Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Empty Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5]

Fri Dec 25, 2015 6:34 pm
The Spiritual Human Template

Basic Information

• Name: Masami Hisanabe
• Titles: Ganma Queen
• Age: 20
• Gender: Female
• Affiliation/Rank: None

• Appearance Description: Masami stands around 5'4 with long messy raven black hair with streaks of blonde hidden behind the black hair and one obvious streak running from her fringe down to her mad back. Her eyes are an odd light green color but other than that seem perfectly normal. The girl appears her age but also extremely frail and somewhat thin, however people only assume this because she hides under layers of clothing. Her body is actually rather solid and athletic, she has some muscle mass to her showing she has some degree of physical training.

While having no scars and rather soft skin, Masami does feel rather solid and appears quite agile. She has a tattoo located over her heart. Masami stands rather proud and graceful most of the time but when when fighting she takes a more solid stance. Her movements also seem to be very graceful as she tries to give off the feeling that she is the queen of her Ganma Soldiers.

More noticeably is that in the past two years she has matured into a nice hourglass figure and a reasonable sized waist for a woman her age even though her firm rear tends to stick out a bit. Her curves fit her and make her very attractive as they don't curve too much but not too little. Her bust appears to be a large D Cup, bordering on small DD's, she tries to hide her bust due to the fact she doesn't want the wrong crowds drawn to her

• Appearance Picture:
Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Css_O7vw_Us_AAVzg_K



• Personality:
Masami is often a very quiet and anti-social woman, not associating herself with anyone be they shinigami, spirit or even human. She prefers to be left alone and isolated from everything thus her distaste for crowds and large groups. She isn't against going outside but he rather stick to nearly empty places or locations that don't see much use at all. Those that know her well still seem to see the rather lonely and quiet girl but they also know that she does indeed care about them and is usually very determined to get her work done and win her battles. She is very stubborn and won't let people change her ideals and always sticks to her own thoughts, she will never stray from an idea or let people control her by manipulating her and saying what she wants. She always believes what she does is for the greater good and thus always seems to be working towards some sort of goal.

She seems to enjoy anything spicy and doesn't seem to be able to feel any sort of burn from even the hottest chili. She enjoys gaming and hates being interrupted. She may view many people around her as idiots but she will acknowledge that those same people can be smart if they decide to show it. Masami has a rather justified hatred towards Hollows and Arrancar and will attempt to kill them if she can, she will however never be suicidal when it comes to fighting and will retreat if needed.

Her love for her Ganma has lead to her being an extremely protective of them. Masami's Allies are often asked to ensure the safe return of Ganma troops she sends with them but understands they are all really just extensions of her and thus accepts that they won't always come back.


Natural Attributes & Supernatural Powers

• Natural Attributes: Masami is extremely intelligent for a girl her age, she's able to think thoroughly very quickly and learn even quicker. She is also good at hacking into computers, able to make her way through most systems without complications. She is also gifted in Robotics possessing a small grasp of Technopathy and Technokinesis meaning she can communicate with machines and even manipulate them. She can only use these powers on personal computers and single servers.

• Powers: After being struck down by an Arrancar Masami's inner power awoke and she was able to grasp onto life for a moment longer to create her soul into an object known as an Eyecon. An eyecon is an object that contains the soul or essence of a person, as such Masami can create Eyecons from the essence of people with strong souls, an example being Billy the kid or Isaac Newton. This does not mean she traps ones soul in an Eyecon, it merely generates a sort of copy of their soul and forms it into its own Eyecon, however if asked, Masami can turn ones soul into an Eyecon to save them from death unless the persons soul is destroyed. While she technically was dead her soul gained the power to switch her body between a human form and a ghost form, while in ghost form he's capable walking through solid objects, remain unseen by unaware people and is even capable of possessing objects (nothing larger than a motorcycle). She is able to be seen and touched by aware humans and other spirits.

Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Kamen-rider-necrom-02
By creating the wrist mounted device known as the Mega Uloader Masami is able to tap into the power of his eyecon and become Necrom, a being who has the potential to gain immense power. However right now her speed and durability are the only things increased as they were a skill level higher. The Necrom form enhances any of her Ganma (check Pure abilities) near her to make their Strength and Speed increase a skill level higher higher.

Masamo is also able to create eyecons from essence of powerful souls usually from an object connected to it (eg, Edisons Research notes), in most cases these Eyecons are from historical figures and grant Necrom additional forms and versatility in combat. The more powerful the soul the more essence it gives off and thus it becomes harder to find as the essence spreads into a radius and the item won't always be in the center.

Musashi Damashii
Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] 180?cb=20160116103705&format=webp

The Musashi Damashii is a Necrom form giving her the power of the famous swordsman Miyamoto Musashi himself. When using Sword weapons Masamo's Weapon Skill is increased by a single level however when using two blades her attacks cute deeper. By activating the Eyecon while the Damashii is active with the Uloader it initiates Omega Uload which gives her the power to unleash a flurry of empowered slashes or one extremely powerful slash that can cut through powerful energy attacks, durable materials and slash a wave of energy at her foes. If masami ever uses a ranged weapon while using the Musashii Damashi he looses the weapon skill level until she picks up a blade again.

Molecular Escape/Substitution:
Masami is able to substitute herself with a Ganma as long as there is a Ganma nearby, she can also substitute herself with other people if they do not resist. Substitution works by disrupting her molecules and dissolving her body into nothingness and then swapping her with someone else or allowing her to escape and reform elsewhere. This cannot be used too often as it will drain Masami and the max range she can substitute is 200 meters and the longer she stays dissolved the more energy she uses. If she attempts to swap herself with somebody else she will drain himself further to dissolve another person with her while swapping with a Ganma won't drain him as much.

As Necrom, Masami is able to deconstruct her body, either fully or partially, into a liquid like state and reconstruct herself. She is also able to make short bursts of flight in his liquid form. Her max Flight time is 3 seconds (half a post) and in this state she can travel faster but due to lacking a physical form she has no offensive capabilities. While in the liquid state attacks will pass through her and this form of liquid is not freezable or capable of evaporating due to being able to maintain a constant set temperature however extreme heats and colds do weaken and slow her down. The liquification can be very taxing to her stamina and can only be used for a post before needing to reform.

• Pure Abilities:

Regeneration: Due to already physically dying and forming her soul into an Eyecon she technically cannot die again unless that eyecon is broken however the Eyecon itself is extremely tough on it's own. She still feels pain and can loose limbs however she will regenerate over time or by absorbing Ganma she's created to speed the process up rapidly. She naturally heals quickly and regenerates lost limbs and organs as long as her eyecon exists. If her body is destroyed the Eyecon is able to flee where she will recover and regenerate a new body. It takes 3 posts to fully regenerate an organ or limb fully, if her body is destroyed it is considered a retreat and thus Masami is no longer considered part of the thread and may return after 10 posts (unless she's the only other person in the thread, she may return if a time skip is made). The Eyecon can be destroyed however it is extremely difficult to do so as while Masami has a body it is indestructible, however if his body is destroyed the eyecon is weaker but it's still extremely hard to do so.

Ganma creation and control:
Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Latest?cb=20151004004338
By creating Eyecons out of nothing a Ganma eyecon is born, as an eyecon they make good scouts and can share what they see with Masami and others. By taking on a more humanoid form the Ganma become more suited for combat and other tasks (See Trooper Ganma). While Ganma can be large in number (infinite if Masami continues to create them) and even multiply on their own by growing stronger over the course few a few days as eyecons disperse excess energy into creating a copy of themselves. She may create up to 3 each post. A Ganma is linked to Masami's Reiatsu and if a Ganma is able to survive for a thread the link is no longer needed and thus becomes independent forming a pseudo-soul but they still require Masami to Command them. A Maximum of 15 Ganma can be created in the span of 5 posts and after that 15 more may be made after 3 posts have past (Eg, made 15 ganma over 5 posts, 3 posts must pass before he can create any more ganma). Creating ganma takes focus and some energy, they aren't too tiring to make however making too many will eventually take their toll so times to create them must be chosen wisely.

Pawn Ganma/Trooper Ganma:
Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Latest?cb=20151004004230
By using blank Ganma eyecons to summon a Ganma the result is the Pawn or Trooper Ganma who wield short blades that can turn into guns. These troopers become stronger as Masami does but always seem to remain 1 tier group lower than him (eg, if masami is 2-4 they're 3-4). They each have a will of their own however are always loyal to Masami and will never disobey her. They share Masami's skills but at a skill level lower and can never surpass Adept Level.

Knight Ganma/General Ganma
Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Latest?cb=20151213095449
By empowering blank eyecons briefly with his reiatsu Masami can use the new Empowered Eyecon summon stronger Ganma that seem to take on a personality. These Knight Ganma are 2 tiers weaker than Masami but they may excel in different areas but their skills cannot surpass Advanced Level. The Knight Ganma don't need to be controlled as they are usually loyal to her in the sense they are like close friends to her. At this time Masami is only able to have 2 General/Knight Ganma, attempting to create another destroys the Ganma Eyecon and thus the Ganma it would create.


Sacred Release

• Sacred Release Appearance: (Describe what your human looks like when they release their spiritual power. This is essentially equivalent to a Shinigami's Shikai.)

• Sacred Release Powers: (Does your human get any additional powers from this transformation? For instance, if you had the power to control Fire in your base, could you control heat and magma in this state? Or would you gain something else?)


Ascended Sacred State

•Ascended Sacred State Appearance: (Describe what your human looks like when they release their spiritual power. This is essentially equivalent to a Shinigami's Bankai.)

• Ascended Sacred State Powers: (Does your human get any additional powers from this transformation? For instance, if you had the power to control Fire in your base, could you control heat and magma in this state? Or would you gain something else?)


Background History

• Background:
Masami being born wasn't something his mother had planned on but she was happy to have the girl in her life none the less. While who Masami's Father is remains unknown her mother was able to raise her with little complication and with the help of their family, she preferred books over playing with the other kids. While it did worry her mother a bit she smiled and let her do as she wished, she wanted her to be happy and the fact she was reading a lot seemed to assure her that her daughter would grow up to be an intelligent girl. Intelligent was probably the best word for her as she grew up self teaching herself many things from computers and hacking to cooking and sewing. While Masami was never spiritually aware she always had that feeling she was being watched by someone. Kyoto hadn't been very boring place to her, she'd learn about the religions and the shrines as much as she could making him capable of finding his way around rather easily.

By the age of 8 she had already managed to install a working security system in her house. Masami's Mother became ill when Masami was 10 and they had to move to Tokyo, here Masami was home schooled by her sick mother so she had a lot of free time but the two didn't have much money. Tokyo wasn't the most fun place for her, she missed the fresh air and shrines around Kyoto. The sudden change was almost too much for her as she tried to find her way around the city and after a month she had began to seclude herself in her home as she tried to care for her sick mother when she was home from work. A few years passed and her mother had lost her job after becoming too sick to work, the girl tried to manage their money the best she could with the occasional payment from the government giving them enough to last another month or two. As her mother grew worse she needed more medication to even get out of bed in the morning which meant more money had to be spent to get said medication. Some nights her mother went hungry trying to keep her daughter fed and Masami couldn't stand to see her mother deteriorate further.

Masami didn't know what else to do and in a panic she tried to hack an ATM at night. The police had caught her in the act and she begged them to let her take some money so her Mother could pay for her medicine and rent. While the officers seemed pained to arrest a 12 year old, they turned a blind eye that one time. Masami managed to get enough for a few months of rent and her mothers medication. She began to work for whatever money she could get as she grew older and at the age of 16 her Mother became worse having to be moved to a hospital, her illness had started to destroy her organs and Masami was told that she might not survive longer than a few more years. She began to drift further and further from being the kid she used to be. She started to take jobs testing security systems and helping companies improve their systems, she was highly paid in most cases but some smaller companies were charity cases and she'd charge them very little. At some point however she has had her mind invaded by a human trying to force her to use her hacking skills for the wrong reasons. This caused Masami to become aware of the spiritual world and capable of fighting back as she adapted to having her mind invaded and being able to repel the mental attacks.

As these mental attacks began to come more common, she decided that the best thing to do was to find a way to discipline her mind and body so she couldn't just resist assaults on her mind but also be able to defend herself from physical harm. Taking on Several practices proved to be effective as she studied Jeet Kune Do, Krav Maga, Muay Thai and Boxing. While Boxing is rather broad she focused primarily in Out-Boxing and Counter Boxing with some teaching in Switch Hitting and thus South Paw. Her Muay Thai and Boxing experience seems to be above average but only just as he seems more focused on mixing styles together than focusing on one or two. With these disciplines she was able to adapt herself to many situations and her physical strength improving was also a plus. She soon learned that there was a treatment that could save her mother and to get the money she took as many jobs as she could and went as far to start street fighting, she made a fortune but that fortune was only for one person. As she fought with all her might, wit and endurance she felt as if everything was justified. One last fight was all she needed, her opponent was a monster of a man but she wouldn't back down, with all her teachings she was able to avoid being hit and counter each hit. The Match seemed like it was going to end soon but one hit has Masami on the ground, she refused to give up here.

The girl stood and refused to go back down, taking hit after hit she grunted and gasped for air as she had the air knocked out of her constantly. She was brought to her knees and she felt as if everything would be taken away if she lost, she felt his as if she had failed. Standing as the man cheered to the crowd thinking he had won but Masami finally caught her breath and let out a rather blood thirsty roar as she charged at his opponent, taking a more In-Fighter stance she rushed to go on the offensive. His opponent swung with a right hook but Masami ducked to her left, a left hook had her duck to the right, the barrage of hooks had her constantly ducking from left to right, she gained more and more momentum as the fight went on her opponent finally grew exhausted. Despite the reach only just making it, Masami began a series of hard hitting punches, slamming her fists into his foes face. Masami let out another roar of rage as she jumped forward and swung her right leg into the air only to axe kick the man in the shoulder, causing his shoulder to fracture.

Masami was deemed the winner and she grabbed the money and started her run to the hospital. She was injured and short of breath but she had to get there, his mother was growing worse by the day. She had pushed himself to the limit and she didn't know that she was being eyed off by a hunter. The Arrancar moved quickly as he stalked Masami, as the gitl took a shortcut he leaped from a building and stabbed Masami in the back. As she collapsed, the Arrancar watched her slowly die and chuckled before walking away. As Masami blacked out she felt herself slowly slip away from life, her entire being refused to let go of her, her mind wanted to stay, her soul wouldn't move. The last thing she remembers is seeing a green light...then waking up hours later, the money still by her side. She ran as fast as she could and burst into the hospital and payed the bills for her mother treatment.

Unfortunately, while it worked and her organs were successfully repaired, Masami was now staring at a woman who would be in a deep sleep. How long? no one knew...but there was brain activity to suggest she will one day wake up. The doctor told Masami that if she had arrived just a day earlier she would probably be awake now. This caused the girl to grow dead inside as she walked back home in the rain. She realized that she had been holding something in her hand the whole time, looking to the object she seemed to know that it was her own soul...that this object was known as an Eyecon. She didn't really care at the time, she just kept it with her to ensure she didn't loose it.

Two years have passed and Masami has tapped into her abilities and the eyecons power gaining to power to change into Necrom and summon creatures called Ganma. No one seems to know her goals and the ganma she creates don't seem to have a voice, or simply choose to never speak of their masters will.

Recently two more years have passed and Masami hasn't grown in power at all but she has become wiser. The woman has begun to build her forces and seems intent on building something, whether she will succeed or not is dependent on her will to complete the task.

See Skill Sheet for More Information

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

Human Reiatsu Sheet
  • Power Control: Adept
  • Energy Usage/Regeneration: Adept
  • Energy Resistance/Endurance: Adept
  • Physical Augmentation: Beginner


Roleplay Sample

• Roleplay Sample: (Please create a sample of how you role play in this section by either creating a RP sample with this character OR pasting something you have written in the past. If you have already made an accepted character, you need not go through this)

Last edited by Kazerou on Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:51 am; edited 30 times in total

Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Xm5lykn
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Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Empty Re: Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5]

Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:47 am
[mod]Hello is this still a WIP?
Please be sure to follow the rules and keep WIP in the name unless it is finished.
If it is finished please put FINISHED in the name instead.[/mod]

Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Image
The Hybrid King
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Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Empty Re: Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5]

Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:20 am
This was worked on two days ago. I'll be removing excess posts from the thread once completed. This is to move to the first page.

Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] FXpoQxJ
Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] 2Y9rqGk

The Hybrid King
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Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Empty Re: Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5]

Tue Apr 05, 2016 7:32 am
Moving to Unchecked. Upon approval all excess posts will be moved to archives.

Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] FXpoQxJ
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Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Empty Re: Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5]

Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:43 am


Let's get started

• Powers: After being struck down by an Arrancar Masaru's inner power awoke and he was able to grasp onto life for a moment longer to create his soul into an object known as an Eyecon. An eyecon is an object that contains the soul or essence of a person, as such Masaru can create Eyecons from the essence of historical figures with strong souls, an example being Billy the kid or Isaac Newton. While he technically was dead his soul gained the power to switch his body between a human form and a ghost form, while in ghost form he's capable walking through solid objects, remain unseen by unaware people and is even capable of possessing objects (nothing larger than a motorcycle).

I don't quite understand this because the writing is confusing. Are you using this Eyecon is able to possess souls? As in, if Barack Obama died, would his soul's essence be stuck in the object? Also, since this is Bleach, his ghostly form would be capable of being physically touched by someone spiritually aware or someone already dead themselves. Not to mention the many different supernatural powers and equipment which can effect them in our universe.

By creating the wrist mounted device known as the Mega Uloader Masaru is able to tap into the power of his eyecon and become Necrom, a being who has the potential to gain immense power. However right now his speed and endurance are the only things increased as they are as strong as those a tier higher than him. The Necrom form Enhances Ganma near him to make their Strength and Speed increase a tier higher.

Speed and durability aren't factors set by tier. You would be better off saying they are a skill level higher than his own. And even then there is little reason as to why he would receive that boost just by being near a strong soul. You need more description or reason than that. As the overall writing of this rather confusing and hard to follow.

Masaru is also able to create eyecons from essence of powerful souls, in most cases these Eyecons are from historical figures and grant Necrom additional forms and versatility in combat. The more powerful the soul the more essence it gives off and thus it becomes harder to find as the essence spreads into a radius.

How on earth does it perform this process? How does it not become unstable trying to tame something stronger than itself? And why is it harder to find just because it's more powerful? What?

As Necrom, Masaru is able to deconstruct his body, either fully or partially, into a liquid like state and reconstruct himself. He is also able to make short bursts of flight in his liquid form. His max Flight time is 3 seconds and in this state he can travel faster but due to lacking a physical form he has no offensive capabilities.

You might want to convert the 3 seconds into posting form. Just say he can sustain it for a half post or a full post. And what are the limits of this liquidized state? Can he just infinitely shift back and forth? Does it take any stamina/energy out of it? What if someone shoots him in the chest while in his half-liquid state? It's too vague and I want more detail.

Regeneration: Due to already physically dying and forming his soul into an Eyecon he technically cannot die again unless that eyecon is broken however the Eyecon itself is extremely tough on it's own. He still feels pain and can loose limbs however he will regenerate over time or by absorbing Ganma he's created to speed the process up rapidly. He naturally heals quickly and regenerates lost limbs and organs as long as his eyecon exists. If his body is destroyed the Eyecon is able to flee where he will recover and regenerate a new body.

Can the Eyecon be destroyed? How fast is his regeneration? How much energy does it take? Does it get exhausting to use after excessive usage? Again, too vague for something this powerful.

By creating Eyecons out of nothing a Ganma eyecon is born, as an eyecon they make good scouts and can share what they see with Masaru and others. By taking on a more humanoid form the Ganma become more suited for combat and other tasks. While Ganma can be large in number and even multiply on their own by growing stronger over the course few a few days as eyecons disperse excess energy into creating an

How large is a large numer? How much energy does it take to make something from nothing? Does it get taxing? Explain, explain, explain.

By using blank eyecons to summon a Ganma the result is the Pawn or Trooper Ganma who wield short blades that can turn into guns. These troopers become stronger as Masaru does but always seem to remain 1 tier group lower than him (eg, if masaru is 2-4 they're 3-4). They each have a will of their own however are always loyal to Masaru and will never disobey him. They share Masaru's skills however never surpass

How many of these is he capable of creating? How much energy does it take away from him? Are there any limitations? You need more detail for something like this.

By empowering blank eyecons briefly with his reiatsu Masaru can summon stronger Ganma that seem to take on a personality. These Knight Ganma tend to share Masaru's tier but they may excel in different areas.

And what are these areas they excel in? And they should not share the same tier. They should be two tiers lower.

Possession Ganma:
Possession Ganma are ganma empowered by items and turning them into a weaponized form. These Ganma share Masaru's tier and have skills depending on the item. He rarely creates these types of Ganma as some may be too strong to control or even go berserk

Need more detail, etc etc

Lower the tier by three levels, how much energy does it take to use them, go in-depth and so on. Feels like I'm repeating myself here, but your stuff is too vague for these powerful abilities.

Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] WVMWLOu
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Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Empty Re: Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5]

Thu Apr 14, 2016 2:05 am
edited, hopefully i fixed a majority of the problems

Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Xm5lykn
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Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Empty Re: Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5]

Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:17 am


« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: aDEPT
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

  • Comments/Notes: I followed the character review guide in staff and came to the tier conclusion with the score I gave it.

  • Tier: 3-5

Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] WVMWLOu
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Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Empty Re: Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5]

Thu Jun 29, 2017 9:43 pm
[adm]Moving to WIP upon request.[/adm]
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Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Empty Re: Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5]

Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:11 am
Edits finished

Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Xm5lykn
The Hybrid King
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Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Empty Re: Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5]

Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:57 am
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Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5] Empty Re: Masami Hisanabe [APPROVED, 3-5]

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