Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Bearer Of Hell
Joined : 2010-06-19
Posts : 714
Age : 28
Location : United States

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Hayuko - [Historic Class] Hayuko Narumi [APPROVED, 0-2] Left_bar_bleue15/100Hayuko - [Historic Class] Hayuko Narumi [APPROVED, 0-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (15/100)

Hayuko - [Historic Class] Hayuko Narumi [APPROVED, 0-2] Empty [Historic Class] Hayuko Narumi [APPROVED, 0-2]

Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:11 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 9180

Real Age: 417
Appears to be: 17
D.O.B: February 5th, 1994 02/05/1994
Nationality: Japanese
Gender: Male
Host Race: Human/Shinigami

Hair: Hayuko’s hair tends to be a factor that causes him to stand out from the crowd. His hair is unique, having a combination of black and red hair. The base of his hair is completely jet black, while he frequent strands of dark red hair in the base. It almost seems as if he had gotten dark red highlights in his hair on purpose, when in all reality it’s completely natural. When Satan had implanted himself into Hayuko’s body, it somehow changed the natural pigment of his hair. Thus creating the red highlights.

Eyes: Hayuko’s eyes are also a factor that causes him to stand out from the regular crowd. Originally when he was born, he had light brown eyes. Although when Hayuko’s inner Ziamachi began to take his toll on Hayuko’s body, his eye color began to change. Soon due to the fact that his inner Ziamachi had attached itself to hayuko’s body, his pigment had changed. Over the years, his light brown eyes began to get darker, and eventually reached a permanent red. Now his eyes are a bright ruby red, and his pupil had turned into a thin diamond in the middle. Although it did not look as threatening as it sounded, when people are in fear; they tend to believe it is a demonic look.

Hayuko’s eyes are not only red. For when Hayuko undergoes a transformation which he calls “Incision” his eyes turn from a bright red, to a stone cold black. It is not a natural black color, but an endless abyss that seems to suck down everything it sees. What makes his black eyes even more frightening is the pupil. You can literally see something darker moving about inside his pupils. This causes any fighter who has lost his cool to panic. Truly a look of the devil.

Height: Hayuko is rather tall compared to some people around the world, although he is not much taller than the average height 5’10. Hayuko measures a handsomely looking 6 feet 1 inch, and can be called tall for a Japanese male. Originally he was going to be a short male, looking at about 5 feet 6 inches or so. But it seems that when Satan manifested itself on hayuko’s body, it caused his growth to radically increase over the years.

Weight: Hayuko weighs at 75 kg (Kilograms) or 165 lbs. (Pounds). His weight is nothing strange for someone who measures 6 feet and an inch. Most of this weight is muscle weight though, causing many people to imagine Hayuko to believe he looks like a finely toned athlete. With this seemingly perfect amount of weight, Hayuko is able to develop a good amount of stamina for him to battle with in fights. Allowing him to be agile, while being able to land some somewhat strong blows of his own.

Clothing: Hayuko likes to wear a younger fresher and more rebellious looking brand of clothes, he doesn’t like (Our time sense) the old retro style at all. Hayukos signature look consists of dark black denim jeans, and a plain dark red t-shirt. Along with his orange hoodie which he like to consistently wear, and black shoes. His entire wardrobe is surrounded by dark colors; you won’t be likely to find anything in there that is bright. If he is not wearing his orange hoodie, than his second choice would be a black leather jacket.

~The beginning~

Hayuko, the unfortunate bearer of hell itself... It all started when Hayuko was a mere child. He was only 5 at the time when his misfortunes began. Born happy, cursed young. Hated forever.
It all started when he was three, his parents had been killed in a car accident. It had been an incident where the driver had been speeding away from the cops and crashed into a pole. After their death he was forced to live in a foster home. Things weren't that bad. He had a lot of friends, with the same problem he had. Some of them had run away from home because their parents were so abusive. Hayuko considered his father abusive. He doubted that he was loved by that monstrosity. Given it some time, he would have run away by himself.

Little did he know his father had been sent to hell for being a criminal. He had raped four women. He got one of them pregnant. We now know this child bearer as Hayuko's mother. Who didn't love her child, she hated being with him because she never desired a child in the first place. He had killed others for money; you could say he was pretty big with the mafia as well. But Hayuko's father found a life as equally terrifying as his very existence. He couldn’t seem to adapt to any of hells environments. The harsh deserts, the icy planes, or the pits of retribution.

During the same time that Hayukos father had died, Satan had wanted to expand his kingdom further than just hell. He wanted to stretch his empire of misery to those in other places. He wanted more power, and more servants. The planet within his crosshairs was none other than earth. Hayuko's father overheard this rumor and made a proposition to Satan. Satan could not travel back to earth because of the fact that he had been weak. He needed to grow his power within a living soul. But if he used a human vessel he could. Being the bastard that he was Hayuko's father made a proposition to exchange his soul for a certain amount of time, until he found his son Hayuko. He would be able to use his very child as a vessel and grow, and bring his soul back to his body. Satan or Lucifer found the idea rather amusing and agreed with the puny human.

Little did Hayuko’s gullible father know, a dead soul from the demon world could not last long. In fact it was more than likely that Satan was going to consume his father’s soul after being transferred to his son’s body.

~The Possession~

Satan a few days later infused himself with Hayuko's father, and opened a portal to the human world. Although, to open the portal in such a weak human body took too much strength. He found himself weak; he realized that he would have to feed off of another living human. He remembered what the father had said and then allowed his father to take control of the body. Like the gullible tool that his father was, he had sought out his son’s life. Looking for him, trying to find him, to inevitably give him a curse that anyone would kill themselves over.

Eventually after hours of searching, Hayuko had finally been found. Hayuko’s father at this point had been losing his sanity, as Satan had been whispering in his mind for the past few hours him. Tainting him further, corrupting him. Hayukos father had tied Hayuko up, despite his child’s tears and his pleas. Screaming sorry every time he added a knot, all of it was to no avail. “There im finally done…” He said expecting Satan to release him, but what happened next was rather shocking. Hayukos father had begun to disorientate. Parts of his skin were literally searing off, and other parts of his body soon began to disappear. Soon his father was gone, and the remnant was a terrifying demon left. So terrifying he could not be described. A shroud of darkness overcame Hayuko and he had been knocked unconscious

What had happened was that Satan had used the remainder of his strength to seal himself into a dormant sleep. A sleep that would allow him to recover his former power. A sleep that would allow him to feed off of Hayuko’s life force for years to come. In other words, the demon was doing this in order to increase his own power.

~Growing up~

Hayuko has no idea of what had happened to him, he had no idea of what kind of terrible beast had been hidden in him. Two years later hayuko was finally five years old. And His miseries strangely began to occur. His friends began to turn on him, calling him a freak. Shunning him. Everything he knew was about to be changed. Everything around him began to fail. Every day something new unexplained event would occur.

Strange things would happen, and his friends would get injured. Soon, all of them began to turn on him. Every time it happened more people began to hate him. He couldn't even walk around in his foster home without someone trying to attack him. One day on a certain night, he was being beat against a corner, no one wanted to help him. Soon as he yelled for help, the entire foster home was set aflame.

No explanation was ever found for the burning of the building. Nor was there an explanation for why hayuko was the only one alive.

And the start of his unsteady life continued. He was transferred to another foster home. And yet the same thing began to repeat. Except he didn’t have any friends this time, they all just seemed to hate him. It was like he was just emitting a negative, evil aura. An aura so powerful it just made everyone fear him. He hoped from foster home from foster home, and in each in everyone they were all burned down. People who never knew him began to hate him, he was rejected wherever he went. He was no longer allowed to go to any other foster homes. He was shunned for life.

It was only around this time, when he was found by a shinigami sensing high resiatsu levels emitting from him. Hayuko had no idea, what the strange shinigami was talking about. He didn’t understand any of it, he just did what he was told because the shinigami was the only one who didn’t fear him. He was soon brought to the gotei 13 for training, in order to become a shinigami.

~The Shinigami Arc~

After training for six years in the confined walls of seireitei, he had finally become an accomplished shinigami. Of course he had not done anything ridiculously incredible like achieve a shikai yet. But that didn’t stop anyone from praising him. He was only eleven years old and yet he was able to wield a zanpaktou with such caliber. No-one understood why, but he was also cold blooded against any hollow. People had simply figured that was his personality, in which he was born to be a leader. But that wasn’t true, for whatever reason Hayuko loved a battle. It boiled in his blood, it made him bloodthirsty. He didn’t understand it, it wasn’t human. It was a... Demonic trait, but nobody had known this true side of Hayuko.

What they had been wondering, is how such a small boy could muster such strength? Little did them, or Hayuko himself know that the immense power that Hayuko was drawing on. Was that of the notorious Satan, a friend, and devil in disguise. Hidden inside of Hayuko’s very body. Now that Hayuko was even stronger, this was more than Satan could have hoped for. The boy becoming a shinigami allowed him to feed off of more energy from the boy. Crippling his ultimate potential in the process.

It was a more peaceful life for Hayuko, for him life finally seemed to get better. He had friends, nobody disliked him for the aura he had. They mistook that aura for a strong spiritual strength that he had just been born with. He was well on his way to being a part of the eleventh division. Passing his classes with excellent marks. It seemed like nothing could go wrong for this young man.
It was a mere two years later. He was now thirteen and he had accomplished managed to achieve shikai, and almost his bankai. He had met friends that wouldn't leave him. Friends he could depend on. Times were finally starting to look up for him.

But it was during this time when he began to learn what he truly was. A true monster, an abomination.

~The Satanic Arc~

Hayuko is had just turned a few weeks ago, and he was advancing his shinigami ability at a rapid rate. (Please remember that the reason why he was advancing so quickly through all of this, was because of the demon spirit inside being a catalyst) Soon, he entered his shinigamis world once again. Once after had achieved his shikai, this time for a much bigger purpose. To achieve his bankai state.

Hayuko found himself in the mystical mountains of his spirit’s realm. Hayuko’s spirit Enkou had presented itself towards him in an outrage. It was a mythical bird called a phoenix, a bird that literally flies across the lit with flames. The only unique thing about this phoenix, was that it was a blue color and not red. Hayuko didn’t understand why the spirit came at him with such agression, Hayuko’s spirit had always been compassionate, old and wise. It always gave out advice, it thought Hayuko what he needed to know. In other words, the phoenix was completely out of character.
It fired a scorching blast of blue searing flames in a shape of a piercing spiraling laser out of its shining neon blue beak. The flame had been over nine-hundred degrees Celsius, the rapid movement of the heat blurring everything else around it. Hayuko had to make a quick move before that threatening blast hit him, so he dove backwards off of the peak of the mountain he had been standing on. He started to free fall, doing a backflip to land on an edge that jutted out of the mountain.

When he looked up the peak of the mountain had been hit by the flames, and its pieces began to fly away; blown apart by the powerful blast. While the debris began to fall, some of the rock had litteraly melted in thin air from the immense amount of heat that heat that had been used in the attack. Hayuko then had to begin masterfully avoiding the rocks, and molten rocks that were falling down in his direction. Shuffling his feet and using a series of quick flash steps, he looked as he had been dancing around the rocks. So perfectly you, you could have thought that all of this had been coordinated beforehand.

The phoenix continued to attack Hayuko in the same matter, and in the same matter Hayuko had to continue dodging his attacks. This repetitive and redundant way to battle had continued on for hours. Like a game of cat and mouse, and Hayuko was the mouse. He would continue to hide and avoid, because he could not do anything to do high-flying phoenix. But hayuko continued the game, patiently waiting for his moment to strike.

An hour later hayuko was starting to lose his stamina, his endurance was being put to the test. Then his opportunity came rather unexpectedly, as the phoenix had spotted him once again. But then the phoenix froze on a cliff edge, and started to look at the sky. Soon it began to wail, wail loudly. Like a little girl screaming in a horror movie, it began to cry. Its tears did not look anything like tears should, even if they are phoenix tears. It looked like it was oozing a black liquid from its eyes, that seemed a lot like it could have been petroleum.

Hayuko took no waste of time as the phoenix was not suspecting, and it took a blade through its heart, slaying his own spirit and gaining rights to his Bankai form. But he did not feel any success from this, or any much stronger. It almost seemed as if something had gone wrong, like he swallowed a drug that made him feel a sort of depression. It seemed to be a state of which something was choking his heart, but it was nothing like depression. It was like an overwhelming strength coming from inside his body, that wasn’t his own.

It was only a few months later that hayuko figured what was wrong with him. It was during a mission in which he was assigned to assassinate a certain arancer that had been cause chaos among the citizins of a small city in the human world. It was during this time when Hayuko had released his bankai to take on the menace terrorizing the people. But there was something different about everything. Instead of his electrifying bright blue flames, he had released a menacing dark and threatening thick black flames that resembled the feelings of despair.

After a grueling timely and heavy battle he eliminated the arrancar, leaving nothing but a charred crisp behind. He was weak and tired. Then suddenly his body began to feel heavy, and a sense of pain and fear began to set in. Soon he began to hear terrifying whispers in his head, like a snake speaking the English language. Trying to ruin his psychological state with sinister mind tricks. Soon enough, his field of vision soon began to cloud up in darkness. His eyesight slowly being covered up by dark-dots adding up until he blacked out.

He soon awoke, and the same village he had just saved was left in flames. Dead bodies could be seen everywhere, some half eaten others completely obliterated. It was a horrific scene from a horror movie, but brought to real life. He looked down at himself and he was covered in blood, but it wasn’t his. That’s when the realization began to set in. He was the monster.

~The Corruption Arc~

A few years later, Hayuko has learned to accept what he is. Satan had been awakened from his slumber, trying to escape from the seal that he himself had created. What he did not expect, was Hayuko to grow so much in strength. With this growth in strength, the seal he had created . He had been attempting to disrupt Hayuko’s natural form by ruining him psychologically. Whispering to him in his mind, plaguing his sleep with gruesome nightmares.

Soon enough, Satans powers began to ooze out of Hayuko. Hayuko used this to his advantage and began to harness it to for his own. Little did he know, how bad of an idea it could be. Leaving his shinigami power to be non-existent, Satan soon took over the weakened link and litteraly consumed Hayuko’s spirit partner Enkou. Raising his own powers once again, and weakening Hayuko’s. For he severed the link between him and his zanpaktou, it was now useless to him and he had to give it up.
Satan began to manifest himself even more onto Hayuko. Slowly pulling him into a deep dark pit of despair, his powers continued to control. Hayuko’s control on the beast was starting to slip. The next night in the window he could see his eyes turning from its usual red color to a complete and utter black. The strange thing about the black color was that in the middle, you could see something even darker in the shape of a sharp dragon’s pupil. Hayuko literally seemed demonic.

Satan’s roots only continued to grow deeper as soon, Satan began to manifest himself onto mirrors. He would be speaking to Hayuko from his own appearance. The mental stress was building up, at nights he couldn’t sleep, during the day he was too stressed to do anything. The only way he would be able to control some of the inner flames burning in him were to release his powers at night. He was losing control over his self will, and Satan continuously oppressed himself onto Hayuko. Revealing more and more every moment.

~The Supposed Salvation~

One day Hayuko’s miserable life had seemingly started to get brighter. It was a Tuesday, Hayuko was trying to relieve some of his stress by going out into the city. Enjoying himself doing something, instead of moping around at home exactly how Satan wanted him too. He got hungry and fancied some pizza. It was there when he met a wonderful girl named Ikarumi. Meeting her by a waitress coincidentally mixing up their orders, Hayuko ended up staying for a chat with the new girl he had just met. Sitting there in conversation for an hour or two. He was actually enjoying himself.

After they finished the pizza Hayuko opted to pay the bill, and he began to leave until Ikarumi told him something interesting. “So your part demon too huh?” Hayuko stared at her with a mortified face, and slowly turned his head and walked out the door. Did it show on his face? Was it his aura giving him away? He didn’t know what it was, he didn’t want to find out. He was sure that Satan had not manifested himself onto him. Strangely he hadn’t felt Satan’s presence in the past two to three hours. It was all too strange, and Hayuko scurried home.

The next day, Hayuko went back into the city once again. He had just had a night free of Satan’s terrible grasp, and it felt good. Not having to live in the constant harassment of that fiend was a blessing, and he thought it was all because of how he went into the city yesterday. He looked to enjoy himself a little bit today too. What better opportunity than at the a karakura festival?

Little did he know, he was about to have another fateful encounter. With who? Well you guessed it, he had somehow managed to find himself together with ikarumi once again. This time they sat down and had a very lengthy talk about what she meant, when she was talking about being part demon. It had appeared to be, that she had an inner demon about as powerful as his very own. She had told Hayuko of the struggles she had to keep it under control, and although they didn’t sound exactly like his. They were defiantly frightening.

Instead of spending their entire time dwelling on what they are, how their lives a miserable because of it. They ended up enjoying their day at the festival. Going on all the rides together, they ended up becoming great friends by the end of the day. They exchanged numbers by night-time, about to go home. And then the fireworks from the festival flew into the sky, creating a crackling exploding sound. Creating a masterpiece of art in the air before them. Hayuko only took one glance at the extravaganza before turning and pulling Ikarumi to her, and giving her a passionate kiss that seemed to last forever.

And so this thing began between the two of them, going out like the most happy of people. During this time, Hayuko now had a rejuvenated will in his life. He had the strength to fight against Satan’s oppression. In fact he even began to harness Satan’s powers and make it his own. No longer fearing the beast within him, he was making the beast a part of him. Making it his own, so that he could be able to gain his own power.

~The Devastation Arc~

A fearsome monster had just appeared to the scene of Karakura, its name? Ender. A horrifying monster far more powerful than anything Hayuko could possibly imagine. Or so he thought, during this time everyone was in a panic. Forces were organizing to battle this fiend, and Hayuko was lining up on the front lines to go battle this monster. With his new-found powers, he thought he should do something for the people of Karakura. With great power comes great responsibilities.
Or so he thought. During this time, all sorts of hell were beginning to break free in his life. Literally.

During this event, the resurrection of ender had somehow lead to some of the dead being brought back from the grave. Who was one of them? Ikarumi’s dead husband. This brand new obstacle that had been put in Hayuko’s freeflying highway, was much too big for him to overcome.

Ikarumi had soon left Hayuko for his husband. In a series of re-occurring events, Ikarumis inner beast was soon let out. The chaotic dragon had taken more than just Hayuko to seal back in. In an epic battle, Hayuko had literally lost his cool. He went into a demonic outrage, and Satan had been released for the first time. In an epic clash between Satan, and Ikarumi’s demon. With help from the supporters, after they began to tire each other out they were sealed back into their perspective owners.

~The Dissapearance~

With the conflict between ikarumi and the appearance of Satan, Hayuko no longer felt as if he could stay in the Karakura area any longer. But from this entire encounter, he had created a new found will within himself. The will to control the beast that holds him tight. Hayuko no longer wanted to be afraid of the hazardous demon inching closer and closer to his heart every day.

He began to travel the world, training and honing his skills. He began to literally control Satan. Achieving complete transformations across the globe! It was one large leap in Hayuko, for he was now controlling Satan. Instead of letting Satan eat at him, he was now using Satan for his own purposes. Traveling from Beijing to Moscow and then to Spain, he learned many different ways to focus. Some of these manners included Yoga, Tiquando (Yes strangely) and Meditation.

Over hundreds of years, Hayuko had been able to master fearsome new techniques and gained more control from his inner ziamachi. But that hasn’t been the only thing Hayuko has been doing. Centuries is a lot of time to do a lot of things, Hayuko had been learning multiple kinds of martial arts. Along with conditioning his body in the strongest of weathers, he has toned his body in many different ways.

During this time, Hayuko had also been studying many different topics. Attending high school once or twice due to boredom, and then attending colleges and universities. During this time, Hayuko had also gotten in on the professional soccer stage. Changing his look and appearance with numerous of futuristic technologies, he was able to participate in the world biggest stage. Playing for a fantastic team by the name of Real Madrid, he played two seasons. He began winning the league in his first year, and then the treble in his second year. With these accolades, you also have to add on his two “Fifa World Best Player Of the Year” Awards. Being the first person in history to win it in his first year, and then the “youngest” to win it. Then being the youngest to win it in two subsequent years.

He enjoyed his career as a professional soccer player, but faked a “Severe injury” that took him off sports greatest stage. Right before the world cup too. Hayuko then returned to his original appearance after the college and soccer to go back to his original goal. Training to contain Satan. His continuous work over years has allowed him to take major control over this beast.

During this time, he has taken time to create an enterprise of his own throughout the years. Creating a company of computer technological advancements over the years from the shadows, Hayuko has been able to create his own capital. He did this for whatever may happen in the future, for money was always a valuable resource. Leaving the company after a decade, and keeping ties to it from the shadows. Hayuko could be called a rich man, although you would never guess it.

If there had been one thing that had bothered Hayuko though, it would have been the fact that he had stayed seventeen for the rest of his life. Because of Satan’s powers, aging had been quite a troublesome part of Hayuko’s life. Though he should look to this constant youth as a gift, he had always wanted to grow old at some point. But soon enough, due to technological advancements; even humans were living longer. “But at least they aged” That was the one idea that had always stuck to Hayuko’s mind.

~Complications ~

It was the year two-thousand ninety-six (2396) and it had seemed as only just yesterday that it was two thousand eleven (2011). Everything around the globe had changed, the habitats, the technology, and the people themselves. Humans were now developing power of their own which they called “Chi”. The whole world had been revolutionized, new power sources, new forms of travel (Flying cars, hoverboards) It looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. But on the outside of every city, was now a barren wasteland filled with hollows. It wasn’t exactly the best kind of life, but they were safe inside their domes. That’s what matters.

Hayuko had finally returned to civilization, although no-one knew of his arrival. He had gone missing for almost four-hundred years, anyone who knew him must have thought he had died. Simple as that. Even when he did actually return, no one knew of his return. He looked different, like a completely new person. With his red and black hair, his eyes had permanently stayed red. His style of clothes hadn’t changed much over the years. Always that young and rebellious look, and rebellion was a nice look on him.

~January 19th 2396~

Hayuko had rented a hoverboard as he had entered the city. He could probably easily get around the city using his own speed, but he did not want to seem abnormal to anyone around him. The last thing he wanted to do was arouse suspicion. He was looking around for something to do, he had been separated from humanity for so much time, and yet it seemed as it was all still the same in a different time period. Humans would only be humans hayuko figured.

Hayuko decided to go to a club. To see what kind of new entertainment you could find in a club. Apparently it was still the same, not much has changed much 300 years in the future. There was one thing that Hayuko would always enjoy, and that was the ability to order drinks. He had ordered a soda, yes a soda. Oddly enough, they still had this caffeine filled drink in the future. Hayuko always preferred not to drink any alcohol, for satan might have been able to take over if he ever got drunk. Although just from being drunk, Satan would not be able to do much with Hayuko’s body.
Hayuko took a sip from his drink, soon enough he gulped down the entire thing. Then he began to feel woozy, he felt strange, light. Someone had slipped something into his drink. “Shit” was the only thing the run through his mind as he tried to get a grip. He had completely and utterly forgotten about how common such a thing as slipping something into a drink was. It must have been something extremely powerful to get Hayuko so limp so quickly. Soon enough, black spots began to blue his vision. “This can’t be happening” He muttered to himself as he was soon washed away by the darkness.

To recap what happened while Hayuko had been out cold, Satan had now taken over Hayuko’s body. Not being able to do anything to satisfy his power-hungry self with a weakened body and an irritating child (I.e Hayuko) nagging at his back to retain possession; he decided to satisfy something else. One of Satan’s many personalities consisted of something non-other than lust. And you can imagine what he did with that. On this night he, took a woman named yuri to a hotel. And from there you can imagine what insued. Satan had been taking on the appearance of Hayuko, with white hair and black eyes instead of Hayuko’s usual red eyes and red/black hair.

You can imagine what insued afterwards. Only a few hours later, Hayuko had finally battled his way into consciousness. When he awoke, he found himself outside of the city. In the barren wasteland of hollows. All he could see around him though, were not predators trying to eat a man who was weak and branded on the floor. But a bunch of predators dead on the floor, limbs cut. Hunted by another monster in the area. It only took Hayuko a few seconds to realize that he was the predator that had hunted those monsters.

Hayuko had no memory of what had happened during that night, for he was battling against Satan’s shroud of control over him. He had no idea that satan had done those things with yuri. With his own body none-the-less. He had only gotten up and assumed that Satan had been feasting on hollows to try and accumulate more power to himself. Then he headed back into the city, hiding in a small apartment that he had bought himself.

Little did he know that months later, the woman that satan satisfied his lust with had a son named Rin. Satan had just given birth to a son that Hayuko had no idea of. Little did he know that years later that son would most likely be hunting Hayuko down for what Satan had created the poor child to be.

(Rin )

~The Return~

No longer afraid of what Satan could possibly do to him, Hayuko decided to re-appear in the world. This time as Hayuko Narumi, and nobody else. He was tired of being someone else, pretending to be people he wasn’t. Actually he regretted certain times where he wasn’t himself; Literally (When he played internationally soccer for Real Madrid and won his Fifpro Awards)

He had purchased himself a glorious apartment in Karakura, returning to his homeland. Where he was originally from. The first person that he had run into on his return, was non-other than Shadin Yuudeshi. Very much like Hayuko himself, Shadin had cleaned up his life. Now he is one of the strongest fighters on the face of the earth, and leading the organization of the yajyuu. The organization was one filled with ziamachi, people with an inner demon hidden within them.

They offered food and shelter to any ziamachi that needed them. That was stuff Hayuko had and was not actually interested in. Shadin was his friend, but Hayuko would not join in on any organization without an actual purpose. Then shadin filled him on how they help ziamachi tame their inner demons. This perked Hayuko’s interest as shadin had already defeated his own ziamachi. Hayuko ended up taking up Shadin’s offer.
And so, his story begins.

~Primary Personality~

Laid Back: Hayuko has never been one to really stress out over stupid things. He often tends to lay back and just appreciate what the world is like. A lot of people don’t appreciate the world they live in, because they haven’t suffered through anything. Hayuko knows otherwise, and always cherishes what he has because he doesn’t know when me might lose it. He often tends to play video games when he feels he has the time, he also enjoys taking a step back and just blasting music on his ipod. Generally he is a cool guy to be around

Intelligent: Just because he happens to be laid back during certain times, does not mean he is in any way lazy. Hes an intelligent person that continuously looks to learn new things. He likes to advance his knowledge, for he will never know when he might need it. After living for hundreds of years, learning tends to be the last thing left for you to do. And after a while, it eventually turns into a priority.

Organized: If there is anything Hayuko tends to dislike, its disorder. He lives with disorder inside him, he was given a chaotic life he never wanted. With all this chaos in his life, he often tends to sit back and organize anything and everything he owns. If he sees any signs of unorganized material he will often unconsciously look to fix it. In many ways, it can be seen as a sign of insecurity that he has towards the fact that his inner ziamachi is a chaotic being eating away at his soul.

Perseverance: If there is a will, there is a way. This is one of the major points that characterizes Hayuko. As long as he sees the slightest possibility opened up, he will go after it. After hundreds of years battling his inner ziamachi, it would be strange to see him as anything less than strong-willed. Almost anybody placed with a curse like this would kill themselves, end their lives. Give up on themselves, afterall you have become a demon. But not Hayuko, he sees himself conquering this curse he has been given, and will continue to chip away at this goal until he has achieved it. To him, he does not look at the hardships, yet at the finish line.

Calm: After hundreds of years, Hayuko has learned many different ways to stay in control of a situation. Yoga to meditation, Hayuko has gone through any silly method to keep himself calm. Although It may seem like a pointless endeavor, it actually ends up working. Hayuko is as cool as ice, he has to be, so that he never lets his inner ziamachi get the better of himself. In a fight, he tends to not get angered, never heated so that he can keep his focus. Never losing sight of his goal, that’s the way hayuko is. Pressure doesn’t necessarily affect him, so it is a very strong trait.

Charismatic: Believe it or not, the demonic boy that everyone hated and never socialized with ended up being a charismatic person. A little smile here, a little wave there. Some flattery, and anybody would be entranced by Hayuko’s smooth speaking. This may be a trait that he picks up from his inner ziamachi, being able to say what people want to heart. Its something his demon tends to specialize in, and a useful trait that Hayuko picked up.

Somewhat Helpful: Depending on the person the reason and the purpose, Hayuko will always available to those who need help. He likes to help out people, but they have to give him a good reason for what they are doing. He will never help out the lazy, only those who deserve his help. In battle, you need to just ask, and he will be right at your side. Although, he is only somewhat helpful. Stupid reasons he tends to shrug off, and if he is ever feeling down. He may just flat out deny you, even if it is something important.

~Secondary Personality~

Hayuko is somewhat of a dynamic character, for he has a personality complex. When Hayuko lets himself lose his calm, or his confidence; His inner ziamachi begins to influence his personality. Not at the point of taking over, but his influence is obviously there.

Insecure: During this time, Hayuko is no longer his calm self. Although he can still shrug off what is going on and pretend to smile, he begins to doubt everyone around him. Seeing many around him as enemies, despite how long of a friendship they have had. He begins to doubt what he knows, he begins to doubt the goodwill of anybody around him. A simple gesture of a handshake or a hello will be taken in as a simple attempt to get close to him, so that they can use him. Its like he is seeing an alternate reality from his own eyes. Though this is a difficult thing to catch about him

Greed: In his secondary personality, Hayuko is the last person to help anybody. All of his life becomes about him-him-him and only him. He begins to want everything for himself. Never looking to help anybody, flat out rejecting anybody that comes asking for something. He might even insult them, beat them away and have a good laugh. This is obviously different from the regular, easy to get along with Hayuko.

Lustful: Hayuko has never had that big of an eye for women, but when his inner ziamachi begins to influence him, everything begins to change. Whenever he looks at any good looking women, he immediately goes in after them. Humans being the way they are, are usually susceptible to such charm from a good-looking man like Hayuko seems to be. Its one of those, when I see something I want I’ll get it kind of personalities that Hayuko soon adopts.

Hot Headed: Things soon just seem to bother him. Any insult or joke will be taken seriously. Hayuko is no longer able to control any of his emotions. Taking bait to anything anybody might say. He is quite susceptible to violence at a time like this. It just seems as if he has a hate for everything for no apparent reason. At times like these, its better for him to overcome his frustrations on his own.

Demonic: A scary personality, where peoples misery are only pleasure for Hayuko. This is a personality complex in which hayuko will lie cheat his way to people in order to get what he wants. The ability to ruin people’s lives and then have a nice laugh about it. Is there a reason to why he would want other people to be miserable? No, he just loves the feeling. At this point its obvious that Hayuko is no longer himself.

Satanic: In battle, Hayuko is truly something to be feared. In this state, he will pin down his opponent and torture them to death. Rubbing salt in the wounds is what you should pray for at this point. Lusting for blood, wanting to bathe in it. At this point, hayuko is not looking to injure anybody. He is looking to fight with everyone and everything around him. Not just fight, he is looking to decapitate anybody. The lust for death, the joy of killing. A sudden instinct that battling is just enjoyable, when you see Hayuko like this. It is better for anybody to just leave him, and overcome his lust by himself.

Ziamichi Spirit: he is an extremely intelligent creature that radiates pure evil and filth. He has no need of sleep and so never sleeps. He will frighten you when you see him. As this creature looks down on you with eyes that are crying, he is laughing at you. And out of a wet mouth that stinks, you will see the tongue of a snake hanging out over straight pointed teeth that are as strong as iron and steel, set in powerful jaws. His mouth is surrounded with black lips. And he has hands that have strong filthy fingers and his feet are dirty. He is an evil entity that strives to destroy all of life itself, for how he was punished for eternity.

This is how Satan is perceived to the world. And in reality, it isn’t very accurate. You see Satan, takes on many forms. He lurks in the darkness, and blends with the light. He could be the dog outside your door, or your human bestfriend. His ability to shapeshift is impeccable, allowing him to take on nearly any form. (Of course I wouldn’t let it be any of the characters on the site, assuming he ever escapes the prison of Hayuko’s body)

Depending on whether or not he is able to free himself from the prison that is named Hayuko Narumi, Satan takes on a different set of appearances depending on how he wants to be seen.

~ Personality ~

Ambitious: Satan is an ambitious entity that seeks nothing short of everything in its sight. Its biggest goal being to overcome the being that created it Touketsu. Satan is a demon that has created his own realm in order to create his own power. To raise it, no matter what the cost. Whether it be consuming millions upon millions of souls, it doesn’t care about the casualties. It only seeks to gain everything it wants. To create an enormous empire, and empire that will stretch throughout the universe, and the different realms. Nothing would be free of its grasp if such an evil were to be released.

Malicious: Its evil, completely and utterly malicious. It does not care about compassion, stupid things like those just hinder its cause. It is a monster looking to conquer everything. It will kill, torture, enslave as many beings as it needs to in order achieve its goals. Not only will it cause pain and suffering to achieve what it wants too, but it enjoys inflicting misery. There can be no other word than satanic in order to describe Satan.

Deceiving: This is a cunning being, that has a silver tongue. It can talk its way through any situation, lie and cheat its way to nearly anybody’s heart. Giving them something they want in order to enslave them, that is the name of Satan’s trade. With the ability to promise virtually anything to the person who does its bidding, it is hard to deny the monster. Although most of the times these are nothing but false promises.

The Seven Sins: If anything else can be used to characterize this monster, it should be the wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony
Ziamichi History: Satan was created by God thousands of years ago as a perfect angel. Satan was called Lucifer and he lived in heaven.

Lucifer was above every other angel in heaven. His appearance was beautiful and dazzling. He radiated light and glory. He was covered with gold and shimmering jewels. Lucifer was the Chief Covering angel and he worked in the throne room of God.

Lucifer spent a lot of time with God the father and Jesus Christ. They met together frequently to share ideas and make plans. They were very close to each other and were in perfect harmony.
Just over 6,000 years ago God and Jesus had a private meeting and Lucifer was not included. Lucifer became jealous. He set out on a campaign to prove that he was above Jesus. Lucifer began to be proud of his own glory and wisdom.

Over time one third of the angels in heaven chose to side with Lucifer and to worship him instead of Jesus. God made tireless efforts to persuade Lucifer to repent and return to God. Lucifer almost relented, but he would not give up his pride and humble himself. He refused to admit that he was wrong.

Eventually Lucifer became entrenched in his pride and God could no longer influence him. God reluctantly removed Lucifer from his position of Chief Covering angel. Lucifer was thrown out of heaven, along with the angels who had chosen to follow him.

Lucifer was now cast into the realm of hell, where god had condemned him too. Along with the angels who chose to follow him. Here he swore that he would extract his revenge on the heavens, and the mankind that the lord treasured so deeply.

Little did the world know, that this entire history was a load of bullshit. Nobody had known the truth; they had just invented things to make their lives seem better. That a greater good sealed away a terrible evil, when in fact this was not the case at all. You would have thought that a beast like the monster called Satan was the most powerful demon entity to exist. But this was naught true. For Satan was created by an even more fearsome existence. This existence was called none other than Touketsu.

Satan had been formed from Touketsu as an experiment, to try and create an army. Touketsu did not expect that creating an entity as powerful as Satan would try to rebel. Satan using its own powers, created its very own realm to escape from the clutches of its creator Touketsu. The realm that Satan had escaped too, was none other than the realm we know today as hell. It is not an area that god created to seal away evil, but an area created by Satan himself to grow and raise evil. A place to create his own minions, and increase his own power.

Why would Satan want to do such a thing? It was his instinct. To cause misery throughout the globe, to create his very own empire. These were the kind of traits that it had inherited from its creator Touketsu, and this is what it based its entire life on. One day, it found out that any souls that had too much negativity in their hearts, could be lured into the depths of his realm hell. He would use these souls to do his bidding, using them as slaves. Sometimes he would feast on these souls to suffice his own hunger. This was the kind of being that was created by Touketsu, a monster that had probably surpassed the expectations Touketsu had for it. Although it never quite reached the power of its creator, it has attempted to reach such strength and has come close.


Ziamichi powers:

Intense Reitsu: With its massive amount of energy, Satan can turn any regular attack into an immesnly powerful blow. With the ability to turn a simple swipe at the air into a violent whirlwind, or a roar into a 600 meter building shattering effect. Using all of this energy, Satan can fire energy blasts from anywhere in its body, from is legs to its arms or out of his mouth. These blasts are hundreds of meters long, possibly almost reaching up to 1000 meters. Although it can only fire four of these blasts at a time, before it needs a post to regenerate its power.

Immense strength: With the ability to litteraly swipe at a building with its claw and completely devastate it, Satan possesses one of the greatest strengths there is. With one single stomp of the ground, it could cause shattering earthquakes capable of sinking buildings around it. Even using its tail, it can easily smash skyscrapers like a human would squash a bug.

Massive Resilience: With so much resilience, Satan can easily take on several explosions at the same time while barely leaving a scratch. Its skin being insanely reinforced, it can easily swat away Gran ray ceros. Of course this does not mean invincibility, but being one of the most powerful demons to walk the universe. Battling is much better left to the stronger characters.

Regeneration: Satan is one of the most feared demons throughout the lands. Not only because of his massive strength, but because of his ability to regenerate his injuries. With this ability he Is able to re-generate major limbs, but it is not immediate. The giant weakness to this ability is that it is a delayed reaction, for its body does not recognize what it lost for a while. Which leaves the window of opportunity to be attacked.

Gigantic Resiatsu: Being one of the most powerful demon entities to ever exist, the amount of spiritual power it contains is terrifying. His simple presence would cause strong warriors to gasp for air, any weaker than them would literally be crushed by such a monster. His resiatsu being so powerful, it even increases the force of gravity in the area he’s around. With the ability to affect any weak persons mind from miles away, allowing it to impose its will on them.

Shattering Darkness: Using his ability to create negative energy, Satan creates six giants spikes near the area of his spinal cord; and fires them up into the sky. After they have been fired into the sky, the six spikes shatter in dozens of different human sized pieces. Using these pieces, Satan is able to defend or attack with these much smaller spikes. These very agile spikes, on impact will pierce a body and explode on contact. He can only use this once, before needing to recharge for an entire post.

Immortal Rain: In the same similar action as shattering Darkness, Satan creates a circle of pitch black flames on his back. Soon one giant flame rises up into the sky, big enough to cover someone’s vision of the sun. The flame would then separate into more than a hundred different arrows, and pierce down from the sky, searing its opponents. With flames had highly intense temperatures, any weak person who has not been hit would most likely die from dehydration caused by the intense heat.
~Unique Traits~

The Seal: A seal that Satan had once originally placed on Hayuko to seal himself, although it was purposely made weak. Another one was replaced the seal that Satan had originally made in order to be more secure. Although the seal is not all powerful, in fact the seal seems to resonate with hayuko’s state of mind. Being more powerful when hes calm, weaker when he is insecure. Although even when the seal is at its strongest, It could never completely seal away Satan’s powers for his is too strong a being to do so. Allowing Hayuko to take advantage of this and use Satan’s powers for himself.

Inheritance: Because there had never been anything to separate Satan from hayuko’s inner world, Satan had long ago consumed Hayuko’s shinigami spirit Enkou. A blue majestic phoenix, reduced to nothing as its powers had literally been absorbed by Satan. This absorption allowed Satan to further his own powers, by adding a flame affinity to his already powerful negative/dark energy.
Regeneration: Due to satan’s ability to heal himself from various attacks, this is an ability that Hayuko has picked up slowly over the past centuries of his life. By using up his energy supplies, Hayuko can take time to regenerate minor and moderate wounds(Cuts and slashes, small burning of skin etc.). Although this is an ability that takes up a lot of time, and would be much too worthless and time consuming to do for any wound bigger than a moderate one. I.e (Internal organs, broken bones, ripped muscles)

Darkness Affinity: Thanks to the inner ziamachi inside of Hayuko, Hayuko is naturally able to control and shard negative/dark energy to create attacks with it. After training for hundreds of years with it, he has become very adept at using it, being able to creatively form powerful attacks
Flame Affinity: Being his beginning affinity before he knew of Satan, Hayuko is also very adept with the power of flames. Before Satan had consumed and absorbed the power of his Shinigami spirit, This was all Hayuko. Now hundreds of years later, he has learned how to bring out the flames from Satan’s powers and manifests it to create devastating attacks.

Partial Immortality: Due to the fact that Satan has sealed himself inside of Hayuko’s body, it seems to have changed his cellular structure in order stop aging. In other words, he is most likely going to stay seventeen until he is finally killed. (This in no way means he can’t be killed, or can’t be hurt, only that he hardly ages.)

Death’s Energy: Being made from touketsu, Satan has the ability to use death’s energy to his advantadge. If there is any one of the powers that Hayuko still has not mastered, it is the ability to use death’s energy.

Last edited by Hayuko on Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:35 pm; edited 11 times in total
Bearer Of Hell
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Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:45 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 3618

The Demonic Forms


Incision(First Demonic Form): his eyes turn from a bright red, to a stone cold black. It is not a natural black color, but an endless abyss that seems to suck down everything it sees. What makes his black eyes even more frightening is the pupil. You can literally see something darker moving about inside his pupils. This causes any fighter who has lost his cool to panic. Truly a look of the devil.

Once in this form, an aura begins to completely surround his skin. Although this only takes the shape of his body and nothing else, it can change colors and emotions. Therefore giving Hayuko different amounts of strength. His Auras can change during battle, although it is not very likely.

Red: This had become rather a rare appearance for Hayuko’s aura to take. This aura signifies the emotion of anger. Having a flaring red aura, it often emits large temperatures of heat that could cause anybody weak to suffer from nausea, Dehydration and other symptoms. If this aura manifests itself, Hayuko will most likely not be able to control his future forms. In this aura he is more powerful than his purple, but cannot keep his cool in battle. Leading to silly mistakes.

Black: This may be the most dangerous aura of all. This is about as rare as his blue aura. Which both never seem to occur. With great reason, in this aura. The aura now releases a menacing, terrifying, literally satanic aura. At this point Hayuko has lost practically all control and Satan has begun to take over possession of his body. In this form the power levels here far surpass any of the others. Satan had been released, and Hayuko is virtually non-existant. It is still possible for Hayuko to escape this aura before Satan completely takes over his body. But it is very difficult.

Purple: This is the usual form that his aura takes. This is a powerful aura, that releases a powerful emotion of Danger in control. While in this aura Hayuko’s powers take a sharp incline, and every motion he makes begin to looks different. As if a new person had just taken the scene.

Blue: This is a form that may as well be as terrifying as the black. When hayuko takes on this form, his emotions are literally all check. This gives out a feeling of complete and absolute calm. This is the kind of clam that could have both of his arms ripped off, and not care. People die all the time, if I die it doesn’t matter either. Within this aura, Hayuko’s power level hit new heights in this form. In this form, he will be able to practically control every form except for his final one.

This is the one form that Hayuko has learned to fully master, though depending on his emotions, even this form can completely backfire on him.

Increased speed: During this form, Hayuko’s speed is taken to new heights as he is able to now move much faster. With a shunpo going up to five hundred miles per hour in this form, his speed is something fearsome and to be rivaled. Though if he really pushed himself, he may be able to hit even higher speeds. Though pushing himself would lead to muscle rupture, and possibly broken ligament.

Increased strength: Now in this form, Hayuko is able to punch with unbelievable strength. Using the energy to regulate the strength in his muscles, in other words the energy beefs up his muscles, allowing him to exert more strength than he ever could before. With the ability to punch into the ground and create craters, Hayuko is now fearsome in hand to hand combat.

The ability to use Demonic Skills: The ability speaks for itself, as Hayuko adopts a more demonic nature, he is also able to use a series a demon Kidō, and other kinds of demonic moves.

Enchanced Darkness Affinity: Throughout this form, His ability to use the darkness affinity increases dramatically. As now he is able to power up various different attacks, and more freely control negative energy with more ease. Being able to send more powerful attacks at enemies, it is truly powerful. Also Hayuko is now able to combine his Darkness affinity and Flame affinity to create more powerful attacks.

Enchanced Flame Affinity: Throughout this form, Hayuko’s ability to use the flame affinity increases dramatically. He is now able to power up many different attacks, and more freely control his flames to create more damage. Also, his flames also increase in temperature and power, creating more fearsome attack than before. Also, Hayuko is now able to combine his Darkness affinity and Flame affinity to create more powerful attacks.

Increased Regeneration/Healing: In this form, Hayuko is now able to take on the ability of regeneration. Allowing himself to regenerate smaller wounds with more ease, and much more quickly. Once during his training, Hayuko had been cut by a sword in a sparring match. The gash was near his chest about 6 inches long, and was regenerated in mere seconds.

Possession(Second Demonic Form): In this form, Whatever color aura Hayuko has begins to take form around Hayuko’s body. The aura begins to become thicker, as the increase in spiritual pressure is certainly felt. Soon certain demonic feature begin to portray themselves in Hayuko’s Aura. The two biggest points being the two wings that grow on his back, and then the tail that is grown. Note that these are both made of energy, and would not hurt Hayuko at all if he were hit in these two areas. His nails begin to become sharper, showing signs of claws, and in his mouth Hayuko begins to grow small fangs. Making him look more demonic than ever before.

First Form Abillities Enhanced: Every single ability from Hayuko’s first form listed above has now been enhanced, increasing his power sharply in every category of the above. At this point he is like a powerful machine with the ability to easily smash through buildings.

The Aura’s AbillitiesThe aura comes into place in many different ways. Enhancing Hayuko’s arsenal of attacks greately.

Having a tail and Wings made of solely pure energy, Hayuko can use his tail much like a sword, with a stronger ability to cut then metal. Hardening his energy, he could easily use the tail as a weapon. As well as his wings, being made of complete energy, he can fire different kinds of attacks from them in different varieties.

In this Form, Hayuko can also Harden his aura, to soften the blow from incoming attacks. Using pieces of the aura, he can also use them as extendable limbs in order to attack. An example of how this would work would be a lot like naruto in his first tail form. Although, his reach isn’t nearly as far, The aura is still a powerful weapon.

Darkness Claws: Now with the majorly enhanced power at his disposal, a simple swipe of his now created claws will cause a rupture of energy to attack his enemies from a distance. In other words a formed shape of claws powered by negative energy will attack the enemies at incredible speeds. The claws though are extremely powerful, and would crush a puny little cero in half. With the ability to slice through buildings, if you aren’t powerful. It is best to avoid such an attack.

Requiem: This is an ability in which Hayuko utilizes his energy wings. He can fire various lazers that are 250 meters long. The amount of lasers that he can fire at once is only two though before he needs to recharge for a post. This ability is very much like a cero, using concentrated energy in order to attack an opponent. Unlike a cero, Hayuko can choose either a flame affinity or a darkness affinity to power up these lasers.

Satanic Roar: In this state, Hayuko is now able to utilize Satan’s powerful roar on a smaller scale. Being able to use a certain amount of reitsu to power his roar in a cylinder cone shape, he sends out a roar 400 meters long. This roar is much like any energy blast, for when it hits it has monstrous effects. It is much stronger than any ordinary cero. The sound of the roar though, is frightening enough to make any warrior not used to terrifying things freeze in horror. This is why it is called a satanic roar, a roar only the devil could produce.

Corruption(Third Demonic Form): Now a snakelike aura begins to emit from Hayuko, if you haven’t been scared of him yet, you are about to experience fear in the highest degree. In this from, Hayuko’s aura litteraly melts onto Hayuko. Creating a dark crimson red hardened skin layer, on his entire body. Everywhere on his body except for his face. Then from the entire body mold, another thicker and more powerful aura begins to emit from Hayuko. The color of his aura from incision no longer applies to Hayuko for this is a form he cannot truly control. While in this form, he Risks Satan taking possession Satan taking control over his body.

Previous abilities magnified: All of the previous abilities from form one and two are not being SEVERELY increased. With the ability to rip holes in the earth with his punches, his roars, his auras, and a list of series of attacks that Hayuko can use, he is a fearsome entity. With his strength regeneration and speed being taken to new heights, he can now be called satanic.

Black Nova: The most powerful attack that Hayuko can use in his conscious state. Given enough time, using the intense magnitude of his power, and his affinities darkness and flames. He can now create his version of a miniature sun. This sun though, is completely made of pitch black flames. A symbol of taking away any hope that the opponent may have. This chaotic attack is not something to be taken lightly, for any character not in the first tier will literally be burned alive without being hit by the attack.

With intense temperatures, and such a giant attack comes an ever more powerful side effect. A gravitational pull, making the attack more difficult to dodge. Although any strong 0 tier character should not be affected too much by this gravitational pull, still making the attack dodge able. This is an attack that can only be used twice per thread (Assuming hayuko ever makes it this far in a battle against somebody) With a three post cooldown interval between the two attacks.

Abyssal Claws: Now with the ability magnified more than twice over, a simple swipe of his now created claws will cause a rupture of energy to attack his enemies from a very far distance. Reaching out to 1000 meters. Also from so much energy create in the mere swipe of the claw; Hayuko creates miniature whirlwinds that will cut the opponents skin lightly, although this effect is not much. It’s not what you should be looking out for.

The claws are made of pure dark energy, but are covered in searing flames the will burn you even if it manages to graze you. As well, after it comes into contact with a full solid object (In-other words it does not pertain to a graze) It will explode on impact, the explosion being pitch black due to the amount of negative energy it pertains.

Final Form: In this form, Satan’s full appearance will be taken. Turning into a giant monster that resembles a demonic entity. Although just because his appearance is taken, this does not mean that Hayuko has necessarily lost all control. The only way to really know if Hayuko has lost control, and Satan has come out. Is on whether or the devil’s star appears on its forehead.

In this form, Satan now has 100% percent of all his powers. If given enough time while in this form without being hurt or distracted. Satan can conjure up a dimensional portal that will link earth with hell. Unleashing an army of demon upon humanity (-- I seriously don’t see this happening unless I am asked to do this for an event. I am merely adding this here because this was the entire point of Satan sealing himself in a human body. And if I didn’t… it would be make the point rather moot.)

Control: 8

Ziamichi Class: S+
Drawbacks: There are many Drawback to Hayuko using the demonic stages. Most of them occurring past the first demonic stage though.

Fatigue: After using so much energy in order to power himself up, when he releases this state of greater power his entire body goes into a “Failure mode”. He can barely move his muscles, for they are all sore, if not torn from the immense amount of strain put on them. He suffers from muscle confusion in which sometimes he cannot even move his body correctly. If he can move it at all. Headaches if big enough Migrains, and a very possible loss or consciousness.

Internal damages: It is very possible that during these phases, Hayuko could have tore more than just a muscle or two. If not possibly his entire body. With the excess amount of energy straining his entire body, more than just muscles can be broken as he can also tear his ligaments, and possibly break his bones in the process. It could take weeks for him to heal from these injuries even with his regeneration abilities

Weakening of the seal: Releasing so much demonic energy, it is very possible for Satan’s seal to be weakened during these stages. In order to repair the seal that has been placed on him, he will have to travel to the iramasha island and have a master level chaos user take a look at him and try to repair whatever damage has been done to him.

Loss of free will: Its obvious, if he loses control to satan he is no longer himself. He no longer is a piece of existence in the world. In many ways it is like he has died, but instead of death he has entered an eternity’s worth of sleep. But in his dreams, he will always be plagued by nightmares because of Satan.


Zanpakutô Spirit: Enkou, The physical manifestation of hayukos sword is a majestic and mythical electrifying blue phoenix. This mystical creature used to live in the mountains of hayuko’s spirit world. The spirit world used to be an endless series of large mountains. In a bright sky it would shimmer in the light of it. But all of this soon changes as Hayuko’s inner ziamachi literally consumed the poor Spirit. Leaving nothing left.

~Permission to use Ikarumi and Shadin in my history was given to me by Agito and Frost respectively, for they were events that actually happened in the sites past~

“We live to die but to me, death would be the beginning of life” ~ Hayuko

Death Energy

DE Class: Class 1 (Frost Recommendation)

DE Powers:

Decaying Revolution: A unique skill available to only Hayuko. Decaying revolution is a terrifyingly powerful skill that can literally decay the time around him in a certain area. Using his incredible mastery of the breakdown skill, Hayuko uses his monstrous demonic energy to rot time away; similar to the Touketsu is rumored to decay existence itself. While Hayuko cannot reach such a level of tremendous power; with specialized training he reaches the in between. This would be the result. Now this skill has to be used in concentrated areas in regular forms; such as the general direction he is face, where a potential Cero could be fired from. Now of course, the time being "decayed" is more like a slow in time. Time is considerably slowing reaction times by a second or so for all of those at and below the second tier; with the fifth being slowed considerably. Time does not slow considerably to anybody above the 1st tier. In fact it could only be a fraction of a second; but in an intense high tier battle, a fraction could mean everything.

While in his regular forms, he can only concentrate this power in a particular area he concentrates in. Past his first demonic form though, he can use the slow of time in an area 30 meters around him; although the times slowed do not increase at all.

Now at the third demonic stage, this is where this power "Powers up" significantly. Hayuko can release a roar (That would take up quite a bit of his DE reserves) that will distort the time of attacks coming towards him slowing them down at around the same speeds. The catch is that the amount of DE increases dramatically, and the skill acts much like the breakdown skill; by weakening attacks significantly while slowing them ever so slightly.

(Leeway to develop more powers in the future)

DE Merge Appearance: Hayuko's appearance does not change by much once he takes up the Merge. The only difference is that a static begins to form from the amount of death's energy meshing with his own demonic energy signature. This constant intense pressure releases a red static electricity that constantly flares up around Hayuko's body. Now this static electricity does not do much, but it is an indicator of the immense power radiating from Hayuko's body.

DE Merge Powers:

Monumental Entity: Now, what do most DE Merges add up to? Well, in DE Merge state, most of people's DE Force powers should be multiplied by about two times. Hayuko could be called the exception. Almost all of Hayuko's power spans from his demonic counterpart, and once he merges his mastery of death with his powers; his power explodes. Almost tripling his power, 2.7x more powerful to be exact.

Death Ex-Quip: Now Hayuko can prominently use his ability of death in correlation with his elemental attacks. This would add side-effects that could ruin an opponent with a dead on attack.

Flames: This is more of artillery behind Hayuko's arsenal. His attacks that focus on combustion, less compressed attacks; with area of effects, as well as status effects on an enemy. Death shrouds the energy of flames, increasing status effects. Such as a flame burning the skin of an enemy, death's energy would deteriorate the skin more quickly; although unlike the darkness energy, the deterioration does not remain after the flames are removed. Although one intense blow from an attack could seriously injure a character.

Darkness: This is more the physical affinity of Hayuko's power. Concentrating all of his power into more concentrated blade like attacks. Now with the Ex-Quip, these attacks don't only impale the body; but leave a lingering deteriorating/rotting effect. The attacks will leave a remnant of death's energy that will potentially break down the body at a cellular level. The effects are slow, and can easily be countered by healing the area with high level spells; or removing the contaminated skin. But a dead on attack (Such as an impalement in the body) Could be fatal if not treated after a good 10 posts; for it will root into your body and spread from there. Stabbing your internal organs would probably not be the best idea. A healing spell would easily remove such effects; but the longer it remains, the quicker it will spread, and the harder the decay will be to remove.

Berserk State Appearance: His appearance does not change at all, although you can sense an aura of unique danger emitting once he enters this state. The feeling where there is a predator in the area, and you're the kill.

Berserk Enhancements:

Increased Regeneration: Cellular restoration increases 10x fold; regenerating cuts and bruises within seconds. This will take up his energy the more it is used; without him knowing it. He could also restore moderately sized gashes within 45 seconds to a minute. But, if he is hit in multiple areas, the regeneration goes much, much slower than it would as if the damage was directed in a single area.

Increased strength: In his subconscious state, his power goes ballistic; as it increases tri-fold, causing an essence to be feared.

Increased speed: In his subconcious state, his speed seems unrealistic; as it increases tri-fold, causing an essence to be feared.

Note: Due to his increased strength and speed, he could tear the muscles within his body due to the immense strain. In his unconscious form; he can feel little to no pain at all. The problem is when the muscles cease to function; Hayuko would practically be left helpless. Let's not mention the amount of time it would take for him to recover after the event.

Berserk Details: Due to his near death state, Hayuko is probably at a state of sub-consciousness. At this point his instinctive reflexes become ridiculously quicker, at some points it could seem like he can predict the future. There is also a fatal flaw with this transformation. Being in his sub-conscious beast like mode; he ceases to think in a battle. Using calculated moves, and thought out combination attacks; his powerful form could easily be shut down.

DE Control
Semi-Immortal Capacity: Advanced
Breakdown Skill: Master
Necromancy Strength: Adept
DE Barrier: Advanced

Durability: Master
General Speed: Advanced
Strength: Master
Weapon Skill: Advanced

Ziamichi Skills
Skill Of Ziamichi Powers: Grand Master
Control Over Spirit: Advanced
Seal Strength: Advanced

Will Skills
Willpower/Determination: Grand Master
Mental Deduction: Advanced
Pain Endurance: Advanced
Focus: Master

Last edited by Hayuko on Fri Oct 21, 2016 1:44 am; edited 11 times in total
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Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:28 pm
~Moved To Unchecked Due to Re-Vamp~
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Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:05 am
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Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:02 pm

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Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:51 am
Hayuko - [Historic Class] Hayuko Narumi [APPROVED, 0-2] 0000set1

Moving from Archived to Accepted Ziamichi on Hayuko's request and apart of his wish from the wish series..

Hayuko - [Historic Class] Hayuko Narumi [APPROVED, 0-2] WVMWLOu
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Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:53 pm
Everything is fine by my book. Reapproved.

Hayuko - [Historic Class] Hayuko Narumi [APPROVED, 0-2] WVMWLOu

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Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:14 pm
Hayuko - [Historic Class] Hayuko Narumi [APPROVED, 0-2] Tumblr_mb6y32uql51qbot5oo1_500

This has been put into Archives!
Feel free to ask a staff member to move it back!
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Wed May 22, 2013 6:07 pm


It's good to have you back on board. Since you requested that this application be moved into active, I will be placing Hayuko back into the accepted Ziamichi board. Get active this time around, mate.

Hayuko - [Historic Class] Hayuko Narumi [APPROVED, 0-2] WVMWLOu
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Fri Oct 04, 2013 11:12 pm
Moving to archives
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