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[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Left_bar_bleue174500/99999[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty [Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A] Arkin The Immortal

Thu Apr 26, 2018 9:47 pm
Race Spec Here:

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]


Enter The Shinigami

I. Basic Information

"I rise, only to atone."

» Name: Arkin
» Alias: 'The Immortal'
» Age: 2000+
» Gender: Male

» Association: Gotei; 7th Division.

» Appearance Image:


I. Personality

» Personality:

» I Rise Only To Atone: There is ultimately at his core a deep want to atone for his previous actions in life. So much so that it has ingrained itself into his every action. Behind every action he has taken in the last few years it has been directly to atone for this actions. Driven by glory once in his life, to perhaps leave a mark on history, has become the permanent shame in his life. So it stands to reason that it's hard to not see that much of what he has done has been in service to that idea and goal, it is a destination with no end. It is a path to be traveled until his death. But one can make connections of his life, his need to atone, with his desire to see the gotei flourish and perform their noble duties of being the bastion for souls. This had led to him holding a level of humility in his life, a much older man now simply wanting to perform the duties entrusted to him. If someone was to praise him for his work he could only shake his head, for he shall always remember the sins of his youth. For that reason, and that reason alone, he would give his life for the gotei and all lives he would have. To say that he seeks death wouldn't be entirely wrong, but what he truly yearns for is atonement; in a world where he will never receive it.

» Battle-Hardened: Arkin was perhaps to be a fighter, but it was his long life of conflict which has led to this trait. Before his rebirth one cannot deny that Arkin was ruthless in his methodical destruction of his enemies on his path to glory. This has led to a fine tuned sense of being able to understand when to expect an attack, or even a general tension to his self. Rarely on earth can be relaxed or at ease for the enemies of the gotei are many, some even bear the same colors as himself. It is due to this hardened nature that in combat he is able to keep not be disgusted at gore or brutality, an almost non chalice regarding such extremities. Outside of combat, this translate to a man who is well studied in the brutalities of life and rarely bulks are seeing them if they are required for him to witness them.

» Hard-Won Wisdom: It is all too common the story of the young man setting into the world, to only find that world turned against him. That in their foolish bid in understanding the world they are beaten and broken under the heavy weight of it, those who survive it walk away learned. It was not the fire of battle which gave Arkin his wisdom, his belief in life, it was the entirety of what he has endured. Being cast out of his family by his own anger, his greed turning him into nothing but a monster, and his goodness which allow'd him to embark upon his current path. That wisdom is simple to Arkin; the world is a terrible place, filled with horrible men like himself, and it will consume good men and women for that is the way it works. But, it does not have to be that way. In every child laugh, in every man who can provide an honest and good life for his family, there is the hope of a better world. And in that knowledge, men like himself may be able to atone by applying their skills to ensuring men like himself don't ruin that.

» Family, Made Not Bred:
In life, Arkin found his family to have in some ways abandon him as he did them. That the idea of family was something to be coveted for those blessed with bloodkin who matched. But as he spent time with the Gotei that ideology began to morph into something new, that as he saw the recruits come and guy, shinigami die and grow, that his kin changed. He became something of a brother to those who needed it. It was the slow realization that family did not begin and end with those he shared blood with, discovering that he cared deeply for those of the gotei. He was the first to rush into the heat of battle to drag shinigami from the brink, but also one willing to stay up late with those who had doubts of their cause. The first to be willing to drink and feast with them as if they had known each other for years. He was an oddity, this large man from a foreign land. But in this organization, he had created a new family. One that he'd throw his life into harm's way millions of times over so long as he made sure each and every one was cared for.

None of them where beyond redemption. In that regard, some might see him as the strongest advocate for those people think are beyond redemption. But should they have ever been a gotei member, particularly a shinigami, he'd do all he could to bring them to the light.

» Long is The Road: and hard is it, to reach the light. Arkin understands that the things he did in his life can not be wiped from history, that in the infinite good he might do he will never bring back the lives he's taken. But in some ways he wishes it did, and that is an important part of him. That despite telling himself he can never atone for the things he's done, he still attempts to. He supposes he wished some type of god could come out of the heavens and tell him he has done enough, that his service is complete to the world but he knows that will never happen. He is torn between the reality of what he's done, and the idea he can be saved. This creates an internal conflict in himself, if he believes all can be atoned: Does this not apply to himself?

Yet, in his most private moment, he still feels as dirty and bloody as the day he first stepped foot into the gotei.

» Unexpected Scholar: One cannot claim to be a shinigami of the gotei without having some level of knowledge in their history, something he was keenly aware of. It was for that very reason this man embarked on the scholasticism journey of learning not only Japanese but studying resolutely their tomes. In doing so he found a level of peace, that he enjoyed studying and learning these materials despite his brutish exterior. There is a surprisingly sharpness to his mind, perhaps not in the most mathematical areas but a philosopher and man with a willingness to learn. Due to this one can often find him in the gardens in the Seireitei reading the latest literature when not overtaken by his duties.

» In Death, as In Life: There are some things of Arkin which will never change, and one of those are his roots. Ultimately, he is a warrior of nordic descent and such things require things of him. He's expected to die in battle, which isn't a problem as we know. But more important it's his mannerish, bold at times and to the point. He wishes to drink, to fight for fun, and to fuck! He cannot possibly be moody all the time, and while he takes his atonement seriously the fact remains while blood courses through his veins he will always seek some type of past time or fun.

» Cold Fury: We must touch on this aspect of Arkin, and it is his fury. In the past it was a wild and a fire which consumed all that was around him. But as he has had years to master it, to calm it, it has been focused and distilled into a potent form. When he feels anger it is possible for him to be tempted to anger, but he instead focuses this rage to channel it into power to be used. The rage of his heart, can be tempered and control by the wisdom of his mind. For all his brutishness, this cold burning fury has served him well for when he does unleash it; it is far more effective.

» Indulgent: Arkin thoroughly enjoys the pleasures of life as stated above, to the point of indulgence at times. The man is known for taking people out to drinks to only end up at three am completely smashed. In whatever Arkin sets his mind to, he can often find himself going overboard. It's almost endearing sometimes but can be a downright weakness at times, if he's going to do something expect him to be coming at it with full intent.

I. History

» History: "I believed myself a god, I was wrong."

» Birth: Before he was known as Arkin The Immortal, before he was a god among men, and before he resigned himself to a lifetime of obedience; he was simply known as Arkin. And before he bore that name, he was the progeny of what could be described as Oden himself. Perhaps in an age long ago these men where considered gods due to the extended lifelines, but in the age Arkin was born in that golden age had passed. Instead what was left was mere remnants of his 'family'; a collection of isolated beings who longed to relieve glory days. This was the family he was born into, brought into the world as Odin's last son. The son which would be forgotten.

The trivialities of his childhood are moot, whatever joys he once gained from it are long forgotten in the long memory of Arkin. But what does matter was the nature of his childhood, and it was one of some conflict. Raised in some decrepit fortress made of wood and stone, stories of old conquests recounted to the young son of Odin. His mother, he never knew. Perhaps she was some 'mortal' or some 'goddess' that had died or left their small communion. But for Arkin his life was lived within the shadows of his older siblings and his father. This left much time to the young man to pursue his own idling, and it would be there his story began.

» Childhood: Arkin had something of a temper from birth, a constant gnawing on his mind mind which often show'd it's self in the most violent destructive ways. Innately born with a tremendous strength it would not too long into the boys life to find that out, often able to at a young age chop trees down with a single swing of a hatchet. Often spending much time hauling broken trees back to their secluded abode to fix damages he had done, a very austere upbringing. Arguments where common place, and with that the temper of the young man would play into that. He was the youngest son, the names of his siblings irrelevant, and with that came the most meaningless tasks assigned to him. In his head, he was a godborn. The son of a deity, why where they consigned to such melancholy and obscurity. He longed for the chance to create a name, to be known as the most glorious son of Odin.

It would be this ambition, this glory lust, which would be perhaps his greatest failing.

»Banishment: It was a long winter. A cold harsh winter where we find the story of Arkin picking up. He was a taller lad, filling out nicely. A behemoth in his own right but still the youngest son, perhaps the physically strongest. The family of the godborn had gathered, this he could recall clearly, his father at the head. An assortment of other figures that naming them all would be pointless, but at this table stories where recounted. The triumphs of their family, the achievements of other sons. The praise of long dead deeds. But for Arkin every story stabbed into his being, like a blade soaked in spider toxin striking him as every deed recounted held no mention of himself. Ever praise falling on his older siblings and father a reminder that they lived in old days. Instead, as he looked around, he saw a decayed fortress barely functioning and old warriors grown fat in their peace.

Perhaps it was destiny, or perhaps his foolishness, which caused him to stand. He launched into a rapid condemnation on them, cursing their family name. Anger and rage flooding his beings, he could not stand their presence nor the complacency they had. It only served to elevate tensions once he pleaded.

"I do not have your titles, I do not have your glory! If you where to give me the chance to prove myself to dress myself in glory I could fly above my station—"

His words would not be finished as a hand struck his face. The backhand of his father's old and callous fingers, a shadow over his face as Arkin stared wordlessly. He had never been struck, then again he had never spoke with such anger and recklessly. All fell silent as their patriarch stared upon their youngest son. In a proud voice, only laced with the barest traces of tiredness, an edict would be enacted forever changing the course of his life.

"Our age has long and passed, boy. But if you are so wanton in your glory lust be gone. But do not return."

It was shocking to hear, a son had not been banished in.. time knew not how long. But Arkin, the youngest, had been banished so quickly on the fault of his tongue. At the time he did not understand, he could not. Surely there was nothing wrong with his anger, it was justified in his eyes! But none of that mattered, for by the night end he would be cast upon the world. With nothing to his name but a burning vengeance on his tongue, and the goal to elevate himself higher than any of his family. It was as if the flame that was nursed in his soul only grew wilder, brighter, and more destructive.

But he was free, free to serve pursue his glory.

» Atonement...?: There are many stories which recount the adventures of Arkin, all under different names. But none of those stories mattered in truth, all simple displays of strength and war. His personal glory swelled, but his anger never was quelled. In some gods forsaken land known as Germania it would come to a head. In a single night, paid by some invading force, he was tasked with destroying some camped army. Naturally, the glory hound relished the chance to fight. By this point in history Arkin had a fair understand of his powers, or rather ability. Blessed, or cursed, with an strength which only rose with his anger all it took was a few wounds to start to send him into a blood rage. The details of the battle, and the bloody aftermath, are moot only that it was a slaughter.

But it was the morning following when he awoken in the camp, bathed in the blood of the people did it matter. He expected the body of soldiers, or warrior. But what he was greeted by was the broken bodies of women, children, and men. Confusion seemed to overtake him, as he stared at his hands undoubtedly covered in their blood. However a piercing sensation suddenly crept up his back causing him to curse, followed by more. He had turned his head to see men with spears stabbing him in the back, the men that paid him.

He had been played a fool, and betrayed.

While he was tired and weak from the slaughter the night before, he was still more than a mere man. He fought back gripping a man by the head, smashing it into the ground as a bloody mush. Before tackling another man with enough force to horizontally break him in two. But they where gathering circling Arkin, and he was far too tired to summon up any power. But he fought like a starved lion smashing against them, but for every man he killed more came. Spears found their ways into his legs, his chest, and all through his body. Even as he broken their lines he could only stumble forward, before falling face down in the dirt.

He would not die in some grand battle, he would not defeat some monster. He would die a murderer, a mercenary betrayed by those who paid him. His eyes would flutter, closing slowly as he felt golden ichor began to seep out onto the ground. Grassy green eyes began to close, before he noticed someone walking to him in an entire he had never seen before. Robes. A sword of some type. Sandals. Words.

"This is different.."

The voice spoke, a bland boredom to his voice as he seemed to kneel ignored by all around them. As Arkin body seemed to bleed out, the men seemingly recovering. But for Arkin, his eyes would close. The sounds of the world drowning out around him as his teeth began to grind themselves, his hands closing into fists dragging bloodied nails through dirt. He could feel his anger rising once again, even in his sorry state. Perhaps it was sheer willpower, the will to not die. The will to atone. The will to simply live. This would be a surprising to the robed figure who stood up, but the men where still unaware.

Everything seemed to reach a head as he pushed himself up slowly, his face contorted into a mixture of rage and pain. The wounds which laced his body seemed to begin to repair themselves, the golden ichor leaking from them burning on the ground as a roar seemed to be released from his mouth to the surprise of all. A man on the verge of death seemed to be reignited with life, as he launched into a fit of combat against the men with brutality unmatched. His fists seemed to turn into bludgeons with the sole purpose of extinguishing life. Each punch was met with the sound of crunching bone, callous fingers grabbing arms with enough force to rip them from their sockets. Brutally using a detached arm as a murder weapon, spreading blood among the field.

By the time the slaughtered finished, he'd allow his fingers to relax dropping the bloodied arm he had turned into a makeshift weapon. A calm breath seemed to leave his mouth as turned to face the strange figure, seemingly ready to send him to Hel next if needed. But surprisingly they seemed only amused at his display, surprised even. The discussion which took place was hostile to a degree, but gradually eased into something akin to peace. It was here Arkin would find that this being was some type of 'god'. Perhaps a worker of Hel, but they explained how they reaped souls. This all was confusing to Arkin, admittedly. But some type of grim reapers, some type of ferries of souls.

In this profession, in some strange way, Arkin found the chance of atonement. Or perhaps it was escape. In his slaughter Arkin had come to be ashamed of himself, of his glory lust. That in all his years he began to see what his father warned him about. In perhaps meeting this 'shinigami' or whatever that thing was, he could redeem himself. But his atonement would have to wait for the man said no living being could become what he was, that only the dead could. Only the dead.

Arkin stared at the man and nodded, there was a brief silence before Arkin kneeled down picking up the arm he dropped earlier examining it. The jagged edge of the bone seemed to protrude, this all confused the shinigami before realizing what Arkin was about to do. As he stepped forward to begin to protest Arkin pointed the bone at his heart— before running himself through. He'd begin to fall backwards coughing out a golden ichor, the shinigami a mixture of confused and surprised. In a matter of moments Arkin would be dead.

Except he didn't die. He withered in pain on the ground coughing violently before the Shinigami tentatively pulled the arm out of his chest. Needless to say to the confusion to them both. Arkin would simply pass out from bloodlost leaving the shinigami bewildered and... confused. After some eternal debate he would take the man back to the soul society— let the captains deal with this.

»Bafflement & New life: Needless to say Arkin awoke some days later. The hole where his chest was had been fixed, or rather fixed it's self. There was many questions to be asked, but as he tried to get up he found himself restrained against some type of bed. He briefly, very briefly, debated breaking the chains but ultimately decided against it. There was some.. tension in the idea of what Arkin was not quite sure if he was alive or dead or something between. But it was clear he held enough raw reiatsu to be a shinigami, and he seemed inclined to be so. After a few days, some back and forth visits with strange men in robes, he was finally given a verdict: He would be allow'd to be a shinigami.

One could focus on his academy days but we shall focus on the key aspects. Arkin was not only a man who looked like belonged with a group of barbarians, but seemed to have the manners of one. But there was a large degree in difference when it came to strength in the academy, a brute in his own right but a masterful combatant compared to them. He lacked any ability for Kidou, but when it came to Hakada he found a niche. Ofted chided for his brutality, some thought he was destined to be apart of the combat division.

But in his solitude he focused not on improving his combat abilities but learning the purpose of the shinigami, often spent hunched over a desk muscling through learning the infernal tongue of this place. For all his faults, the man seemed dedicated to learning all he needed to be a shinigami. Primarily learning the tongue of this place so he could study their texts, learning about Konso and the purification of souls. He was not here to gain glory, but to atone for his failures in life. And in perhaps becoming a scholar-monk he could find that secret to perform those duties to the best of his ability.

Blessed with a combat ability, but doubling his efforts to improve he was often torn in two paths. Where he saw the chance for redemption others saw a machine to destroy some cursed beasts called 'Hollows.' In the personal notes of Arkin he had wrote: "This place, the gotei, has a cursed history like myself. Filled with death and destruction, the man Yamamoto, reminds me of my father. But, I see it now that this place atones for their sins as I attempt to. I believe, it is worth protecting. It is here, I shall find my atonement."

When Arkin finally got his Asauchi, things proved to be.. different.

»I Am Your Obedient Servant: Arkin when he grasped his blade soon found it changed to an Axe, an immense power flooding from himself and the weapon as he imprinted upon it and vice versa. In that moment he had unlocked his shikai as they told him, he had forced it open through his raw reiatsu. They said at that time it was rarely seen, and rarely maintained. But he from that day forth knew this weapons name, Jörmungandr, the ancient world serpent. Constant release, that's what they called it. Needless to say his graduation from the academy was swift and his placement within the division was decided.

The years that followed are a blur in all truthfulness. He switched divisions, joined others. Fought in wars, made a name for himself. But through it all, he had gained a moniker. Perhaps it was due to his seemingly ageless appearance, perhaps his inability to stay 'dead.' Arkin, The Immortal. And he served the Gotei with the utmost conviction, for in them he found his atonement.

I. Equipment

» Equipment: N/A

I. Racial Techniques/Abilities/Skills

» Racial Abilities: N/A

I. Natural Abilities

» The Storm Bringer:
"I hear it calling to me, and I shall answer.."—Arkin The Immortal

With the renewal of his form to his prime, to be found worthy once more either by his own design or his zan, he has recovered an power long forgotten. He has recovered the raw ability to summon the storms to his aide. With this he has the unilateral ability to control natural storms of his own creation, or those which occur in nature. Should another storm user come in contact, or attempt to fight him for control, a struggle will most likely ensure for dominance. With this, comes the ability to summon lightning from his body as well are control the attributes of a storm.

» Ichor of Odin:
"I am the son of Odin."—Arkin The Immortal

Arkin The Immortal's blood is something of a wonder, if you believe the idea his father was actually THE Odin told in history. This golden ichor which runs through his body seems to hold some supernatural properties within it, most likely being the source of many of his unnatural abilities. While it does grant him some rejuvenation properties, it isn't regeneration in the sense it can fix his wounds in battle. Rather, it will heal his body over an amount of time keeping him alive and youthful hence his moniker of Arkin the Immortal. The blood does not act like normal blood, and seems to burn up within seconds of leaving his body and even has the potential to burn flesh to the bone should it fall on unprotected flesh. Naturally, for those of the empowered nature this can be mitigated via durability or other abilities. It makes it particularly harder to kill the man, as his blood seems to has the natural inclination to not seep out often requiring more than normal violent force to push it out. For example, should he be stabbed the blade coming out will be covered with his blood, but the wound would not leak blood. Perhaps a droplet or two.

» Enter The Berserker: "A lunatic, a maniac, an unstoppable pissed off killing machine which seems to just keep getting stronger by the second. Crazy fucking bastard."— 11th Division Member on Arkin.

This could be simply how some describe the man but rest assured it is an ability, or that an handful of attributes in battle. Like the berserkers of old when Arkin can unleash his fury in battle gaining a number of increasing attributes. The first noticeable difference is the notable disregard of pain, rather the inability to feel pain, allowing him to fight at his full destructive capacity upon entering into battle. The second notable difference is a steady increase in strength, speed, and martial ability. The final difference is the more damage he sustains in battle the more potency he has to effect his enemies. It should be noted, this is can be a willing and unwilling mental state. Furthermore, it has to be actively noted he is tapping into this berserker bloodlust.

» » The Berserker Explained: The Berserker is both a metaphysical and physical state. There is a steady correlation between Arkin's rising anger and his inability to feel pain while entering into the berserker state. It isn't so much he doesn't feel pain but that his overwhelming rage blocks out the pain, allowing him to attack with his full might at a risk to himself. This is a fairly simple at bare minimum he will notice a slight increase of strength and speed by 35%, and at maximum should he enter into a blind blood rage he will see a 100% increase in those categories. With this increase in physical attributes there adds a level of risk, both of self harm and to his allies. The reason I do not add individual post counts, to account for the power increase, is because it's directly tied to the emotional aspect of anger it can raise and fall quickly. There is the potential to enter into battle in a blind rage, or to enter into fairly pissed off which would be more of a 50% increase. The percentage of strength when it changes, if it changes will be noted. The final aspect is the damage aspect, increasing the potency of his attacks, or rather the damage he receives from a enemy increases the effect of his attacks on that particular enemy. This is a gradual increase based of scaling damage, as in he needs to be hurt by that person. The hard cap on this would be 50% extra potency, meaning he has taken a large amount of damage relative to his person and would by this point at least result some torn muscles, extensive bruising, multiple deep stabs or cuts, or a broken bone. This, in totality, can add up to Arkin dealing 150% extra damage to an enemy at the cost of his mind and extensive damage to himself. The mental skill changes go into effect on 100% berserk mode.

» Zanpakutô Name: Jörmungandr

» Zanpakutô Spirit Appearance:

» Inner World:

» Zanpakutô Appearance:

» Shikai Release Phrase: Consume, Jörmungandr

» Shikai Abilities:

» Wielder of Leviathan: The most basic ability his Zanpakatou is the ability for it to always return to it's wielder, with violent force to match. This means once he throws the axe, or should he leave it somewhere, the axe would seek to fly back to at a speed to match the power it was thrown with or a reasonable speed if it was left somewhere. This connection to his weapon runs deep, working anywhere so long as they are in the same realm. Should he be in another realm the weapon will remain immobile. But the moment it senses his presence it will seek to return to the wielder, once he calls to it. Furthermore, the Axe weighs a substantial amount but due to the metaphysical connection to Arkin it feels as light as a feather to him. To put into perspective the weight, it is as heavy as a modern tank further adding to it's hitting power.

» Pride of the Frost: The axe provides Arkin with some domain over ice, granting some unique attributes to him in his constant release. The first notable effect is his high resistance to cold or ice based elements, which only serves to be amplified when in The Berserker state. Instead of a unilateral control over ice, whenever he strikes something with his Axe it instantly begins to freeze over allowing him to pump more energy into the attack to amplify the effect. The notable thing about this power is that the ice effect spawns from the axe, and not from Arkin. For instance, him punching someone does not generate the frost effect nor allow him to tap into the ice powers.

» Frozen Malice: As state before when someone or something is struck with the Axe it begins to freeze so long as contact is remained, but there is a physical and metaphysical effect applied. For every strike applied by the Axe, if it is not counteracted somehow, they will begin to feel their self slow'd both physically and mentally. This effect is applied 10% per hit, and can be stacked six times. The effect begins to wear after one post of not being attacked, by one stack per post after that, the slow is capped at 50% on the fifth stack. The sixth hit applies a stun for one post, once the stun is done they are immune to the slowing axe effect for one post resetting it. This ability is however is not a passive and these 'enhanced' strikes should be noted in the post when the effect applies. The visual cue of this is ice forms on the axehead.

I. Bankai

» Bankai Appearance:


» Bankai Abilities:

»The Atoner: Arkin The Immortal physically changes, brought upon by the tremendous increase in reiatsu and physical might. This change synergizes well with The Berserker, doubling the positive effects of The Berserker and his shikai abilities. He still has access to all his Shikai abilities. Due to this he was brought back to his physical prime, and is constant release bankai. He is now able to use his ice powers through his body, rather than solely his ax.

»The Gotei Standard: His Zanpakatou gains a new ability in this form brought on by his love of Gotei and belief in their cause. In his free hand a banner is made carrying the Gotei insignia, and while he fights with it's battle standard in the air he gains a buff to decrease the negative effects of his rage abilities. It brings to heel those more primal urges and rage urges instead replacing them with the only thing he cares for now: His New Family. Furthermore, if he plants it within the ground all allies to the Gotei gain immunity to mental effects up to advance and resistance beyond.

If this banner is destroyed it has a cooldown of three posts before it may summoned, and should be treated as elite durability.

»Magni Magnum Magnusi:

The aspect of Arkin's powers that breach into the realm of storms. Within his bankai he is able to call forth storms, with each strike of his axe rings out a loud boom. The thunder marks the coming of the storm and inverts the typical thunder comes after lightning, instead he brings the lightning after the thunder.

Every swing builds up power inside Arkin, charging him like a battery before he is able to throw his axe into the sky and release all that pent up force into the form of a large bolt, devasting in power and able to crack the earth with such magnitude. Mechanically speaking every swing would generate about 5% of charge, so after twenty swings he would be able to activate this effect before it reset and he built up again

» Wielder of Leviathan: The most basic ability his Zanpakatou is the ability for it to always return to it's wielder, with violent force to match. This means once he throws the axe, or should he leave it somewhere, the axe would seek to fly back to at a speed to match the power it was thrown with or a reasonable speed if it was left somewhere. This connection to his weapon runs deep, working anywhere so long as they are in the same realm. Should he be in another realm the weapon will remain immobile. But the moment it senses his presence it will seek to return to the wielder, once he calls to it. Furthermore, the Axe weighs a substantial amount but due to the metaphysical connection to Arkin it feels as light as a feather to him. To put into perspective the weight, it is as heavy as a modern tank further adding to it's hitting power.

» Pride of the Frost: The axe provides Arkin with some domain over ice, granting some unique attributes to him in his constant release. The first notable effect is his high resistance to cold or ice based elements, which only serves to be amplified when in The Berserker state. Instead of a unilateral control over ice, whenever he strikes something with his Axe it instantly begins to freeze over allowing him to pump more energy into the attack to amplify the effect. The notable thing about this power is that the ice effect spawns from the axe, and not from Arkin. For instance, him punching someone does not generate the frost effect nor allow him to tap into the ice powers.

» Frozen Malice: As state before when someone or something is struck with the Axe it begins to freeze so long as contact is remained, but there is a physical and metaphysical effect applied. For every strike applied by the Axe, if it is not counteracted somehow, they will begin to feel their self slow'd both physically and mentally. This effect is applied 10% per hit, and can be stacked six times. The effect begins to wear after one post of not being attacked, by one stack per post after that, the slow is capped at 50% on the fifth stack. The sixth hit applies a stun for one post, once the stun is done they are immune to the slowing axe effect for one post resetting it. This ability is however is not a passive and these 'enhanced' strikes should be noted in the post when the effect applies. The visual cue of this is ice forms on the axehead.

Due to be constant release Bankai, Arkin does not use his shikai and dropping out of bankai will revert him to his sealed state.

I. Shikokai

[NOTE: This form is restricted until 0-3, and is not usually granted upon approval. This is ONLY for pureblood Shinigami! Refer to the racial specs for more information]

» Shikokai Appearance: [What does your Shinigami look like when released in their Shikokai?]

» Shikokai Abilities: [What abilities does your Shinigami attain in Shikokai?]

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
  • Durability: Elite
  • General Speed: Elite
  • Strength: Elite
  • Martial Skill: Elite

Shinigami Skills
  • Hoho: Untrained
  • Kidō: Untrained
  • Zanjutsu: Advance
  • Hakuda: Advance

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced (Elite in Berserker)
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced (Beginner in Mindless Rage State)
  • Focus: Advanced (Beginner in Berserker)

I. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample: [Please show us how you role play by either posting a previous post from another site or creating a new one. We do this so we know your RP skill. If you already have an accepted, you need not do another RP sample]


Last edited by MorpheusDavol on Tue Feb 01, 2022 4:33 pm; edited 13 times in total

[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal JfH75kA
[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal H8Tyk70
Joined : 2016-01-20
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[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A] Arkin The Immortal

Sat Mar 23, 2019 2:26 pm
Frozen Malice (Shikai and Bankai)

The only issues I have with these are the percentages. I don't feel comfortable with how high they are, even with the circumstances they have. Moreover, the amount of stacking for Frozen Malice, I feel, should be lowered to maybe around four or five stacks, max, since seven feels pretty excessive and would total to around 105% of a debuff, which doesn't feel right, even for a Shikai or Bankai.[/adm]
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Morph OTY
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[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Left_bar_bleue174500/99999[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A] Arkin The Immortal

Sat Mar 23, 2019 2:43 pm
I would normally agree with that, but I feel it's more acceptable due to the restrictions emplaced upon the ability. As there are pretty debuff heavy characters, along with how quickly the debuff can disappear after one post of not being struck. Furthermore, with the percentage applied if I where to lower it, it wouldn't make the ability be as practical in combat due to the fact many combat threads (higher tier or mid tier) don't progress consistently to allow seven consecutive hits to happen. This has an activation cost, an active warning to the other player, and is a very low threshold for the effects to wear off.

Also, it's not as if the percentage isn't uncommon such as with the character Mischa by SE.

SE wrote:Mischa's strength correspondingly increases progressively over each post, at 15% the difference of strength between himself and the superior opponent. So, at around 6 posts, Mischa will have closed the gap by 90%. At the seventh post, Mischa will be at 105%, meaning his strength won't just meet the strength of his opponent, but be a slight amount stronger than them, as is the nature of Seeking Superiority.

Well the general idea is slightly different in the regard Mischa becomes stronger, the effect is applied in reverse with Arkin.

[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal JfH75kA
[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal H8Tyk70
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4837
Age : 24

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[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A] Arkin The Immortal

Sat Mar 23, 2019 11:20 pm
Application Checklist
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  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced (Elite in Berserker)
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced (Beginner in Berserker)
  • Focus: Advanced (Beginner in Berserker)

Comments/Notes: Everything has been discussed, and changes have been made. Cautiously approving the stun mechanic, but otherwise approved.
Tier: 3-1, with constant Shikai.
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Morph OTY
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[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Left_bar_bleue174500/99999[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A] Arkin The Immortal

Sun Mar 24, 2019 12:11 am




Last edited by MorpheusDavol on Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:44 pm; edited 2 times in total

[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal JfH75kA
[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal H8Tyk70
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Morph OTY
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Posts : 1802

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[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Left_bar_bleue174500/99999[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty_bar_bleue  (174500/99999)

[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A] Arkin The Immortal

Sat Sep 18, 2021 4:22 am

[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal JfH75kA
[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal H8Tyk70
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[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A] Arkin The Immortal

Mon Dec 06, 2021 9:05 pm
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Left_bar_bleue398349/999999[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A] Arkin The Immortal

Tue Feb 01, 2022 5:57 am
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[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Left_bar_bleue999999/999999[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

[Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A]  Arkin The Immortal Empty Re: [Spirit Class 2++ | Hazard A] Arkin The Immortal

Tue Feb 01, 2022 4:29 pm
If you have any concerns reach out to me and they can be discussed in more depth.

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