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Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami] Empty Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami]

Mon Jan 28, 2019 3:23 am

Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami] 6EdIfMt


Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

Shinigami Dossier
Birth Name: Takehiko Kuchiki
Alias:Take, Tak, Hiko, Taki.
Appearance: He often wears a chest plate with a metal guard since he finds it comfortable to protect his stomach. As a nobleman of the Kuchiki clan, he wears a blue fabric often similar to those of the Shinsengumi. This outfit choice is something he made himself. Under it, he wears a very traditional Japanese clothing. Something you could find almost anywhere you went to look. Though the Kuchiki Clan spared no expense in his set up. He has long black hair and dark blue eyes. Giving him a rather interesting appearance at times. His feet are covered in traditional tabi and waraji wear. Though his outfit is a bit different from the other students. Takehiko seems to study rather purely despite not maintaining the same race as the others. Takehiko inherited his father's Visord status. Making him not a full-blooded Shinigami like the rest of his family. Takehiko to an extent views this as a problem. Since he can't wield his Shinigami powers as effectively. So thus making him a self-titled black sheep. His body as an almost feminine quality to it. With his appearance, it's often been seen as almost a sign of his relation to Kokokine Kuchiki his mother. He is often told he has her physical appearance and only his father's blood mudding the rest up. That is simply the way it is. Takehiko's appearance looks noble and it does come across that way. Though he doesn't view it that way truthfully in the long run. Takehiko does have a rather expensive and almost angelic look to him. Takehiko stands at 5"8 and weighs in at 160.


Pure: Takehiko has shown on countless occasions an innocence if not outright naive personality. Often looking for the best in the people around him. Not wanting to see negative and even treating enemies over allies first. If the injury is bad enough he doesn't discriminate between friend or foe. But it goes beyond that the boy just gives off the air of innocence. Not reacting in a perverted way towards those around him. Even when women such as Ichijou hung on him he seemed aloof. He's been around some attractive women yet shoes little interest in either gender. But beyond purity and other words, he does have a certain naivety that grows on some people. Though this innocence and landmine stepping has cost him before. He overestimated himself and vastly did so for his Uncle Tsubasa as well. Trying to understand something that is just not worth it. Because he believes his uncle may be redeemed or had a reason. These are things that he merely doesn't have a clue or answer too. In any regard to it, his deeds of innocence and purity have been seen over and over again. He will oftentimes heal or tend to others to merely fall over. Despite this being a sign the healer is down and unable to help anyone else. Takehiko's yet to grasp the full mentality of it all in this essence. But his youthful enthusiasm is still strong enough to make others believe.

Quickwitted:Takehiko has shown a on his feet skill that is rare among people. He's very quick to adapt and change his strategies on the fly. Even willing to take pretty large risks even if he gets hurt. Takehiko's mental edge comes from having to wield kido often. Stringing together combinations or alternate options to move forward. While it doesn't always work out and in some cases fails. He has shown on multiple occasions be it training with Tora or even his first task with Mirajane. He is an adaptive strategist willing to take risks he deems necessary. They don't always pay off in the best way possible for him. As shown when he faced against Slyvia the Quincy. Where he attempted a move beyond his energy only to be wounded partly. But he didn't believe it to be a lost cause as he did gain more for it. Life isn't just simple things where one can judge based on the impact one had in a moment. Down the line growth and improvement may blossom largely. Talents grow and so do people in most cases when it comes down to it.

Hard Working: If one personality trait was ever known to be. It was that this boy will work beyond limitations every moment. He pushes himself on the brink of snapping. Trying to find a way forward to save lives and help people. Takehiko's belief in himself and outright determination for this factory have made him known. Many people have seen his raw resolve and hard-working mentality. Working until his body simply stops moving and collapsing. He has done this to heal others or put the safety of other things first. Takehiko's shown a surprising amount of this for someone so young. Dedicating himself to causes that not many would choose. This quality is something Takehiko had developed from being the bottom of his class. Believing that a failure could become stronger if they just worked hard. If they pushed themselves to grow more and more within. Even if the road felt long and hazardous it seemed to be one he could walk.


Amakakeru Tora no Hiramekii-Flash of the Heavenly Soaring Tiger: This is the last flash step made by Tsubasa himself for fighting people. The user will assume a stance they find comfortable for quick movement. Performing a fast shot as they would normally use their quickstep to close the distance. But instead of traveling at this speed they will do another step. Creating a second step within this movement to accelerate their speed even faster. Creating an extremely fast burst and impact when drawing the weapon if they do so. This technique doesn't require iaido to be performed. But does require immense skill in Hoho. It's not something everyone can do openly or effectively. This requires control and a natural skill for movement. More steps can be added if the user desires to accelerate even faster for a fight. But should be aware this will burn fuel quicker. This is a technique designed to be used within reason and with a calculated risk figured out beforehand. Adepts can learn the technique but would have to seek Tsubasa out in person. Each level they can add another step going like this, Adept gets 2, Advanced gets 3, Elite 4, Master 5, and Grandmaster 6. Tsubasa being the only known user is at six and able to create massive impacts when he decides to create more steps in it. This technique is likely his magnum opus as a speed user in this world. It's unlikely anything else he creates in the Hoho field will ever surpass the power to create more steps within. Making the user move quicker if they desire. However, despite the increase in speed, this doesn't mean it cannot be stopped. People can see through this if they are capable of doing so. Some can block it even with added steps in it. Speed is only useful if you use it correctly and wisely for those who seek it. This was and is likely the last step he will make for anything. He's done his due diligence for this world in creating his technology and now imparts an effect on the world of stepping to the best of him.


» Kido Spell Name: Rakshasa Chains:

» Kido Spell Type: Defensive/Bakudo

» Kido Spell Usage:Restricted to Takehiko

»Kido Number [Optional]: 40
»Kido Incantation: Just it's Name

» Kido Spell Effects: Gold chains spring from the air and ground around Takehiko. These chains have symbols on them of a divine nature. Making them appear almost like a being is pulling them tightly. These last for five turns before vanishing completely. When wrapped around the target they are pulled tightly.

» Kido Spell Name:
Shin no Ippō - Spell of Frozen Terror:

» Kido Spell Type: Defensive

» Kido Spell Usage: Restricted to Takehiko

»Kido Number [Optional]: 20
»Kido Incantation:Just it's Name

» Kido Spell Effects: By extending his hand outwards he releases a pounding pulse from his hand. This, in turn, freezes those with lower-tier still. Making them unable to move for five turns when used. This spell is around rank 20. And can be broken though it does have a higher rank version. At rank fifty that can render weak enemies completely unconscious acting as a knockout move. Takehiko developed this for two reasons after the Keiko incident. Discovering that he was unable to put her to rest by simple means. A powerful Bakudo would have been extremely helpful. For the moments when Shinten may fail him. But also he's able to use this on multiple targets.

Healing/Kaido Techniques

Spiritual Acupuncture: By learning the diagrams of the Master Cho Zi, he was able to begin developing an art. This is based highly on his mentor's needle technique. But what has come is something far more developed than his years allow. At the moment this technique uses the real needles applying a certain type of healing based reiatsu them. Takehiko's gentleness and tender nature are part of the requirement. These needles are inserted in points where they can reach Zanpakuto and Hollow spirits within Shinigami. This location is on the Soul Chain and the lines of where it lingers. But also it allows for comfort to other beings who take it in. What this does is brings harmony among a person and their conflict. Now he only creates a chance for them to do so. The harmony created must be a thing desired by both parties. This allows for better communication with zanpakuto or hollow parties within them. So the division of a soul is further prevented in this essence. He lines them up using this and bonesetting to create spiritual harmony. To do this he senses across his patient's body and aura. When the Needles are removed they take away things that aren't directly bound to the spirit. Things like Hollow or Zanpakuto spirits remain, but they will feel soothed by this practice. As it is akin to a day at the spa for them. This creates accelerated healing of natural nature by giving the body healing reiatsu inside of them. Takehiko's power is far from complete as this version of his technique is only in its infant stages. It is good for any race who'd like to attempt his technique. This will not mend broken bones as that is more akin to the bone setting. Nor will it heal massive injuries at its current stage.

Name: Mender's Lantern
Type: Kaido
Number/Scaling: 10
Appearance: Stretching out a hand the user activates something akin to an otherworldly green glow beneath their palm. This greenish glow forms a lantern similar to the ones of the old Edo period. Inside the lantern fire glimmers with a greenish glow around it. This is held within the hand by a ring for the user, using energy each turn it's active.
Effect: Upon activation those within range of the lantern's glow begin to be healed. The range of effect is fifteen feet, with the weaker the user the long it needs to be out. Now in this form one can heal people around them with relative safety. The user can open the lantern allowing the fire to come out on a person. This will heal quickly and effectively those who are next to the lantern. Making them the point of the glow now instead of an area of effect based healing. This is done for more serious cases that require immediate attention. But this greenish flame will rest upon them for the duration.
Duration: Until the User is out of energy or dismiss it.

Name: Life Cocoon
Type: Kaido
Number/Scaling: 10
Appearance: Upon activating it takes the appearance of a large green Cocoon around the body. It looks to be wrapped in Kaido healing threads instead of base kido net. This allows for the person's body to be comfortably mended in private. It's a good technique for healing someone in danger to protect them. This can be connected to objects or other energy sources as a form of protection. It's quite mobile and easy to remove further away from a location.
Effect: Once wrapped in the Life Cocoon the threads begin to heal the body of the person. The amount of them slowly beginning to fade away as energy is depleted from each one. Breaking out from the inside is extremely easy for those within. Able to break it which will then conclude with it shattering. The outside is also rather easy to open given its purpose. Multiple casts of this aren't too bad as it is generally used in this regard. For the transportation of wounded people to a new location while also treating injuries on the move.
Duration: Five Posts

» Kido Spell Name: Goddess Tear
» Kido Spell Type: Healing

» Kido Spell Usage: Takehiko Kuchiki Restricted

»Kido Number [Optional]:50

»Kido Incantation: Saying it's name.

» Kido Spell Effects: It lasts until the wounds within the body are treated. But it also treats anything abnormal within the body. Scabs within the eyes and other such problems are mended. This technique is done by bringing the user's finger over someone. Releasing a crimson glowing orb from the index finger over a body. This splashes upon the skin feeling both hot and cold. As it surges into the body but doesn't cause pain or discomfort. It begins quickly mending the damage and abnormal instances. It can reconnect damaged nerves and repair large degrees of it to the body. Though there is a catch to this power. It uses Takehiko's blood as a catalyst to begin. Thus the amount taken can increase the power of this Kaido spell. Further enhancing it to greater potential. Developing a special technique after Keiko so he may help more. This power is far stronger then Pain killers, managing to entirely numb the nervous system it pours through. Eliminating the pain and giving a sensation of being drunk.

Martial Arts

Wudang-an-han:Translating as 'Body and Soul', Wudan-an-han is a unique Martial Art Form that teaches the practitioners how best to direct their force. Interlining the concept of Reiki, the concept of internal energy, it allows for superior freedom on the battlefield and is also the stepping stone to Tai Chi. Wudang-and-han has several varying kata to slowly bring the user into the art of controlling one's energy distribution about the body. When learned, Wudang-an-han allows for the user to appear more powerful than they were before, to have discovered new strength in the forms. However, this is technically incorrect, as they are as strong as they were when they started, they simply can strike with pristine efficiency, losing nothing from their movements to the point of impact, and able to deliver a strike in its entirety without the loss of a single drop of force.

First Kata:The Breath of Life: Before controlling one's Reiki, they must be aware of its existence. This Kata introduces the pivotal breathing exercises and basic movements required to become aware of the energy within your own body. A mixture of slow, methodical movements and sudden, rapid strikes can be adapted to use in a fight, but the main use is to propagate the flow of Reiki and in doing so, eventually allow the user to become aware of it.


He was the child born of Kokokine Kuchiki and Tsunashi Unabara. He inherited his mother's appearance mostly and his father's species as a Vizard. This marriage was well suited as the brother of Tsubasa held a certain level of dedication to political moves. He even was considered very capable in his field by becoming a member of the Kuchiki family by marriage. The two clans being nobles of the Seiretei makes Takehiko a rather special case. His genetics and blood are very pure outside of inheriting his race from his father. Most swear up and down he has his mother's eyes. He is the nephew of Byakuya Kuchiki and Tsubasa Unabara both. Rukia Kuchiki can be classified as his aunt. As a baby, he did show a tremendous lack of much energy or power.

Takehiko didn't show signs of potential or skills that were out of this world. In truth, he was able to manifest his hollow powers more easily. As they related to a certain trait his father believed out to be useful. But sadly his parents both died while he was away. He'd been sent off to at least unlock his Zanpakuto's power in sealed form. Which was successful, but it doesn't make him any closer to learn the details of his zanpakuto. In truth, the elusive mystery continues as it pertains to it. Takehiko has been sent to Shino Academy where he is adjusting to life there. He's not been taught much outside of his nobility and how to present himself. But this has made him complicated as he is unsure how to conduct himself sometimes. So often Takehiko at the Academy remains silent and often froze. As though unsure of what to do in certain situations. As his parents didn't get to give him that time of the lesson. Takehiko is unsure if he is a mistake or an unpure bastard to the Kuchiki name. For now, that weighs on his heart rather often.


Name: Astral Volley
Type: Hadō
Number/Scaling: 10
Appearance: Stretching out the user's dominate appendage they keep all their fingers extended outwards. As small rifts appear behind them in the air around them. These are easy to spot and show arrowheads as they begin to form with an ethereal blue color. The number of rifts opening depends on the User's tier and Kido level.
Effect: After appearing the blue arrows launch out firing with a number based on the tier of the user. Fifty is the amount fired for a tier five with adept and higher kido. Twenty for below that if they can perform the spell at all. These arrows are easy to deflect and spot for those who see them. They can be opened and fired rather easily. These arrows follow a straight path and cannot change angles. They rely on the user to aim them when firing them at a target of any kind. These will not follow the target across the map and have a range limited of twenty meters. Beyond that, they fall short while also being able to be blocked upon contact with anything physical or energy-based. Meaning deflecting them with energy is entirely possible.

One hundred arrows for 3 and 2 tier, with 1 tier being able to muster out 150. And 0 being able to do 200 depending on skill with kido the user may be able to add more. But this amount does bring down the overall quality of it.
Duration: Until the Finish Firing the amount of arrows the user can fire

Name: Pale Thrust
Type: Hadō
Number/Scaling: 10
Appearance: This is a combination of two kido formed already so it's posture is well known. With the user pointing the index finger of the hand desired to fire it. Upon release, a circular burst of air appears upon the index finger selected. Finally a pale burst of electrical fires from the user's index. Hitting the wind and accelerating into a faster beam of the Byakurai.
Effect: Upon activation the beam shoots forward towards the person intended. Not able to change directions or otherwise move from different angles. This can be blocked by energy-based techniques or physically. The move is similar to Byakurai but has a bit more force behind it. As a vacuum of air is around the blast creating a force that will explode on someone. As stated side-stepping or avoiding this is entirely possible. It has a tremendous force behind it though again blocking or even deflecting could be done by someone strong enough.

Enhancement Kido: This is a technique further obtained from Captain Unohana. By training and understanding it Takehiko figured out to do it. But decided to add something special to it as his personal space. Takehiko is can cast it and control the level. This means he can pick what level of Enhancement he gains. By selecting Kido Levels he can perform. he can increase his physical potential by that much. This is seen by how his body glows when using it. A glimmer is seen when he activates anything above twenty. On the lower end from 5-10, he is only circulating his blood flow quicker. Takehiko uses this most often to enhance his Swordsmanship and Flashstep Prowess. As his Kido style already has something that affects Kido. This Physical Enhancement Kido burns energy as one would expect but requires no incantation or posture. Takehiko's managed to forgo those by creating a form for him.. This provides him with multiple and longer usage of the weapon. By increasing his blood production rate. It must be noted that he must be capable of using the Kido number. Meaning if his skill doesn't meet the requirement. It is impossible to do so. Thus concludes one of his more simple yet effective Kido techniques. Each enhancement lasts three posts. With only one enhancement at a time. This has a three post-Cool Down after he's used it.

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: Manatsu no Soyokaze 真夏のそよ風 (Midsummer Breeze)
Zanpakuto Appearance: She takes the form of a woman dressed as a Geisha, the girl has bright brown hair with a small pipe she often carries around with her. Her outfit is constraining but is something of a nice fit for which she can move freely despite it. Her eyes are emeralds that pierce the soul, while her figure is tiny with a flat chest. Being calm despite her youthful appearance. This can be contributed to the age of the person who has her Takehiko in this sense.

Her hair is done up with small pins with smoke coming out of them. While her Yukata has the pictures and seems to tell the story of a Midsummer long ago woven into the fabric.

Reiatsu Color: White

Sealed Power: His Zanpakuto gives off a sweet scent of incense to those who breath it in. It has a calming effect on the nerves of people, though it can be resisted easily. And won't for example calm someone in a bloodlust. It's something that more helps him than others as it relaxes him and his body. Giving him more of a peaceful and calm personality.

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance: It takes the form of a Japanese style Kiseru pipe, small enough to fit in one's clothing or carry around without hindrance. But it is noticeable when the power has begun being used, taking away some of the more stealthy aspects of his Zanpakuto. But also much of the danger has been removed, this pipe resembles one in Geisha houses that were once very common in Japan.

Zanpakuto Shikai Powers:

Incesne Smoke: So first and foremost a color of incense will be chosen by him. This smoke is released over a mile and a half. If the person doesn't breathe it in, nothing happens. They can also choose to blast it away using Reiatsu or other such things to clear the incense from the air. This will prevent it from getting into their senses. Each color of smoke affects a sense and can affect two to three if someone is weaker. The way it works is if inhaled by someone weaker than Takehiko it can be three at the highest and no more of their senses effected by inhaling it.

Equal will be two and no higher and stronger will be one at best zero at its worst. His Zanpakuto has no moves and merely increases its a range of release, but the type of incense must be chosen by him and then exhaled outwards. Giving an opening for people to attack him. Only one type of incense may be active at a time.

Purple: This color smells fruity when breathed in affects hearing, causing a ringing in your ears that is hard to chase out. Depending on the amount breathed in by the person, the ringing can last two posts at it's shortest to five at it's longest.

If they remain within the incense it will become a loud piercing scream that hurts their ears and can cause minor damage. It however will require them to remain in the Incense for more than 2 posts for it to happen. This pain can cause pain to the eyes among other things. But it is generally easy to blow away or chase off with different methods. Removing your ears will work to get rid of it as well.

Green: It should be no shock that his Zanpakuto does hold a healing chemical incense within it for him. This is used by him to treat damaged friends or allies when it comes time to do so. This smoke is green almost like a plant or fresh forest. When inhaled it causes smells of the forest for those inhaling it. Rapid cell growth began by it causing healing to injuries on a level with a lost arm. Or organs being damaged as the rapid cell growth picks up based on how long they are in it.

This one can scale off his Kaido and Kido skills allowing them to be combined for more effective healing and treatment of people.

Beginner: Minor Injuries, cuts, and scrapes
Adept: Gashes or injuries equal to an explosion
Advanced: Limb Loss and Organreplacement
Elite: Repair of Major systems
Master: Spiritual Regeneration of damaged Spiritual energy

Red: This smoke affects the sensation of Touch, it smells like a desert on a hot day. When inhaled by a person their nervous system becomes numb for one to three posts depending on how much they resist. The numbness spreads through their skin cells making it hard for them to feel certain things. Prolonged exposure causes numbness to spread to their nervous system causing temporary paralysis.

Requiring two or more posts exposed to the incense for this to happen. Though it is completely false and someone with will skills can overcome this delusion that their body is in any way or form unable to move.

Pink: It smells of flowers and a field of poppies. But what it does to the sense of smell is painful for some. It causes a burning sensation as though you snorted fire into your nostrils. This pain lasts for 2 posts total and if you are in it fora long period of time. It feels like your nose has smelled something to the extent where clawing your nose off could be preferred.

Once again avoiding breathing it in is entirely possible, remember these incenses trick your body into thinking something that's not real. So it's possible to completely ignore your senses. For some people even for others, they could do it without having to breathe.

Yellow: This smells of Daisies and affects the vision of a person or the sense of it. Now this will only last for two posts at most. But it can cause blurry vision with difficulty seeing things or making them out. For those exposed to it for two posts, it will cause temporary blindness, making them unable to see.

This effect will only last for a grand total of five posts. Making it an effective tool in this sense.


Status: She resides inside of Takehiko as a mentor and keep of Akuma. Making sure his hollow doesn't simply take the ship over. Though she will let him make a point on occasion. But it must be noted that she is constantly keeping Akuma at bay. This is the reason Takehiko cannot wield her because she is protecting him.


Name: Tsukiakari Kodomaru (Moonlit Ceremony of Fragrance)

Appearance: Upon activation of his Bankai, several hundred sticks fall into these ashen ember filled pots. Releasing smoke around the area, this smoke is the scented incense that comes from his Bankai. No longer requiring his Kiseru to perform the actions of producing the smoke. This smoke is constantly produced for however long his Bankai is active. Takehiko's smoke takes a grey color like almost any incense would produce. His outfit undergoes a transformation as well. Turning into a ceremonial Kimono worn by masters of ceremony in these events. With intricate patterns across the front with clouds. The white and grey outfit comes with a number of Incense sticks in his obi sash.

Kumi-Koh( The Guessing Game) Everything about his Zanpakuto's Bankai involves listening with your nose. It is a guessing game surrounded by the scents that are released by the incense it releases. The power of this Bankai and the guessing game provides increases and decreases based on the guessing done. So while you can block your sense of smell off, it just means others will benefit from the boons. The other senses are touched by traveling along the nostrils to the brain, then tampering with signals involving that sense of the Five.

    *Spicy Scent: This scent involves a hot smell in the air, that you can almost taste on the air. When it emerges as the smell, it has a robust smell towards it. No longer having a color, making the game more difficult for Takehiko included. Those in the smoke have two posts to decipher the smoke's scent, or they will be blind for two posts. A worse version of pepper spray is being used in this situation. It is possible to fight through this with Willpower or defensive skills. The ones who guess correctly gain a sharper vision for two posts.

    *Sweet Scent: This scent has a smell like amber, it is one that reaches the nose for those who are trained to listen to the smell. This sense involves the feeling of touch, once again within two posts if you guess it your reflexes will become sharper. Allowing for sharper and crisper movements than normal. If you fail to guess it, the pain will shoot throughout your body. Though not real damage it will feel like your body is being torn apart.

    *Sour Scent: A very sour smell, that can often make your eyes water. This sense deals with hearing, for those who do manage to decipher this scent they will find their hearing improved. Allowing them to hear further and sharper, noticing noises that they'd normally miss. Missing the smell will cause a signal to be sent to the brain causing a feeling akin to your eardrum exploding. Again this isn't happening to your body, it is something your body thinks is happening.

    *Bitter Scent: This one affects the sense of taste. Much like bad medicine, the smell reminds people of the cherry medicines one would take among humans. The bitterness is something that could be confused for pickles or something of that nature. The benefits of guessing right are feeling like you took medicines, so the body will begin to heal as this smell uses Kaido with it. It is powered largely by the Kido skill level of the user.

    *Salty Scent: The last one involves the most important part about this game. The nose, your sense of smell plays the biggest part here. The smell is salty and can be felt by the tongue. The side effects of this one are in some cases the most severe. Guessing correctly will give you the effects of having taken drugs that numb the pain and make you feel quicker. If you fail, however, you will get the effects that reside within a crash. Sluggishness and feeling as though you'd taken drowsy medicine.

Skill Sheets

Racial Skills
  • Kido:Advanced
  • Hoho: Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Advanced
  • Hakuda: Beginner

General Skills
  • Durablity: Adept
  • General Speed:Beginner
  • Strength:UBeginner
  • Martial Skill: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Focus: Beginner

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Last edited by Geeky Raven on Wed Sep 08, 2021 4:26 pm; edited 53 times in total
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
s_e stuff
Joined : 2013-11-04
Posts : 2340

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami] Left_bar_bleue74095/100000Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami] Empty_bar_bleue  (74095/100000)

Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami] Empty Re: Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami]

Wed Jan 30, 2019 8:42 pm

≪ Application Checklist ≫
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Focus: Beginner

[b][u]Will Skills[/u][/b]
[list][*][b]Willpower/Determination:[/b] Beginner
[*][b]Mental Deduction:[/b] Beginner
[*][b]Focus:[/b] Beginner

  • Comments/Notes: Due to his tier, Takehiko would only be able to manifest his mask for one post in a thread, and it would break after that immediate usage.
  • Tier: 5-3.

Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami] 8Bvy1N8


casual post:

Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami] Empty Re: Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami]

Sun Jun 09, 2019 2:33 pm
Upgraded from 5-3 to 5-1+ with Hoho now Adapt from Beginner

Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami] Empty Re: Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami]

Mon Jun 17, 2019 10:00 pm
Upgrades Kido from beginner to adept and tier from 5-1+ to 4-5

Last edited by Forsaken Crow on Tue Jun 25, 2019 2:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami] Empty Re: Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami]

Tue Jun 25, 2019 8:31 am

Last edited by Forsaken Crow on Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:50 am; edited 1 time in total

Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami] Empty Re: Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami]

Sun Jul 07, 2019 5:13 pm
Added in Shikai as of this power upgrade check not in use yet.

Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami] Empty Re: Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami]

Sun Jul 14, 2019 2:03 am

Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami] Empty Re: Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami]

Tue Sep 10, 2019 12:58 pm

Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami] Empty Re: Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami]

Mon Sep 16, 2019 7:07 pm
Hadō 1- Sho: The first Hadō when corrupted by hollow energy and turned into a hollow spell. Isn't extremely different from its normal version. But it does have a few changes to it from being empowered by this method. Black rings surround the air in a small cylinder based shape. This ring is sent forward bursting the air like a punch at an enemy. It's not extremely costly to do when one gets used to it. But starting it is very costly for the user to perform. As they are wearing the mask and channeling the right amount of augmentation into their powers. Creating this spell effect when it hits will feel like being smashed with one hundred miles an hour winds in the ribs. Its destructive force can increase depending on Power Augmentation and Kido skill sheet rank.

Hadō 4 - Byakurai: Upon activation the user in their mask will point their index finger. Small black hollow energy infuses into the kido. Making black crackling lightning around the edge. Once released the blast will shoot forward piercing things within its path. Able to pierce through several buildings in a straight line. This spell doesn't change much aside from it levels targets with a static discharge on their bodies. Making it very much a potent spell within Takehiko's arsenal. It is done like the regular version of the kido but requires no incantation. It does require the posture however when executing it. Making it have a tell like Sho does above. Now once again power output entirely depends on the skill sheet here. As the influence of the hollow powers will enhance those aspects. And kido skills will do that just as well. Empowering the base product more.

Status: She resides inside of Takehiko as a mentor and keeper of Akuma. Making sure his hollow doesn't simply take the ship over. Though she will let him make a point on occasion. But it must be noted that she is constantly keeping Akuma at bay. This is the reason Takehiko cannot wield her because she is protecting him.

Berserker Mode: When activated this power allows the user to empty themselves of all rational restraints in battle. This, in turn, makes them a nightmare for friend and foe. Having lost all sense of logic they take massive downgrades in mental deduction almost to a none. The only thinking they can do in this state is pure combat. Pain is also turned off to be ignored entirely. This does not mean they aren't taking damage. They are taking it and being hurt, they just don't care about the pain. It was one of the restraints that have been turned off. This is much in line with the body's damage as they don't stop themselves. Overdoing most actions regardless of who or what happens. The way to stop them is to beat them down until they can no longer rise again.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami] Empty Re: Takehiko Kuchiki [Approved, 3-1; Shinigami]

Tue Sep 17, 2019 4:27 pm
These changes were made at my request to further clarify how parts of Takehiko's kit work going forward.

As long as you make sure that Berserker Mode adequately reflects the physical damage his body is taking, everything should be fine.

Approving these changes.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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