trying to fit in, that’ll she impose slang in her speech if need be, and fail miserably in doing so.

If one delves deeper and has the intent of getting to actually get her to come out of her shell, there are remnants of the self she once had, positive aspects that still shine through, even in small glimmers.

For example, as a form of comical relief and how she is wired naturally, Hime is somewhat obsessed with the thought of make-up preparation. Part of it comes from her background, and another is that for all the sense of “self” she may lack - confidence in her appearance isn’t one of them. So, now all that’s left to ask is… whose suited to the task? Her tale is one that can end before it begins or be illuminated with the promise of renewal.

I. History

» History:

Act 1 - Kirei Tatsumiya - Birth and “Death”

Before the life of a warrior, before the title of Hime, there was simply a young woman known as Kirei Tatsumiya. She did not descend from a family of nobles nor was she destined to ever fall in love with royalty. The inception of her existence could be traced back to district 40 of East Rukongai.

This is where her life began. Born to a family of two brothers and one sister, Kirei had often felt she needed to prove herself in the eyes of her parents. The two brothers, Akio and Setsuna, were fairly advanced shinigami who possessed vast potential and their tenacious work-ethic was enough to set them apart from their peers.

She certainly loved her brothers but always felt herself to be a step behind them. Each day was spent living in their shadow.

Her mother nor father made her struggles any easier, as they always encouraged her brothers and judged her for every little mistake she made. She was a woman, after all.

There was no expectation in this family for her to succeed and she felt ashamed she was even born into it… until her beloved sister was born. Kirio Tatsumiya.

When that precious little girl came into the family, Kirei had fallen in love. When her mother did not wish to look over her, Kirei spent every day around her little sister; what made Kirei even happier is that Kirio admired her. She wished to be so much like her sister.

Truth be told, this revelation drove Kirei to train with a madman’s zeal, to surpass her family’s expectations and be someone her precious sister could truly admire. She would be the first captain within their family. Part of that wish would become possible as Setsuna married a woman and desired only to live a peaceful life, away from the Gotei 13 and a tragic fate would befall her brother Akio.

He had become irreversibly ill. No one had poisoned him nor did he suffer any wound, his body had weakened over time and their parents had to painfully acknowledge the reality of his impending death. Kirei felt particularly saddened by this, volunteering to care over him so that he would pass on in peace.

As she grew to be a young adult woman, Kirei’s family had come into a bit of fortune.

Her family, for all that they may have lacked in nobility or name, were renowned for their world-class culinary skills. Her mother - Kazehana - was always preparing meals and sharing them with others and made a business out of it, building a small cafe in her spare time. Her husband had died, and so too, did Akio.

She could’ve taken these tragic deaths in defeat but she had two daughters to raise and so she made the best of her opportunities in life and eventually she remarried, this time to a captain within the Gotei 13. He was overwhelmingly smitten with Kazehana and her daughters that he decided he could wait no longer and proposed to her once she felt comfortable. The marriage did not only make their mother happy but presented opportunities for Kirei and Kirio as well. Kirei was enrolled - through his suggestion - into Shino Academy. In the meantime, Kazehana and Kirio enjoyed maintaining the cafe that was built from scratch and for a time, life was wonderful.

Kirio could handle the kitchen so well that her mother mostly spent her days with her new husband and Kirei did her best to pass through the academy with flying colors, graduating in her fifth year. She was invited into a position within the seventh division - third seat, something fairly unexpected but very much welcomed.

Even so, it would seem that even with her rise, her fortune seemed to turn sour. Or rather, she realized how envious she was as an individual. Kirio had grown enough to where she, too, could be eligible to enroll within Shino Academy. Initially, Kirei had no qualms about this. She had loved her sister with every fiber of her heart and she wished to see her succeed. However, she could not help but shake the feeling that she was being surpassed and she abhorred the very thought.

In time, Kirio soon decided to join the Gotei 13. This was her chance. However, she failed the entrance exam not once...but five times. This shot her expectations down. Thus, determined to get in, Kirio went deep within the forest that surrounds the Rukongai.

There, she trained in Zanjutsu by attacking, and effectively cutting down, some of the trees. She did not have any interaction with the outside world. She stayed within the forest for one year, training almost nonstop. In fact, Kirio did not even know about her sister gaining Bankai.

After the year was up, she returned to the Shino Academy. Her powers had, in total, about tripled in strength due to the training. She had no trouble getting into the advanced class. While her skills with a sword were quite impressive, it was her Kidō that raised the most attention.

Her strength with a simple Byakurai was about that of an experienced Captain. However, her Kidō technique needed a little work, and her accuracy was a bit off. During year two of her studies, she did something almost unheard of...she learned Shikai.

In truth, this was the beginning of a rift in their relationship. Kirei had desperately made every attempt at accepting her sister’s rise to power but the jealousy only grew.

Kirei had made enough advancement in her ability to earn the seat of a vice-captain but her sister continued to evolve and was heralded as someone meant to truly be legendary, receiving attention even from Yamamoto himself. Even as Kirei had learned Bankai, all the attention seemed to remain on Kirio.

Day by day, the love she felt for her little sister turned into jealousy. She should have been celebrating her sister’s success and the fame she would bring to their family’s name; she should have welcomed her sister's achievement with open arms.

Therein lied the downfall. She did not praise her sister for her accomplishments at all. Instead, she chose to let it fester… until one day the broiling emotions could no longer be held dormant.

Kirei had remained stagnant within her position and it seemed like no matter what she tried to do - be it arduous training or earning good favor - her sister seemed destined for so much more.

In nearly what seemed to be a short time, Kirio had ascended to the seat of captain, and Kirio hurriedly went to tell her sister what she felt to be good news. All that she received was a hateful glare that held no affection nor pride, only anger.

They were within Kirei’s office and she launched a throwing knife in Kirio’s direction. Kirei said that she regretted being sisters with Kirio and that she'd much rather have their mother than Kirio. This caused Kirio to storm out and put a rush on her promotion. By the end of the week, she was gone. Kirei had soon left the Gotei 13 shortly after. Kirio caught wind immediately and chased after Kirei. The two caught up in the ruins of a town inside of the Soul Society's forest.

Angered that she was pursued, she could not be reasoned with. Kirei launched an attack against Kirio, and so a fight between the two started. Kirio did not release her Zanpakutō, but Kirei went straight into Bankai.

Kirio then used something she had never used before, Ikkotsu. The attack sent Kirei into a ruined building and caused it to collapse. While Kirei was pretty much unharmed from the building, she had lost her breath when Kirio punched her.

Kirio was soon standing over Kirei, who was trapped within the rubble (a piece of stone had pinned her legs down). Kirio dropped her Zanpakutō and looked down at Kirei, who then smirked. In a final push, Kirei shot up from the ground and pushed Kirio into a wall with just her Reiatsu.

As Kirei grabbed the lance used in her Bankai, Kirio knew she'd have to kill Kirei. As Kirei approached her, Kirio brought both of her fists back. Using Shunpo, she appeared in front of the charging, rogue shinigami. She punched Kirei's chest and with that, she exited Bankai. Kirio had used Sōkotsu.

What was meant to always be a loving and familial bond ended in abrupt tragedy. Kirei had seemingly died from the strike, and that broke Kirio. She cried tears of anguish as she carried her to the fourth division barracks and set her down.

From that day, Kirio had not only resigned from all manners of the Gotei but abandoned her own name. She bore the weight of Kirei’s jealousy as she no longer strived to rise to the top. As for Kirei, death is all she should have known. She should have died. She should be dead. And yet…

“She suffered a truly devastating blow. There is no doubt about it, but this woman is dead. “ She could hear the voice of one of the fourth division members and as soon as they left the room, the moments of silence had allowed her to realize what she had done.

She had destroyed a bond of sisterhood over pride, over the fear of being replaced and removed from the picture.

How foolish had she been? As the realization dawned upon her, all she could do was cry, allowing tears to trickle from her face as she rose from her bed and escaped to earth. Her soul had been broken, her heart shattered, and so the woman known as Kirei Tatsumiya no longer existed…

Act 2 - The Princess of Death - Hime

Even though her exile from Soul Society was self-imposed, Kirei remained isolated from the world of earth and never interacted with anyone. In all honesty, there was no desire to forge or foster relationships with anybody, for her heart was broken and her mind on the verge of collapse.

Thus - her life on earth was that of a vagabond, wandering the earth aimlessly in search of a purpose, in search of something to latch onto in order to eliminate her existential guilt.

Purposeless. Aimless. Worthless. Betrayer. She who carries the sin of envy in her heart.

Indeed, Kirei longed for forgiveness that would never come. Even so, somehow, her prayers to be affirmed within this world would finally be answered by the wicked blessings of an ambitious tyrant known only as Ender.

He had already amassed a formidable army and their paths had crossed when she chose to protect a small city that had housed her from being leveled to the ground.

She was merciless, relentless, killing soldier after soldier as if it were simple arithmetic. One body plus one equals two, two plus two equals four. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. That was all she was skilled at. There was no longer any strong emotions that burned within her heart and Ender sensed this. He saw the murderous potential she possessed and how he could manipulate that to his whim.

He met with her directly, complimenting her by stating how overwhelmingly impressed he was by how many of his soldiers' lives she had taken, all without batting an eye. Kirei thought nothing of it and merely replied with an answer stating that it was retaliation. “You attacked me, and I retaliated. This is the only place I can currently call my home… if you have any issues, I will gladly fight you myself, “ she stated rather blankly. Ender smirked, cupping her chin with a fierce grip.

She could not particularly remember what caused her to follow him, but his charm was definitely a factor amongst most things. He told her that under him, she could be a warrior worth a thousand, a mighty leader, a war general who could aid in leading his army to rule over this miserable earth and creating a world where she could be respected, feared, and idolized.

Each word that left his lips, wrapped within devilish temptation and lustful admiration, was what she sought, what she desired. Affirmation. Her resistance… was nonexistent. She made no rejection nor turned him away. That was what she craved, to be affirmed, even in the arms of a devil. Thus, the very city that housed her was destroyed by her own hands, as a symbol of her fealty towards him, a wicked oath forged in blood. This was Kirei’s true end, and in her place, the princess of death was born.


A name meant to symbolize royalty - yet it befitted her more like a murderous weapon, a machine that only operated on whatever orders Ender desired. To her, being recognized and cherished for her deeds was the finest ambrosia. She lived for it. Craved it. The more brutal murders she committed, the more she would desire to hear from his lips how wonderful she was. And so, for a very long time, that is the relationship she shared with Ender. He was her god, her everything, and every order had to be executed at its maximum level of perfection.

Any single mistake - be it minor or major - were out of the question. Failure was never an option.

When Hime would mess up, she would promise to make sure she would never fail again and he played on that. Eventually, Ender had amassed a mighty army and countless warriors who saw merit in his ambitious worldviews. However, with new recruits, brought new competition.

Over time, newer soldiers meant Hime was not as lauded as she was before in his army, and though she was not entirely jealous, those ever-familiar emotions of envy raged within her heart. In fact, he became more aggressive in what he wanted, more ambitious in his tasks, and Hime could not entirely complete all of them. When she failed, he would humiliate her through words, deeming her useless to his cause, and for a woman who craved nothing but affirmation and acceptance, she became desperate. That was his form of control over her.

Even for the most minuscule of failures, he knew he always had her wrapped around his fingers. Truth be told, Hime looked to him for everything. In the end, they would grow apart but in return, Hime had gained someone else who admired her as if she were his entire world. Kin Iramasha. It was meant merely to be a mission for Ender. He had grown interested in the potential Iramasha possessed and wished to recruit Kin and chisel him into a fine warrior.

He was, however, considered to be little more than a background individual, compared to their enemies, Shadin, Midori, Iori, and other warriors who defended Karakura. Still, that was what made him all the easier to manipulate and so when he was at his most vulnerable, Hime had appeared before him, and spoke sweet nothings, whispering every word he had wished to hear, much like Ender had done to her many years ago. She told him that his true potential could be gained through joining their organization.

He was enthralled by her beauty and the opportunity and promise of developing his abilities were hard to refuse.

Kin had fallen in love with Hime that day and somewhere deep within her own mind, she shared the same emotion of admiration as he did for her. Kin’s form of affirmation was far more genuine than Ender’s, who only viewed her as a means to an end.

In time, she grew distant from the man who recruited her because when she failed, he was a man who often berated her, ridiculed her, and went to extreme lengths of humiliation if she failed her missions or fell short of defeating an enemy he desired to see fall.

In time, Hime had fallen in love for the first time, genuinely and without manipulation. To her, even though he had betrayed his own friends through her deceptions, Kin was pure. He never judged her for her failures, he admired her and wished to make her proud. He fed her overwhelming desire for affirmation like no other, and so she decided she would betray him. It was a difficult task. Everything had to be planned with delicate precision.

Both bore the seal of Junsui, a symbolic rite of demonic essence that enhanced those who were loyal to Ender. If Ender even suspected a hint of betrayal, he could easily subdue them both, if not outright kill them. It was then that an idea dawned on her.

Rather than betray him and risk an entire army chasing down her and Kin… why not convince them that a new leader would lead them to greater heights? She would alienate those who wished to rise against him, those who were humiliated, those who desired liberation.

In time, Kin had matured, he had fought his comrades and looked past his regrets, and slowly but surely, was ascending to a higher realm of strength heretofore unrivaled.

His strength of mind was amazing. His leadership was improving, and his love for Hime only grew stronger. Ender had become overly-ambitious and decided to face the defenders of earth in an all-out war, and at the time when he expected most of his finest soldiers to fight alongside him, they had abandoned him.

Kin Iramasha, Hime Tatsumiya, Roxxy, and countless others decided that they would no longer be humiliated or ridiculed for their failures. They would stand together as one. Ender and his forces were swiftly overpowered and decimated, and he was no longer a threat to earth or anyone else. In that time, Hime and Kin forged a new organization, a collective of those who desired to see visions and manifestations of their own worlds.


Every man, woman, and child deserved to see the manifestation of their destiny. With Kin, she had found someone else to serve under, but he did not view her as a member or co-leader but rather, his lover, his companion. Hime likewise viewed him in the same light and they entered a relationship that had filled her with such grandiose joy that nothing could compare. For a time, she was content. Kin never judged her, never humiliated her for any failure or the slightest misstep.

In a word, he was perfect. And yet, even still, his heart seemed to possess an ambition Hime could not control even though she wanted to. His ambition was aimed higher and his goals - while not necessarily evil - would present them with familiar enemies once again.

First, he wished to let the Kokryuteshi finally be known and upon revealing who they were, it brought them into battle with the Karakura defenders once more. Truth be told, Hime had no desire to face any of these warriors again but she remained loyal.

They fought in a tumultuous clash, as Hime faced off against Midori Sugiura, Shadin against Andrei, Misaiko against Aisu, and Iori against… Kin.

Hime was no stranger to how much Kin wanted to prove to Iori that he had grown stronger, no stranger to how much he desired to let her know he had surpassed her. The battle was long but Kokuryuteshi had achieved their victory, imposed their will, and seemingly took the life of one of Karakura’s strongest heroes, Iori. Kin was regretful about what he had done to an extent, but the battle had hardened him, and so he aimed his mind to a familiar place Hime felt she would never enter again.

The Soul Society. The conflict had risen tremendously within her heart and she desperately pleaded with Kin to avoid Soul Society, claiming he was not yet ready or any other reason she could use to sway his mind… and none of it worked. He was no longer the young man who could wrap around her fingers and melt easily at her graceful words of love and acceptance, he was his own man… and Hime could not shame him for it. They prepared themselves for a war with Soul Society and fought as valiantly as they could - in fact, they nearly won… until Hime realized she could no longer follow him where he wished to go.

Entering Soul Society had caused the memories of her sister to resurface and she detested the thought, feared the reality that she might come face to face with, or even fight, her beloved sister, Kirio. She could not bear the thought. And so, she willingly walked into enemy territory and surrendered when Kin was unaware. To do something like this and turn her back on the only man she ever truly loved, broke apart what little remnants of her mind remained.

Hime felt that all she deserved was to always be without affirmation. Her lifelong search was futile. Someone like her… deserved to die.

She told the Gotei Thirteen that they could execute her if they so desired. She was locked away somewhere that was not the maggot’s nest but more of a waiting room until they decided what they would do. They had told her that Kin had been sealed away and that only served to increase her guilt as it festered and crippled her into depression. Perhaps… this was the way it was always meant to be. She was an envious soul who did not deserve affirmation and love from anyone - a selfish fool that could never truly love or be loved. In truth, for the first time, she felt satisfied to realize how useless she truly was. The execution would finally signify the end of such a worthless life.

I. Equipment

» Equipment: N/A

I. Racial Techniques/Abilities/Skills

» Racial Abilities:

Natural Abilities:

Master Swordsman: Chief among Hime’s natural arsenal of skills is her graceful precision with the sword. Though master would be a rather strong title to confer to anyone, it is a title that Hime has earned over centuries of battle. From her earliest years, tracing as far back as her roots in the Gotei 13, Hime was always a studious warrior whose aim was to know every nuance of her weapon and how to utilize it in the heat of battle.

Inheriting years of martial prowess from her family and training under various shinigami, Hime developed an eye for utilizing her Zanpakuto in such a way that her opponent would not desire to launch a counterattack. Swordsmanship itself is ultimately an exercise in poise and discipline.

Each sword strike executed should not be one done in an act of wastefulness. Every swing of your sword must count or end the battle in an instant, if possible. The idea of a second strike should be meaningless. That is a philosophy Hime lives by. Each strike or swing of her sword is never one executed with overpowering the enemy. A precise killing stroke is what defines her form of swordsmanship.

Footwork, mobility, sensing an opponent’s movement, each factor is always applied.

In an act comparable to Byakuya’s Senka, Hime can utilize Shunpo in order to catch her enemy unawares, striking a vital part of their body before they have even noticed what has happened.

To Hime, as a warrior well-versed in the true art of war, ending the battle as quickly as possible is a skill she takes very seriously. In battles where the opponent is able to prolong the battle, Hime still maintains a philosophy reminiscent of the tenets found in Itto-Ryu swordsmanship - that is, using one’s defense to create offense and execute a devastating strike to counter their assault.

Kido Mastery: Even though it is a skill that has admittedly been overlooked - as a result of the already mystical nature of her Zanpakuto and its abilities - Hime is still very proficient in the utilization of demon arts.

To her, Kido is a strategic weapon best suited to catching the enemy at unawares or trapping them in a precarious position that is not easily escapable. There are those who primarily use Kido as a means of combat - and there are also those who use it to enhance their zanpakuto. Hime seamlessly falls into the latter.

Kido is not a primary form of combat to her but it is very effective. In fact, countless years of training and experimenting with the battle technique allowed Hime to develop abilities where she can seamlessly mesh her paper with Kido inscriptions and employ them in battle.

It is a means of luring the opponent into thinking she is utilizing her Shikai abilities only to destroy their prediction with an enhanced Kido spell that can cause immense damage. As an expert, she has a grasp over at least one through forty Kido spells in her arsenal.

That may not be a wondrous number on its own, but in combination with the mystic nature of her Shikigami Zanpakuto, the versatility is boundless.

Shunpo Mastery: Though she hardly reaches the realm of true legends when it comes to the heralded flash step technique, Hime has certainly developed a significant mastery in the art of Shunpo.

This was the result of countless years of striving to reach greatness in her childhood; that craving for affirmation, to be viewed as someone legendary, leading her to train with a madman’s zeal.

Each day from those spent in the academy to those spent in the lower ranks of the Gotei 13, all of them served as the bridge towards becoming an extraordinary talent. Hime never wished to be left behind in the race and of all the skills she aimed to hone the most, Shunpo was chief among them. To begin with, her natural speed is nothing to overlook.

As a result of many years facing strong enemies, Hime is naturally evasive with the movement of her feet.

This--- coupled with her superlative senses of battle - allows her to read and often predict the movements of her opponent, evading their attacks with graceful speed and deft precision.

Naturally, it, therefore, follows that Shunpo has always been a skill favored most by the princess of death. Her Shunpo is comparable to that of a veteran Captain, allowing her to create multiple afterimages in the space of a single moment. Armed with high-speed movements so swift that it is imperceptible to the common eye, she is capable of overwhelming an enemy with an endless assault.

Of course, she would not be the warrior she is without her deceptive wit. As her Shikigami are always readily available to her - even in her Zanpakuto’s sealed state - she can utilize them during the revolutions of her flash step.

She can utilize Daihyouin to create clones that can match her step for step, creating various afterimages that would deceive enemies without the mental capacity to keep up. In addition, Bakuhatsu can be utilized as a way of tricking the enemy into striking her clones, only for them to erupt in explosive bursts.

Master Strategist: Hime is a natural-born strategist who has been through battles against some of the finest warriors across all the realms, so much so that she was chosen personally by Kin to be the co-leader of the Kokyruteshi; Hime is unanimously one of the most strategic warriors one will ever come across.

To say that she is a prodigious warrior with an innate sense of what her purpose serves on the battlefield is an understatement; her mentality towards battle is remarkably cold and methodical.

Her emotions are never worn on her sleeves to a point that it is always difficult to gain a proper read of her state of mind or intent. In truth, she has been described to be more akin to an efficient machine that acts on one goal and aims to complete it, no matter how difficult it may seem.

As Hime has spent her entire life honing her skills as a murderous assassin, enduring battle after battle against strong opponents, not even her own death frightens her which inadvertently plays into her strategic prowess. Hime never acts in such a way where she announces she will kill or injure her enemies. She merely operates on whatever the flow of the battle may dictate. In most battles, she has often been one who takes a defense-first approach towards the battle, as a means of gaining intel on the enemy. If the enemy’s defense is porous, she will attack without hesitation.

If she suffers a wound, so be it. If that allows her to produce a proper counterattack or offense against the enemy, it is a welcome price to pay. It has been said that while she is extremely otherworldly in strategizing her own routes towards victory, her ability to lead a group in battle is nigh-unrivaled.

Equipped with her ever deceptive Shikigami and the assistance of comrades, Hime becomes all the more formidable an enemy on the battlefield, if not outright frightening. Her former Gotei squadmates had often called her a natural-born leader because of this.

I. Sealed Powers

» Zanpakutô Name: Ichiemon(聿画文, lit. The Brush Strokes of Literature.)

» Zanpakutô Spirit Appearance:
[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya 1839190-345px_shiki_oujismtn

» Inner World:


» Zanpakutô Appearance:


» Sealed Zanpakutô Power:

Daiyouhin(代用, Substitute.): A principal theme amongst most of her sealed Zanpakuto abilities is Hime’s ability to utilize her preternatural grasp of Onymodo on the battlefield. Daiyouhin is for all intents and purposes, an ability that is meant to deceive, disorient, and ultimately disrupt multiple strategies an opponent may ruminate on in the heat of battle. The Princess of Death will pull but one minuscule piece of paper from her sleeve. From an onlooker’s perspective, this hardly incites any form of fear or attention.

However, the next act is where the deceit lies. She lets the piece of paper fall haplessly to the ground, in motion so discreet that, unless an opponent was aware of the nature of her abilities beforehand, they would pay no attention to this action whatsoever. As the paper falls, Hime’s body disappears almost instantaneously.

The next moment, “she” reappears before the opponent, launching a strike towards them. If the opponent counters, her twofold point of success is achieved. In reality, the opponent is not fighting Hime but rather a paper doll that resembles her in every detail. She substitutes her place on the battlefield and uses the doll as a form of deception. The doll on its own hardly matches Hime’s power level and can be destroyed within a few strikes.

However, the secondary purpose is where this ability can overwhelm the opponent. As no one has ever seen full expressions of Hime’s abilities(save for those seen in wars prior) they can not readily assume what her power level truly is. She does not flaunt her Reiatsu nor expends energy to the point where an opponent can openly assume her level of power.

In that single second used to strike the doll that they perceive as “Hime”, she can attack from a hiding spot she may have fancied before the battle started. As the doll has her traces of Reaitsu, even if they happened to sense Hime, they could still be left confused and that is where she can attack the enemy at unawares. In total, Hime can have five paper-dolled versions of her visage on the battlefield if she drops five pieces of paper upon the ground.

Each of them can attack, dodge, and defend but as stated above, they are not built to last - their purpose meant only to serve as forms of deception while Hime can attack her enemy from whence they least expect. One weakness of this ability is that Hime cannot create multiple dolls in her sealed Zanpakuto state, and even with the five she can create, there is a possibility that the opponent can eventually catch on to her deceit, especially if they have extraordinary forms of perception or perception/intuitional-based abilities.

These dolls do not necessarily drain from the reservoir of her spiritual energy, but they do require a spiritual signature in order to provide them with the necessary movement and ability to attack. The dolls are not permanent and so at most, they can only be in play for 4 posts total before they dissipate.

Bakuhatsu(爆発する, Explode.): Now, on the other hand, there is a secondary ability within an ability that can be utilized in combination with Daiyouhin, fittingly referred to as “Bakuhatsu”.

Before the piece of paper is dropped, she inscribes a small form of spiritual formula - often in the form of her own blood - onto the paper.

As before, the paper falls to the ground and Hime’s body momentarily disappears from the opponent’s line of sight, only to reappear and strike… except for this time, if struck, their body explodes with a resounding boom.

The large explosion itself does not necessarily do extreme damage but it can disorient the enemy if they lack proper perception. Much of the same concepts as above apply and once more, an inherent weakness of the ability in either form is that to those with even advanced forms of perception or intuitional ability, can spot/discern the real spiritual signature of Hime from the fakes.

Zahyō(座標, Coordinate.): Unlike the two abilities that preceded it, Zahyo is not necessarily suited for the field of battle. In addition, it utilizes no false creations of her likeness either. Hime contemplates an image within her mind and manifests that image in the form of a familiar. Whereas her clones served as familiars and used as tools of deception, her coordinate familiars are employed as a means of tracking events on the battlefield from afar, spying on unsuspecting individuals, and the added ability to form a mental network with people that Hime can fully trust.

To form the mental network, Hime has to have some form of a bond - often through the mixture of blood - with the person of her choice.

A small touch of her blood and the confidant are written across a scroll-like piece of paper, inscribed with the Kanji of the ability’s namesake.

Through this, the network is formed. Hime and the selected individual can freely view, relay, and telekinetically converse with one another through their minds. They share the vision of what is seen through the eyes of the familiar and the only way the connection is destroyed is if the selected person was killed or if the familiar itself was destroyed. The familiar itself is not built for combat so it is fairly destructible if one makes a worthy attempt. The ability is naturally used to gain knowledge, examine terrain, and notify Hime of danger.

Takameru(高める, Enhance.): Hime’s final ability in her Zanpakuto’s sealed state, and perhaps the most versatile in her arsenal, and one to not feature any of her Shikigami companions(Clones or Familiars, though they can very much still be featured if she so desires). Takameru revolves around the concept of enchantment through the utilization of talismans.

It does so through Hime pulling an Ofuda - paper talisman - from her coat and once again sacrificing a small pint of blood, inscribing her desire/prayer upon the paper, and achieving magical effects through enhancing her own body.

The most basic desires are often self-enhancement which includes a variety of physical effects such as - enhancing her Shunpo, perception, physical strength, and reflexes, each of which serves to increase her potency in swordsmanship or hand-to-hand combat. Each physical enhancement is often temporary but that hardly makes them meaningless.

In fact, her second desire is what makes this sealed-state ability so potent. The desire to increase her Kido potency.

Before she recognized her Zanpakuto, Hime was always a versatile practitioner of Kido. Indeed, it would not be foolish to conclude that her spiritual grasp of Kido is what makes her Shikigami spells and abilities so proficient.

In her sealed state, the highest she can enhance is listed as 30(sealed) with the possibility of utilizing the demon arts even more in her Shikai and Bankai. As it stands, Takameru serves as an enhancement-ability that boosts her physical and spiritual powers in temporary cycles. For example, a Hadō spell as meager as sho can be enhanced via its kinetic force, with the newly added capability of sending her opponent flying backward with significant damage if they lack the necessary defense.

Whereas the spell would have only sent them flying back a few meters, an enhanced Sho in Hime’s arsenal could send them backward by quite an immense margin. That is to say, it isn’t to the point where they go flying off into the moon, but they’ll definitely feel it and if they cannot control their momentum, the kinetic force can be overwhelming.

I. Shikai

» Shikai Release Phrase: Let my tale begin, Ichiemon.

» Shikai Appearance:

» Shikai Abilities:

Ichiemon-Jo: Ukiyo-e(Lit. Ichiemon-Beginning/First Act: Pictures of this world of sorrow}: The first ability of Hime’s shikai begins by Hime uttering her Zanpakuto’s release phrase. The subtle activation is witnessed through thousands of scrolls wheeling around Hime’s body before becoming one with her body.

As her Zanpakuto represents a tale of one seeking redemption, the first “act” is initiated through using her body as a canvas to pen the story to such a tale.

Her body - in this supernatural state - has now become a papered illustration of sorts.

She does not become a metaphysical painting by any stretch of the term - rather, her body takes on such a state that she can no longer be harmed physically without immense concentration on her opponent’s part.

For when activated, she can rewrite the physical state of her body into a supernatural one, allowing her body to transform into that of a Shikigami. The sight of such magnificence mesmerizes those who witness it.

Faced with a body that disperses into nothing but folds of mystical and adaptive paper - each fold infused with her influence - Hime is able to execute a myriad of strategies. In this state, during this passive ability, it is nigh-impossible to strike at the paper and think that will be the path that leads one to victory.

No, even as her body reforms, it is always primarily operating in a near-intangible state; the papers can still be touched and interaction is still possible but striking recklessly at the mystical folds of paper tends to be an exercise in futility.

Even as her body reforms, she can disperse upon the moment of contact and repeat the process.

In addition to this, Hime can employ the mystic paper in such a way that if she hasn’t expanded too much of her energy, during the middle of her nigh-intangible state, Hime can manipulate her shikigami folds to take on different aspects of spell power from Kido or Hadō spells, and with enough preparation, can allow these makeshift abilities to reach the realm of the original.

Ichiemon-Ha: Kuroko (Lit. Ichiemon Break/Second Act: Children Crafted from Reeds.)

“Children crafted from reeds" is the ability where Hime’s Shikigami manipulation extends its influence beyond her own body. Whereas the abilities of her sealed state and body manipulation revolved around usage focused solely on Hime herself, this ability allows her nigh-innumerable Shikigami to influence the environment around her.

Through this minor - yet very powerful - form of environmental influence, she can deploy her Shikigami - initially as familiars, and through their sentience, Hime can direct and instruct what locations her familiars must be.

From the outset of a battle, if Hime has already utilized her sealed state abilities, it is likely that a few of the familiars might be hiding in the wings until they are given direction. If not, it doesn’t affect the ability in the slightest. The first function - using the familiars as catalysts - allows Hime to employ these paper dolls as her eyes, referring to them as her “scouts”.

Deploying them as small scouts, she spreads them throughout a set area or location of her choice. If she had to choose where she employs them, her most favored location would be the forest.

Normal trees are constructed from paper, after all. Therefore, this allows the familiars to blend in with every tree in the forest, in such a way that unless an opponent’s senses are immense and focused, they won’t immediately sense where the familiars are hidden.

They can sense the energy signal, of course, but with so many hidden within that forest, the enemy will have a difficult time sensing where Hime is; an advantage that works in Hime’s favor. Each of these familiars serves as Hime’s eyes, allowing her - even in her state of semi-intangibility - to observe and trace the enemy’s movements.

Each of these familiars gives her a wider range of vision over the location she chooses. Of course, they can be planted anywhere she desires beyond forests, but secluded areas like a forest or area with lots of objects - like a city, for example, are where these familiars can find their greatest strength.

The second influence is planting paper seals inscribed with the same symbol as Bakuhatsu in her sealed state, through the ground.

During her shikai state, she cannot plant a numerous amount of these seals onto the ground. The maximum number stops at thirty; even still, that is enough to overwhelm the enemy if she is savvy enough to read where they may land. If her energy usage is stabilized enough, Hime can use both familiars and her seals simultaneously, allowing her to completely overwhelm and catch the enemy at unawares.

Ichiemon-Kyū Denki: (Lit. Ichiemon Rapid/Third Act: Account of My Choice.):

“Account of my choice” is admittedly an ability that represents Hime’s path towards redemption, her aim to be united with those she views as comrades and companions on the battlefield. It is the final ability in Hime’s Shikai and one that requires influence beyond her own station.

Each act has been written before as a solo piece, and now she must allow others to shine on the stage in order for the act of redemption to be realized.

In fact, in order for this ability to fully realize its potential, Hime has momentarily “blink” out of her own nigh-intangible state. For this ability, Hime has to utilize a symbol and seal that will allow her to conceal a single use of one’s ability or technique. This could be a personal Kido spell or an elemental attack. The symbol and sealing ability work best with these types of attacks and techniques, as conceptual abilities or metaphysical ones may be beyond her grasp.

One thing that does work in Hime’s favor is that she can use more than one seal to capture abilities and use it for battle, with the maximum number landing at three. Each slot is used according to who Hime may be most familiar with in battle.

It is also the state where she may become most vulnerable as she must blink into reality to attack with her companion’s ability. In addition, it is not a given that the concealed ability will have the same effect as the original.

Elemental attacks are often the ones that can reach the closest but it is still a tricky process and one that would very much be preferred if there are those present to assist or grant her knowledge. Compared to the first two abilities of her Shikai, this one does not appear to be as formidable… but, of course, that is where much of the deception lies.

Strengths and Drawbacks of Shikai: To wit, Hime's Shikai makes her a very versatile and slippery opponent, as she can catch many of her opponents off guard with her shikai and its unique nature. Each ability - Ichiemon-Jo: Ukiyo-e especially - grant her a versatility on the battlefield that could be considered unparalleled. It is a sight to behold to see a warrior's body dispersing into an almost innumerable number of mystical folds of paper that are elusive and capable of having traps littered inside them.

Add to that the sealed state abilities and her versatility on the battlefield and you get an opponent who will not go down easily, given the nature of her abilities in shikai as a whole.

The drawback to her skillset - especially in Ichiemon-Jo - is that Hime cannot maintain her nigh-intangible state for extended periods of time. Even though she can cause damage to the opponent through her deception, mastery of Kido, and other methods, for opponents who truly require a deadly strike - the killing blow - Hime must "phase" into reality to truly land that blow, especially if she faces opponents who can tank her kido, explosives, and other techniques.

As her body is essentially always in that mystical state, she can't really do any damage that doesn't come from her sealed state or the Shikai abilities that follow. So an opponent who requires being hit with actual physical damage and those who have elite to master endurance can give her an issue.

To add to that, there are two types of opponents that could exploit Hime's abilities. Those with high reserves of spiritual power that can be maintained for an extended period of time(Someone like Mana, for example) and subsequently one who possesses magic/spiritual based attacks - even a significantly seasoned kido user - could give Hime issues.

It'd depend on tier and the mastery of these abilities but since her zanpakuto is one rooted in mysticism and spirituality, it, therefore, follows that she would have trouble with opponents who could possess a similar skillset.

In addition, if the opponent happens to be high-level elemental user, she can be damaged by elemental attacks if she hasn't properly prepared herself or prepared a counter. Physical opponents can also strick at a focused portion of her body if they manage to catch it during her state of phasing back into reality.

If she were to be attacked and overwhelmed by magic-based or spiritual-based opponents or face a physical behemoth in the vein of Kenpachi, Radioactive, or Ulv, her survival rate drastically decreases. If anyone of them lands a blow during the times she has to stay tangible, the battle may be over quite quickly. The mystical folds aren't infallible, either.

If overwhelmed beyond anything Hime can handle in terms of attack power, Hime could run the risk of dying without reforming her body or if her body does reform, it will be heavily wounded and badly damaged.

Posting Limit:

If using only Ichiemon-Jo - 4 posts(altogether)

Posting limit if using other abilities/attacks(I.E: Sealed State abilities, Kido, etc.): 3 posts with a knock down to 2 if using sealed state.

Timeout: If Hime has to attack or strike at the enemy with her weapon and has to land a focused or intense blow, then this is where she has to time out of her near-intangible state and land actual attacks. If timed out, she has to wait 3 posts to tap back in and so and so forth.

I. Bankai

» Bankai Release Phrase: TBD

» Bankai Release Action: TBD
» Bankai Appearance: TBD

» Bankai Abilities:
As a result of Hime being unable to come to terms with her guilt and her inability to decide her path in life, her Zanpakuto spirit has revoked access to her Bankai. The emotional stability was far too much for him to accept in good conscience. And so, Hime must search on, must rewrite this act in order to affirm her existence and to redeem herself in the eyes of those who envision something far greater for her than her own self-doubt.

I. Shikokai

[NOTE: This form is restricted until 0-3, and is not usually granted upon approval. This is ONLY for pureblood Shinigami! Refer to the racial specs for more information]

» Shikokai Release Phrase: [What is your shinigami's release phrase?]

» Shikokai Release Action: [Does your Shinigami do any physical action to release their Shikokai? Feel free to remove this.]

» Shikokai Appearance: [What does your Shinigami look like when released in their Shikokai?]

» Shikokai Abilities: [What abilities does your Shinigami attain in Shikokai?]

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not fill your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. The staff member checking your app will also give you Will Skills in which you can add to your app when approved. Click the spoiler below to see what tier gets what kind of skills.)


General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Adept
  • Kidō: Advanced
  • Zanjutsu: Advanced
  • Hakuda: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample: [Please show us how you role play by either posting a previous post from another site or creating a new one. We do this so we know your RP skill. If you already have an accepted, you need not do another RP sample]


Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:17 pm; edited 4 times in total
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[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya

Mon Apr 27, 2020 2:56 pm
Ichiemon-Jo: Ukiyo-e(Lit. Ichiemon-Beginning/First Act: Pictures of this world of sorrow}: The first ability of Hime’s shikai begins by Hime uttering her Zanpakuto’s release phrase. The subtle activation is witnessed through thousands of scrolls wheeling around Hime’s body before becoming one with her body.

As her Zanpakuto represents a tale of one seeking redemption, the first “act” is initiated through using her body as a canvas to pen the story to such a tale.

Her body - in this supernatural state - has now become a papered illustration of sorts.

She does not become a metaphysical painting by any stretch of the term - rather, her body takes on such a state that she can no longer be harmed physically without immense concentration on her opponent’s part.

For when activated, she can rewrite the physical state of her body into a supernatural one, allowing her body to transform into that of a Shikigami. The sight of such magnificence mesmerizes those who witness it.

Faced with a body that disperses into nothing but folds of mystical and adaptive paper - each fold infused with her influence - Hime is able to execute a myriad of strategies. In this state, during this passive ability, it is nigh-impossible to strike at the paper and think that will be the path that leads one to victory.

No, even as her body reforms, it is always primarily operating in a nigh-intangible state; the papers can still be touched and interaction is still possible but striking recklessly at the mystical folds of paper tends to be an exercise in futility. Even as her body reforms, she can disperse upon the moment of contact and repeat the process.

In addition to this, Hime can employ the mystic paper in such a way that if she hasn’t expanded too much of her energy, during the middle of her nigh-intangible state, Hime can manipulate her shikigami folds to take on different aspects of spell power from Kido or Hadō spells, and with enough preparation, can allow these makeshift abilities to reach the realm of the original.

I want to make sure I understood this part: she is able to be damaged/hurt if a person is able to make a focused strike on a portion of her body? Secondly, it says it is hard to damage her physically, does this apply to spiritual/magic-based attacks?


[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya WVMWLOu
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[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya

Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:18 pm

Added a section for clarification:

Strengths and Drawbacks of Shikai: To wit, Hime's Shikai makes her a very versatile and slippery opponent, as she can catch many of her opponents off guard with her shikai and its unique nature. Each ability - Ichiemon-Jo: Ukiyo-e especially - grant her a versatility on the battlefield that could be considered unparalleled. It is a sight to behold to see a warrior's body dispersing into an almost innumerable number of mystical folds of paper that are elusive and capable of having traps littered inside them.

Add to that the sealed state abilities and her versatility on the battlefield and you get an opponent who will not go down easily, given the nature of her abilities in shikai as a whole.

The drawback to her skillset - especially in Ichiemon-Jo - is that Hime cannot maintain her nigh-intangible state for extended periods of time. Even though she can cause damage to the opponent through her deception, mastery of Kido, and other methods, for opponents who truly require a deadly strike - the killing blow - Hime must "phase" into reality to truly land that blow, especially if she faces opponents who can tank her kido, explosives, and other techniques.

As her body is essentially always in that mystical state, she can't really do any damage that doesn't come from her sealed state or the Shikai abilities that follow. So an opponent who requires being hit with actual physical damage and those who have elite to master endurance can give her an issue.

To add to that, there are two types of opponents that could exploit Hime's abilities. Those with high reserves of spiritual power that can be maintained for an extended period of time(Someone like Mana, for example) and subsequently one who possesses magic/spiritual based attacks - even a significantly seasoned kido user - could give Hime issues.

It'd depend on tier and the mastery of these abilities but since her zanpakuto is one rooted in mysticism and spirituality, it, therefore, follows that she would have trouble with opponents who could possess a similar skillset.

In addition, if the opponent happens to be high-level elemental user, she can be damaged by elemental attacks if she hasn't properly prepared herself or prepared a counter. Physical opponents can also strick at a focused portion of her body if they manage to catch it during her state of phasing back into reality.

If she were to be attacked and overwhelmed by magic-based or spiritual-based opponents or face a physical behemoth in the vein of Kenpachi, Radioactive, or Ulv, her survival rate drastically decreases. If anyone of them lands a blow during the times she has to stay tangible, the battle may be over quite quickly. The mystical folds aren't infallible, either.

If overwhelmed beyond anything Hime can handle in terms of attack power, Hime could run the risk of dying without reforming her body or if her body does reform, it will be heavily wounded and badly damaged.

Posting Limit:

If using only Ichiemon-Jo - 4 posts(altogether)

Posting limit if using other abilities/attacks(I.E: Sealed State abilities, Kido, etc.): 3 posts with a knock down to 2 if using sealed state.

Timeout: If Hime has to attack or strike at the enemy with her weapon and has to land a focused or intense blow, then this is where she has to time out of her near-intangible state and land actual attacks. If timed out, she has to wait for 3 posts to tap back in and so and so forth.

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[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya

Wed Apr 29, 2020 10:40 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

Hazard Rankings
  • Power:C Rank
  • Influence: B Rank
  • Resources: B Rank

Comments/Notes: Ok, I'm going to approve this at 2-1. My first reason is that I feel the app quality is sufficient for the tier. It follows a central theme, has a connection in her past and the character's overall development to me feels right. Secondly, this character does have enough history and connection in the site to at least warrant a two-tier level ranking in my eyes. Therefore, I do not feel it is as damning as starting her off on a 1 or 0 tier level. Thirdly, I gave her this ranking because it still gives you something interesting to work toward when it comes to unlocking her bankai and trying to develop it further for your own narrative reasons and see where she could go in the new PH.

Fourth, I'd assume that since she still has a connection to Kin that her influences and resources could be immense if she were able to get out of prison. So, because of that, I gave her a high level of influence and resources. Hence, with her average Hazard ranks being higher than C, I'll give her a B.

Fifth, as far as the will goes, I feel she is a character that is a veteran warrior on the site. So, with that said, I gave her all advances since while I believe her mental set is strong, I don't feel she is specialized in anything too heavily. You can counter me with that if you want, but I do feel it will also give you a reason to push one of these skills more than the other to have something flourish as her character develops further.

Tier: 2-1
Hazard Rating: B Rank

[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya WVMWLOu
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[Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya Empty Re: [Spirit Class 3 | Hazard B] Hime Tatsumiya

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