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Thu Feb 11, 2016 11:13 am


Ruby Icewalker

Song: UNKNOWN - Artist: UNKNOWN - Words: 1012
Soldier Template

I. Basic Information

» Name: Ruby Icewalker
» Titles: The Western Scythe
» Age: 10,000+
» Gender/Sex: Bonafide Female
» Origin: Suigura Of The Body
» Kingdom: West
» Affiliation/Rank: Rogue [for now]

» True Appearance Description: Icewalker Eyes: One of the most stunning aspects about Ruby Icewalker would be the color of her eyes, unique to the icewalker family. A nomadic family of sugiura which stayed in the outlands of the western kingdom even as the world around them changed. Now these eyes are the color of pure silver, or mercury. Luminous like a cats, and they seem to have the trait of slightly reflecting the light that hits them to give off a subtle glow. Beyond this the icewalker’s eyes are known for another peculiar trait, which is to stare in them has a similar effect as staring into the eyes of a wolf, there is a predatory nature to these eyes that make them unnerving and often frightening to other sugiurans and even to humans or other races that come into contact with these bizarre eyes.

Dark Crimson hair: Another aspect about Ruby Icewalker is her hair, vibrant and rich as well as short and choppy. This hair naturally frames her neck and goes down to about her shoulderblades. It is unruly and filled with many choppy layers, but that isn’t the truly captivating part about it. Given her hair is the color of dark rubies, the purest cut , the color that royals generally adorn on their clothing, or on their hands at status symbols. Even among her family The icewalkers her hair is unique, and no one quite understands how it got that way, however this is the color of her hair, which is one of the more striking aspects about her.

Snow White Skin: Despite being outdoors all the time, another trait of the icewalker family is seen in ruby’s natural pigmentation. Given these nomadic sugiurans naturally don’t “Tan” they remain a pale snowy white and Ruby is now exception, given her skin is naturally the color of the fallen snow, creamy even though it is crisscrossed with the scars that filled the years of fighting, hunting and other outdoor activities that go with Ruby Icewalkers lifestyle.

» True Appearance Picture:

II. Personality Traits

» Personality:

Loud mannered: One of the interesting things about ruby that sets her apart is her manner of expressing herself. Given through her nomadic lifestyle there was less of a need for finer behavior and more of a need for assertion and dominance. Given she lived this way for just so long, means that this had the unfortunate side-affect of changing how she generally behaves, she talks loud, each of her expressions have the subtly of a door nail , and have the abruptness of a car careening around the corner at 90 miles an hour. As if she’s angry? She will raise hell, not to be immature persay but because rather it is a cultural lifestyle for her, her family was loud, her ancestors which have been wandering in the uninhabited areas in the western suigura kingdom for millennia also had been loud and that means she is loud, extremely loud. She has a way of expressing herself that isn’t subtle, and isn’t high class, it’s very peasant class instead, and she’s okay with that.

This slightly ties in to her perspective on people, which is you don’t hide who you are, she is at heart an extremely expressive individual and so? She projects that through how she walks, how she talks, how she smiles, and how she raises hell when someone inevitably manages to piss her off. She needless to say doesn’t half ass any of these things, like when she walks, she can either be called sensual or cocky. When she talks you can hear her easily half-way across the block even when she’s using her inside voice, and when she’s drunk? Well when she’s drunk she is a hellraiser but you get the point, Ruby Icewater lives her life loudly, and is happy to do so, because it’s all she has known, and for the couple thousand years she’s been alive it’s worked for her, and if it ain't broken why the hell would she put in the effort to change it?

Firm Taskmaster: Despite being so loud, and free with herself, that doesn’t mean she is a pushover. Quite the contrary due to a long life of nomadic wandering she has had to discipline herself so that she understands there is both time for play, and time for getting work done. Now how this shows in terms of her personality is , yes she will joke with you, she will clap you on the back and be as loud as the next guy when it’s time to relax, because she loves having fun, getting stupendously wasted, and bar fights that have no real reason other than someone looked at someone else funny. But when it's time to get shit done? She generally tends to favor the side of getting shit done, rather than sitting down and twiddling her thumbs. Because the thing was for her atleast when she was a nomad was if she didn’t get shit done? Generally it meant either A) she had no place to stay the night other than outside, B) she didn’t have anything to fucking eat. Or C) All the above and some other godforsaken complication.

Hence, yes she likes to play, but she also really enjoys being able to get what she needs to get done, and then get it done so that she doesn’t have to worry about it anymore, as while she is many things, she isn’t a procrastinator, nor is she someone who really understands the whole concept of “ wait until the last moment and then half ass this instead of doing it when you should have done it. “ Because she’s gone through that phase of waiting and then trying to play catch up. She found it didn’t work, and found that getting shit done as soon as possible is much easier, and thus she sticks to the routine of getting stuff done as soon as possible, rather than getting it done at the last second.

Crude Humor: If nothing more, Ruby enjoys a good crude joke every now and then, such as grade school humor, or even something that is just plain raunchy and rude, or downright dirty. These kinds of jokes are amusing to her because of the fact that in some weird twisted way, she likes the moment of regression that takes place when she finds amusement out of a joke that could be and probably was invented by someone under the age of 5. She can’t explain why she finds it amusing if you ask her after the joke takes place, but none the less at the moment she will find it for the most part, pretty damned hilarious; you could probably argue that this is one of those side-affects from spending long periods of time alone with nothing but ones own thoughts to entertain oneself with.

Extroverted personality: Another point about her is she isn’t a subtle person, nor is she a shy person. Ruby isn’t for the most part afraid of getting up into another persons face no matter what the circumstances are surrounding the situation. She likes interacting with other people, even if her nomadic lifestyle hasn’t allowed her to do so up until very recently, and because of this she for the most part has still this very open and very rough outgoing kind of mannerism about her.

» Likes: (This is self explanatory. What does your Sugiuran like?)

» Dislikes: (This is self explanatory. What does your Sugiuran dislike?)

III. Character Background

» History

In terms of existing, Ruby icewalker was born in a obscure time far in the past. Living in one of the larger mountains in the sugiuran realm. Being born into a small nomadic family known as the Icewalkers, individuals who as their names suggested tended to remain within the secluded mountainous regions rather than interacting with the remainder of the sugiuran populace. This was for many reasons, some of which including this tribe was both fairly secretive and also fairly annoyed with how the general sugiura hierarchy worked and how people just simply followed those “standards”. Seeing as while this annoyed this tribe , they didn’t want generally to fight with their fellow brethren and such? They just left the matter alone by caging themselves off from the rest of the world.

Because of this and many other reasons in the passage of time, Ruby Icewalker didn’t necessarily do much with herself in the time that she was growing up for the first few hundred years of her life. There was certain regulations and certain tasks to be followed in the tribe. Some of which including a strict regimen of training and brutal hunts that took up a majority of each of the new clans-men/woman's time. These “Methods” had been in place for the three thousand years prior that this tribe had been operating on it’s own essentially rogue from the rest of the sugiuran race.

Primarily this probationary period had its purpose to toughen up and make sure each individual in the tribe was able to first and foremost protect themselves when hunting and scouring for their own food, the secondary reason was so that in case of times the clan wandered into say guardian beast territory and other places like that, they could generally protect themselves in case of an encounter with one of the more, particularly nasty natured guardian beasts.

Thanks to this, Ruby Icewalker over the hundreds of years she was in the clan had been able to become physically fit, and also hone a particular power she was born with, a power that made her in the short time she was in the clan more or less one of their more skilled warriors. This power was known as physicality named by the elders after her origin, which she discovered on the eve of her 40th birthday, and since then this power grew with her, evolving as she did, growing more fluid and powerful the more she explored its very depths.

Beyond these rather bland times, Ruby Icewalker herself has lived a fairly unremarkable life other than a few key instances, moving about the realm into one territory and then to the next all because of the generalized nomadic lifestyle she had ingrained into her from a fairly young age. So if you ask her about her past, she won’t explain it candidly in the form of an entire epic about her 10,000 years of life, rather she will focus in on the three events that truly affected who she is today.

The Realm Of Beasts: Shortly after removing herself from the Icewalker tribe, Ruby had been overtaken by severe wanderlust and explored the realm as it spread out before her very eyes, and by pure luck or sheer mistake she had made her way into the realm of the guardian beasts which is located in the southern region of Zha’til. this realm was one of the few she really remembered in her long life due to primarily the manner in which it presented itself to her. Through both its raw beauty and the lethality of it, how she had to constantly look over her shoulder and how she had to continue to watch her back at every waking moment.

She often awoke in the midst of the day or the middle of the night in cold sweat, hearing the howlings of a rampant beast or the battles between the less savory guardian beasts that inhabited the region that she was currently exploring. Often she had gotten into scuffles with these beasts, focusing on escape for the first few years due to the strength and the power these creatures had. It was one of the few times in her long existance that she truly felt like she could do nothing to stop it, and one of the driving reasons that she worked tooth and nail to get stronger. Brutally pushing herself through strict regimented workouts, and exploring just what the limits of her ability was, then pushing against those abilities to get even stronger.

Months turned to years in her life as she remained removed from the advancing world around her, even as other empires switched leaders, and grew and fell in power she remained in these desolate lands, training and getting stronger learning to become as powerful as the beasts which originally had kept her up a night. Learning how to defend herself and how to get even stronger so that she could combat them on an equal playing field, to earn a place in the wilds of the sugiuran dimension, to carve out a niche that she could truly belong in, and that was what she did, as after hundreds of years if not a thousand or two, she did get strong, extremely strong. Strong enough that instead of being fodder for these hulking ancient beasts, she was an equal powerplayer in their hierarchy, no longer a creature that just existed on the bottom of the food chain.

Soon she began to push herself further in these months, focusing on pitting herself against even the beasts themselves to learn the upward reaches of her strength, experimenting through trial and error so that she could continuously improve. To the point during this time she had begun to think more like beast than her fellow sugiuran. Learning from them so that she could live among them, that was one of the main things she learned during this period and point in her life. How to exist with the beasts and become one with them, to learn to sharpen her own talents just as they sharpened their individual skills.

The Time Of Wandering:

The next major chapter of her life was shortly after she left the confines of the land of beasts as she had dubbed it. This period in time wasn’t very “Special” to her and rather it was filled with her moving from place to place generally keeping either a low profile or just hunting to survive. It wasn’t as if she had any “major” encounters it’s just there wasn’t anything particular that to her screamed importance. This was just a mere passage time time that took place between her time in the realm of guardian beasts and her migration to the western kingdom.

The Migration To The Western kingdom:

After many millienia of wandering, Ruby had gotten sick of wandering around with no clue on where she was or where she was going to be. That just didn’t fit into how she planned to live the rest of her eternity, if nothing else then because when you have been wandering for 9000 odd years you kind of end up going to the same places more than once, which was what ended up happening to her. Because of this and as well because for some time she had been keeping small tabs on the western kingdoms she had decided it was as good a place as any to settle down in, and start the next stage of her life, which was essentially remaining in a single place.

After she got to the western kingdom she found and built herself a small hut on the outskirts. Instead of making a name for herself as well, the Sugiura of the body decided to lay low, and observe. Given she hadn’t been in a place of human interaction for many years, infact she didn’t even have a clue how the icewalker clan was or if it had survived the past 8,500 years in which she had left them. She had many things to learn and didn’t quite feel like embarrassing herself with interacting with strangers even though her speech was rusty due to not needing to use it.

So instead of interacting she ended up observing individuals in taverns and other local settings while sitting in the shadows, learning what was acceptable interaction with others, rather than unacceptable interaction, something which ended up taking her quite awhile seeing as it ended up being the polar opposite of what she was used to dealing with, so this was how she ended up in the western kingdom at first, a mere whim had brought her there but over time? It certainly wasn’t what ended up keeping her there, what kept her there was the people who she ended up getting a soft spot for, such a vibrant albiet militarized society, one where if you had enough strength you could go far, and she enjoyed that, and because of that even to this day she considers herself loyal to the western kingdom, even in its state of collapse, waiting for the day when it will rise up and become a flourishing nation once more.

IV. Abilities & Equipment

» Unique Physical Ability

Physicality [80%]: An interesting natural trait of ruby icewalkers that involves the way she naturally interacts with the world around her. What this ability does is fairly simple however. Due to being the sugiura of the body it means that like a moth to a flame she is is drawn to extreme physical interaction and self augmentation. Now this “Natural” Trait combines the two of these abilities by giving her the natural ability to “break” things. For example if she touches something through her physical exertion she has the capacity to “break” that object, however break tends to be a loosely based term through the sheer monstrosity of what she is actually doing. Which is far more deadly than simply “breaking” things. As what she does affects these objects on a far more fundamental, even arguably molecular level.

Now what happens is through the slightest touch with an object she is able to rapidly use contractions in her muscles to emit extremely small and untraceable but still very potent shockwaves. These :shockwaves” essentially through burning an extreme amount of calories to pull of this extreme physical feat makes it so that if but for a moment at the height of this ability or for roughly four turns in each thread, she can transcend her limits and cause massive amounts of damage when using the ability to it’s maximum potential, or she can use a severely limited version for the duration of the thread where her ability physicality is limited to roughly 5% of what it is capable of.

Now you may be wondering what does 80% of physicality look like? Well at 80% physicality can cause feats such as amplifying the physical force of the user to the point that she can cause massive craters to form, i.e a punch could cause tremors of earthquakes or even terraform the environment if it got that bad. The only down side is using physicality is done through the rapid consumption of the body’s natural form of energy, converting it into these unholy moments of extreme physical exertion that not only rapidly drains a persons stamina, but at the same time it puts immense physical strain on the body, making it so that for example after using physicality for a single use, the user can be seen in a slight state of fatigue, such as shortness of breath or sweat breaking out.

The reason for this beyond the physical exertion and physical stress is that calorie intake, given for example a normal healthy males calorie intake is roughly 2-3,000 calories a day in normal environments. However using 100% of physicality for a single turn burns up a whopping 6-9,000 calories, meaning the amount of food that a regular grown man is supposed to have needs to be tripled before it can rival the briefest amount of this power being put into use. Because of this physicality itself is able to do extreme amounts of damage , as what it is essentially doing is vastly increasing the amount of force she is able to physically handle at any given time through this exertion.

Like for example normally she is able to pick up a whopping 10 tons due to her naturally augmented body, but through physicality in these briefest bursts that she uses this technique she is able to momentarily exhert the force required to essentially blast apart an extremely wide radius of land. Or pull off feats such as lifting up skyscrapers and hurling them with a moderately heavy amount of strain, if only for a moment she is able to transcend her physical limits through the ability to rapidly contract her muscles, and exhert this raw physical force on her environment. Making this ability one of both immense power and immense drawbacks given even through using her physicality once there are minor repercussions such as her speed and raw physical power dropping for the following turn such as if she had advanced speed it would drop down to adept, because there is a time needed for recovery to balance this. As the body cannot just simply expend all this physical energy without any repercussions.

note, using physicality at 80% for 4 turns the user goes through first stages of extreme muscle pain, to the point that they may end up passing out, and then after that she will go through a state of exhaustion and ultimately pass out.

Limited Physicality: Limited Physicality is the managable amount that she can use with minor to no repercussions. This is roughly 5% however of the max amount her ability is able to pull off. At 5% of physicality she is able to for example pull of feats such as augmenting her punches to be able to destroy things such as small buildings with light lovetaps due to the shockwaves her body is naturally generating at any given point in time through the use of physicality. Thanks to this moderated version of the skill she can maintain a general state of electrum for roughly 10 turns utilizing this nerfed version, however while in this state of “electrum” of heightened power she can outside of ascending from a master to a grandmaster pick to at the cost of halving her time using physicality could actually raise for example say her strength from if it was advanced to master during those five turns, given in this state of “electrum” it is possible for her to increase one of her bodily aspects by instead of using the standardized version of physicality which is the rapid contraction and decontraction of her muscles to generate minute shockwaves. She could “essentially” utilize this skill to for example cause her bodies calories to rapidly fuel her muscles to give her increased strength. Or she could augment her speed through the same process but instead rapidly fueling her legs while she is running, the downside is for each “skill” she boosts in this manner the amount of time she has naturally in limited physicality will naturally halve itself, as for example if she was using this method to increase strength and speed she would have her time in limited physicality dropped down from 10 turns to 2 turns, and after that duration both strength and speed would drop from say if she was advanced boosting to master, it would drop down to adept, for 2 turns following the usage of this skill.

» Natural Abilities

General Immortality: Another trait is that through sacrificing a good portion of her psionic energy Ruby Icewalker has managed to halt her aging process entirely through her origin. This means that from the time she hit her peak physical condition her body was stopped in terms of being affected by the passage of time. This of course means that for her, she is unable to die from old age, . What this doesn’t mean is that she is indestructible or impossible to damage, Instead it just means that through the sacrifice of 25% of her psionic energy she has been able to Reach a peak point where her body is rapidly regenerating cells at a rate that is greatly faster than the rate in which cells die in her body. This interesting trick means at all times she has for the most part a complete set of living cells and thus doesn't die.

Psionic Armor: One of the other natural traits for ruby is how her psionic energy interacts with the world around her, given most individuals have a natural amount of psionic energy affecting the world around them in either the form of pressure, or possibly in a destructive way. However through her origin Ruby’s psionic energy naturally manifests itself in a very defensive and physical way, as unlike most her psionic energy can actually be found centralized mostly along her skin. What this means is that in essence she has a second layer covering her at all times, this naturally acts as a defensive augmentation in a sense and allows her to for example heighten her resistance to different types of energy naturally, given her an all around base resistance of 50% against anything that is energy based.

Now this also works against physical attacks as well, as for example if a Zanpakutō of equal tier decided to say cut into her, her psionic energy would act as a natural body armor and allow her to say catch the Zanpakutō bare handed rather than get her arm or one of her limbs cut off in the process. Thanks of course to this fact it also is a means of enduring harsh environments given due to this second layering anything that is interacting with her skin is “muted” such as extreme cold wouldn’t bother her as much as it normally should, or say through this she could stand inside a fire of roughly 1000 degrees and feel a mild heat but other than that she wouldn’t really have any huge amount of discomfort about her.

Through this second skin she also has in essence something that works to keep harmful toxins and other things away from the body,making it so that instead of taking damage the body itself is able to negate up to a certain extent some of the damage that it would naturally take. I.E if someone fired a cero at her point-blank instead of blowing her to bits, she may get out of it with just minor burns or moderate burns, or say someone decided to strike her with lightning, instead of getting completely fried she might instead merely get severe burns on her body due to her psionic energy acting fairly similar to a suit of armor in regards to how it clings to the skin.

Because of this however, she is unable to naturally use things such as a sugiurans magic, or ancient magic, because her energy is naturally contained around the body rather than free floating throughout the air as a form of physical pressure. this could be arguably one of the major “downsides” of her psionic armor, given while it does give her some semblance of heightened defense, it takes away one of the major assets a sugiuran has at its disposal.

» Sacred Weapon Scythe

Ruby’s sacred weapon lays in the form of a special scythe that often she is found to be carrying around with her at all times. This “Scythe” stands roughly at a head and a half taller than her 5ft 6 inch frame and is a mix of gunmetal greys , blacks and reds along its folding parts. It is extremely durable and able to take a truly brutal punishing from combatants, mostly due to the method’s Rose Icewalker generally employing being those of brute strength and force to get the job done.

Weight Augmentation: The simplest and most effective ability Rose Icewalker is able to utilize through her sacred weapon is the ability to manipulate her scythe’s weight increasing it and decreasing it at will based on how much she needs it to weigh. Because of the mechanics behind it though the downside of this is the weight of the scythe is only halved for her, meaning for example if she was utilizing this to make her scythe 10,000pounds then her scythe would to her weigh roughly 5,000 pounds making it a double edged sword. Now for weight augmentation there is Four states. Normal, Medium , Heavy, Extremely Heavy. Normal=150 pounds/Medium=300pounds/Heavy=2000pounds/Extremely Heavy=10,000pounds.

» Combat Abilities

High Speed Scythe Wielding: One of Ruby Icewaters greatest abilities is the rate in which she is able to actually move manipulate and sling that large scythe of hers around, as thanks to her immense physical capabilities and the intergrated nature of her psionic energies it makes it so that she is able to swing this scythe around at truly immense speeds, as in terms of raw speed even in her extremely heavy state she is able to throw this scythe around with sheer brute force at upwards of 400miles and hour. Beyond this her extreme scythe wielding extends into her ability to switch hands and wield the scythe as if it is an extension of her body rather than a seperate weapon.

This is probably also due to the fact her scythe is also her sacred weapon, something she created herself through her psionic energies, and as such to some extent this is literally a part of her, and as such it would go to reason that seeing as she created it she is going to have a fairly high level of control and affinity when this particular weapon is concerned.

Breakdown of ability.
[based on weapon skill ]

Beginner 10% faster than those of her tier.
Adept 20% faster than those of her tier.
Advanced 30% faster than those of her tier.
Master:40%faster than those of her tier.
Grandmaster 50% faster than those of her tier.

»Personal Mystic Eyes: (When/if a Sugiuran achieves a Master skill in Mystic Eyes, they are capable of developing their own personal mystic eye with a unique power unto themselves. If you will not have a Master level mystic eye, strike this section.)

» Equipment (Does your Sugiuran have weapons or other type of equipment in which aids them in battle? Do they have any extra items that your Sugiuran keep on them?)

V. Joushou (上昇, Ascending)

» Joushou Appearance Appearance doesn't change

» Joushou Abilities Metaphysical Physicality: in her joshou release ruby icewalker gains the ability to be able to physically affect energy that comes in contact with her body without the need of her sacred weapon due to the properties of her psionic armor . In example through utilizing this ability if she applied her physical strength she could possibly pull off feats such as taking an energy attack and ripping it apart with her bare hands, or in other situations she could in example pull off feats such as using her physical strength to destroy someone's kido barrier. The trick behind this being that her strength would have to be stronger than her opponents spiritual skill in terms of stat for her to be able to break through it in a single hit, tier factors slightly into this, but the ability metaphysicality is mostly scaled based on a person's general stats rather than the amount of power they have, unless there is a substantial gap such as her opponent being a high 0 tier and she a mere 1 tier or something like that, in which case as a general rule of thumb take the amount of hits necessary and then triple it. Now if its a 0-2++ or 0-1 and she’s say 0-5 or lower take the amount of hits neccessary and multiply it by 15 or 20 if not 30.

The same interaction is candid for her physical defense in interacting with metaphysical energies, as outside her psionic armor her metaphysical physicality allows for her to for example if her opponent’s cero skill was advanced and her durability was a master she could potentially use this to reduce the damage taken to her body by roughly 10%. This is because through her peculiar ablility she is able to as a general rule of thumb physically interact with the normally intangible concept of energy.

Below will explain exactly how this ability scales, unless the aforementioned scenarios are put in place as mentioned above.

Higher stat than the opponent: If by some chance ruby icewalker has a higher strength stat than the opponent and they are of similar tier she would be able to destroy the spiritual attack in question with only moderate difficulty using her physical strength, given this method generally means that because their stat is lower than hers she is able to utilize this “rule” of metaphysical physicality to essentially wreak havoc on that person's energy attacks, now this by no means is saying that she would be able to 100% of the time destroy these energy attacks without any repercussions, as through utilizing this method of physicality that is available in her joshou state she is able to destroy the energy attack with the repercussion of taking 50% of the damage of that attack instead of 100% of the attack if regarding mere energy attacks.

Now if regarding energy based defenses and by some fluke it turns out she has a higher strength stat then either the binding or barrier? Unless its one of the explained exceptions to how her metaphysical physicality works she would be able to through using this technique break through the barrier with a punch or two. This would be because through how this particular technique works she would technically have the stats needed to break through, now say it’s a high level defense? Those might take four or five hits to shatter through even with a heightened stat rather than just one.

Equal Stat to the opponents: If the stats are equal, Ruby Icewalker is capable of destroying the energy attack if she puts in enough effort. For example if someone with an advanced in cero fired a cero at her, and she had an advanced in strength? She could potentially rip clear through it, but the cost would be she would sustain 70% of the damage even if by some chance she succeeded in ripping through the energy attack, this would be because instead of being able to through her metaphysical physicality overwhelm the attack, she would be instead merely fending it off, making it so that yes she can potentially destroy the attack, but it won't be as simple as it would be if her stat was higher than her opponent's stat.

Now Regarding Energy Based Defenses she would take multiple hits on normal defenses rather than just simply one or two. This would be of course because unlike in her higher stat state, she isn’t essentially “Overpowering” her opponents defense through physical strength, instead she is merely chipping away at it with each hit. Thanks to this, if say the opponent utilizes a high level spiritual defense she would take say anywhere from 6-10 hits rather than the 4 or 5 she will take to break normal attacks.

Lower Stat to the opponents:

This is where things get dicey, because technically this ability is meant to function on a equal or stronger basis, and not at a deficit. However if by some chance her strength stat is lower then the opponents energy based stat then with energy attacks she won’t be able to perhaps just simply “RIP” them apart, but instead she is able to redirect them, such as through physical exhertion she could grasp a master cero users cero while she is only an advanced, and then throw it out of the way. The only catch being if she’s using her metaphysical physicality to do so she would still take 80% of the damage if the cero detonates on her before she is able to get away from it all together. if she is at a deficit she is unable to using this particular method rip apart energy based attacks.

Now if by some chance she gets into it with an opponent, and they have a higher stat then her and are using some kind of barrier or defense, yes she technically can still break it, it’s just a matter of time and effort. Given instead of taking 4-5 blows for a normal defense or 6-10 for a strong one, it would take 8-10 blows for a regular defense and 12-20 for a strong one [color=#1c5e94]special situations which
have been listed in the abilities explanation itself.

VI. Zenou (前王, Before the King)

» Zenou Appearance Appearance stays the same

» Zenou Abilities Intangible Physicality: In her zenou release her physicality gives her the latent ability to through her physical strength , to interact with objects such as the air, or even abstract concepts such as pressure through the medium of the shockwaves naturally generated while in this state of electrum. These “Shockwaves” interact with the molecules in the air, or with pressure in the general form of vibration. Now by manipulating these shockwaves she has gained the interesting ability to physically “Interact” with these substances such as if she backhanded the air it would be quite plausible for her to cause something like a minor explosion or a gust, or in other cases she could through utilizing this ability with her feet run on air or kick off of air.

As well another side effect of this is that when faced with abstract concepts such as pressure, or say manipulation of reality around her to a lesser extent, she can marginally “Fudge” those interactions to a slight degree, though not as strongly as she could interact with solid concepts such as air, or matter. Given these concepts are again more on the level of either laws of reality or laws of physics. So in these cases take for example if someone was manipulating the reality around her? She couldn’t break through it with strength because the action of manipulating reality would take way to much energy to undo at any tier for something as simple as physical strength to be able to overpower it, but she could for example mess with it abit. Like if she punched the radius that is being manipulated she could possibly either A) Compact it a tad through forcibly muscling it into a smaller space. Or B) Move it abit, such as if it was supposed to be in her vicinity, it might instead be slightly to the right of her.

In this way she can interact with these abstract concepts on a physical level due to this being the whole point to her intangible physicality. Allowing her to interact with intangible substances and abstract concepts on a physical level. However again this doesn’t mean she can “destroy” reality with her bare fists, or rip apart concepts such as pressure, as these two things are way beyond the level of specialization that her ability covers. Now when regarding pressure, she can’t do anything fancy like smack it away or rip through it. Instead what she is able to do is resist against it, such as if she’s a 2 tier and her opponents a 0 tier, there normally would be an extreme amount of energy based pressure bearing down on that 2 tier. However in her case she is able to through physically exerting her energy lessen the affects of things such as say gravity, pressure or other weight based concepts by 10-20%.

Next Regarding her Intangible Physicality, this means that she can on some levels interact with abstract concepts such as energy in it’s rawest form rather than through energy attacks as she can in her metaphysical physicality. This method means the individual particles in the air? She can on a very minimal level affect those, in fairly simplistic ways, for example if she was utilizing this in a punch? She could potentially cause the raw reishi or energy particles in the air to be forced in a certain direction compounding it and utilizing it to attack individuals as an actual raw force. Note however in this case it isn’t her utilizing energy like a quincy can, instead it is merely moving the energy through a physical interaction with it.

Now the main point of this ability is in its rawest state, to be able to interact with abstract but solid concepts such as matter. With these on a lesser level she can through punching something for example, exert force on the matter itself causing damage on an extremely minute level rather than on a wider level.

The downside of course to this is that her physicality not only burns through her bodies physical energy reserves at this point but it also each turn slowly eats away at her meager psionic energy. Meaning the more she uses this the more energy it would naturally take away from her.

VII. Kyuu Kyou (仇供; lit. Pledged Revenge)

(You must have at least have Advance in your Release Skill before gaining this release state. If not leave this striked out or remove this section all together)

» Kyuu Kyou Appearance (What does your Sugiuran look like during Kyuu Kyou Release?)

» Kyuu Kyou Abilities (What abilities does your Sugiuran gain, or approve in during this release?)

VIII. Skill Sheets

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not fill your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. The staff member checking your app will also give you Will Skills in which you can add to your app when approved.

Remove this message afterwards)

Soldier Skill Sheet
  • Sugiura Magic: Beginner
  • Mystic Eyes: Beginner
  • Martial Arts: Adept
  • Release Control: Adept

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Beginner
  • Strength: Master
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

IX. Roleplay Sample

» Role Play Sample:(Show us what you got by posting a sample of how you role play. Any previous thread or new material is accepted!)


Last edited by Shizuo on Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:41 am; edited 3 times in total

ruby icewalker - Ruby Icewalker [APPROVED, 2-5-] LzZCuy7
ruby icewalker - Ruby Icewalker [APPROVED, 2-5-] BtXe12b
Joined : 2015-07-30
Posts : 524

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ruby icewalker - Ruby Icewalker [APPROVED, 2-5-] Empty Re: Ruby Icewalker [APPROVED, 2-5-]

Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:24 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

Comments/Notes: With everything worked out over skype and such, this profile should be good to go! Remember, if the original user of this FC comes back, they do have the right to argue for it back if they don't want to share. As a notice, this character may start out with Master Strength and Advanced Durability as long as the following is done:
Beginner Speed
Beginner Mystic Eyes
Adept Release Control
Adept Martial Arts
No Sugi Magic
Tier: 2-5-

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