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Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:45 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1033

A soft humming echoes through the Emirates as the buildings shake and the people run in agony. Haze fills the sight of the Black Ops Commander as a blade slides through his chest, his men stand idly by as the blade claws through his ribcage, splitting his heart in half. His face turns pale as his limbs turn stiff. His eyes darken and his hair turns white and he begins on a hundred meter descent toward the ground…

Suddenly, Sting launches out of his bed, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, his hands moving across his chest in panic. His breathing appearing ever so heavy while his hand would move across the center of his chest, as he’d fall back into the bed, his face almost expressionless.

“Ahhh---… it happened again.” he mutter to himself, taking note of the tremors in his voice. “Every night for the past few months I’ve had the same dream. The same man whose face I can never see-… the same man runs that blade through my hear-” “Same again qui?” . He would nod, slowly moving his legs off the cot and onto the floor by his side. He’d remain seated for a small period of time prior to rising out of a small pool of sweat. He’d stumble across toward the mirror, eying his reflection upon arrival.

His hair appeared grey to him, his sight could no longer separate the colors of the world. He could only see the world in the mono tone of black and white. He’d stand calm over the sink, slowly bowing his head as a torrent of vomit trailed out of his mouth and down the sink itself. He’d shudder, glancing from one arm to the other. Considering his state, his muscle density hadn’t change. As he raises his head to look in the mirror once more, he’d fall back, smashing the small drawer by his cot.

He’d open his eyes to see two large moons in the distance, blue electricity surging through his body while a figure in a black, horned mask approached. Sting would simply rest his eyes on the figure while attempting to stand. Electricity would proceed to coil around his arms and legs, the moons would draw closer and the water beneath him would rise toward him. The face of the horned figure would appear a black blur.

His eyes would close as the water touched his warm, damp back. He’d raise his left hand, reaching out toward the masked figure as the water slowly surrounded his body, essentially drowning him in the process. The tall mountains would cascade around his body, sealing him in hundreds of layers while the masked figure stood atop the peak.

Meanwhile, Stings body would rise in a while new light. The drawer laid in pieces underneath his body while his iris turned white, as did his skin and hair color. A new entity now governed the body of the infamous Sting Chikara…


His hands would twitch as he’d stretch: first he’d raise his hands by his side, slowly rotating his hips in order to crack his back: then he’d motion his head left and right in order to crack and release the compressed air between the bones in his neck. His right hand would move toward the table where a white cloak laid. He’d collect it, slipping one arm through the other prior to cracking his knuckles.

As he cracked his fingers, a gargantuan opened in front of his body. He moves his hands behind his neck and brought the hood over his head, smirking while jumping into the endless black void. As he entered, black reishi formed beneath his feet that established a stable footpath for him walk across. Sting was never capable of forming a stable footpath, hence why he had individuals accompanying him on his ventures through the gargantuas.

He slowly moved across the footpath, picking up the pace in a timely manner. With every coming second, he became more accustomed to Stings body and with every second, his grin grew wider. His eyes darted around as white line shined in the distance, an exit was near. Within a matter of hours, he had arrived at his intended destination. The cloak that he had been wearing suppressed all spiritual energy, keeping its resonance limited to a five meter radius.

The new owner of this finely tuned body had no regard for appearance, and so as they reached the end of the gargantuan, he launched his body out and descended toward the ground in the most pathetic manner. The body descended almost like a lifeless being, landing atop a shack in Rukongai. Throughout the course of his dissent, he noticed the gate guardian and figured they were on the western side of the Seireitei, there was no mistaken the oath that had guarded that Western Gate.

His body hit the woodwork with a thud, but the white eyed being simply rose and hopped off the building, appearing unscathed by the encounter. His sight slowly bounced from the inhabitants that had scurried toward the building to the giant being that sat by the White Road Gate. The children that had stone bread and water were frozen in their tracks as Sting moved toward the Gate Guardian.

At first, he’d be walking toward the Gate Guardian, his pace slowly increasing until he was eventually running toward the Guardian in question. The distance between the duo would begin to close at a rather prompt pace, and in the blink of an eye, Sting would be upon him. His right hand moving toward the oaths thick neck; his nails would dig into the guardians throat while his hand coiled and in one swift motion he’d yank the Adams apple out. Should his almost instant onslaught on the guardian have been successful, the cloaked man would slowly descend toward the gate.

He’d clench his fist, dragging his feet across the dusty ground before releasing a single punch out toward the White Road Gate. The punch would strike the center of the gate, releasing immense pressure into the steel and reishi construct.

(( If no one stops me within 48 hours I’m going to assume that the wall flew off and I will proceed to enter the Seireitei ))

Template Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: Ulqui

<< Insanity - The Fall of The White Road Gate >>  Empty Re: << Insanity - The Fall of The White Road Gate >>

Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:39 pm

<< Insanity - The Fall of The White Road Gate >>  JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

It sounded like a thunderclap as the man stood before him, Unabara people began to relocate those in the area. Tsubasa appeared with such insane speed that the sound of him arriving was massive.He appeared in front of the hollow before that fist could windup fully. Some grabbed the Guardian and took off, as he locked eyes with the creature. Intent to kill a blood lust filled the air as he stared at the figure of Sting. His eyes looked at him with a cold regard, Tsubasa caught the punch his eyes staring as he sent an uppercut with insane speed to the jaw, the kinetic force behind the blow would blast the creature back even if he was able to slightly dodge it. The intent to kill was thick in the air, he spoke and it was almost like being stabbed. People were disappearing due to the Unabara and the Gate Guardian was going to get taken care of. "Go, take him to get taken care of...No arguments...get going..I may kill you by mistake." Tsubasa said calmly, his pressure was insane and no one here would disagree. The radius for now would allow him to use hand to hand, his neck went left to right as his crimson eyes stared a hole into the hollow. "Submit or die. That was all the warning this hollow would get, it wasn't even in his ball park right now. Tsubasa hadn't even drawn his Zanpakutō yet this beast should of known the Pale Rider would show. Maybe he didn't know it, his eyes stared coldly at the hollow. Tsubasa only used his burst of speed to prevent the wall from being caved in. He also had his people remove the Gate Guardian while the hollow was occupied with him. Now the distance was getting better so he'd be able to use his full prowess soon. But for now it was about time the Pale Rider made his presence well understood, this hollow wouldn't be running. He waited for the answer once he was sure of what it was. He drew the Zanpakutō slowly, letting the blade come free. Another weapon was on his hilt, would he be using Tachyon's today or perhaps something smaller would be good?

He pointed his finger at the hollow, bakudo number 61 was used in this instant as he decided to fight with kido till he figured out somethings. Tsubasa decided to follow it up with one more bakudo then he would use a Hadō to give the beast a bit of a try out. He would hide something around his person with another kido while sending out this one. Bakudo 79, black holes began appearing around the hollow, soon the last one would appear in the center of the creature's chest. Now to finish the job was a rather simple method, he said only one Hadō name. "Hadō 90" Black coffin formed around the hollow and spears rammed into all sides of the box, he did this within moments of one another. Giving almost no time to move or react too everything. Tsubasa wasn't so easily beaten, the punch he took in his hand was absorbed and protected by the tachyon field around his body. The creature's fist sustained damages to it's hand just by coming into the tachyon armor's path. Tsubasa's eyes stared at the box alert and ready to fight close range or at a distance. Whatever it decided, however the beast should decide soon. For Tsubasa's power wasn't something so easy to deal with that it would simply walk away without harm. Just hitting his fist did damage to the hollow not to mention his attack on it. The Pale Rider had come calling, it was time for the Hollow to answer and decide for itself.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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Sun Jul 26, 2015 2:16 pm
He could hear it all. The former captain had decided to spend the day in the Rukongai that day. It had been a while since he had last visited, and had planned on visiting the Gotei that day, but not like this.

Even from afar, his zan helped him hear the alarm that was sent out. In an instant he started to dash towards the scene. He had gotten there a few seconds before Tsubasa had arrived there. He could feel the intense pressure that the Captain possessed. Even someone like himself, a former captain, dwarfed in comparison. He could also feel the pressure that the attacker had, it was also fairly stronger than he was. He instantly assumed that Tsubasa knew he was there. Zen was going to have to play support for the captain.

"Bankai" he whispered as thin blue lines formed around his body forming several music staves. This was his Bankai, Endless Aurora. Like others his Zanpakutō was very much kido based, so much so that long ago when it was first released into its shikai it turned into an earpiece microphone centuries ago.

He extended his right hand forward and clenched it into a fist as thick chain of golden energy was sent out. He had cast Bakudo #63, in helps of helping subdue the assailant. Not long after he activated his "Crescendo" ability, causing all Kido that were cast infront of him to be empowered as a wave of reiatsu traveled towards Tsubasa. The chain suddenly split into 5 more, showing how much certain kido could be empowered, The chains reaching and hopefully binding the target before Black Coffin was fully cast.

Some of the kido Tsubasa had used Zen could not master, therefore it was unknown how they would react to the sudden increase of power.
Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:21 pm
<< Insanity - The Fall of The White Road Gate >>  JCRrxmK

One enemy. One enemy alone was attacking the Soul Society and trying to invade it. One man alone was trying to destroy the realm thousands have tried before. And one man alone thought it to be rather interesting. No, not even rather interesting then really fascinating. Cogimo had always felt great curiosity for those with amazing strength and potential. Even if they were a crazed beast.

With swift movement the Captain of 7th Division rushed to fight, or collect the remains, of the being named Sting. Data of the man, what he was and how he "died" filled the males brains and a wide grin spread across his face. Monsters were his favorite. As he was running, the suddenly felt the presence of a man he didn't want to meet. A Captain strong enough to take the Soul Society, if he wanted. This was a monster Shigoru would be scared off. But no matter, he wasted no time to reach the scene of battle.

Thanks to luck the Shinigami crawled through a small gap in the gates, as they were about to close again after the Gate Guardian had been almost killed. There he saw the black box, felt the presence of the creature and someone not related to the famous Tsubasa or Sting. Mentioning the 12th Division Captain, the male turned to him and smiled as this was just another regular day.
"Greetings Captain Tsubasa! As I see you managed to get here first! I know, you don't need any help, but with more people it is more highly possible, that there wouldn't be any need for destroying all Soul Society in this battle. I apologize, but your power has its...Rumors." The same light smile, before Shigoru would pull his blade out of the sheet.

Red energy started to flow around the male and in so his sword started to grow in size. From shortsword with a small ocean clam as a hand guard it turned into a greatsword with a hand guard in size of a small tower shield. Cogimo's own muscles became twice as big, turning him from a slender man into a muscular giant. But that wasn't all. His eyes gained a yellow color and it seemed that his mouth grew twice as large. Octopus tentacles slithered out from his hand guard and wrapped around the Shinigamies arm. Earth under both male feet would start to turn into concentrated Reishi and being absorbed by the sword. Cogimo would then stab the blade in the ground. The land in front of both men would then turn into pure water, creating the battle field into a small lake. But in stead of everything sinking in the water, it quickly freeze in solid ice. Cogimo Shigoru would then smile at the fellow Captain.
"Just preparing for the worst!" These seemed a interesting day!

<< Insanity - The Fall of The White Road Gate >>  RDLUVBj
<< Insanity - The Fall of The White Road Gate >>  82q86I3
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Sun Jul 26, 2015 5:23 pm
Meanwhile, as this all occurred, Shinryu was out in the Rukongai, looking for differing individuals and trying to see if any potential individuals could make a good addition to the Shino Academy, like he was once ago. And then, the individual struck at the gate before being intercepted by Tsubasa. How dull, Shin wanted to learn more about this intruder but with Tsubasa here, he'd be dead in a minute or two, tops. Tsubasa was always so eager to erase enemies before learning anything about them. It really put a sour taste in Shin's mouth. He couldn't do much about it but still prepared just in case something interesting happened as he cracked his neck.

"Bankai. Zettai Shibo Aijin."

Shin's attire swiftly morphed into a black haiori and he surveyed the surroundings. Everyone seemed to have cleared out aside from the combatants. And Shin in particular merely observed the situation before him, before shrugging his shoulders. Tsubasa would probably not even make this interesting, just poof, no more dumbass. How dull, this could have been an interesting occurrence. Shin couldn't do much about it however as shortly enough, he placed his hands on the Ground and in a moment, erected a large pyramid of the Bakudo #73 Tozansho, followed by another layered directly around it. The internal one however, was a dullish grey green as it was infused with his necrotic reiatsu, the outer one merely meant to protect the idiots that would try and touch it as Shin surrounded the entire 100yd radius around them with these barriers. Any physical contact with the Green reiatsu in question would cause the flesh to die and go black as Shin simply sat down and observed the situation as his form began to vanish along with his Reiatsu, cloaking himself with Kyokko and his profound Reiatsu hiding capacities. Shin would simply observe and wait for the right moment to act, if there was even going to be one, while containing the area of destruction to the 100yd perimeter he manifested.
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Sun Jul 26, 2015 7:36 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1020

“Well… what a warm welcome!” his fist found itself stopped by a mere palm of another being. His eyes turned to the mans hand as he not the ominous hue of the electric armor; it became apparent that he had a technique that resembled his own which granted him a layer of protection. “I’ve known Stings fists to wreck anything they come in contact with… impressive that this individual figured to create an ability that could negate such force. His general presence makes me think of only one individual rumoured to have such a grand presence. His attire… shinigami… Haori- Captain… wonderful. ” He moved his fist back, glancing at the enlightened armour as a punch came in a swift uppercut, smashing Sting straight in the chin. The attack knocked him back a few feet at which point he began sensing the arrival of three new individuals.

“Wh-” a faint voice would be heard by the hollow.

His grin soon turned to straight, simply out of intrigue. His gaze was momentarily diverted to the new arrivals. The spiritual presences of two of three individuals suddenly spiked as gusts were sent into the vicinity. It didn’t take a genius to work out the fact that they had released into their Bankai state. It was almost amusing seeing how quickly these individuals released to their strongest state. They released into their final states and they hadn’t even sensed Stings spiritual energy; pathetic.

Out of the blue, barriers arose around the group of individuals and in the same moment, six pillars struck into Stings abdomen holding him in place. It was all perfectly timed, he expected less of the Gotei but it seems they’d surpassed his expectation rather quickly. Sting gritted his teeth as the pillars slammed into him, his reiatsu began to slowly spike beneath his cloak.

A white mask began forming across his face. He moved his arms apart, using sheer brute force to part the rods that kept him to tightly bound in mid-air. He’d scream, sounding almost like a Gillian bound for its prey. He felt no panic, no fear nor remorse for his actions. His right hand was still covered in the blood of the big oath Jibanto and the sight brought him ever so much pleasure. Within a second, the rods would shatter and part while the black coffin began to build around his body. His sight turned to the caster as his hands slipped out of the cloak.

The white piece of reishi infused cloth began descending in the black coffin. His pale white skin, accompanied by the pale white iris and hair would be exposed to the individuals around him. White reishi surged around his body while the iris glowed in wake of the coffin.

“Punches didn’t work… hmm- two blades-.. yes.” the only thought that passed through the hollows mind as he bolted out of the coffin at the speed of lightning itself. His attention turned to the individual to the rear of the great man that had thought he’d beaten him. He didn’t spend time thinking on his actions, he simply acted.

As he moved toward the first Captain, electricity crackled around his hand and a Zanpakutō forged out of thin air. He grasped the blade, only to release his lightning through the hilt; he straightened his arm and released the blade, simply crouching, smashing his elbow into the hilt of the blade amidst the process. The blade would fly off at staggering speeds, aiming to strike the first feeble being that had released his pitiful blade. The Zanpakutō was aimed at the individual’s general vicinity, if anything it was intended to strike the individuals chest where the high rate of oscillations generated by the lightning that was being pumped through it would rip away at the skin, passing like a sharp butchers knife through butter.

There was of course another threat, the one that had established these ridicules’ barriers. However as he sat idly by, Sting only kept note of his location and presence. Within second he would near his imminent foe. He would release a rapid punch toward the old man’s head; however although the punch would appear to be heading toward the man’s head, it would actually miss and swing by the side, aiming at the individual to the ex-Captain Commanders rear. The one who was second to arrive on scene. At the tip of the knuckle… a cero!

A golden ray would be emitted from the hollows fist, heading in a linear motion toward Shigoru. The sheer strength would destroy the reishi that had lingered in the air. It would incinerate everything in its path friend or foe alike. Sting was positioned really close to Tsubasa throughout the course of his attack on Shigoru, so close in fact that the distance between them would be less than a meter. This would make it rather difficult for someone with proficiency with a blade to draw their Zanpakutō; but that only worked to Stings favour.

A red orb began forming about five centimetres from Stings chest, the instant that his fist flew out. The reish would appear almost like an orb as it charged and the moment Stings fist was out wide and attacking Shigoru, the orb would increase in size and release an additional cero into the ex-Captain Commanders chest. Considering the fact that punches were suppressed by whatever the hell was protecting him, the hollow decided to take a different approach in attacking the opponent.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOINGG!!!!!!!” an outcry from the inner sealed being that suddenly echoed into the hollows conciousness. It would be in that moment that his power would spike. Electricity would dance across the cero as the full force of the attack would be felt wherever it hit. The sheer fury would be evident in the sudden ascension in near demonic energy.

Electricity was always a quality that was adored my Sting. The only thing he appreciated in life. Excessive usage began weakening the Hollows control over the body, primarily because a part of Sting had to be used to generate the electricity in question.

Template Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: Ulqui


<< Insanity - The Fall of The White Road Gate >>  Empty Re: << Insanity - The Fall of The White Road Gate >>

Sun Jul 26, 2015 8:24 pm

<< Insanity - The Fall of The White Road Gate >>  JCRrxmK

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Tsubasa's eyes narrowed at the hollow, how displeasing this one was a weakling. He had no promise at all, he frowned more as he was displeased with the entire being. He released his spiritual pressure that entire area filled with lightning and sparks flew all over, as his eyes focused in on the male. His spiritual pressure was crushing as he spoke, he was familiar with the difference between a Vizard who was hollowfied and a regular hollow. He'd fought them both and each had a different feeling, his cold orbs stared. "You've no skill, you lack any instinct..That body isn't yours at all, you fight blind...Feast Byakko." He said coldly as the Zanpakutō was released metal blades formed around the figure of the hollow, his eyes stared as the lightning energy in the area threatened to consume the creature. Tsubasa had only begun to fight, he gave the being a chance to submit. It chose to fight he walked towards it now, his immense spiritual pressure wreaking havoc within that barrier.He sighed softly as the seven blades flew at the creature, being railguned at it with insane speed from all sides. He made sure they flew at it like a pin cushion. But this was merely a ploy for now, he was getting closer walking towards the creature. Lightning would simply not work on Tsubasa, he could deflect it or even absorb it. This creature had run into a beast of sorts it wasn't prepared for. "Like watching a child walk for it's first time.. Tsubasa wasn't normally this annoyed, but could he still capture the beast. Releasing his shikai was a sentence that was hard to avoid as metal shards began appearing above and in the escape routes the Hollow could go towards. Only one destination was open, towards Tsubasa and it knew well enough that the man was dangerous. Tsubasa's eyes stared out as this barrier felt like a piece of cardboard as he released only a small amount of power to deal with this matter. He made certain his power's didn't directly hit the young Shinigami in with him. Releasing his Zanpakutō allowed him to blast that cero away with little effort.

It was time to end this, he shot a hand up and put it over the creature's face as it tried to move. He'd made sure he was safe, those swords wouldn't move towards him. His hand gave off no glow as he held it in front of the hollow. Inemuri was used now, Tsubasa was an excellent kido fighter and could use many spells. He'd been Fifth Division Captain for a time, showing just how skilled he was at the practice of using it all. Now if all went well the hollow would fall over and pass out. He sighed softly and spoke now, he needed to prepare for something if the creature did. Ideally he'd need to deal with everything the creature could do. He brought his hand up and do something. He didn't need anyone in here with him if the beast lost control. Bakudo 63 and maybe 9 would do, he pointed a hand at the creature that lay on the ground. A gold chain formed around it, he than drew a symbol within the air using the paralyzing kido as well. This would do well enough, but a few other precautions should of been taken. The creature hid it's strength and a control battle would be ugly, metal cuff's formed around the beast. Metal began making a body cast around the male, Tsubasa wasn't convinced this was over yet.

"Don't lower your guard, I only knocked the hollow out it's body isn't done..When it and the owner have their's gonna be ugly prepare, also you should exit the barrier so I can fight without holding back..Get the Guardian healed, his throat is injured..Have the 12th Division give him the healing medicine..Get people away from here and put more barriers up." He gave out the orders as soon as he finished holding the creature down. He didn't know who the man was, he held his sword at the ready. Tsubasa could move in under seconds to do something, perhaps even faster then that. Eyes normally had hard time keeping up with him when he let his speed out of the bag. God Step wasn't used too often, only the worthy got to see him try. This boy was screaming for freedom from within, he would free him. His brother underwent this same tragedy and he couldn't aid him, but this one would be much different. Tsubasa was older and smarter now, so the way was clear.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:24 pm
"What in the hell" Zen thought to himself as he saw the blue haired shinigami basically transform into some sort of muscle beast. But that wasnt the only thing. Some sort of "genius" had decided to have the brilliant idea of sealing them into not one but TWO Tozansho barriers. The inner barrier had a different sheen to it. He didnt know exactly what it was composed of, but its a good idea not to touch it.

After the barriers were put up no doubt the hollow was feeling boxed in. And in fact he had throw an electrified Zanpakutō at Zen. Strong, but child's play. Without saying a word a thick clear wall appeared in front of Zen, stopping the blade millimiters before it impacted his chest. This was bakudo #81"Danku". Normally it would be a much thinner wall, capable of stopping anything up to #89, but due to the empowered effect it became much thicker and wider, essentially locking Zen into a secure corner of the arena.

Before his very eyes he saw exactly what the power of a captain could do these days. The pressure was immense. He could feel the kido around him tremble in his presence, something that he had never seen happen before. There was metal flying everywhere, this release of power was just incredible. This must be the true power of a kido master. Zen was just an expert himself, but he could cast some mean ones.

He then saw the captain use a kido that was rarely ever seen, one that few people could even use: Inemuri. It made sense to forcibly put this person to sleep, it might cause them to just stop and be easily subdued. But then the captains words rang true. Indeed this could work, but without a doubt this person was a vizard, and one that had lost control of his inner hollow.

Zen nodded at the captains orders. "I will gladly set up some barriers around the area, but first I need to get out of this one!" he said as he created a guitar out of reiatsu. With one swift cord he shattered the side of the barrier that was behind him, weakened by the captains shikan, but those inside the barrier were still trapped as his Danku was keeping the structure enclosed. He flas stepped out of the corner and was now about 500 yards above the fray.

Around him what seemed like thousands of blue octagonal rods formed, it looked like a beefed up version of Bakudo #62, but then he followed it up with an incantation that should be familiar to some.

He clasped his hands together as he said "Walls of iron sand, a priestly pagoda, glowing ironclad fireflies. Standing upright, silent to the end." AS he raised his hands above his head the pillars were all connected by golden energy that turned into golden chains. As he brought his clasped hands down with full force the rods fell from the sky. They rained down orderly creating a 500 yard semicircle on the outside of the gate. Quickly the rods staked on eachother creating a type of chain link fence around the fighters.

He panted above the fray. Creating this barrier was no easy task. He smiled lightly having done such a feat.
Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:11 pm
<< Insanity - The Fall of The White Road Gate >>  JCRrxmK

It amazed Cogimo to see how his enemy showed different performances of power and how the Captain of Division 12 just dealt with them as they would be nothing. He tried to imagine how much power did the man hold, but somehow it sent just cold shivers down his spine. Shivers of true fear. If the man would need to fight this guy for any reason, it could be impossible, if not said the least. But thanks God this time he was on their side and Shigoru just had to watch.

And then came the pyramids, Kidō entrapping them and all with the Hollow. The energy this thing radiated felt quite strange, but what was more strange, that there even existed a idiot big enough to trap them with two so powerful beings. Did they have another enemy on their side? No matter, the Captain of 7th Division acted when the ray of devastating Cero was fired at his person. Part of the ice he created turned liquid and compressed into a miniature shield. Then Cogimo infused it with his Reishi and upon connecting with the blast this glass of water served him as a shield. Though it wasn't easy, starting with the fact that it didn't originally intend to serve for such purpose. Because of that the blue shield seemed like a unstable flame of a candle and broke only a moment after the Cero seized releasing its energy.

And while he had been blinded by the light of the impact from the shield it seemed that Tsubasa had done everything to make the attacker in question again unable to fight. This fight was turning less and less interesting by the minute.
"Excuse me, but I don't think it is such a great idea!" Spoke the male in a strict, but calm manner "If we let the creature rampage, then many in the Rukongai can get hurt, as we didn't manage yet to evacuate all civilians. We should need to gather our forces to seal the thing or return the former owner of his body to control. I dare to say he still isn't completely swallowed by the thing." The man again faced the man, once named Sting.

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Mon Jul 27, 2015 3:08 pm
Shin observed the advanced level of combat in front of him, no stranger to the use of Kido himself but was never one who perfected it to that extent. The target being repeatedly struck and bound as it thrashed. However, based on the way it reacted to the strikes against it, Shin knew that just retraining it and binding it wouldn't do much. A Thrashing Hollow of this power would do great damage and tear through many bindings. It was time to change the type of combat utilized as Shin cut his own palms before tossing his blood, still stealthed by Kyokko, in all directions around the Hollow. Shortly enough, each drop would plume into a red mist completely surrounding the area it was bound in. While his allies focused on binding it, Shin would use his Suicide Drive to take an interesting approach. If the Hollow was already fighting with it's owner's body, then this extra assault for control might give the owner an opening to regain control of themselves. Or the mist would make it kill itself. Whichever came first Shin supposed. Shin simply shook his head and wondered to himself about this situation. Why was he trying to invade in the first place? It was quite a curious matter as Shin stood up and changed his position to be directly behind the beast around 50yds as he pressed his palms together.

Doesn't his Zanpakutō also try to fight it also?

That isn't something I can comprehend but one thing I do know is if there are lots of voices, it can distract it enough at least to make openings.

Shin began to ponder what exactly he could do. It could rematerialize itself with electricity it seemed. Close combat would be tricky, as would fighting with his Zanpakutō. He could modulate his range to resist a chain lightning effect but he wasn't at this point in the confrontation yet to deduce that as necessary. Shin still had to determine the reason he came, and who he was in particular. And figuring out who he was was of a paramount and Shin noted with the obscurity in the area, Shin could take advantage of that as he would pick up one of his candies from his pocket. Attaching five threads of Horin to it, he used a pulse of Shunko to fling it at incredible speed, comparable to a bala at the target. Each thread attached to a finger as he charged the candy with shunkujiku, the attaching Horin allowing him to do so. If the target decided to try and block the candy or be hit by it, six ropes of Sajo Sabaku would extend to restrain him. And if he missed, Shin would just detach from it. But the ropes of Sajo Sabaku would be a greyish green, not yellow and contact with them would have a necrotic effect if this occurred. If he forced him to move, he would move into the mist potentially as well. Shin, unlike Tsubasa, would not waste energy using extreme levels of reiatsu in the beginning. He would recon his enemy first and use discretion until an opening arrived.
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