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Nise no Eiyū
Joined : 2012-05-31
Posts : 1343
Age : 33
Location : Kagatsuchi

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] Left_bar_bleue8700/99999Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] Empty_bar_bleue  (8700/99999)

Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] Empty Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3]

Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:16 pm

Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] KisaragiShintarofull1704405_zpsccf4129c

Hacker of Karakura / Cybernetic Angel of Karakura

Name: Kaito Yuudeshi
Titles: The Hacker of Karakura
Monicker: The Cybernetic Angel of Karakura.
Appearance Age: 17-21
Real Age: 18
Birthday: 4-30

Gender: Male
Race: Human [Soul state]
Blood-type: B Positive.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual [Likes Women]
Heritage: Yuudeshi Drive/Cyber Manipulation.

Organization: Yuudeshi Family
Position: Head of the Yuudeshi Network.
Main Relationships:
-- Kyire [Close Friend]
-- Natsumiko [Cousin]
-- Shizuka [Cousin]
-- Shadin Yuudeshi [Guy Descended from]
-- Kakine Yuudeshi [Uncle]
-- Touma Yuudeshi [Cousin?]
-- Katuso [Friend]
-- Shatari Yuudeshi [Cousin]
-- Mana Ashtavon [Enemy?]
-- Ashlei Clixx [Enemy/Acquaintance?]
-- Sagumi Sumashuu [Teacher/Friend]

Theme: Lost Time Memory by Shinzen no Teki-P (Jin)
Colour: Blood Red.
Quote: "The smile of you, who flew through this window and died, I won't forget it, not ever."

» Appearance Picture:
Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] Dfde7e71-8d20-49b6-97b7-47f536229a5e_zps1abc61ec

» Psychosomatc:

    Reclusive Moments: This is the most prominent trait in Kaito, is the fact he's such a recluse that for two years of time he remained at home never leaving the grounds nor going outside giving him an insanely pale look to him although he never got sick or unhealthy. That being said talking to new people is kind of hard for him and for that reason he tends to talk in more of an elegant pattern because of his shelved nature. He tends to keep to himself, but he does go out more, so this has been somewhat subverted due to meeting good friends like Sagumi, Koneko, and Katsuo as examples. Also, the pushing by Natsumiko, Shadin, and Shizuka have helped him to not be so reserved, but on occasion he'll want to be alone, or have a few people just hanging out with him in general. He wants to keep things quiet when he does this so often he'll be alone in his home, or somewhere where only a few people know where he'd be. He uses this reclusive state to get his mind clear and figure out what his goals are so he can become stronger and better. He wants to become someone people can lean on and often he needs to think and be alone to figure out his heart.

    Intelligent Speaker: Being that he's a genius he talks in a format of proper Japanese and or English depending on where he is in Japan. That being said his words are precise and sharp, and to the point. Also, he can be very gentle and kind while being soft spoken in situations, or inspirational and leading at the sam time. Whatever the speech requires he can do it's how come he's considered to be very intelligent. His Intelligent speech comes from also reading into people and their meanings behind their words. This means that he's constantly reading and trying to understand people, which ideally is hard, but when he hits the right chords with people it's perfect and spot on. Which means he's able to keep being relevant with the situations that are being discussed. He's able to speak with many people, because he's able to read into them and give a better understanding of what's going on with them. Therefore he's careful to not to overstep his boundaries. He can misread people and he's not infallible, but when he does fail he's able to apologize.

    Apologetic by Nature: For a strong speaker, he knows when it's right to apologize and say sorry. Sure this is hard for normal humans, but for him it's reflex especially if someone is scary enough to make him bow and say that. Sure with the right hard gaze someone can make him do that, but more than likely he'll apologize if he's in the wrong proving that there's more than just fear that drives him to apologize. He's a smart person so knowing how to give and receive an apology is key in understanding him. He's apologetic by nature so often instead of goign in full pride and trying to bullshit his way out he'll address the problem head on and just go for it that way instead of just saying excuses, since he's gotten farther with the truth than just trying to defer the blame away from him.

    Quiet: All in all he's a very quiet person keeping things to himself and being able to understand that being quiet is usually the best policy on being heard, because the man who speaks softly and carries the big stick is the man who's definitely heard the loudest, and Kaito has his stick and his soft quiet tones amongst his stronger and more blunt tones. Quiet also means that he can be very subtle with his actions and reactions from a minor facial change to a dialogue shift. Since he does keep his emotions and other things quiet like he does, he's prone to sometimes having strong outbursts of emotion when he's pressed to by certain situations and by certain people. When it happens however it's a rare sight to see.

    Analytical: He's deeply analytical of people's words and actions. He tends to read into people much more than normal. Despite this as a short coming it can be a blessing as well because he can read into people and possibly have a better analysis and more apt to being able to help someone. Furthermore, his analytical nature helps him with hacking which is what he's known for being the Hacker of Karakura comes with a blessing of being skilled hacker, but a curse that people will want you to hack into things for them. Which can be a pain unless you're willing work that hard some times. Kaito understands that somtimes he can't just hope to analyze people and go off of that, but for the most part he wants to understand the people he's around so he tends to read into the people in a subconscious uncontrolled way. So that he can understand and feel better, since he has to keep his emotions stuffed down.

    Focused: Kaito from training with Sagumi to his normal studies has a high degree of being focused. His focus stems from not only the training of schooling and Sagumi teaching him how to fight, it's a natural thing because he wants to analyze and understand people he tends to have a strong laser guided focus that's hard to break normally, unless he's fighting then he's more or less focusing on many things at once so he can react the best, in one and one situations it's hard to pass things by him since he's paying attention to the person's words and body language well enough to keep a good idea on what he's dealing with or trying to understand in general. He does have weaknesses in focus when beautiful women are around, but he's still a teenager so he does have hormones that do need to be taken care of on occasion.

    Gentle: Oddly enough this doesn't stem from anything amazing, but more or less when he was raised by his parents and Sensaiki even he had a sense of being gentle to people. This was taught to him at a young age and even though he was a Hikikomori, and a NEET, he still had a sense of being kind, even though he hated to be around people. This was a first a wall for him to place up so that he could keep his distance, but over time with talking and being around his friends and family and making new friends he begun to learn that sometimes gentleness is what people need in order to feel better, and since he wants to help and protect people he's become more aware of this and began to push his own desires forward. This gentleness can extend to enemies, but it's not often when he feels genuine sadness for fighting someone, unless there are special circumstances that surround the reasoning of where he would just go and feel pity or empathy in general for that person who in question he'd not blink an eye for normally.


» Historical: As a Child Kaito Yuudeshi being that he's a descendant of Shadin Yuudeshi, was considered to be a genius, but to have super strong powers, but he never exhibited them. In fact it had seemed like Kaito was purposely not unlocking his powers early, which is a lie, because he did not know he had powers in the first place. Disregarding that, Kaito seemed to accel greatly in school and in conversational topics, but he wasn't that bad in terms of athletics as a child. Although he was pretty lanky and skinny he looked pretty much as healthy as he could get, but he had a sweet tooth as a child. Not an ordinary one, he liked carbonated drinks, didn't have to have sugar in it, he just likes that feeling of where the stomach can burp and it feels good after wards that feeling is what he liked the most. So most people would think he would of gotten pretty heavy, but he didn't. Also he had an insane metabolism that allowed him to keep on eating what he wanted, although he was a pretty damn healthy eater, using balance instead of using mass amounts of fats to fuel his lifestyles. Then he became a teenager.

As far as it can be told Kaito was just a normal student who did exceptionally well in school subjects, It was like going against a machine because of his skills as a student. With that being said, Kaito was no push over in terms of speed events, as in sprints or Miles, being able to run a mile in 5 minutes or less due to his very thin athletic build. That being said, Kaito's strength was pretty normal, a bit stronger than average, his mind was amazing able to think out routes and counters on the fly. He excelled in martial arts, and in combat, but he didn't like to use it because of the violent natures of battle. Although he feels like there's more to his powers, he has no freaking clue on how to unlock them, and so he's stuck at an impasse at the moment being a student who's just insanely faster than most and able to wield a gun and a sword at the same time, or if he wanted one and alternating into another, but that's more on tactics than needed. So he lives his life as a normal NEET and Hikkomori just taking things in stride and being in his room as much as possible hacking through stuff using the Yuudeshi network as his way to get what he wants.

After going into the High School again, he met Natsumiko, and Shizuka who were cousins of his, and he began to interact with them, becoming very close to them. Also, he met many other people like Katsuo who seemed like he was just starting to understand the issues of the world, and was beginning his own journey to become a man, so Kaito often helps him with issues he's been having with weaknesses these can be physical or even social. Although he's not around him often to teach him, when he does teach him, it would make Kakine proud with how he forces the kid to learn on the fly. Kaito's interactions at Shadin were first very much antagonistic in the ways that he hated that he had this heritage within him, and that no one decided to tell him or help him through the times where he needed help. It left a very bad taste in his mouth ever since he was able to undestand he was a Yuudeshi and a descendant of the Beast of Karakura. Also that he had such a connection with the cyber world didn't help his cause for a long time until he went to Austrailia.

When he went to Australia and asked the questions he did to shadin and began to learn more about himself and the world around him, there was a change in Kaito's heart to where he could respect and trust in Shadin, therefore a few months later, he decided to train with him, and become stronger. There he learned that he had even more dangerous powers that could be released in the right situation, and Shadin was able to bring it out of him, but he's not sure if he can handle the powers as he is, and began to train now to understand this new powers, and to see where he is within the world, he's made a decision to find the people who've been shaping and are shaping the worlds around him, which means he's decided to meet people on both sides, and see what's really going on in his own eyes. Kaito's decisions may cost him his life one day, but for now, he's not scared and is tired of repeating the same circles. In his mind now going forward he wants to see how powerful he is, and to learn more in order to protect the people he loves and cares for.

» Human Capacities:
    High degree of Intellect: Being that his IQ is around 175 he's a genius, sure not like Albert Einstein but he's definitely smarter than his other people around him. He's skilled with his knowledge and wisdom for someone that young that he's able to keep up with scientists that have been researching things for ages. Unfortunately since he's very intelligent and a genius, he has that issue of being very profound in his intelligence, but comes in a bit of humility because he's scared of being too intelligent for his own good, but being linked to the Yuudeshi network helps his high intellect having a nearly infinite source of knowledge to use from. This doesn't mean that his intelligence is unlimited, but the potential is, and that's another thing about him his insane potential. Kaito's high intellect normally allows him to figure things out that normally people wouldn't be able to. He has a natural knack for building and making things, so often as a side job he'll make weapons and items for people who need it, as in powerless humans who need some way to protect themselves from the horrors of the world. Also, this intellect helps him to understand people better, but thats only limited to a factual sense.

    High Speed Movement: His genetics allows him to be a very fast person and deal with high speeds. Although his genes weren't messed with by Sensakii Yuudeshi, one of the gifts of being a descendant of Shadin Yuudeshi is that he's naturally built on using his speed as a weapon. His body also being naturally used to speed, is more of a marathon runner where he can keep a consistent amount of high speed of movements instead someone like 100 meter dasher where they go all out in matter of a time and then slows down. Once he's moving fast he's always moving fast. Although this leaves a bit of predicatability when he runs, it makes him have a consistency that allows him to keep moving at top speed. Since he's naturally always moving fast, his body perfers to be in a state of running or dashing instead of walking, since it forces him to be slow, and he doesn't like being slow, but sometimes he has to be.

    Near-Immortality: Being that the only real way to kill him is to physically kill him. In terms of him having a disease to kill him is very unlikely. He's pretty damn healthy for a kid who is addicted to Soda pop, and or other carbonated drinks like pop. This near immortality, isn't necessarily a power, but more of a condition because of his lineage of being aligned with Shadin Yuudeshi as a descendant of his. Furthermore, although he's not prone to getting sick, it he's beaten the life out of then yes definitely he could die, but that requires that he dies from trauma, and not just some cold came up and ate him up. Death is an inevitable thing, but for him it's from fighting or being killed by poison or something like that, and not from dieing from old age. Although he's very young, this helps him to preserve his age to keep him looking around 17-21 years old. While this isn't a problem with him, it does make him seem like a teenager and is always been asked to drop back into high school whereas he has the intellect and understanding of a PHD graduate student.

    Skilled Weapon User: Although he has no powers, it doesn't mean his weapons don't. In fact they do, but he hasn't learned their powers just quite yet, but, he's used them enough to be skilled to do rudimentary battle stuff as in attack and counter, but this doesn't mean he's infallible with it. The sad thing is that he's much more skilled than he lays on, but that issue is that normally he wouldn't draw out that much of his skill unless it was really necessary, This being said, he wants to become better at this and for that reason he just keeps pushing his limits with his weapons to see how far he can go, and that leads into the last part of this which is the insane potential that can be assumed from a young Yuudeshi genius.

    Insane Potential: Although he has no supernatural power, he does have what appears to be called potential to be that, outside of seeing spirits which all normal humans have become accustomed to, he just seems like there's something about him that makes people wonder what his true skill is as a man that's learning his way around life. He doesn't know what he can do yet, but it can be assumed it's something great, He doesn't know what his true power is, but he hopes it's useful for the future of the Humans. For now he just keeps on going do what he can do to get better. In short he's a young prodigy learning about himself and eventually his power.

» Weapons:
[list]Name: (透明アンサー Toumei Answer
Weapon Type: Dual Handguns.
Weapon Class: SS Rank [Best Grade]
Length: 4.5 in Barrel
Cost: None, Personal Creation
Description: These Handguns were created by Kaito after creating the weapons for Shizuka and Natsumiko. These handguns use an internal railgun design to add more power and speed behind the bullet able to push the bullet past mach 2 in speed. The bullets are spiritally created from the soul of Kaito, and the weapon is able to shoot 30 bullets each in a matter of seconds without even barely touching on the energy levels of Kaito. These handguns do create a lot of heat because of the energy released creates such a heat it can burn Kaito at the same time make his bullets dangerous because they are hard to dodge and if hit it'll hurt like hell. The materials are dark in nature so the weapons tend to seem to give a dark aura. This weapon draws of the energy of the person into the attacks and into the blade, thus causing the weapon to adapt to the user and the user to adapt to the weapon causing a symbiosis between weapon and user.

Name: 人造エネミー (Jinzou Enemy)
Weapon Type: Sword.
Weapon Class: SS Rank [Best Grade]
Length: 45'
Barrel length: 32 Inches
Cost: None, Personal Creation.
Description: Created from ornate materials for the handle, and legendary strong materials for the blade bringing an extremely elegant design and dangerous weapon making using rare materials making a blade that's as red as blood it would seem. The blade itself is tied to the user being that since Kaito uses it the weapon is tied to him, if he were to die, then the person who killed him would gain the right to use the weapon. The Weapon itself is able to create with the users energy skilled amounts explosions, that stem from the users natures, if they have a dark nature then the explosions will be dark explosions, depending on their nature and energy types they will affect the type of explosions. Again, this weapon draws of the energy of the person into the attacks and into the blade, thus causing the weapon to adapt to the user and the user to adapt to the weapon causing a symbiosis between weapon and user.

    Name: 経典火刀 (Kyouten Hono ken |Heavenly Flame Sword|)
    Weapon Type:Legendary Katana.
    Weapon Class: SS Rank [Best Grade]
    Length: 46'
    Blade length: 33 Inches
    Cost: Gift from Shadin Yuudeshi.
    Description: This weapon was created from ornate materials for the handle, and legendary strong materials for the blade bringing an extremely elegant design and dangerous weapon making using rare materials making a blade's cutting edge that's as red as blood, and the flat of the blade being black. The craftsmanship of the weapon now is created with a Soshu Kitae style which is complex seven differnt kinds of folds to ensure that the weapon is as razor sharp at all times in terms of design. Shadin Yuudeshi copied the original Tengoku no Ken and made a new weapon Kyouten Hono ken Heavenly Flame Sword.
    Abilities: The blade itself is as resilient as a Zanpakutō in terms of wear and tear as in it can clash with one and handle itself just fine. This weapon like Jinzou Enemy and Tengoku no Ken can create explosions upon the blade to add to the cutting power from drawing from the hosts energy. As such it has a built in generator depenfing on how much energy is pumped into it before hand can sustain it's own blasts for 15-30 minutes, but then that energy has to be refilled by the host of the weapon. This weapon is still soul bound and will drain someone who uses the weapon with out the will of Kaito okaying it first. Another function of the blade is the unique ability to slice through barriers created as long as he pumps enough energy and focuses the blades energy into slicing through that, with that said it takes a lot of energy to break hard barriers that aren't of the normal variety, and even a soul chain.

Custom Items:
    Ene Phone: The Ene phone is a custom built phone that plays music, connects to the internet, able to hack into anything that has an electronic lock or algorithm, has a cute background of a girl with a blue jacket and hair who looks really optimistic and is actually a virus that was a human once. Also it talks to him VIA her, and she can summon herself if there's enough electrical interference in the air. Her name is Kana Asumi, but calls herself Ene. Kaito doesn't know that much about her at all besides the fact she's in his computer and phone, but she tends to ask him about what he hates more than likes which causes minor disturbances, but generally she's a cheerful girl who looks at the brighter side of life for him. In Short Kana Asumi or Ene as she's known as wants to treat her "Master" as well as she can but, she wants her own fun as well because it would be so boring if she had to serve someone and not have her own fun as well! Ene looks like This. This phone always is connected to the Yuudeshi Network and is often a tool he uses to problem solve when he can't on his own normally, and when he needs a way to check things in the world, he can through his phone, making this one of the most invaluable tools at his disposal more than his own custom made weaponry.

    Name: Double Zeta.
    Code Name: MSZ-S10 ZZ.
    Height: 5M.
    Weight: 357 Lbs.
    Manufacturer: Yuudeshi Family. [Created by Kaito Yuudeshi]
    Type: Assault / Long Range DPS.

    Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] 300px-Fa-010s

    Basic Loadout:
    Bio-Sensor System: This sensor system allows Kaito to not only pilot this with his body, but with his mind. Allowing him to power and control the Akagai with no problems if he were to be incapacitated. The Bio-Sensor also reads emotions and is able to draw more power from them. So Stronger the emotion of passion or hatred, the more power it can add to the weaponry allowing it to do some scary things. The first off is that it adds more power behind an attack allowing it to break guards easier the more Kaito is in the fight. This innovation allows him to fully use his emotions if he were ever to become unhinged. The Second is that it allows him to use more beam attacks than normal since his emotions would draw on his own personal energy allowing him to add his own energy into the attacks. This was more of something he saw within the Yuudeshi Network and modified himself into the Bio-Sensor system.

    Variable Phase Shift Armor: The Variable Phase Shift Armor System works in a system of adding layers of defense from using the Yuudeshi reactors power to create a coating of energy that takes energy blasts. Allowing the armor underneath it to take explosions better. The VPS armor has a flaw that it draws a lot of energy from the Reactor when damaged to repair it. The armors Layers helps it to take damage, but like any armor it can be destroyed with enough damage therefore there's external armor that's added on. This armor was designed by originally Vino Duprees to keep the Destiny in one piece from beam attacks and explosions, and explained by Shinn to Kaito. Kaito was able to make his own variant and make it stronger than Shinns due to using the Yuudeshi network to look up ways make it stronger and still economical to use.

    EJectable Armor System: The Akagai can summon extra Armor to help it deal with damage, but if it wants to transform then it ejects the excess armor and makes it lighter and allowing the Akagai to maneuver faster and lighter. The Ejectable Armor is blue in color and covers the cockpit and upper parts of the Akagai that are weaker to energy based attacks, allowing the pilot to have a chance to surive a direct attack to the cockpit, than if he was blasted in the cockpit with just VPS Armor. Kaito created this armor himself using rare parts around the world. These parts were special because they are typically used on tanking missiles and hard hitting types of energy.

    Yuudeshi Twin Core Nucelar Reactor: The Ultracompact Yuudeshi Reactor uses a mixture of Nuclear fission and diffusion to create energy. The reactor has a dual core system of where one core is constantly causing nuclear fusion, and the other core is nuclear fission, allowing the constant creation of energy, but the energy cost of the weapons causes this to constantly keep working. It has to constantly create energy to keep up with the costs of using the Akagai. It does have a N-Jammer Canceller to ensure that if he had to shut down the reactors he could. Taking the history of Avionics and the rapid progression of society to create weapons using nuclear or other sources of Energy Kaito designed the Twin Core Nuclear Reactor to handle the demands of his Akagai.

    Deuterium-Ion Battery. This is a back up in case the reactor were to ever go down. It can power the system for about an hour before it needs charging. This is charged when the reactor is active. This battery typically is charged, so there's never a worry for him to use this unless the reactor shuts down or has a problem with over heating. In those cases this will kick in. Taking from Vino duprees and allowing himself to fully bring out the potential of the Deuterium Ions allowing him to make the battery last longer.

    Core Fighter: The Core Fighter is a part of the Akagai that's able to fly around, using the dual beam laser cannon, the Hyper beam sabers as long range armaments. The Core Fighter is a part of the ZZ that can be used for reconnaissance, because of the fact it's small and fast, and can be used like a drone if necessary. Typically if Kaito isn't already into the complete Akagai then this will bring the entire Akagai into completion. When working on the Akagai Kaito realized that this thing will be large and obvious and the best way to scout around would be something smaller, but strong enough to take hits if necessary and so the core fighter came into fruition.

    G-Fortress: This is when the Akagai is already a fully formed, and can form into a large scale version of the core fighter with more armaments. Furthermore, it flies using the Nuclear Thruster system allowing it to fly at higher speeds than the core fighter can alone. The major down side is the sheer size of the G-Fotress because it's as big as the Akagai is, makes it a large target, but since it has the armaments of the Akagai it makes it hard to take down. This was something more of a flair thing by Kaito at first, but realizing how useful this could be kept this within the system.

    Nuclear Thruster System: Using Nuclear Energy, harvesting it, using the nuclear reactors fusion and fission cycles to help stabilize the energy the thrusters that power the flight capabilities on earth or in space were created to make sure it could move around pretty quickly so it'd not have to tank damage from other entities. While this makes the Akagai fast, it doesn't mean it's impossible to hit. This just makes it harder because of the speeds it's able to reach normally. Kaito realizing that there's a lot of potential with Nuclear and working with them to create thrust using the processes of Fusion and Fission created a new way to make his Akagai go fast.

    Weapon Payload:

    60mm 2-barrel Vulcan Gun: This attachment is within the head of the Akagai, shooting high speed Anti spiritual or normal Shadow Tag bullets. Shadow Tag bullets move faster than the speed of sound to hit targets that move incredibly fast. This is the weakest of all of the armaments in terms of offensive capabilities typically used as a last resort before using the Dual High Beam Sabers. Closer range the weapon is the stronger the weapon is. This reloads every turn due to the miniscule amount of energy needed to use this weapon.

    Dual Beam Laser Cannon: This is usually in the Akagai's right hand, but it can be summoned to him if necessary. Getting hit by this weapons beam shots is like getting hit with a concentrated laser beam. Each shot heats up the Akagai, which makes the Akagai over time draw more energy to cool down the robotic structure. The longer the range the weapon is used, the more powerful the weapon is. This weapon automatically refills every post, but the longer that it's shot, the more powerful the beam becomes. So if he rapid fires the shots are weaker, than say shoot, pause, aim then shoot.

    Large Hyper Mega Cannon: This weapon is a case by case weapon, but this weapon is highly dangerous to both what's being attacked and Kaito himself. This weapon takes a lot of energy to use so shots are limited to 3 per thread. It has a wide AoE, it can punch through most barriers, provided that Kaito has the energy, and spiritual power to give it enough strength. Furthermore this weapon must cool down for 3 turns because of the heat generated from it needs to cool down, and that's the only way to. When he uses other weapons their heat release is doubled due to the inner workings of this weapon.

    Dual Hyper Beam Saber: These are mounted on the back of his Akagai, and they have a range of 50 meters per beam saber. He can combine them to made a double sided beam saber, but typically he uses only one. These are the only melee type weapon he has, and for good reason, they are large wide beam sabers. Kaito can himself use them, but then they draw from his own energy and not from the reactor, which make these particularly draining to use, but they are effective in cutting through many kinds of defensive barriers as long as he has the energy to put in, and has enough spiritual power to do so. When broken takes 3 posts to reform.

    32-tube Hellfire Missile Launchers : There are two on the pack of the Akagai and they launch high speed and high damage Hellfire missiles. These can't lock on, but they move at the same speed as Shadow Tag bullets, and the more that hits the person or thing Kaito is aiming at, the more damage is caused. These are weak on their own, but when hit many times with them, their damage spread increases two fold for every 4 missiles hitting a person. Refills automatically every 2 turns.

    I-Shield: This is the only defensive option for the Akagai a shield that uses the energy of the reactors to create a high density five layered shield. The Five layers can handle a great deal of punishment, but it can be destroyed or broken if someone can generate enough force or energy into their attack, and is stronger than Kaito's control over his energy. The shield itself is hard to see, but if you hit the shield a white flash of connecting with the shield will happen, and make it visible for a second. When broken takes 2 turns to reboot.

    High Mega Beam Cannon: THis is the strongest weapon that the Akagai can use. It can only be used 2 times in a thread, and causes wide spread destruction provided Kaito's energy and the Akagai's is high enough to power the large beam that's about 300M at the base and widens out to 600M with a highly concentrated beam. Furthermore, this is the longest range being able to hit from a mile away or more. The weapon is meant to be used either as a tool of initiation or as a tool of rush down. Being that the range is so long so is the cool down of four posts due to the power of the beam and the heat that it generates. For one turn no wepaons can be used because of the heat generated.


Last edited by Kakeru on Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:11 am; edited 5 times in total

Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz
Nise no Eiyū
Joined : 2012-05-31
Posts : 1343
Age : 33
Location : Kagatsuchi

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] Left_bar_bleue8700/99999Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] Empty_bar_bleue  (8700/99999)

Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] Empty Re: Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3]

Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:31 pm

Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] KisaragiShintarofull1354807_zps1c3bb6af

Soul Evolution Powers
- Natural Attributes:
Unleashed Speed: Kaito once awakening his powers allows the restraints on his speed to be removed because of the sheer amount of training that Kaito has gone through with Sagumi this doesn't mean he can't be trumped by faster people, is that his speed is more like a marathon runner where he can maintain it for long periods of time and then burst to a higher speed without much problems at all, since he's thin and lanky he doesn't have as much of a wind resistance to go through because it's almost like him to do that. This natural ability is based on the fact that his genetics is that of Shadin's and that helps his speed to be faster than most. This doesn't mean that he can't be out sped, but generally once he starts moving he's always fast.

Instant Analysis: As he gained Powers Kaito's insight and Analysis gained such a boost he can almost instantly analyze abilities and skills If he sees them. At least when he sees the usage he can't mimicry the ability but he can understand it and in a way see how it works out. This doesn't mean however that he can necessarily counter it, but it does help him to see the ability and make it work out. This is the way that he makes up for his lack of physical prowess by being able to see and analyze attacks as they come to him, due to his high intellect and his natural knack of being analytical helps him to push this natural skill to the limit. This was a natural gift from his genetics.

Master of Taekwondo: From the harsh training of Sagumi he has learned how to strengthen his core and his legs to the point that it's like getting hit by a missile. In terms of decking someone he'd prefer to use his feet because they are faster and much more powerful. He has learned both ITF and WTF Tae Kwon Do, so not only his his feet strong but his entire legs are used to taking insane amounts of punishment due to the harsh and rigorous training of Sagumi, and pairing with the fact that he kicked Sagumi in the head constantly enough is a tome to this. In short getting kicked by Kaito is a bad thing since the damage capabilities of his kicks are simply dizzying. Although he knows how to use a weapon it's not common for him to use a blade because it was basically forced taught to him since he had a sword and a gun.

Skilled Magic Slinger: Being that he's been mastered Electromagnetic, Electrical, Zero Point, and Cyber energy, Kaito's skill of manipulating and using energy is pretty amazing. He could spell sling on par with mages. Also, he can use his magic to enhance the kicking styles that Kaito knows from learning from Sagumi's Chi styles, and possibly having an affinity to Chi. In Short Kaito's power as a mage is much stronger than him being a melee fighter. The fighting style that he uses is to offset his speed and strength in his legs and use them to the limit and his magic is to back him up and be the first line of offense. His Gun can be out fitted with his energy and that helps to enhance his bullets when he shoots his handgun, although he tends to refrain from using them unless he has to.

Insane Energy Reserves: This is caused by the insurmountable amount of energy that Kaito uses and can house in his body. The fact that he's a mage first allows him to have deep reserves due to the fact he's not a very strong physical fighter, but more or less a mage, and his energy needs to be deep. Stemming from the fact he can manipulate the lowest purest amount of energy and bring it to the fullest fruition makes the changes from just a deep pool to an appearance of a never ending one, but even then Kaito can get exhausted quite fast because of the amount of energy it takes, and he's always leaking out bits of energy because his body just has so much. It doesn't help that being a descendant of Shadin Yuudeshi would naturally give him deep reserves, but his own magical skill pushed his own limits.

Break-Fuse Seal: This seal is created by Shadin Yuudeshi to help Kaito sort and deal with the types of energy that's within his body. This seal is created to do three main things the first one is to balance the energy that Kaito has residing within his soul. This means that it's constantly sorting and seeing how the energy will work with Kaito the draw back is that when it's sorting the energies that Kaito has he releases more energy than normal. The second function is to compress his energy. Since Kaito has large amounts of Energy and normally it would start crushing him this steps in and helps to compress his energy so that it's lighter, and lasts longer. Over time he'll be able to naturally compress his energy, but this teaches him and helps him to learn how to compress it. The final aspect of the Seal is to monitor, and help with growths. This means that if he trains it monitors, records, see's what he excels at then helps him to grow that better, and teaches him what his weaknesses are to help him grow as a fighter and person learning more about himself through these trials and tribulations. This seal is always active and can be broken with enough magical power or if a person is well versed in seals and can destroy the seal by counter sealing it.

Pupil of Sagumi:

Description: Sagumi’s trademark style, The Danketsu is a style focused on linking Sagumi’s special techniques and maneuvers together and using the increasing momentum of offensive pressure to increase the devastation that one can inflict. The ever increasing tempo and pressure of the style is its greatest strength, but it quickly proves difficult to reliably chain the attacks together given the ease of which a ninja can escape in the split second time in between strikes. Every successive Danketsu technique doubles the power of the previous technique upon itself.

Danketsu: Gatotsu Ishiki
Description: The first attack in the Gatotsu Chain, Sagumi will prepare his blow by dropping into a partial crouch, with both knees bent, right arm drawn back and his left extended forward. Sagumi’s right hand will slide down the hilt of his weapon before grasping the kashira or end cap of his sword and as he rests the tips of the fingers of his right hand on the blade near its tip. Sagumi will then thrust himself and his weapon forward in a powerful thrusting attack. This attack can also be used in a barehanded capacity.

Danketsu: Gatotsu Nishiki
Description:One potential follow up attack to the Gatotsu: Ishiki. Using the momentum from the first Gatotsu, the user will force Chi to their feet and jettison themselves forward while twisting the point of the sword or fist downward to the ground. The burst of Chi will double the speed the user was moving at for the thrust while the twisting motion of the Gatotsu will cause a wider wound when the weapon strikes its target.

Danketsu: Gatotsu Sanshiki
Description: One potential follow up attack to the Gatotsu: Ishiki. Sagumi will slide down into a low crouch before exploding upward, twisting the tip of his sword or fist upward and shooting it into an upward stab, using the power from the earth in his stance to propel himself upward, thrusting up at double the speed of his first Gatotsu.

Danketsu: Gatotsu Zeroshiki
Description: Can either be used as a standalone strike or part of a Gatotsu combination. The user will gather a large amount of Chi to their weapon or fist and thrust that Chi either through the weapon or their fist, allowing them to generate a frighteningly powerful thrust with almost no arm movement, easily punching a massive hole through the human body.

Danketsu: Split Step [Supuritto Suteppu]
Description: A simple technique, the Split Step is performed by lightly bouncing on the user’s toes. The use of this technique puts the user in a better position to move and react to incoming attacks, giving them an extra half second of reaction time, which is often a big difference between life and death.

Danketsu: One-Footed Split Step [Kata Ashi Supuritto Suteppu]
Description: A slightly more difficult technique when compared to its multi-footed cousin, the Kata Ashi Supuritto Suteppu is performed by quickly bouncing on one foot at the moment of reaction instead of one. This gives almost three fourths of a second extra in reaction time in a specific direction.

Danketsu: Buggy Whip Shot
Description: A simple but tricky and potentially devastating technique. The user will perform a simple slice of their sword that in actuality is far from simple. At the start of the actual swinging motion, the user will pump a wave of Chi from the length of the blade. The blade of Chi will then travel in a wide arc and strike the opponent from an odd angle. For example: If the swing was a horizontal slash across the midriff from the opponent’s left, the blade of Chi will arc one meter to the opponent’s left and strike him in the side. Whichever angle the sword is swung will determine the path of the blade of wind. The projectile itself is not capable of cutting through bone or other strong tissues. Skin and other soft and fleshy tissue however is easily sliced through.

Danketsu: Rondo Towards Destruction [Hametsu e no rondo]
Description: A very situational technique, the Rondo Towards Destruction is potentially a very viable killing stroke. The user will channel Electrical Chi into his sword and right before the weapon would make contact with another blocking weapon, the Electrical Chi will jump from the user’s sword into the target’s weapon, forcing it away. This move is not without substantial drawbacks however. In order to maintain the amount of Chi in the weapon, the user is required to maintain almost absolute focus on it. Consequently, the user’s body must be completely inert before the strike and a few moments after, which makes the move highly impractical unless the user is being propelled by an outside force. Typically, this outside force is gravity, but ingenuity can lend to the move being slightly more practical.

Danketsu: Triple Counter: Swallow Return [Danketsu: Sanjuu Tentou: Tsubame Gaishi]
Description: The first of the Triple Counters, Tsubame Gaishi is a riposte maneuver. When an attack, generally another weapon based manuever, is aimed at the user’s midriff or legs, the Tsubame Gaishi becomes available. The user will quickly hop into the air and parry the incoming blow, typically guiding the blow beneath his airborne self. From there, using the supreme Chi control of the Sumashuu, the user’s sword will glide up the opponent’s weapon and lead into a slice to the opponent’s chest.

Danketsu: Triple Counter: Bear Drop [Danketsu: Sanjuu Tentou: Higuma Otoshi]
Description: The second of the Triple Counters, Higuma Otoshi is strictly a parry, but a powerful one and is meant to react to an overhead strike. The user will meet the overhead strike with the flat of his sword. Instead of the two blades actually connecting however, using the supreme Chi control of the Sumashuu, a small pocket of Chi will form at the point of impact. From there, the user of the Higuma Otoshi will sweep his sword to the side, causing the pocket of Chi to violently jerk and rip the opponent’s weapon from their hand.

Danketsu: Triple Counter: Dragonfly Illusion [Danketsu: Sanjuu Tentou: Kagerō Zutsumi]
Description: The fourth of the Triple Counters, the Kagerō Zutsumi is a rather flashy technique. After blocking an opposing weapon, the user will create a force a negative charge into the opponent’s weapon while inserting a positive charge into his own. This will keep the weapons effectively stuck together. Then, using proper leverage and ideally surprise, the user will rip the weapon from their opponent’s hands.

Danketsu: Triple Counter: Star Fireworks [Danketsu: Sanjuu Tentou: Hoshi Hanabi]
Description: The fifth of the triple counters, the Hoshi Hanabi effectively counters projectiles and physical Technique. By channeling Electrical Chi into the blade, the user will lower the tip of the blade to the ground before swinging in an upward, violent arc. By combining a powerful swing with the enhanced cutting power of Electrical, the counter will cleave through lesser weapons or jolt the weapon out of the opponent’s hands. Any common weapons will be immediately broken and anything more potent will be forced out of an opponent’s hand. Any other weapon will simply be knocked from the opponent’s hand. Given the relatively slow nature of the counter, the opponent’s attack needs to be slower and heavily telegraphed for this technique to have use.

Samurai Zone [Samurai Zōn]
Description: A very potent KenTechnique, the Samurai Zone is supremely effective against other KenTechnique users. Upon making contact with an opponent’s weapon, the user of the technique will selectively charge an opponent’s metal weapon with electrons while maintaining a positive charge in his own weapon. This effectively allows the user of the Samurai Zone to funnel his opponent’s blade into the general area that the user wishes, making it very easy to parry and negate an opponent’s offense. The effect lasts until dispelled.

Description: An advanced form of Iaido, the Sagumibattou is a style fixated around using the sword sheathe as a funnel to reduce movement and air resistance in the sword slash. The release for the Sagumibattou however is far gentler than a typical Iaido draw with less wasted movement, effectively making it faster than a normal Iaido draw through completely refined movements. Because of the lack of wasted movement, the free hand does not need to brace the sheathe for the draw to be efficient.

Nitōryū: Two Swords Style
Description: Unlike the name suggests, this style only involves one sword. It does however focus on the capacity to switch sword hands effortless and promotes the capacity for using the momentum given by being able to swiftly and effortlessly transition from one hand to another. Masters of this style tend to be much more defensively sound, being able to cover all angles of attack with little trouble and have effectively improved reaction time.

Danketsu: Bagua Steps[Baguazhang Kaiho]
Description: A very basic footwork maneuver that the technique practitioner has been able to perfect through use of Chi enhanced movements. When an opponent attacks,the Bagua user will circle around his side, and appear behind him. When someone attacks with a punch, the practitioner will put his same sided foot behind their opposite sided foot, with his two feet pointing towards each other. After that, follow up with your left foot, circle behind your opponent's left side and you appear behind the opponent. This can be used as a starting point for a throw or a strike. Using Chi to enhance the movement makes it difficult to the untrained eye. The trained eye, I.E. shinobi, will usually be able to follow the movement, but it is very useful for gaining better positioning in hand to hand combat.

Danketsu: After-Image Dash[Kasumi Gake]
Description: A useful technique, the Kasumi Gake causes the user the shoot forward in a straight line at greatly increased speed, leaving only an after-image of their body behind while their body seems to be a blur. This however needs to be a completely controlled movement and as such, cannot be used as an attack itself. The user needs to already be moving and building momentum to use the Kasumi Gake and all movement ceases completely once they exit the Kasumi Gake, leaving another lull before an attack can be executed, giving an opponent ample time to react if not caught completely off guard.

Danketsu: Illusionary Dash [Kaihou]
Description: The name, while the technique is no illusion, is frighteningly accurate for this Technique maneuver. The human eye has a weakness, a blind spot. Light gets into the eye by passing through the pupil. It hits the retina at the back of the eye. The retina is covered with light-sensing proteins. They relay what they sense to the optic nerve which carries the information back into the brain. The problem is, the optic nerve ends in the field of the retina itself. This creates a dark spot in the human field of vision. When these dark spots overlap or if the person is forced to look out of one eye the brain just fills in the spot looking at the surrounding picture. This is the tendency with the human brain that the Illusionary Dash exploits. After a time of watching and studying the opponent’s optical tendencies (2 posts) the user of this technique will be able to locate that blind spot. From there, is where the illusionary dash takes place. By channeling Chi to their feet, the user will increase their speed by 10% for two posts while constantly moving into the dead spot in their opponent’s field of vision. Considering the dead spot changes whenever they move their head so much as an inch, it will seem as if the user of the Illusionary dash is flickering in and out of focus, making it difficult to effectively read the Illusionary dasher’s attacks. If the opponent loses or has lost functionality in one eye, the user can cause themselves to disappear from view entirely. Given the location of the blind spot, this Technique functions are a range of six feet.

Danketsu: Lightning Legs [Hyakuretsukyaku]
Description: This technique is, at its core, simply a kicking technique. The user will initiate a direct forward kick in front of their body. However, it will not remain a simple forward kick, as soon as the first kick finishes, the Technique will proceed to throw four more kicks that connect each a quarter of a second after the first, effectively kicking a target five times within a second. With more Chi applied, the technique strikes ten times within that second.

Seikūken [Control of the Air Sphere]
Description: The Seikūken is a defensive style of combat that involves controlling the entire radius within one's arm length/the length of a weapon, creating a metaphorical spherical shield around oneself. This style dramatically speeds up the the user’s reaction time to any attack that enters his sphere of control by absurd levels, allowing the user rather difficult to assail. The Seikūken can only be erected with a calm, still mind. If the practitioner’s mind is not calm, it would be impossible for him or her to erect the Seikūken. Consequently, this technique is meant to be used while stationary and is incredibly difficult and impossible naturally to be used while moving quickly, consequently, slow walking is the full extent of movement possible with this technique.

- Racial Powers:
Cyber Manipulation: Kaito's initial internet addiction was caused by the genetic testing within his body being that a Yuudeshi and a descendant of Shadin, that his body was crafted to have powers, but they were locked away so the boy could have somewhat a normal childhood and high school life, unfortunately they awoke during the last year because of the increasing amount of spiritual beings placing a lot of mental and emotional strain on him. This brought his eyes from their normal color to a red color mimicking that of Shadin Yuudeshi. While this activated, his eyes began to see the inner workings of the internet as if it was a part of this world. Allowing him to access the Yuudeshi network on his own without using any device while his eyes are stuck like this when in battle, he can view the vectors and see how they work in the sense of that the science behind them allows him to either counter them and user their energy and create a cyber-equivalent and manipulate them in their own way. His eyes don't drain energy until he starts using them, but once they become Red it can be assumed he can be manipulating the vectors within the Cyber world. That means that within that world that his manipulation is strengthened by the natural affinity of electricity. The stronger the electricity is in the area the more he can manipulate the vectors of the cyber world around him. These are always active, but the manipulation of them takes energy, the fact his eyes are red during this state is more of an after effect really.

A.I.M Fields: These fields are able to be seen by Kaito due to the manipulation of electricity and his Hacking of the cybernetic area allows him to see and manipulate the fields that are based off of magnetism. Basically he can see and manipulate them to breaking and bursting like explosive blasts, but it's electromagnetic spectrum that Kaito is known for bending and breaking to his will. These fields are around all types of people, and it doesn't tell him what their abilities are, but he's able to differentiate between the different races and how strong they are. This is the most basic function of the fields, being able to see how they are manipulated and to manipulate the fields around himself. This doesn't mean he can bend other people's fields, but it means that his fields with the right frequency and manipulation by his other skills can definitely disrupt the energy flow of people. This is normally hard to see without him using manipulating factors of the cyber world as a medium to see the fields, but as he gets stronger and more in touch with his powers the better he can manipulate and bend his AIM fields to their limits knowing what he can do to make them more applicable for himself. The Aim Fields are created naturally by all beings with powers, and as such most people can't see them because they are so difficult to understand, for Kaito the only reason why he can see them is because of his connection to the cyber world. Which allows him to note other species, but this doesn't mean that he can know everything or even remotely anything about their powers except that they have powers, and how powerful they are because their waves are either stronger or more changed as time goes on and he sees their fields shifting and moving around.

Electric/Electromagnetic Manipulation: Being a descendant of Shadin Yuudeshi, Kaito has inherited the use of electricity, along with creating it naturally. His is unique in application, because rather than using it as an all general thing, he concentrates his ability by bending the electromagnetic fields. This allows Kaito to use the electricity more so then just a regular release; in fact, it compounds onto his use of vectors. Generally, this allows him to manipulate vectors of electromagnetism, which can generally counter general electric users as long as he has the energy to invest into it. He can create, within the electromagnetic field, pulses and energy blasts, thus being able to propel them faster and longer. To do so, he uses a Gauss cannon like design, which generally allows him to speed up projectiles by having natural metals in them or being an artificial metals added to them. This is one method of using his abilities; another is that he can bend the electromagnetic fields in a way that can enhance his cyber world vectors. Relatively said, it makes those vectors stronger and easier to use. This way of using it is extremely draining because the manipulation of the cyber world vectors rely heavily on his mental strength and control, and thus maintaining an ulterior source such as the electricity may require more then he is typically used to handling. It's not that Kaito lacks control; it's just inherently it's more than his mind is used to, due to both maintain a mental straining ability and consciously controlling an energy based one. It helps him train in some ways, due to the strains that it puts his mind and body through.

Zero-Point Energy: The basis of his skilled control is the manipulation and control of Zero Point energy, which is the smallest form of Energy that can be noticed and manipulated. This energy is in everything and everyone and can be manipulated as long as it's not being used by another user of Zero-Point Energy. The energy that can be created is astronomical and by nature is dangerous, but even then the fact that he can use this type of energy is a tome to his skills as a magic user. Since he can manipulate the energy as he sees fit it helps him to have a deep reserve, because he's a magic user first before he's physical, and that changes the appearance of him. He can use that energy like a vacuum and release it in many ways in his attacks, and even to help him balance out his energy levels so he's not unstable. This ability comes from the effect of the AIM fields and being able to seeing them, and then comprehend the energy around him so he can use it effectively. This energy is hard normally to use for him, and so he must often focus to use it, but once he’s focused he can use it very well, but it takes at least 2 turns before he can use it once he activates the AIM fields to draw upon that energy.

Soul State Evolution

- Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Appearance:
Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] C315c16b-3ee7-4c63-99a1-aec9e11f6fb0_zps474f6ce0

- Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Abilities:

Soul of the Samurai: Kaito dons a unique kind of Armor and subsequently it modifies while he’s in this state his Katana, the fact he’s wearing armor and a unique accessory that only happens in this form. The soul of the Samurai is his materialization of his feelings of wanting to protect the people he loves and cares for. The honor of the samurai, the way of the samurai, is all coded in a sense within him, but this is the physical manifestation of that Yuudeshi drive built within him. The love of his friends and family represents his armor, as it’s the aspect of will that keeps him striving to become stronger and more caring for them. The Katana is his honor and the willingness to fight for his friends and loved ones. This provides him with a strong sharp blade to help him cut through his enemies, and people that would do harm to his family. The Final item is the accessory of the Yasaka no Metagama. Each Jewel is a representation of a moment in time where he grew, and the more growth he has, the more each jewel shines, showing progressions that go beyond just physical and mental capabilities denoting the need for something spiritual. The Soul of the Samurai is the core of this form, and is based on how strong his will is, and if he’s willing to don the entire set. Once he does however he’s locked into the form until he either loses the will to keep it up, can’t keep pouring energy into it, or finally he ascends into his next evolution.

Note: The Armor, Weapon, and Accessory drains on his will slowly over time gradually making it weaker, abilities on the other hand drain his stamina.

Eight Dragons: The Armor that Kaito dons in this form is called the Eight Dragons of Heaven and Earth, but simplified down into Eight Dragons. The most defining feature is the contrast between the vibrant red of the armor on the limbs and the dark black scaly looking breastplate that covers his torso which look like scales of a dragon. The breastplate is black in color with multiple shades of blues, purples and whites to give the illusion of many scales on the plate at once. The breastplate is the strongest point of his armor where he has the most defensive capabilities since it covers his vitals in battle. The Red armor is nothing to sneeze at either, since it’s very resilient against most types of attacks. If a person is strong enough to break through the armor either physically or magically it can be broken, but it takes a lot of damage the armor due to it being based on his will of wanting to protect those that he loves and cares for. The helm isn’t always on, but when necessary it will appear to protect his head in the case that attacks would go for his head. The armor is considered to be very unique and developmentally based on him, and nothing else. As he gets stronger so will the armor in its defensive capabilities. Finally, the most unique part of his armor is the ability to resist being cursed, as in something that would change his make-up as a human or within his skills, unless it’s something to power him up or assist him in making him more useful in battle, otherwise the person will have to overpower the armor’s defensive capabilities.

Tengoku no Ken: This weapon is literally called the Sword of Heaven. The main properties of the sword in terms of its design are three main factors. The first on is the contrasts between the pure white color of the cutting edge and then the crisp contrast of the black flat parts of the Katana. The Second is the white handle with black inlays, and finally is the white sheath with black Kanji spelling out the blade’s name. This weapon came about from the rigorous training with Sagumi to help him to shape his focus in protecting those he loved by his will to fight and become stronger. Since Kaito reminded Sagumi of himself a long time ago, he began purposely shaping him to become stronger in the ways that he was weak in the past. This forced this form to make its own legendary weapon. This weapon’s power is based not just on his physical capabilities, but his capability on wielding weapons, and how much energy he has, the more energy he has the stronger the blade is and the more capable it is of cutting through defenses that normally aren’t able to be cut through. This is the representation of a Phantasm class weapon, and as this is such a weapon it's tied to his soul since he forged it out of his soul and made it his own therefore stealing the weapon is very hard to nearly impossible to do.

Yasaka no Metagama The final part of this set is the accessory that finishes up the three part set. This item is the representation of his will, and also the people who he knows has his back. The more people he has the brighter the jewels shine, and the more that are created, when he knows that most or all of the people that he loves and cares for are behind him all the jewels glow. This accessory does three main things. The First one it helps him to balance out the usage of his energy so he doesn’t over use it and force himself out of his form. Second usage is to allow him to create devastating attacks with his Katana allowing him to have ranged slashes and arcing beams of pure energy that can pass through all non-spiritual substances, unless Kaito has more energy, and will then he can break through spiritual substances with some ease, but it takes time to do that. The final usage is to allow him to revert safely back into his normal form if the need arises for him to, because versatility is a real thing when you are trying to be the best you can be for the people you want to protect.

Main Ability:

Sword Saint: Within this ability, Kaito has complete mastery over all bladed weapons that are the length of a short sword to a Nodachi. In short this allows him to use any kind of Sword, but it also allows him to place his will and his energy into the weapons allowing him more uses than just close range combat with the weapon, allowing someone like him who needs ranged attacks when people can one shot the moon in this modern day and time. Sadly, this has a limit of if it is a soul bound weapon he can’t manipulate it as well because of the binding to the other persons soul, which would make something that hasn’t subverted to him easily manipulated unless the weapon allows the user to, then in that case it’d be fine for him to use the weapon in that fashion. The Sword Saint form which is compounded on the fact he’s a samurai allows him to do particularly deadly Area of Effect attacks with his types of energy, and manipulating them through his sword as the main medium. Sometimes he’ll use his armor as a medium for a stronger defense, but that’s usually a very rare case.

- Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Appearance:
Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] KisaragiShintarofull1704405_zpsccf4129c

- Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Abilities:

Natural Abilities:

Master Dual Sword User: SInce this form forces him into a state where he has to use dual swords he's mastered this in that state allowing him to use two swords of any kind in any fashion when necessary. This means that he can easily use a larger sword in one hand because of the training of this form and the ability of that he uses two. This also shows that he's truly ambridexetrious by nature and that helps when you use two weapons at once. This doesn't slow him down and allows him much more options to pressure someone when he's in combat. He's a high pressure fighter in this state allowing him to rush down people with his attacks forcing them to deal with his swordplay and close range combat more than just ranged attacks. In this state he prefers to be in range of his swords than farther away with using spells. He uses typicaly dual Katana's but his Katana's when in this form shift to large broad swords that he swings with ease although they are large and hard for normal people to use these in coherent ways.

Master Close Range Combatant: Since he's preferring close range combat in this form and the training with Sagumi allows him to use his Tae Kwon Do mixed into his swordplay making him a very dangerous combatant in close range fights which in this form he excels at in genral in this state. Although he prefers to use his swords in combat if he was disarmed he could fight hand to hand well enough to keep up with most people who are trained with many fighting styles, since he's weak though it takes more patient control and high speed attacks to overwhelm instead of raw power like Radioactive who would just one shot, where it takes Kaito many well placed strikes.

Supersonic Speed: He becomes more of a rushdown style of fighter where he uses his speed to get in close and keep hitting using his speed to make his attacks burst out from him instead of just consistent speed. His speed in this state and only this state is bursts where he uses many high speed bursts to keep his opponent guessing on where he's coming to strike from. His speed also is his strength again since he uses his burst momentum to power his swings allowing his slashes and strikes when he fights to have variable amounts of damage so in case he needs to be less damaging he can be. Also when he moves he seems to disappear, if he's more faster than the opponent that is. He tends in this form to leave after images when he moves naturally because of the fact he's bursting in stead of using his speed in a marathon like way. Although he prefers the former instead of the latter his mind shifts to use the bursts in the most dangerous ways possible to surprise and overwhelm which is what this form is known for in general using speed and close range combat to over take foes in combat.


Sheath Knight: This came from the talk with Shadin and the training he did afterwards. This transformation of his skills came from a sacred weapon that’s summoned from the sheath on his left hip. The weapon was created to deal with energies that are considered evil, unholy, and energies that can corrupt a human being. The weapon that’s summoned is called Jigoku no Ken or the Sword of Hell, and is the counterpart of the Tengoku no Ken, and is considered to be its brother in terms of power. Being that it’s a sacred weapon it’s bound to Kaito and therefore Kaito is bound to it. Unless you can break the soul bonds of a person to their weapon this form is always accessible to Kaito. This form specializes in Mid-Range to close range combat, using dual swords, summoned swords and other pressure like tools to keep an opponent guessing on what he can do. Also his Yuudeshi drive is awakened here, but once it’s awakened the first time he has access to it from any form possible. Kaito’s hair grows out a bit longer, and looks much more wild, but he gains full access to his Yuudeshi Drive, and is able to manipulate it fully. This form also has the unfortunate situation of dealing with a sword of evil, and this causes a gauge to be visible to help people around Kaito make sure he doesn't lose himself to the corruption of his soul and mind when this form or it's attacks are used.

Jigoku no Ken: The counterpart to Tengoku no Ken, in terms of the blade as a unholy/evil/Hell sword. The sword is based on eating energy that’s evil, Dark, hell energy and converting into a pool where he can use the energy to power his attacks up or create copies of Jigoku no Ken, and he can hurl them by sheer will. The more energy he eats or places into the weapon the more copies that are made, and can be used at one point. The blade is a black in color and the handle is white. The blade itself has a white omega mark on it, and is as strong as or stronger than a phantasmal class weapon. This weapon came from the sheath Knight Transformation is a sign of Kaito’s skills to come. When the weapon makes copies of itself the weapon clones are energy blades, and they can be broken much easier than the weapon. Although there’s strength in numbers, if he abuses the blades skill he can lose himself into the evil sealed within the blade, because more energy he places in of his own the more he can corrupt himself with his abilities. If he’s corrupted he can be purified by using his drive, but the more he does this the less his drive can cover up. Which means that he would need to see an angel, or an Angel Iramasha to purify his soul and energy.

Yuudeshi Drive: Having full access to his drive allows a few different things to happen while this is in full swing. First is mass multiplication. Mass Multiplication works in increasing a number of an item infinitely, or being able to copy something like a weapon or projectile and use it as much as he needs, granted he can only do this once he knows the item example is him copying his weapon to a finite degree. The Second is free range over all of his abilities. Kaito normally opens up in stages like a turbocharger, but this allows him to access everything that he can around him, because his drive is awakened, and that means he’s serious and ready to fight. This also means if Yuudeshi drive is active, he doesn’t have to slip into the soul states to access the abilities, but they are weaker since there’s not the same amount of energy into the attacks. The Final one allows him access to his heritage to Shadin, this increases all of his energy skills to the state where he manipulates the cyberspace around him to astonishingly dangerous degrees. His Cyber Manipulation in this state is naturally mixed with his Electric/Electromagnetic Manipulation allowing him to having to use the Yuudeshi network to power him up, but if he uses both in tandem it causes a large strain on his will, but at the same time he can do more amazing feats at once. The Yuudeshi drive activates in various ways, but the common ones are when someone he cares for is in Danger, the world is in danger, or he knows how serious a person is and he wants to make sure that he doesn’t die so this will activate to assist him.

Getsumei [Moonsong]: Getsumei starts out like any of the sheath knight skills of summoning out blades, in this case one extremely large blade is summoned and launched after the blade hits something or is broken, it shatters into thousands of tinnier blades and converge around the target to try to rip it into shreds. However it’s not without fault since it doesn’t judge on Friend of Foe as long as the initial blade hits something the rest of of the attack will follow through, Getsumei is meant to be a violent attack and fits as such being the eternal blood song of the moon. Getsumi doesn't add as much corruption to Kaito, but it takes more energy to use since the attack is stronger than Legacy Edge. Getsumei can be used much more freely on Kaito's will since it's meant to shut someone down. and not an attempt to kill say with legacy edge or Overload, so he's more willing to use this move in battle. 1 usage per every other post.

Reigashi Eeji [Legacy Edge] Opening up a portal using Jigoku no Ken's natural nature and summons a large amount of copies of Jigoku no Ken and shoots them in a high speed Gatling like pattern. If a person were to be hit by the blades they would be knocked back and repeatedly pierced through the same wounds over and over again due to the precise nature of this attack. While it has a decent range, it's narrowed to keep the blades tight and rapidly stabbing. This isn't as draining as Getsumei, but still can drain him if he abuses the attack. This attack also adds more corruption to him than Getsumei. This attack drains slightly on his will because of the violent nature of the attack, but pales to what Overload does to his mind, since Legacy Edge can if aimed correctly be used to shut don whereas Overload is meant to kill. 1 usage per 2 posts.

Overload Fusion: Blade Circus: The strongest, most corrupting ability of Jigoku no Ken he summons thousands upon thousands of blades in the air and around the opponent to make a pseudo cage around the person or persons he's in battle with and begins to launch all the blades and have them terminate towards the center attempting to crush, slice through and destroy the people. If Kaito uses this attack he reaches nearly to his limit of dealing with Corruption since it's that draining on his will and his energy since the large amount of creation plus allowing himself to make this work means he has to get corrupted to have the necessary power to ensure that he destroys all in his path. This is the only attack of Kaito's where the intent to kill is apparent, and that's where most of the corruption seeps in from since it's hard for him to distinguish from killing out of necessity to killing to just end the fight. 1 usage per 3 posts.

Corruption Gauge: The more corrupted Kaito gets from using the sword and its abilities the more power and speed Kaito gains, but the more corrupted he gets he the more he loses sense of who he is and becomes more savage and doesn't think through outside of battle applications. Although this can be purified and has to be somewhat often a bit of corruption helps Kaito get the edge on people. The way that one can tell if Kaito's too corrupted is when he summons out both swords, if the trail of Jigoku no Ken is brighter than Tengoku no Ken's light trail. The more corrupted he is the more that the Jigoku no Ken resonates to Kaito, where as less corruption Tengoku no Ken resonates better with Kaito. Corruption lasts for the entire thread in terms of boosting his Strength and Energy. This effect tops out pushing Strength and Energy at MAX Corruption reaching Master.

Corruption Gauge Explaination
    Using Moonsong 9 times puts Kaito at Max Corruption.
    Using Legacy Edge 6 times Puts Kaito at Max Corruption.
    Using Blade Circus 3 times, puts Kaito at Max Corruption.

    This form only can last 4 posts at Max and has a cool down of 3 posts

- Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Appearance:
Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] 422c83e2-e1da-4e83-9ffd-d401e52e2735_zps2d7d972e

- Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Abilities:

Natural Abilities:
Hyper Speed Combat: Kaito from his natural body type and training is capable of doing combat at top speed all the time. This means that when he enters this form he's able to see and comprehend his speed and others with his eyes due his natural Yuudeshi drive being in a state of constant overdrive which allows him to move at speeds that would make people seem like they are standing still. Within this is also the fact he can use this aerially with his wings or just manipulating his area within space. He's used to this so he's able to counter in the air or on the ground. Since he's in overdrive his total speed is able to be converted into his attack as power allowing him to do destructive attacks with his speed instead of being strong. Since he's fast he's more prone to using dodges than sheer blocking since he's very weak physically. Doesn't mean he can't take a hit, but it's more easier for him to dodge.

Boundless Energy: Being a natural born Yuudeshi, and the fact he trained with Shadin in the imaginary district his energy began to grow exponentially to this limit. Kaito has a lot of energy that's released and used in this state, and while he has this energy, it definitely gets used a lot because of the heavy drain of energy within using his abilities. His energy is also being fueled naturally by Zero-Point energy which normally takes his AIM Fields being deployed to do. This also allows him to use both in conjunction without setup, and makes his attacks form out of no where much easier than before. The downside to this is the effects on his body since he has so much energy being released it starts to crush on his body making him have to be used to this, although he can ignore the strain of this, it can kill him if he's not careful, hence why his energy has to be used. Kaito can be easily drained of energy in this state so he has to be careful of energy stealing types of magic, because that could kill him too. Also, when Kaito uses some attacks he uses his blood as the cost be it with final form of energy he manipulates called Aurora.

Immense Aura: As stated before his natural energy gives him a wild aura. This Aura allows him to imbue his Yuudeshi drive fully. This Aura gives him the feeling of showing death to someone. His eyes glow brighter and seem to have his pupils take the shape of a recycling symbol with bisecting center lines. This is also natural for his aura to also be a representation of the Yuudeshi Network being used at the full capacity of Kaito's skill. His Aura doesn't naturally try to fear people, but it's the only way he can actually bear with dealing with such large amounts of energy at once that he naturally releases. The Aura doesn't naturally have a color, but if it had to it's as red as his eyes are. The aura that's exhibited is a passionate powerful aura that shows his inner desires that he normally hides from others showing the somewhat neglected side of him so to speak. This Aura is based off of his energy and will the more energy and will the more imposing it is, someone with high energy and will could make the aura not as imposing. Also his wings stem from this where they are made out of his Cyber Manipulation forming them out of the aura.

Master of Weapons: From Training with Sagumi to learning how to switch weapons on the fly. Kaito has learned many styles of weapons, and with his energy can make any weapon, albeit it's based off of how much energy he has and places into the creation of the weapon. He can use any weapon he picks up be it a piece of wood to a complex mechanism like a Gauss powered rail-gun sniper rifle. Although he can analyze the weapon and make a copy, he can't make a perfect copy, there will always be a Kaito like quirk in the weapon that makes it his. He's able to use multiple weapons at once using a combination of his Cyber Manipulation and his electrical manipulation. Also when a weapon is created with Cyber Manipulation and electrical there's a permanent blueprint created in the network that the Yuudeshi family can only see and choose to release to help other factions they are aligned with. Although they have to get the okay to look at it from Kaito's own blocks. He's a master weapon user in general and this makes him just makes a two bit trick like Jax look like a fool.

Special Abilities:

Yuudeshi Overdrive: This is more of a passive than anything this allows him full access to every forms abilities and allows him to release his limiters on his energy naturally. This also forces his eyes into the Twinkle overcross state where he can instantly analyze attacks as long as he' has a high enough mental deduction skill to do so. Kaito's mind also is able to process at its limit allowing him to react much faster and be able tolerate the high speeds that he moves at in this state. This is when he overclocks his Yuudeshi Heritage allowing him to do some insane shit. Furthermore this allows his skills to flow naturally.This once at full power starts to drain his energy slowly to keep him stable, and while it keeps him stable energy wise it puts a strain of his energy still trying to crush him so it's a process of releasing energy and using it before it builds up too much in this state due to it being released all at once. His overdrive does allow him to survive, but it comes at a steep cost of he can lose his life if he's not careful, so he's training to learn how to use this properly, and without destroying himself in the process.

Aurora Manipulation: Utilizing his life as the medium for this he creates a new kind of energy called Aurora, when he uses this he creates beams of holy light that are said to be the manifestation of the heavens. This energy is highly malleable, and easy to use in many situations. He can choose to harden this into a weapon say like a sword, or he can use it like a natural shield around him much like He can Cyber Manipulation's vectors to keep himself protected. Auraora has the downside that it draws from his blood and this can weaken him dramatically, but after a fight his blood returns at a hyper rate so he can function, otherwise he'd die from abusing this, which still can happen. Digressing this ability is most useful in the applications of having a free flowing toolbox that he can draw from and protect him. This can also be used in beams and other kind of things as stated before, but it's best as a on the fly weapon maker when he's disarmed or can't access his weapons for some issue. When the weapons are hardened they are the same strength as highly hardened steel. This came to light when Kaito first transformed into the Cybernetic Angel of Karakura. By extension his natural attacks have an elemental mixture of this energy, his cyber energy/Electrical, and Spacial energy.

Cyber Manipulation MkII: Cyber Manipulation automatically mixes with his Electrical manipulation allowing him to bring the things from the cyberworld he can create to life, or attack from literally any place and time since he has the energy behind the attacks without having to forcefully mix each energy type, this makes them a perfected blend, and how Kaito can manipulate the Network. In this state he can draw his raw power from the Yuudeshi Network and allow him to use large chunks of it to make his attacks and defenses stronger. Since he's the Hacker of Karakura he has his own limits set into motion being that he can't use more than 50% of the network's power at once, without something breaking in terms of his bones because of the heavy pressure and strain of using this. His Cyber manipulation begins to do another strange thing, it warps the area around them into something akin to the imaginary district of Karakura which has a special place for Kaito since he can use powers there at such an extreme. The major downside is the fact that he in a sense bleeds energy and when he uses attacks they tend to cause slight damage to Kaito's psyche due to the mental strain of using the perfected combination of eletrical/Electromagnetism and Cyber manipulation.

AIM Field Domination: Kaito Naturally can see the bends in the fields of electromagnetism due to seeing AIM fields with his eyes, and when he sees those fields he can also see all forms of natural energy of the earth. This also ties in to the fact he can use and manipulte Zero Point Energy. He can use this style of energy to open up the final form of manipulation he has which is called space, which is vacuum energy, which has the capability to eat and use the eaten energy to power up an attack or use it to restore his energy, but he has to be able to capture and use the energy within his own which means he has to use a bit of his own energy to purify it once purified however he can use the energy in an way he sees fit as long as the gained energy is used within that turn. The Energy boosted attacks move at double the speed, and can pierce through attacks naturally, but again this takes more of his energy since he has to add that energy plus the energy used making no sum of gained energy when he uses the captured energy and reflects it back at the person whose attacking him or trying to kill him. His eyes are capable to manipulate those natural fields without energy drawing from the Zero Point Energy in the area.

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced.
  • General Speed: Master.
  • Strength: Adept.
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced.

Human Reiatsu Sheet
  • Power Control: Advanced
  • Energy Usage/Regeneration: Master.
  • Energy Resistance/Endurance: Advanced.
  • Physical Augmentation:Adept.

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Master.


Last edited by Kakeru on Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:05 am; edited 5 times in total

Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz

Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] Empty Re: Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3]

Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:34 pm
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Comments/Notes: use it wisely young Skywalker
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Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:38 am
Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] Image8717_zpsrh1btrb8


Upon his request, I'm going to go ahead and move this character into the inactive character section of the site. Whenever he is ready, he can pick it back up.

Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] WVMWLOu
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Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] Empty Re: Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3]

Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:38 am

✖| Kuma Shock! |✚
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Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] Empty Re: Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3]

Sun Apr 17, 2016 8:52 pm
Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] Image8717_zpsrh1btrb8


I'm going to be moving this character back to approved under the policy stated here:

Scenario 2: If you are unarchiving a character, but you were active with the character in thread and earned their upgrades ICly, then we will not demote your tier. Instead, we will provide leniency and simply advise that you update your application to match the standards we have for 2016.

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Wed Jun 15, 2016 9:55 am
[adm]Moving to Inactive Characters based on member inactivity exceeding 2 months. Please post here to retrieve this application.[/adm]

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] Empty Re: Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3]

Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:59 am
Can I get him unarchived and checked to 2017 standards to see what needs to be fixed, adjusted etc?

Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz
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Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] Empty Re: Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3]

Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:03 am
[adm]I will be moving this to unchecked so he can be review and graded again.[/adm]
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Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] Empty Re: Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3]

Wed Apr 26, 2017 7:23 am

Application Checklist
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  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [-]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner


Kakeru wrote:speed behind the bullet able to push the bullet past mach 10 in speed.

Due to the new speed system for skills, move this down to mach two or roughly advanced level speed.

Kakeru wrote:Tachyonic Thruster System: Using Tachyonic Energy, harvesting it, using the nuclear reactors fusion and fission cycles to help stabilize the energy the thrusters that power the flight capabilities on earth or in space were created to make sure it could move around pretty quickly so it'd not have to tank damage from other entities. While this makes the Akagai fast, it doesn't mean it's impossible to hit. This just makes it harder because of the speeds it's able to reach normally. Kaito realizing that there's a lot of potential with Tachyons and working with them to create thrust using the processes of Fusion and Fission created a new way to make his Akagai go fast.

Remove any mentions of Tachyons as they are banned on site. You're gonna have to write this a bit but the general idea is fine.

Kakeru wrote:Yuudeshi Twin Core Nucelar Reactor: The Ultracompact Yuudeshi Reactor uses a mixture of Nuclear fission and Tacyhonic particles. The Tachyonic particles create a unique field to balance out the nuclear fission which powers the engine. The reactor has a dual core system of where one core is constantly causing nuclear fusion, and the other core is nuclear fission, allowing the constant creation of energy, but the energy cost of the weapons causes this to constantly keep working. It has to constantly create energy to keep up with the costs of using the Akagai. It does have a N-Jammer Canceller to ensure that if he had to shut down the reactors he could. Taking the history of Avionics and the rapid progression of society to create weapons using nuclear or other sources of Energy Kaito designed the Twin Core Nuclear Reactor to handle the demands of his Akagai.

Same about removing any mentions of Tachyon.

Kakeru wrote:Using Moonsong 9 times puts Kaito at Max Corruption.
Using Legacy Edge 6 times Puts Kaito at Max Corruption.
Using Blade Circus 3 times, puts Kaito at Max Corruption.

I'd like a small cool down to be added to the above abilities as I didn't see any in the actual abilities, a small amount of time that must be waited.

Kakeru wrote:Spacial Manipulation: The most unique thing to come out of this was the sudden manipulation of the space around Kaito. He can use this manipulation in many ways, one is to dissolve the energy by collapsing the space. The spaces that are collapsed by this return, by his will. This works off of his resolve if anything. The stronger his resolve the more he can break down and manipulate it more. This also has one major downside, since he's manipulating space as a human he has to be careful and not manipulate the immediate space around him, because if he's not careful he could displace himself and that can end badly. Another issue is that it drains a lot of his energy to constantly be manipulating space around him without getting too close into his own space. This is the one of the most dangerous types of energy to deal with for him since it's not something he normally uses.

Spacial manipulation which we approach with a bit of caution, I'd outright like this to be removed as in my opinion the Cyber Manipulation II has some qualities of Spacial manip- since this just doesn't seem to fit the general techy theme and would require a higher level of justification.

Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] JfH75kA
Kaito Yuudeshi [0-4+/0-3 SSES3] H8Tyk70
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